

Public Places Cleaning

Activities of National Service Scheme (NSS)

National Service Scheme is a Nobel experiment in academic expansion. It inculcates the spirit of voluntary work among the students and teachers through sustained community interaction. It brings academic institutions closer to society. NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing has been started in the year 2000, volunteers involve actively in both special camp and regular camp activities
Activities of The NSS Unit
National Service Scheme is an Indian Government sponsored programme under the Department of Youth Affairs & Sports of the Government of India. It was launched in Gandhiji’s Centenary year, 1969, aimed at “Developing Student’s Personality Through Community Service”. The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing was started in the year 2000 with an aim to “inculcate the social welfare thoughts in the students, and to provide service to the society without any prejudice.

NSS Advisory Committee Meeting

The advisory committee members met together and planned the activities for the whole year under the guidance of Chairperson Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, NSS Programme Officer Mrs.Karthigai Deepa.K.The advisory committee met regularly to plan and discuss about various activities.
Objective of NSS
To enable the students to understand the community in which they work. To understand themselves in relation to their community. To identify the needs and problems in the community in the solution of which they can be involved. To develop among themselves a sense of social and civic responsibility To apply their education in finding practical solution to individual and community problems To develop competence required for group living and sharing responsibilities Gain skills in mobilizing community participation. To acquire leadership qualities and democratic attitude To develop capacity to meet emergencies and national disasters and To practice national integration
The Motto
The motto of NSS is “NOT ME, BUT YOU”. This expresses the essence of democratic living and upholds the need for selfless services and appreciation of another man’s point of view and also show consideration for fellow human beings. It insists that the welfare of an individual is ultimately dependent on the welfare of the society as a whole.
NSS Symbol
The symbol of the National Service Scheme is based on the ‘ Rath ‘ wheel of the Konark Sun Temple situated in Orissa. These giant wheels of the Sun Temple portray the cycle of creation, preservation and release, and signify the movement in life across time and space. The design of the symbol, a simplified form of the Sun-chariot wheel primarily depicts movement. The wheel signifies the progressive cycle of life. It stands for continuity as well as change and implies the continuous striving of NSS for social transformation and upliftment.
NSS was formally launched on 24th September, 1969, the birth centenary year of the Father of the Nation. Therefore, 24 September is celebrated every year as NSS DAY with appropriate programmes and activities.
Activities of NSS
There are two types of activities (Regular Camp & special Camp) to be conducted. All the activities should be focused towards achieving the objectives of NSS.
Special Camp Activities (2024)


The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing Organized NSS Special camp from 12.03.2024 – 18.03.2024 at Kulathuppalayam, village. Totally 50 NSS volunteers were participated in the camp. The theme of the camp was based on CLEAN INDIA – YOUTH FOR CLEANLINESS. . NSS volunteers reached area on 12.03.2024

Day 01 (12.03.2024)

Orientation to the NSS Volunteer.Orientation was given to the volunteers regarding Camp activities and handouts were distributed to the villages about the programme schedule and medical camp. Team Building Session Team building session was organized for the NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by NSS programme officers. Explained them about the importance of team building through different team building games. The NSS volunteers actively participated in the session and gave a positive feedback.

Day 02 (13.03.2024)

The inauguration function of NSS Special camp commenced on 14.03.2024 at 09.30 am in Arulmigu Veeramathi Amman temple ground, Kulathuppalayam, Village. Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing addressed the gathering. The chief guest of the program was Mr.Saravanan, Rotary Club. President 8th Ward Councilor, Kulathuppalayam. The chief guest gave an encouraging speech for the NSS volunteers and motivated them to actively participate in NSS activities. The program was felicitated by Dr.Jenit, Medical Officer. PSG Rural Health Training Centre, Vedaptti, Mr.Chandrakannan 7th Ward Councilor and Mr.Prakash, Local Panchayat Leader, Kulathuppalayam. NSS Volunteers actively participated in Cleaning Kullathuppalayam Village. 10 saplings were planted in the Kulathappalayam, Village. The Chief Guest of the programme was Mrs.Kavitha, 6th Ward Councilor, Kulathuppalayam. She motivated the public to towards Eco-friendly environment. The area people assured that they will pour water every day. Health education was given to the general public on the topic of “Green India clean India Campaign” to create awareness regarding plastic free India. Road safety awareness puppet show was organized to create awareness regarding the importance of wearing seat belt and helmet and adhering to the traffic rules and regulations. Totally 50 public were benefitted by this programme.

DAY 03 (14.03.2024)

Around 7 am in association with Swami Vivekananda Seva Kendram. Mr. Jaladaran, Yoga Teacher demonstrated the yoga techniques such as Ustrasana, Dhanurasana, Vajrasana, Bhaddha konasana and Simple Breathing exercises for the NSS volunteers to improve their mental health, respiratory health and to achieve balanced body and mind. The NSS Volunteers actively participated and re demonstrated the yoga techniques. It was practiced every day morning in the NSS Camp. Self defense training programme was organized for NSS volunteers. Mr. Jaladaran and crew taught and demonstrated the self defense through Silambam at 9 am. The NSS Volunteers actively participated and re demonstrated the Silambam. NSS Volunteers actively participated in temple cleaning activity, Kullathuppalayam Village. NSS volunteers actively involved in door to door health education on anemia. Inculcated knowledge on importance of iron for women and iron rich foods were educated. Through this programme 60 women and 20 adolescent girls were benefited.

DAY 04 (15.03.2024)

Children games were conducted in Arulmigu Veeramathi Amman temple ground, Kulathuppalayam. Different games like running race, musical chair, bursting the balloon and lucky corner were conducted for children. The children were energetically participated winners were awarded with prizes and stationary items were distributed to all children. Skit was enacted by the NSS Volunteers to the public emphasizing the Worm Infestation Management. End of the programme Tab.Albendazole 400 mg was distributed. Totally 100 people were benefited through this program. NSS volunteers actively involved in door to door health education on immunization and insisted the importance of vaccination, around 75 families were benefited

DAY 05 (16.03.2024)

Free Health Camp was organized on 16.03.2024. Doctors from General Medicine, Ophthalmology, ENT, OG, Ortho, Pediatrics, Dermatology and Dental department of PSG Hospitals were involved in the camp. Around 103 people attended the camp; cases identified were such as 45 HT, 32 DM, 10 Anemia, 2 Infertility, 15 cataract and 2 Hearing Loss. After the check up medication was provided at free of cost and few of them were referred to the hospital for further treatment. Health education was given to the women regarding Menstrual Hygiene, explained about dos and don’ts do’s during menstruation. The volunteers actively participated in the session and women’s doubts were clarified.

DAY 06 (17.03.2024)

Personality Development Programme was organized for NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by Mr. Anandha Hariharan, Soft Skill Trainer, Coimbatore. He explained the importance of Interpersonal Relationships, Decision Making skills, Leadership Qualities and Problem Solving techniques. End of the Session brain storming exercise and games were organized. As a part of International Women’s Day 2024, Koalm competition was organized on the theme “’Invest in Women: Accelerate Progress” at Arulmigu Veeramathi Amman temple ground, Kulathuppalayam. Nearly 30 women participated in the competition and the best 3 Kolam were selected and prizes were distributed. Rally on Ill Effects of Alcoholism and Smoking was flagged off by Mrs.Bhuvaneswari Chandrakannan, 7th ward councilor, Coimbatore. NSS volunteers were holding the placards with slogans regarding ill effects of smoking and alcoholism. Rally covered the most of the regions of the village. The volunteers participated in the rally with great enthusiasm.

DAY 07 (18.03.2024)

First aid training session was organized for public. Sensitized about first aid management on Dog Bite, Snake Bite, Seizure Management, Insects Bite and burns management. End of the session doubts were clarified and 50 people were benefited. Mass Awareness on Diabetes mellitus was conducted at Arulmigu Veeramathi Amman temple ground, Kulathuppalayam, Village. Street play and simple exercise dance was organized. Around 3 teachers and 50 public were benefitted by this programme The valediction function of the NSS Special camp was conducted on 18.03.2024 at 2 pm. Ward Councilor gave positive feedback about NSS volunteers for active participstion.
Regular Camp Activities (January 2024 -December 2024)

World Health Day

NSS Unit observed World Health Day on April 8th 2024 with the theme “My Health, My Right” which focuses on the fundamental human right, access to quality health care, education and information. In this regard Health talk was organized for the NSS volunteers. Dr.M.Subhashini., BNYS., Senior Naturopathy & Yoga Physician, PSG super specialty hospital, Coimbatore dealt on the theme. She explained the importance of diet, fasting, proper sleep and stress management and also discussed about how to maintain a healthy gut, importance of using bio degradable napkins. Totally 99 volunteers participated and got benefited

Voter awareness campaign

NSS Unit observed voter awareness campaign on 06.03.2024. NSS volunteers took voter pledge. First time voting volunteers were motivated to register in the voter list and encouraged them to cast vote. The above activity is posted in the social media in the hash tag # I Vote For Sure.

Cervical Cancer Prevention Week

NSS unit along with Community Health Nursing department observed Cervical Cancer Prevention Week on 23.01.2024. In this regard NSS volunteers created awareness among school children regarding HPV vaccination at Nagini Vidyalaya Matric Higher Secondary School, Kalikkanaicken Palayam. Totally 70 students got benefited.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2023 to December 2023)

World Pollution Day

NSS Unit along with Dhaliyur Town Panchayat observed World Pollution Day on 01.12.2023 with the theme of Promoting a Cleaner and Greener Future. 10 NSS Volunteers participated in Street Tidying activity and planted 20 tree saplings in Kulathupalayam, Dhaliyur.

Inter College Tamil essay competition

Twenty five student NSS volunteers participated in Inter College Tamil essay competition on the topic “Folk Traditions of Tamil Nadu” conducted by Central Institute of Classical Tamil, Chennai. Best 10 essays were selected and submitted.

Clean India Swachhata Special Campaign

NSS Unit observed Clean India Swachhata Special Campaign 3.0 on 26.10.2023 at Kulathupalayam. With the objective of Lets’ all join together to Beat Plastic Pollution. 10 NSS volunteers involved in cleaning and removing single use plastic wastages like water bottle, straw, tea cup, cutlery, plates, food containers, beverage containers, cigarette butts and plastic bags from in and around temple and shop.


NSS Unit observed the NSS Day on 22.09.2023, volunteers distributed 5 varieties of seed balls like Guava, Fig, Drumstick, Pomegranate and Holy Basil (Tulasi) for the Public in Vedapatti Rural area.

Organ Donation Day

NSS Unit observed Organ Donation Day on 03.08.2023. Totally 200 NSS volunteer pledging was executed through a digital platform and received e-certificates from My Gov.

International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking

NSS Unit observed International Day against Drug Abuse & Illicit Trafficking on 26.06.2023 at Krishnamal Signal, Peelamedu. 4th year B.Sc. Nursing students created public awareness regarding anti-drug abuse and also participated in awareness campaign at PSG Urban Health Centre, Peelamedu.

National Dengue Day

NSS unit observed National Dengue Day in PSG Rural Health Centre, Vedapatti on 16.05.2023.In this regard, Door to door vector control and Awareness Campaign program was conducted. B.Sc Nursing IV year students were involved in creating awareness to eliminate stagnant water and educated about mosquito breeding control measures like removal standing water in rain gutters, old tires, buckets, plastic covers, toys, and container and dengue fever management.

World Health Day

NSS Unit observed World Health Day on April 6th 2023 with the theme “HEALTH FOR ALL”which encompasses the equal access for a good quality health services to all. Yoga sessions for all batch students were arranged in PSG IMS&R ground. Dr.Jeladharan& their group demonstrated yoga and made everyone practice. He also taught simple exercise for the girls to strengthen the pelvic floor muscles, to boost mood, to increase mindfulness and to build strength. Totally 298 students participated and got benefited.

National Science Day

NSS Unit along with Science club, YRC & IIC organized Science Exhibition based on Theme: ‘Global Science for Global Wellbeing’ in PSG College of Nursing. Students prepared working models and posters. Totally 14 groups participated (7 Models and 7 Posters) were displayed. On 1st March 2023, Guest Lecture was scheduled. Dr.Sangeetha, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Technology addressed all 4 years of B.Sc Nursing students based on the theme. Students attended the session and got benefitted.

World Aids Day

NSS Unit, YRC Unit and RRC Unit along with Coimbatore District AIDS Prevention & Control Unit observed World AIDS Day on 01.12.2022. The rally and oath taking organized by Mr.Gopalakrishnan, District Programme Manager, District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit, Collector Office, Coimbatore. The theme of the year 2022 is “Equalize” which address the inequalities which are holding back the progression in ending AIDS. The rally was flagged off by District Collector, Coimbatore. Forty students from PSG College of Nursing participated in the rally and created awareness among the people to increase availability, quality and suitability of services for HIV treatment, testing and prevention, so that everyone is well-served and 11 II year B.Sc (N) students attended a seminar on Awareness of HIV/AIDS at Asissi Snehalaya, Ettimadai and sponsored stationary articles for 23 children affected with Aids who resided in AsissiSnehalaya and Shanthi Ashram.

Global Hand Washing Day

Department of Fundamentals of Nursing and NSS observed Global Hand Washing Day on15.10.2022. First year B.Sc Nursing Student volunteers demonstrated hand washing techniques to the construction workers in our campus and they performed return demonstration. Nearly 100 people were benefited. First year B.Sc Nursing Students prepared a short video on hand washing and it was shared in social media.


NSS Unit observed the NSS DAY by organizing Tote bag painting contest for the students. 15 groups participated. Best 3 and 1 consolation prize were awarded. All four years B.Sc (N) students took Swacch pledge. NSS volunteers stressed on the ill effects of plastic usage and promotion of cotton bags, distributed 250 yellow cotton bags to the public in karadivavi rural area.

National Nutrition Week Celebration

NSS unit celebrated National Nutrition week along with Department of Fundamentals of Nursing from 1st September to 7th September. Vegetable and Fruit carving competition was conducted and School Health Programme was also conducted at Panchayat Union Middle School, Kalikkanaickenpalayam, Vedapatti. Our students educated the school children on kitchen garden, its benefits and maintenance. They enacted role play on junk food and stressed the importance of healthy foods. They explained the importance of vegetables and fruits, conducted games for school children. At the end seeds were distributed to all the school children.

Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav Celebration

IIC, SNA, NSS & YRC celebrated 75 Years of Independence Azadi ka Amrit Mahotsav by conducting various activities to the students from 09.08.2022-15.08.2022 such as Essay Writing, Drawing, Face Painting, Rangoli, Singing, Slogan Writing and Poster Competitions. Students from all four years actively participated and won prizes. On 13th August 2022 the drawings, slogan and posters were displayed in the stall and it was witnessed by Dr. L. Murugan, Honourable Minister of State in the Ministry of Fisheries, Animal Husbandry & Dairying and Ministry of Information & Broadcasting, Government of India. Students made the formation of India’s’ 75 years of Independence printed T- shirts and taken photo’s also they had taken batch wise photographs with National flag. Students had distributed T- shirts to the poor people and transgender in Gandhipuram Bus Stand to stress social equality. They happily received and thanked the students.

World Environment Day

NSS Unit observed World Environment Day on the theme Only One Earth. In this regard, 20 NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing along with Kovai Kulangal Organization planted 1500 tree saplings at Perur Periyakulam and distributed 10 native tree saplings like Mahilam, Marudham, Mandharai, Ficus, Kadhali and Badam trees.

National Safe Motherhood Day

NSS Unit along with OBG department observed National Safe Motherhood Day on 11th April 2022. Pencil art competition was conducted, 45 students participated and prizes were given for best three pencil art.

NSS Special Camp 2021-2022

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing Organized NSS Special camp from 13.3.2022 – 19.03.2022 at Kondanur Anaikatti village. Totally 50 NSS volunteers participated in the camp. The theme of the camp was based on CLEAN INDIA – YOUTH FOR CLEANLINESS. Day 01 (13.03.2022) Orientation to the NSS Volunteer Orientation was given to the volunteers regarding Camp activities and handouts were distributed to the villages about the programme schedule and medical camp. Team Building Session Team building session was organized for the NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by NSS programme Co coordinators. Explained them about the importance of team building through different team building games. The volunteers actively participated in the session and gave a positive feedback. Day 02 (14.03.2022) Inauguration (Morning) The inauguration function of NSS Special camp was commenced on 14.03.2022 at 09 am in Panchayat Union School, Kondanur. The chief guest of the programme was Mr. Murugan, Leader of the Panchayat, gave an motivation speech to the NSS Volunteers to actively participate in NSS activities to achieve a cleanliness in the village and to reach disease free village. The programme was facilitated by Mrs, Gomathi, Principal, Panchayat Union School, Kondanur Free Medical Camp (Morning ) Free health camp was organized on 14.03.2022. Doctors from Pediatrics, Obstetrics, Respiratory Medicine, Opthalmology, ENT and General Medicine Department of PSG Hospitals were involved in conducting the camp. Around 120 Children and public were benefitted. Most of the children had Complaints of Cold, Runny Nose, and Tiredness. After the check up medicines were provided to them at free of cost and few students were referred to some other hospital for further treatment. The information was send to the Parents via Class Teachers. DAY 03 (15.03.2022) Yoga Session Around 7 am Mr. Jalardaran, Yoga Teacher demonstrated the yoga techniques for the NSS Volunteers in order to maintain balanced life in physical as well in mental aspects. The NSS Volunteers actively participated and re demonstrated the yoga techniques. It was practiced every day morning in the NSS Camp. Self Defense Training Mr. Jalardaran and crew taught the NSS Volunteers about self defense through silamban at 9 am. The NSS Volunteers actively participated and re demonstrated as silambatam. Rangoli Competition for Women As a part of International Women’s Day 2022, Rangoli competition was organized on the theme “Gender equality today for a sustainable tomorrow” at Panchayat Union School, Kondanur. Nearly 20 women participated in the competition and the best 3 were given prizes. Disaster management Around 2 pm Mr. Rajagopal Safety Officer, PSG Hospital educated the public about types of fire extinguisher, its uses and demonstrated the methods of handling the fire extinguisher. He motivated the public to participate. Students and public re – demonstrated the technique and gave a positive feed back . DAY 04 (16.03.2022) Children Game Activity (Morning) Children sports activities were conducted in Panchayat Union School, Kondanur. Different sports events like running race, musical chair, lemon & spoon, and bottle filling were conducted for children. The students were participated energetically and winners were awarded with prizes. Stationary items were distributed to all children. Public Place Cleaning NSS Volunteers actively participated in Cleaning Kondanur Village DAY 05 (17.03.2022) Personality Development Programme (Morning) Personality Development Programme was organized for NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by Mr. Anandha Hariharan, Soft Skill Trainer. He educated the NSS Volunteers on importance of critical thinking and self empowerment. Mass Awareness Programme (Evening) Mass Awareness on Covid Appropriate Behaviour was conducted at Kondanur Panchayat Village by the NSS Volunteers. Rally was started from PSG Anaikatti Guest House and covered the entire village. Public were benefitted and their doubts were clarified. DAY 06 (18.03.2022) Importance of Kitchen Garden (Morning ) Importance of Kitchen Garden was organized for the NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by NSS programme Co coordinators. Explained them about the importance of Kitchen Garden. The volunteers actively participated in the session and gave a positive feedback. Mass awareness programme (Evening) A skit was enacted by the NSS Volunteers to the public emphasizing the ill effects of smoking, alcohol consumption and tobacco chewing. Around 90 children, 8 faculty and 50 public were benefitted by this programme DAY 07 (19.03.2022) Tree plantation (Morning) Totally 5 saplings were planted in the Panchayat Union School. The chief guest of the programme was Mr. Madhavakrishnan, Environmental Officer, PSG IMSR. He motivated the public to increase the tree plantation. The school children assured that they will pour water every day. Valediction (Evening) The valediction function of the NSS Special camp was conducted on 19.03.2022 at 3 pm
Regular Camp Activities (From April 2021)

World Aids Day -01.12.2021

NSS & YRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Aids Day on 1st December, 2021 in the Theme “END INEQUALITIES, END AIDS”. The main objective of the programme was to create a mass awareness among the community to Stop stigmatizing the HIV Victims and accept them as the disease is not a death sentence. As part of the programme, I year B.Sc Nursing students through their dramatic performance created awareness on AIDS among the public residing in Ellai Thottam. Through the powerful skit they communicated that AIDS is a medical condition caused by HIV Virus that sabotages the Immune system of a person making it vulnerable to Infections. They also educated the public that it is an opportunity for every community to unite in the Fight against HIV and show support for people living with HIV and remember those who have died. At the end pamphlets were distributed to the community people. Through the Informative skit and effective pamphlet distribution the public instilled a belief that through Love and care HIV Positive patients can still lead a long and healthy life.

Dengue Awareness -13.11.2021

NSS and YRC unit of PSG College of Nursing organized Dengue Awareness in PSG Urban Health Center on 23rd November, 2021. Four YRC volunteers of II year M.Sc. Nursing students gave a health talk about Life Cycle of Aedes aegypti mosquito stated reason for increased incidence of dengue in Coimbatore. Explained its symptoms, prevention and also identified, proclaimed places where water stagnated and taught measures to clean.

World Environment Health Day -26.09.2021

NSS unit and YRC unit observed The NSS Day and World Environment Health Day on September 26th 2021 at Vellalur kulam along with Kovai Kulangal Padhukaapu Team. 20 B.Sc (N) Final year students involved in cleanliness activities, tree plantation and attended speech on Preservation of River Banks by Writer Mr.Elangovan.

Breastfeeding Week-04.08.2021

NSS unit along with OBG Nursing department observed Breastfeeding Week by distributes pamphlets regarding the breastfeeding facts for Antenatal & Postnatal Mothers at OBG wards and Out-patient departments of PSG Super Specialty Hospitals, Coimbatore. A memorable thank you card was distributed to all the mothers.

Gender Sensitivity- 21.06.2021

NSS Unit conducted the Tautogram Poem and Doodle Art for B.Sc. (N) Students to commemorate World Population Day on the theme “Gender Sensitivity”. Totally 129 students have participated (Tautogram Poem- 39, Doodle Art- 90) the programme.

International Yoga Day- 21.06.2021

International Yoga Day was observed on 21st June, 2021, the theme of this year was ‘Yoga for Well-Being’, NSS Unit volunteers prepared a video of by doing yoga at home.

World Blood Donor Day- 14.06.2021

World Blood Donor Day was observed on 14th June, 2021. The theme for this year was ‘Give blood and Keep the World beating’. NSS Unit conducted e-quiz contest on ‘Heam-O-Pedia’ for Nursing Students. Totally 452 students from 48 colleges were participated.

World Environment Day- 05.06.2021.

NSS Unit and Eco-Club observed World Environment Day on 5th June, 2021 in the Theme of Ecosystem Restoration. They organized the Dry Leaf Art-Ecosystem Restoration, Bird House-Recycle for all it’s worth and Selfie with Gardino- A great hobby to cherish competitions for B.Sc. Nursing students. Totally 416 students participated [Dry leaf art- 90 students, Bird house- 131 students and Selfie with Gardino- 195 students.

International Nurses Day -12.05.2021.

International Nurses Day on 12th May, 2021 was observed by SNA, NSS & YRC. They organized National level online events for Nursing students such as Pencil sketching “Nurses are super heroes”, Poetry writing “Nurses: A voice to lead- A vision for future healthcare”, Caption contest, Tableau “Futuristic Nurse”, Padaipom vaa-New way Aathichudi- A Voice to Lead- A Vision for Future Healthcare. 296 participants pooled in with their ingenious art work and enthusiastically participated.

World Health Day -07.04.2021.

In view of World Health Day 2021, NSS Unit and YRC Association along with Community Health Nursing Department conducted community activity at PSG Health Centre, Vedapatti. B.Sc (N) final year students organized Poster Presentation on COVID Prevention, Nutrition Exhibition on Healthy Diet and Health Assessment. People were benefitted with the activity and gave positive feedback

Regular Camp Activities (From January 2020 to November 2020)

Indian Constitution Day -26.11.2020.

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed Indian Constitution Day on 26.11.2020.Students took pledge on Preamble to Constitution and received certificate for the same.

Fit India Plogging -02.10.2020

The NSS and YRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized Fit India Plogging run as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on 02.10.2020. The Volunteers along with family and neighbours participated in the Plogging run by picking up the wastes. Tree saplings were planted. Mahatma Gandhiji quotes were shared through social media.

Fit India Freedom Activities

The NSS Unit observed Fit India Freedom Activities with the objective to create awareness to the public on importance of physical fitness in the community. The NSS Volunteers involved in fitness at home and fitness activities with family. Activities like yoga, dance, exercise, stair case climbing and cleaning activities were done. Outdoor fitness activities like jogging, walking, cycling, playing traditional games were done. The NSS Volunteers motivated the neighbourhood families also and involved in Fit India activities. The Covid 19 safety norms were followed during the activities.

World Breast Feeding week 2020

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Breast Feeding week 2020. Collage on the theme Support Breast Feeding for a Healthier Planet, Poetry and Slogan contest on the theme Human Milk Banking were organized. 46 NSS Volunteers participated from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Uttar Pradesh. Top three winners of Collage, Poetry and Slogan were awarded with E Certificates.

Spit Free India Movement

The NSS Volunteers participated in “Spit Free India Movement” organized by Alamelu Charitable Foundation supported by Tata Trusts with the objective to create awareness against spitting in public places thereby to achieve the goal of Tobacco Free youth and to prevent spread of COVID 19.

International Yoga Day was observed (21.06.2020)

International Yoga Day was observed on 21.06.2020, The NSS Volunteers performed yoga asanas at Home with family to strengthen mind and body.

World Environment Day(05.06.2020)

NSS unit observed World Environment Day on 05.06.2020. This year, the theme is Biodiversity. The NSS Volunteers created Awareness Memes to save Biodiversity and shared it in Social Media.


NSS Volunteers are enrolled in IGOT DIKSHA APP and are trained in Basics of COVID 19. Covid 19 Power Point Presentation of the TOT Training , Facilitator Guide, Pocket Book has been disseminated to all NSS Volunteers to train as COVID-19 Warriors to effectively disseminate the information to contain corona virus spread in our Country.

Covid-19 IEC Materials

Covid-19 IEC Materials has been forwarded through email, whatsapp to all the NSS volunteers and thereby to public to propagate the right messages on Corona virus and clear all myths, misconceptions, stigma & discrimination about Covid-19.

Observance of National Oral Health Day (20.03.2020)

PSG Community Radio FM Talk was given by 5 NSS Volunteers on Oral Cancer.The Volunteers highlighted on causes, symptoms,treatment and prevention of Oral cancer. The NSS Volunteers visited Anganwadi centres in Neelambur village, Nearly 30 children were screened for dental carries.12 children were identified to have dental carries. 18 NSS Volunteers demonstrated brushing technique, hand washing, balanced diet and personal hygiene.

Awareness Program on Corona Virus Outbreak (16.3.2020-19.3.2020)

NSS Volunteers along with Community Health Nursing Department actively participated in creating awareness to the public from 16.3.2020-19.3.2020 on reducing the incidence of Corona virus outbreak.42 NSS Volunteers visited each home in rural(Neelambur,Karadivavi) and urban area(Ramaswamy Layout) and sensitized the public on symptoms of Corona virus, Mode of transmission and precautions to be followed to break the chain of transmission. Hand washing was demonstrated to each house.IEC Material on Corona virus was distributed to the public. The NSS Volunteers visited public gatherings like bus stand ,railway stations on 20.3.2020 and distributed IEC Material on Corona virus .The Volunteers also demonstrated on Hand washing to the public. Effective hand-washing techniques was demonstrated by the NSS Students to the passenger and street vendors near the Gandhipuram Bus Stand and Railway Station. Pamphlets (in English and Tamil) were distributed inside the buses for the travellers to read. Students who knew Hindi led the team inside the different railway platforms and instructed the travellers about social distancing, washing hands with soap and

Observance of Poshan Pakhwada (05.03.2020)

POSHAN PAKHWADA was observed by the NSS Unit in the month of March.41 NSS Volunteers visited homes in rural(Neelambur) and urban area(Ramaswamy Lay out) and educated on Anaemia,Diarrhoea Prevention, Hand washing and Paushtik Aahar.Nearly 95 households, covering population of 550 were benefitted. Mass awareness was organized on Healthy Life Style in Panchayat Union School, Kalingarayanpalayam,Vedapatti on 5.03.2020.NSS Volunteers 29 students created awareness to the School children through role play on Oral hygiene, puppet show on Healthy Life style Myme on child abuse ,Fashion show on illeffects of junk food ,Demonstration on Hand washing, Aerobic exercises and health talk on Corona Virus.Nearly 150 children were benefitted by the programme.

International Women’s Day(08.03.2020)

As part of International Women’s Day 2020, poster competition was organized on the theme “I am Generation Equality Realizing Women’s Right. Nearly 30 NSS Volunteers participated in Poster competition and best three posters were awarded. The posters were exhibited in PSG Hospital for public awareness.

Mass Awareness Programme (13.02.2020)

Along with OBG Department Mass Awareness was organized in Kanniyagurukulam School on 13.02.2020 for School children from VI standard to IX standard through villupattu and Mimeshow highlighting on Menstrual Hygiene, Effects of Teenage Pregnancy and video on Good and Bad Touch.

World Leprosy Day (30.01.2020)

NSS Unit, PSG College of Nursing observed World Leprosy Day on 30.01.2020. As part of creating awareness students participated in Rally. Thiru. K.Rajamani I.A.S. District Collector flagged off the Rally from Collectorate office to DDHS Office, Race Course. Followed by students took oath in DDHS Campus to reduce the incidence the Leprosy and also assured that they will take steps to achieve Leprosy free India. As part of pulse polio immunization programme on 19.01.2020, 45 B.Sc Nursing IV Year students actively participated in giving polio vaccine for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions. They also participated in mopping up activities on 20.01.2020 and 21.01.2020. More than 550 children were vaccinated.

Polio Immunization Programme (19.01.2020)

As part of pulse Polio Immunization Programme on 19.01.2020, 45 B.Sc Nursing IV Year students actively participated in giving polio vaccine for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions. They also participated in mopping up activities on 20.01.2020 and 21.01.2020. More than 550 children were vaccinated.

Regular Camp Activities (From January 2019 To November 2019)

NSS SPECIAL CAMP (18.11.19 to 23.11.19)

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized NSS Special Camp from 18.11.19 to 23.11.19 at Kondanur,Anaikatty Tribal area.Fifty NSS volunteers actively participated in the camp. The theme of the camp was based on “CLEAN INDIA-YOUTH FOR CLEANLINESS”. NSS volunteers reached the camp area on 17.11.19 and the activities performed are as follows. Day-1 (17.11.19): Orientation to the NSS Volunteers : Orientation was given to the volunteers regarding the camp activities and handouts were distributed to the villagers about the programme schedule and medical camp. Team Building session Team building session was organized for the NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by Mr.Rafiq, Soft skill trainer, Coimbatore. He explained about importance of team building through different team building games. The volunteers actively participated in the session and gave a positive feedback. Day-2 (18.11.19) Inauguration (Morning) The inauguration function of the NSS Special Camp was commenced on 18.11.19 at 11 am in the Panchayat Union School,Kondanur. The chief guest of the programme was Mr.Murugan, Leader of the Panchayat, Kondanur..The chief guest gave an encouraging speech for the NSS Volunteers and motivated the volunteers to actively involve in activities to reach a disease free village. The Programme was facilitated by Mrs.Shyamala,Principal,Panchayat Union School, Kondanur, and Mr.Palani,Ward Member,Kondanur. Free Health Booth (Afternoon) Free Health Booth was organized on 18.11.19. Doctors from Ophthalmology, Respiratory and Dental Department of PSG Hospitals were involved in conducting the camp. Around 93 children were benefited. Most of the children had complaints of fever, common cold, dental carries and anemia.After the check up, medicines were provided at free of cost and few of them were referred to the hospital for further treatment. The information was sent to the parents through the class teacher. Different sports events like running race, musical chair and ball passing were conducted for the Middle School Children. The students have participated enthusiastically,stationary item was distributed to all school children and the winners were awarded with prizes . Day-3 (19.11.19): Street Food Carnival for Antenatal Mothers: Nutrition Exhibition on Iron rich and Calcium rich diet were exhibited in Primary Health Centre.Nearly 25 Antenatal Mothers were benefitted. Yoga was demonstrated for mothers and the mothers gave an assurance they will practice throughout the AN period. Day 4 (20.11.19): Door to Door Awareness on Dengue Fever: NSS Volunteers actively involved in screening mosquito larvae in each houses and they also created door to door awareness on Dengue Fever. Nearly 30 houses were screened, among them 14 houses had presence of mosquito larvae. Awareness on Non Communicable diseases and Personal Hygiene: Door to Door screening of people with Non Communicable diseases were done, Nearly 70 people were screened, 37 were identified as risk for Non Communicable diseases. Health Education was given on prevention of Non Communicable diseases and Illeffects of Tobacco. School Building White washing: Kodanur Panchayat Union Middle School Building was white washed by NSS Unit ,PSG College of Nursing,Coimbatore. Day 5(21.11.19): Yoga Session: Around 7:00 am Mr.Senthil, Yoga teacher demonstrated yoga techniques for the NSS Volunteers.The techniques were demonstrated mainly to improve mental health,appetite and to achieve balanced body and mind. The NSS Volunteers performed yoga every morning in the camp site. Nukkad Nattak: Mass Awareness on Anemia was conducted on 21.11.19 at Kondanur Panchayat Union School by the NSS Volunteers. Around 93 School Children were benefitted by the programme. Day 6(22.11.19): Public Places Cleaning: NSS Volunteers actively involved in Cleaning Bus stop and Kondanur village. Tree Plantation(22.11.19) Ten saplings were planted in the Panchayat Middle School campus. The school children assured that they will pour water every day and will consider as their friend and take care. Day 7 Self Employment Training programme : Dr.RajaSekar,Scientist,Agricultural Univerity educated on Bee hiving and Production of Biopesticides and Biofertilizers. Valediction (Evening) The valediction function of the NSS Special Camp was conducted on 23.11.19 at 3.30 p.m.

05.09.19- National Tuberculosis Control Programme

NSS Students attended awareness session on Tuberculosis and Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme on 05.09.19 by District Tuberculosis Unit Team, Coimbatore.

13.08.19- World Organ Donation Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Organ Donation Day on 13th August 2019. NSS Volunteers participated in the Awareness Rally organized by Coimbatore Medical College. State Health Minister Dr.Vijay flagged off the Rally from Coimbatore Medical College Hospital to Collectorate Office. Around 120 NSS students (B.Sc Nursing I & II Year) of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme. PSG College of Nursing, NSS Unit along with Marketing Department PSG Hospitals observed Organ Donation awareness programme in Prozone Mall on 17.08.19, 30 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc (N) I Year) participated in the session. Nearly 500 public were benefitted.

11.07.19- World Population Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Population Day on 11th July 2019. NSS Volunteers participated in the Awareness Rally organized by the Department of Family Welfare, Coimbatore. District Collector Thiru. K.Rajamani.,I.A.S flagged off the Rally from Collectorate campus to DDHS Office, Coimbatore. Around 75 NSS students of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme followed by which they took Population Day oath and also attended seminar in Government Arts College,Coimbatore. The speakers in the seminar stressed on maternity schemes, family planning methods, role of youth in control of population.15 B.Sc Nursing II Year students performed mime show stressing on ill effects of population explosion .The students role play was highly appreciated.

05.06.19- People’s Day

World Environment Day is the “People’s Day” being observed every year on June 5th for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. There is a paramount need to protect the environment at the moment. World Environment Day is organized around a theme “Air pollution” that draws attention to environmental concern. PSG College of Nursing organized World Environment Day awareness programme on 05.06.19 in Fun Republic Mall between 4:00pm -5:00 pm. The programme highlighted on importance of the environmental challenges it faces, ill-effects and measures to protect our environment.25 B.Sc Nursing IV Year students actively participated in creating awareness through flash mob and mime show. At the end of the programme, plant saplings were given to the public to create an Eco Friendly environment. Nearly 500 public were benefitted and they gave a positive feedback.

16.05.19- National Dengue Day

National Dengue Day is observed in India on May 16 with the recommendation of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to create awareness about dengue and to intensify preventive measures and preparedness for the control of disease in the country before transmission season starts. In regard to this B.Sc Nursing II Year students underwent training on identification of mosquito larvae from Mrs.Esther, Chief Entomologist, DDHS Office, Race Course on 03.05.19.Following which the students did larval survey in Gandhinagar under the guidance of Chief Entomologist. Nearly 70 houses were surveyed for mosquito larva among which 19 houses were identified positive with presence of mosquito larva .Health education was given to each house on sources of mosquito breeding, signs and symptoms of malaria and dengue fever. Mass awareness programme was organized on 09.05.2019 in 24-Veerapandi on vector borne diseases by 20 B.Sc Nursing II Year students through villupattu and role play. Nearly 50 public were benefitted by this programme and the people expressed a positive feedback.

25.04.19- Health camp

Health camp was organized by the Department of Community Health Nursing at Karadivavi Health Centre on 25.04.19.Nearly 26 people were screened for obesity, DM, HT and Anemia. Among them 10 members were obese, 13 were identified as hypertension, 15 were hyperglycemic and 20 were anemic. Health education and diet councelling were given. The identified members were referred to medical officer for further treatment and education was given on follow up care.

15.02.2019 – Mass awareness programme

A Mass awareness programme was organized by the Community Health Nursing Department at No.4 Veerapandi Government High School on 15.02.2019. B.Sc Nursing IV Year 24 students and B.Sc Nursing II Year 20 students created awareness through villupattu, puppet show, yoga and role play. The programme mainly covered importance of healthy diet, exercises, healthy habits, mental health and hand washing .Nearly 60 school children were benefitted by this programme and the school children expressed a positive feedback. Our student’s performance was greatly appreciated by the head mistress and teachers of the school.

07.01.19 to 10.01.19 – Road Safety Awareness Week

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing is observing Road Safety Awareness Week 2019 from 07.01.19 to 10.01.19. Mr.Kodi Selvam, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Traffic) flagged off the event on 07.01.19.Followed by, the PSG College of Nursing students imparted awareness on safety among road users, covering accident-prone zones in 5 traffic junctions (ESSO Bunk, PSG Tech, Fun mall, Hope College, CMC) at Avinashi road in Coimbatore till 10.01.19, between the peak hours of 9 am to 12 Noon. As part of awareness programme,the students held placards asking drivers to restrain from over speeding ,jumping traffic lines or rash driving at signals. Sweets were distributed to the bikers who wore helmets and car drivers who had fastened seat belts.

Regular Camp Activities (From January 2018 To November 2018)

30.11.2018- AIDS Day

PSG College of Nursing observed AIDS Day on 30.11.18 along with Shanthi Ashram, Coimbatore and Assissi Snehalaya (Home for people with HIV AIDS), Ettimadai. The 2018 theme is “Know your status” In view of this the NSS Volunteers attended a seminar on HIV/AIDS Awareness and the importance of World AIDS Day theme 2018. They mainly stressed that it’s an opportunity for the NSS Volunteers to reach people worldwide living with HIV who do not know their status and motivating them to get tested and ensuring that they are linked to quality care and prevention services. NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing presented a mime show related to the theme 2018. 21 NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme. Their mime was greatly appreciated and was awarded with certificates.

12.11.2018-17.11.2018- NSS Special camp

PSG College of Nursing NSS Unit organized NSS Special camp on the theme “YOUTH FOR CLEANLINESS” from 12.11.18-17.11.18 in Kondanur, Anaikatty tribal area.50 NSS Volunteers from B.Sc Nursing II Year & III Year participated in NSS Special camp. The NSS Special camp started with inauguration on 12.11.18. Various activities were scheduled as follows. Medical camp and Anemia screening was done for tribal people on 12.11.18. Doctors from Medical, Ortho, Ophthal and OBG Specialities were arranged. Drugs were distributed free of cost.On anemia screening majority of the people were found to be anemic. Self defense training and yoga was taught to NSS Volunteers by Mr.Jeladharan, Councilor and Yoga Teacher on 13.11.18. Based on the theme,the NSS Volunteers involved in cleanliness rally which was inaugurated by Mr.Arukutti,MLA,Koundampalayam on 13.11.18.Children’s Day was observed on 14.11.18 in Panchayat Union Middle School. Dental camp for school children was done and games was conducted and prizes were given. First aid training for school teachers were given on 14.11.18.Since, most of the people were found to be alchoholic. Mass awareness was organized by the NSS Volunteers on illeffects of alchoholism on 14.11.18. As part of training programme for rural women artificial jewellery making training was given to women on 15.11.18.As per the request of the school principal the NSS Volunteers demonstrated yoga techniques to school students personality development session was organized for the NSS Volunteers on 16.11.18.Tree saplings were planted surrounding the school campus on 17.11.18.The Camp ended with valediction on 17.11.18. As per the request of the School Principal, Kondanur Panchayat Union School, First aid box and Jamukalam was donated from PSG College of Nursing.

10.10.2018- Disaster Drill

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Mental Health Day along with Mental Health Nursing Department of PSG College of Nursing on 10.10.18. The NSS Volunteers prepared posters on the theme “Young People and Mental Health in a Changing World”. Posters were displayed in PSG Hospitals to create awareness to the public .Information booklet on early identification of mental health problems were released and were distributed to the public.

21.09.2018- Disaster Drill

Disaster Drill was organized on 21st September, 2018 along with safety committee of PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 169 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc. Nursing II & IV Year) participated in the Drill. Fire and safety class was taken by the Safety Officer. Video was shown on fire and safety measures. Demonstration of different fire extinguisher was shown to NSS volunteers.


The NSS Unit, PSG College of Nursing observed World Breast Feeding Week along with OBG Nursing Department on 1st August 2018.10 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc Nursing III Year students) organized a screening camp at Balwadi, Gandhimanagar, Peelamedu. 50 women above the age of 40 years were screened for breast cancer and the Volunteers emphasized on early detection by Breast self examination. Health education on manifold aspects of Breastfeeding was imparted door to door and also to those visited the screening camp.

11.07.2018- World Population Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing along with YRC Unit observed World Population Day on 11th July 2018. NSS Volunteers participated in the Awareness Rally organized by the Department of Family Welfare, Coimbatore. District Collector Thiru.T.N.Hariharan I.A.S flagged off the Rally from Collectorate campus to Coimbatore Medical College Hospital. Around 89 NSS students of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme followed by which they attended seminar in Sri Ramakrishna Arts and Science College. The seminar was based on World Population Day theme “Family Planning is a Human Right”. The speakers in the seminar stressed on maternity schemes, family planning methods, role of youth in control of population.17 B.Sc Nursing II Year students participated in the role play stressing on ill effects of population explosion .The students role play was highly appreciated.


The NSS, SNA & YRC Units organized Essay Competition, Elocution and Poster Competition for all the B.Sc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing based on the theme “- NURSES A VOICE TO LEAD- HEALTH IS A HUMAN RIGHT” as part of International Nurses Day 2018 on 7th & 10th May 2018. Nearly 20 students actively participated in essay competition (Tamil and English) and 10 students participated in poster competition. The posters and essay papers were evaluated by Faculty of Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy Colleges and prizes were awarded for the winners. Students were also performed various cultural activity, mime show and skit.

06.04.18- Mass awareness programme

The NSS & YRC Unit of College of Nursing observed World Health Day 2018 on 06.04.18. Mass awareness programme was conducted in Arasur on the topic Healthy Life Style. Thirty seven (B.Sc N II Year and B.Sc Nursing IV Year) students actively participated in giving awareness to the public. Awareness was given on Personal hygiene, Exercises for daily life, Nutrition exhibition on balanced diet and good habits. Awareness was given through Role play and dance. Nearly 50 public people were benefitted out of this programme. In collaboration with field outreach bureau, Film show was projected to people on importance of health, different health issues and its treatment. Eighteen II year B.Sc Nursing students (2016 batch), conducted Mass awareness programme on 30.4.2018 at Primary Health Centre, Dhaliyur. They have organized Role Play programme on “Diabetes Mellitus”. Around 70 people were benefitted out of this programme.

11.03.18- Pulse Polio Immunization Programme

On 11.03.18, NSS Volunteers (82 students) actively participated in Pulse Polio Programme for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions. They also participated in mopping up activities on 12.03.18 and 13.03.18. More than 500 children were vaccinated.

09.02.18- World Leprosy Day

As part of World Leprosy Day mass awareness program was conducted in Government Girls Higher Secondary School, Asokapuram, Coimbatore on 09.02.18. Nearly 30 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc N II & IV year students) participated actively in creating awareness program on Leprosy. The programmes included are villu pattu, role play and puppet show. At the end of programme Pledge was taken by the students. The pledge mainly stressed on to motivate the leprosy clients, adhere to treatment regimen, avoidance of social stigma and to achieve leprosy free India. Nearly 60-70 students were benefitted from the programme. On 13.02.2018, The NSS Volunteers (B.Sc N II & IV year students) met Leprosy patients and gave them awareness on Importance of adherence to treatment regimen and rehabilitation measures in collaboration with DD (Leprosy wing) and RBSK Team, Thudiyalur PHC, Coimbatore.

28.02.2018- National Science Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed National Science Day on 28.02.2018. The guest Lecture was organized and Mr.Kalidhasan, OSAI Voluntary Organization addressed on Environment-Sustainable Development and Best Practices. Nearly 182 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc Nursing II year & III year) participated in the programme and were benefitted.

19.01.2018- Road Safety Awareness Week

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed Road Safety Awareness Week on 18.01.2018 and 19.01.2018. They organized Road Safety Awareness Rally on 18.01.2018. Mr.Sujit Kumar IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Coimbatore City flagged off the rally. The rally covered whole of Sowripalayam regions in Coimbatore. Nearly 283 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc Nursing I, II & III year students )of PSG College of Nursing participated in the rally. The NSS Volunteers were holding placards stressing the importance of road safety and prevention of road traffic accidents. On 19.01.18 at PSG IMSR Auditorium the session was conducted by Mr.Vinayagamoorthy, Safety Training Officer. He emphasized about traffic rules by conducting games and interacting with the students. He also displayed video clippings on causes of road accidents and violation of traffic rules that lead to accidents which was thought provoking and inspired students to realize the importance of road safety. Mr.Sujit Kumar IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police (Traffic), Coimbatore city highlighted on current statistics of road traffic accidents in CoimbatoreCity. He also advised the students to follow traffic rules and motivated the students to achieve accident free zone in Coimbatore. The safety Training Officer also led the students and faculty to take oath on safety. Nearly 194 NSS Volunteers and 50 faculty were benefited from theprogramme. 280 Students from Pharmacy and Physiotherapy College also attended the session. The session was greatly appreciated by all and the students assured that they will abide to traffic rules and achieve the goal ROAD SAFETY, LIFE SAFETY.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2017 To November2017)

30.11.17- World AIDS Day

World AIDS Day was observed on 30.11.17 along with Shanthi Ashram, Coimbatore and Assissi Snehalaya (Home for people with HIV AIDS), Ettimadai. The 2017 theme is “Increasing Impact through Transparency, Accountability, and Partnerships”. As per the theme, the NSS Volunteers(B.Sc Nursing) IV Year students attended a seminar on HIV/AIDS Awareness and the importance of World AIDS Day theme 2017. They mainly stressed that it’s an opportunity for the NSS Volunteers worldwide to unite in the fight against HIV, to show support for people living with HIV and to commemorate those who have died from an AIDS-related illness. Four students had given a talk on ‘Awareness of AIDS’ in PSG Community FM which was broadcasted on 1.12.2017. Eighteen NSS Volunteers of IV year B.Sc(N) presented a role play related to the theme which was greatly appreciated and they were awarded with certificates.

27.11.17- Rally on Organ Donation

Rally on Organ Donation was flagged off by Mr.Palaniswamy, Physical Director, PSG IMSR on 27th November 2017. .The Rally started at 10 am.m. Twenty five NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing actively participated in it along with students of PSG IMS&R. NSS volunteers were holding placards with slogans regarding organ donation. Rally covered the regions near PSG Hospital Campus. The volunteers participated in the rally with great enthusiasm. The rally ended at 11:30 am.

13.11.17 to 18.11.17- NSS Special Camp

NSS Special Camp for the year 2017-2018 was successfully completed from 13.11.17 to 18.11.17 in Vadambacherry, Coimbatore. The special camp started with inauguration on 13.11.17 after which various activities were planned as per the schedule. Fifty NSS volunteers from B.Sc(N) II & III year have actively participated in the camp. Activities involved are Film show on Vector borne diseases, Environmental hygiene by Mr.Ganeshan, Field Publicity Officer, Coimbatore, Dental Camp for school children, Medical Camp for the villagers, Lecture on Dengue Fever, Street play on Social Media Addiction, Road Safety Awareness program for the village youth by Mr.Vinayagamoorthy, Deputy Chief Traffic Education Officer, Coimbatore, Awareness on Self Employment training for the village youth and women by Mr.Asokan, Director, Canara Bank Self Employment training Institute, Tree Plantation, Yoga and self defense training programme for NSS Volunteers by Mr.Jeladharan,Councillor and Yoga Master, Personality development program for the NSS Volunteers by Mrs.Devilakshmi,Kumaraguru College of Technology. The camp activities ended with Valediction on 18.11.17. As a token of excellence in service, the MLA awarded Trophy to NSS Unit, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore.

10.10.2017 – World Mental Health Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing along with YRC Unit observed World Mental Health Day on 10.10.2017 with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health by visiting Cheshire Home, Coimbatore. Around 50 chronic mentally ill patients live there. NSS Volunteers performed culturals and conducted games. Discussed importance of mental health and donated provisions for them.


NSS Advisory Committee Meeting was held on 13.10.17.Members present were Dr.Jayasudha.A Principal, Dr.G.Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, Mr.V.Jaganathan, General Manager-Administration, Dr.Ramamoorthy, Hospital Administrator, Mrs.J.Poornima Mary, NSS Programme Officer Mrs.Sheeba Shalini, Asst Porfessor, Ms.Ezhilarasi.G, III year B.Sc (N) and Ms.Preethi Joseph , II year B.Sc (N).Matters on NSS Regular camp activities from March 2017 to October 2017, proposal of NSS Special camp 2017, Adoption of new village 2018 and budget were discussed.

10.10.2017 – World Mental Health Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing along with YRC Unit observed World Mental Health Day on 10.10.2017 with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health by visiting Cheshire Home, Coimbatore. Around 50 chronic mentally ill patients live there. NSS Volunteers performed culturals and conducted games. Discussed importance of mental health and donated provisions for them.

20.09.2017 – Disaster Drill

Disaster Drill was organized on 20.09.2017 along with Safety Committee of PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 78 NSS Volunteers participated in the Drill. Fire safety class was taken by Safety Officer. Video was shown on fire safety measures. Demonstration of use of different fire extinguisher was shown to NSS Volunteers and students were asked to re-demonstrate. The NSS Volunteers also participated in Mass casualty evacuation drill. The NSS Volunteers gained knowledge on disaster management.

18.09.17 – Tribal Health Camp

As part of NSS Day 2017 and as per the mail communication received from the University on 18.09.17, tribal health camp was organized in tribal area (Patiyarkovilpathi). Complete health check up and screening of DM, HT, Obesity and Anemia was done. Drugs were distributed for minor ailments and Awareness was given to people on Clean India – personal and environmental hygiene, prevention of open field defecation and Healthy Life style by the NSS Volunteers. Demonstration on hand washing was done to the school children. Clothes were given to the tribal people, note books and stationary items were distributed to the school children. Ten NSS Volunteers have actively participated in the programme. More than 50 tribal population and 20 school children have benefitted by the programme.

28.08.2017 – PSG Traffic Forum

PSG Traffic Forum meeting was conducted on 28.08.2017 in PSG Institute of Management. NCC and NSS Programme Officers from various PSG Institutions participated in the meeting and analyzed various issues like public violating traffic rules, road traffic accidents. It was decided to give training for students on use of sign boards, control busy traffic and to educate public. As part of this, PSG Traffic Forum inauguration is planned on 05.09.17. Twenty five students from PSG College of Nursing are members in PSG Traffic Forum.

02.08.17 – World Breast Feeding Week Celebration

As part of World Breast Feeding Week Celebration on 02.08.17, program was planned at Vedapatti Health Centre. The programme started with welcome address by Mr.C.Palanisamy, Medical Social Worker, PSG RHTC, Vedapatti. Dr.Jenit Osborn, Assistant Professor i/c, PSG RHTC, Vedapatti gave the Presidential Address. Mr.Narendra Kumar, Secretary, Rotary Club of Coimbatore Texcity delivered the inaugural address. Smt.Kareena Thengamam, Asst Director, Field Publicity, Coimbatore stressed on importance of breast feeding and she informed that awareness need to be created to the public on exclusive breast feeding. Dr.Malarvizhi.G, Vice -Principal, PSG College of Nursing explained on the theme Sustaining Breastfeeding-Together to the public and on various Government schemes available to the Breast-feeding mothers. Panel discussion was conducted on various topics like postnatal care, breast feeding, weaning food and infant care. The Panelists are Dr.D.Vasanthakumari, Senior Medical Officer, PSG RHTC Vedapatti, Mrs.Poornima Mary, NSS Programme Officer, PSG College of Nursing, Dr.Damodaran, Community Medicine PG, PSG IMSR, Dr.T.Satheesh,Pediatrician, PSG RHTC. Film show on Exclusive Breast Feeding was shown to the public. Pamphlets on importance of breast milk and breast feeding techniques was given to the public. Nearly 50 -75 people from nearby villages participated in the program and were benefitted.

18.07.17 – Tree Plantation

As per the intimation received from the Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai on 13.07.2017, saplings were planted in PSG College of Nursing campus on 18.07.2017. Five NSS volunteers of I year B.Sc Nursing students participated in planting the saplings.

11.07.17 – World Population Day

As part of World Population Day 2017 on 11th July 2017 the NSS Volunteers participated in the Awareness Rally organized by the Department of Family Welfare, Coimbatore. District Collector Thiru.T.N.Hariharan I.A.S flagged off the Rally from Collectorate campus to Coimbatore Medical College Hospital. Around 30 NSS Volunteers B.Sc Nursing II year students of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme followed by which they attended seminar in Coimbatore Medical College Hospital. The speakers in the seminar stressed on maternity schemes, family planning methods, role of youth in control of population. Thirteen NSS Volunteers of II year B.Sc Nursing students participated in the role play stressing on Women Empowerment and Gender Equality. The role play was appreciated and were awarded with certificates.

05.06.17 – World Environment Day

As part of World Environment Day 2017 on 5th June 2017 the NSS Volunteers took the Environment Day Pledge. Essay Competition was also conducted for the NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing in Tamil and English based on the theme “Connecting People to Nature”. Nearly 25 volunteers have participated in the programme and the essay papers were evaluated by Mrs Rajeswari P.M, Asst. Professor and Mrs.Subathra. N, Asst. Professor, Community Health Nursing Department. Best three essays in Tamil and English were awarded.

12.05.17 – International Nurses Day

International Nurses Day was observed on 12.05.17. Essay writing competition was conducted both in Tamil and English on the theme “Nurses: A voice to lead – Achieving the Sustainable Development Goals”. Thirteen NSS Volunteers have participated in the competition and the winners were awarded with prizes.

07.04.2017 – World Health Day

NAs part of World Health Day 2017, theme ‘Depression: Let’s Talk’ on 7th April 2017 Poster Competition was conducted for the NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 10 volunteers have participated in the programme and the posters were evaluated by Prof Esther Daisy, HOD, Mental Health Nursing Department and Mrs.K.Viruthasarani, Asst. Professor, Community Health Nursing Department. Best three posters were awarded. After which the posters were displayed in PSG Hospitals for creating public awareness on prevention of Depression.

21.03.2017 – Special Outreach Programme

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing had participated in the special outreach programme organized by Mr.S.R.Chandrasekearan, Field Publicity of India on 21.03.17 at 10 am in Karadivavi, Coimbatore. Various activities were organized like rally about environmental sanitation, role play on “Save the Girl Child”, exhibition on “Diet during pregnancy and lactation” and discussion on “Central Government Schemes”. The Programme was inaugurated by Smt.Jayanthi, District Collector, Tirupur. Ten NSS volunteers and around 200 villages have participated in the programme.


The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized NSS Special Camp from 05.03.17 to 11.03.17 at Vadambachery. Fifty NSS volunteers were deputed for the camp. The theme of the camp was based on ‘Healthy Youth for Healthy Nation’. NSS volunteers reached the camp area on 05.03.17

Day-1 (05.03.17)

Orientation to the NSS Volunteers & special cleaning drive programme Orientation was given to the volunteers regarding the camp activities and handouts were distributed to the villagers about the programme schedule and medical camp. The volunteers have involved in the special cleaning drive programme at the kalyanamandapa premises.

Day-2 (06.03.17) Inauguration (Morning)

The inauguration function of the NSS Special Camp was commenced on 07.03.17 at 11 a.m. in the Sankarappa Chettiyar Kalyana Mandapam at Vadambachery. The chief guest of the programme was Mr.R.Kanagaraj, MLA Sulur Block, Coimbatore. The chief guest inaugurated the function and Mr.Kandhasamy, Chairman, Co Operative Society, Vadambachery gave encouraging speech for the NSS Volunteers. Dr.Malarvizhi.G, Principal i/c, PSG College of Nursing addressed the gathering. The Programme was felicitated by Mr.N.Gunasekaran, President, Handloom Weavers Society, Vadambachery, Mr.Krishnamoorthy, Ex.Vice President, Vadambachery, Mr.Sokkanadhan, Oor Settimai, Mr.Swaminathan Oor Settimai,Vadambachery.

Rally on Health and Sanitation (Evening)

Rally on ‘Health and Sanitation’ was flagged off by Mrs Maheswari.T NSS Programme Officer, PSG College of Nursing. NSS volunteers were holding placards with slogans regarding ill effects of open field defecation, importance of toilet construction in houses and safe disposal of wastes. Rally covered most of the regions of the village panchayat. The volunteers participated in the rally with great enthusiasm. The rally ended at 6.30 p.m.

Day-3 (07.03.17) Free Medical Camp (Morning)

Free medical camp was organized. Doctors from General Medicine, Obstetrics and Gynaecology, and Ortho Department of PSG Hospitals were involved in conducting the camp. Around 100 villagers attended the camp and benefited. After the checks up, people were provided medicines at free of cost and few of them were referred to the hospital for further treatment.

Management of menopausal syndrome by using Yoga and exercises (Evening)

Management of Menopausal Syndrome by using Yoga and Exercises was taught to the volunteers and villagers by Mrs. Thavamani, Manavazhakkalai Mandram Trust, Coimbatore. Fifty NSS Volunteers and 9 village women were benefited out of the programme.

Day-4 (08.03.17) International Women’s Day celebration

Rangoli competition was conducted for the Village women in connection with International Women’s Day. Around 16 women were participated in the competition. Rangoli was evaluated by Mrs.Maheswari T, NSS Programme Officer, Mr.Chandrasekar, Field Publicity Officer and Ms.Nithya Priya, Asst. Professor, PSG College of Nursing. The winners were awarded with prizes.

Street play on Ill Effects of Alcoholism, Drug Abuse and Tobacco Usage(Evening)

Street play on ill effects of Alcoholism, drug abuse and tobacco usage was conducted on 8.3.17 at Vadambachery from 5 p.m to 7 p.m. Around 175- 200 village people attended the mass awareness programme. Film show on Swine Flu and Dengue (Evening) Film show on ‘Swine Flu and Dengue’ was filmed by Mr.Chandrasekar, Field Publicity Officer on 8.3.17 around 7.30 p.m to 8.30 p.m. Around 175- 200 village people attended and benefited from the awareness programme

Day 5 (09.03.17) Dental Camp and Sports Competition (Morning)

Free dental camp and sports competition was organized for the Primary School children. Dental doctor from PSG Hospital involved in the dental screening. Eighty three children were screened by Dr.Valli, PSG Hospitals. The children with problem were referred to nearby hospital. The information was sent to the parents through the class teacher. Different sports events like lemon and spoon, bottle filling and back walking were conducted for the Primary School Children. The students have participated enthusiastically and the winners were awarded with prizes.

Personality Development Programme (Afternoon)

Personality Development Programme was organized for the NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing. The session was handled by Mr.Samskani, Mrs. Poornima and Mrs. Vimala Student Counselors, PSG IMS&R. The programme lasted for 2 hours. The programme was very useful and it gave motivation for the volunteers. They shared many points to enhance self confidence, assertiveness and total personality of an individual.

Day 6 (10.03.17 Road Safety Awareness Training Programme (Morning)

Road Safety Awareness Training Programme was organized for the villagers and NSS Volunteers. The session was handled by Mr.Vinayagamoorthy, Traffic Police, Coimbatore. He explained about various traffic rules to be followed through different activities and training programmes. The volunteers assured that they will abide the traffic rules.

Sports competition for the village youths (Evening)

Cricket was organized for the village youths. Cricket was chosen as per the request of the village youths. The winners were awarded with prizes.

Day 7 (11.03.17) Tree plantation (Morning)

Ten saplings were planted in the Primary School at Vadambachery. The children at the school assured that they will pour water every day and will consider as their trees. Valediction (Evening) The valediction function of the NSS Special Camp was conducted on 11.03.17 at 3.30 p.m. in the Sangarappa Chettiyar Kalyanamandapam, Vadambachery. The Chief Guest of the programme was Mr.N.Gunasekaran, President, Handloom Weavers Society, Vadambachery and falicitated by Prof.Esther Daisy Joel, HOD, Mental Health Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing, Mr.Krishnamoorthy, Ex.Vice President, Vadambachery, Mr.Sokkanadhan, Oor Settimai, Mr.Swaminathan Oor Settimai,Vadambachery.

30.01.2017- Leprosy Eradication Day

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed Leprosy Eradication Day on 30.01.17 along with YRC Unit and Deputed Director of Medical Services (Leprosy), Coimbatore. Thirty NSS Volunteers have participated in the rally organized by the Deputed Director of Medical Services (Leprosy), Coimbatore. The rally was flag off by the District Collector. The rally was from collectorate office to Deputy Director of Health Services Office, Coimbatore.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2016 To December 2016)

01.12.2016- World AIDS Day

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing along with Shanti Ashram and Sree Narayana Guru College of Arts & Science observed World AIDS Day on 01.12.2016 at Sree Narayana Guru College of Arts & Science, K.K Savadi, Coimbatore. Various programmes were organized like interactive panel with people living with HIV, impact of HIV & Challenges faced by young people and Pledge taking. The theme of World AIDS Day 2016 is “Hands up for HIV Prevention” (Source: UNAIDS). Fifteen NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing, four people living with HIV/AIDS and 100 volunteers of Sree Narayana Guru College of Arts & Science have participated in the programme.

15.10.2016- Youth Awakening Day

Youth Awakening Day was observed remembering the missile man of India Dr.APJ Abdul Kalam in the College of Nursing campus. Poster competition was organized on the theme “Science for Human Welfare” in which NSS Volunteers have taken part. The poster competition is a part of long running tradition that gives artist the opportunity to create an iconic and timeless image that celebrated the vibrancy of the youth awakening day. The posters were evaluated by Prof.Sree Renjini and Prof. Leena.J and the winners were awarded with prizes.

24.09.16- National Social Service Day (NSS Day)

In view of National Social Service Day (NSS Day), saplings were planted in the PSG IMS&R Campus on 24.09.2016. Ten volunteers have participated enthusiastically in the programme.

12.08.2016- Special Swachhta Campaign

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing along with Field Publicity of India & GEM Trust organized special cleaning programme on 12th August regarding Special Swachhta Compaign involving 16 NSS Volunteers at Vadambacherry Village, Sultanpet Block, Coimbatore District. The Programme was inaugurated by Smt.Rajamani Kandasamy, President, and felicitated by Mrs.Maheswari.T, NSS Programme Officer, Shri.A.Ramesh Arumugam, Secretary, GEM Trust, Sulur, Shri.S.R.Chandrashekaran, Field Publicity Office In charge, Shri.Chokkanatha Chettiyar, Village leader, Shri.S.Krishnamoorthy, vice President, Shri.N.Gunaselaran, Co-operative Society President and Shri.V.M.Dhanraj.

04.08.2016- Breast Feeding Week

Breast feeding week was celebrated on 04.08.16 at Appanaickenpatty ICDS Centre. Talk on importance of breast feeding for the mother & baby, theme of breast feeding week celebration 2016 and techniques of breast feeding was given by Dr.Sakthipriya, PSG Karadivavi Health Centre. Pamphlets were distributed about breast feeding to mothers. Around 25 mothers and babies have participated in this programme. Mom and Me contest was conducted where the twenty five babies and mothers have taken part actively and the best babies and the proud mothers were awarded.

11.07.16- World Population Day

World Population Day was observed on 11.07.16 on the theme “Investing in Teenage Girls”. The NSS volunteers have participated in the rally and seminar organized by Department of Family Welfare Service, Coimbatore. The Rally was flagged off by Mr.Hariharan, District Collector, Coimbatore. The rally started from Collectorate office to Nirmala college of Arts & Science. The programme was felicitated by Mr.Christhuraj, District Revenue Officer, Sr.Jayalakshmi, Associate Director i/c, Nirmala College of Arts & Science, Dr. Selvaraj, District Health Extension Educator and Dr.Mohammed Ali, Tuberculosis Control Division Member, Coimbatore. The news was published in Dhinamalar, Thinaththanthi and the Hindu news paper

21.06.16- International Yoga Day

The NSS & YRC Unit jointly organized International Yoga Day on 21.06.16 in PSG College of Nursing. Yoga to enhance memory and concentration was demonstrated to 100 volunteers by Dr.Harini, Department of Yoga and Naturopathy, PSG Hospital. The volunteers participated enthusiastically and did a return demonstration of different yoga.

14.06.16- World Blood Donor Day

In view of World Blood Donors Day, NSS unit of PSG College of Nursing organized a blood donation camp on June 14.06.2016. The theme of this year’s campaign is “Blood connects us all”. Three NSS volunteers donated blood in PSG Hospitals

05.06.16- World Environment Day

World Environment Day was observed on June 4th 2016. The NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing along with Medical & Paramedical students took oath on saving the environment & measures to prevent of global warming. Had discussion based on the theme for the year 2016 “Go Wild for Life “(ZERO TOLERANCE FOR THE ILLEGAL WILDLIFE TRADE)”. NSS volunteers participated in tree plantation, around 100 saplings were planted in the Institution premises.

May 2016- Blood Donation

Three NSS Volunteers have donated blood in PSG Hospitals for the patients undergoing open heart surgery.

08.03.16- International Women’s Day

The NSS and YRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed International Women’s Day on 08.03.16 by distributing pamphlets to the 100 self help group women regarding premenopausal syndrome and its management at PSG Rural Health Training Centre, Vedappatti. The volunteers participated in the panel discussion organized by PSG Rural Health Centre on “Health, Nutrition, Legal and Entrepreneurship empowerment for women”.

21.02.16 to 23.02.16- Pulse Polio Immunization Programme

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing along with Community Health Nursing department participated in the Pulse Polio Immunization Programme from 21.02.16 to 23.02.16. Volunteers have undertaken activities like administering the polio drops to the children of 0-5 years, conducted home visit and marked the evidence for polio administration and educated the people about the importance of immunization. Around 61 volunteers participated in the immunization campaign in the nearby health centers like Peelamedu Health Centre, Sowripalayam Health Centre, Udayampalayam Health Centre, Puliyakulam Booth and Nehru Nagar Booth. Each volunteer immunized around 40-50 children.

30.01.2016- World Leprosy Day

NSS & YRC unit jointly observed World Leprosy Day on 30.01.16. Rally and elocution competition was organized by Mr.Palanisamy, Deputy Director of Medical Services (Leprosy), and Coimbatore & Tirupur District. Thirty students were actively participated in the rally programme. The rally started from Collectorate Office to DDHS Office in Race Course Road. The news was published in Dhinamalar, The Hindu and Dhina Thanthi. Ms.Pandiselvi of B.Sc(N) III year student won the second prize in the elocution competition on the topic “ Role of the students in eradication of Leprosy”.

29.01.2016- Sarvodaya Leadership Summit Programme

Thirty volunteers of NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing participated in the Sarvodaya Leadership Summit Programme organized by Shanthi Ashram on 29.01.2016 at PSG IMS& R Auditorium. This programme was focused on Mahatma Gandhi’s vision for building peaceful harmonious societies. Youth from 50 different institutions were also taking part in this programme.
Regular Camp Activities (From February 2015 To December2015)

01.12.15- World AIDS Day

The NSS & SNA Unit of PSG College of Nursing jointly observed World AIDS Day on 01.12.15. Red ribbon was distributed to all the students and faculty of College of Nursing. Slogan writing competition was conducted based on the theme “GETTING TO ZERO” (“Zero new HIV infections. Zero discrimination. Zero AIDS-related deaths”) in Tamil and English. The winners were awarded with prizes. In view of World AIDS Day, AIDS Awareness programme was organized by Shanthi Ashram, Kovaipudur on 02.212.2015. Dr. Kezevino Aram, Director, Shanti Ashram, Kovaipudur, gave motivating speech for the students about HIV/AIDS. Mime show was presented by the volunteers of PSG College of Nursing. Students from various Colleges in Coimbatore like VLB Janaki Ammal arts & Science College, Krishna arts & Science College, Bharathiyar University College and CBM arts & Science College also participated in the programme.

15.11.2015 to 21.11.2015- NSS Special Camp

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized NSS Special Camp from 15.11.2015 to 21.11.2015 at Vadugapalayam, Vadhampachery Panchayat. Sixty NSS volunteers were deputed for the camp. The theme of the camp was based on ‘Healthy Youth for Healthy Nation’. NSS volunteers reached the camp area on 15.11.15. Various programmes were conducted like Mass Awareness Programme on “Breast cancer”, Free Medical Camp, Rally on “Alcoholism, Drug addiction and Tobacco usage, Self Defense Training Programme, Awareness Programme on “Small Saving Schemes”, dental camp for the Elementary School children in Sowdeshwari Nagar, elocution competition, artificial jwellery making for Self Help Group Women, tree plantation, personality development programme, yoga classes and cooking completion. As a token of appreciation of NSS special camp activities, shield was presented by Mrs.Rajamani Kandasamy, President, Vadhampachery Panchayat to PSG College of Nursing.

15.10.15- Youth Awakening day

Youth Awakening Day was observed on 15.10.15. Essay writing competition was conducted on “Youth for better India” both in Tamil and English. Around 17 NSS Volunteers participated in the competition. The winners were awarded with prizes.

24.09.2015- National Voluntary Blood donation day

National Voluntary Blood donation day was observed on 01.10.15. Blood donation camp was organized in PSG Hospital. Around 28 NSS Volunteers came forward for blood donation.Amongst 8 eligible volunteers ware donated blood.

24.09.2015- Tree Plantation

Tree plantation was done in view of NSS Day on 24.09.2015. Ten saplings were planted in PSG IMS&R campus near public parking area.

11.09.2015- Seminar on Role of Youth in Eradicating Terrorism:

The NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing have attended seminar on “Role of Youth in Eradicating Terrorism” on 11.09.15. This was organized by PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Peelamedu.

05.08.2015- World Breast Feeding Week

The YRC and NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing jointly with Field Publicity Office, Singanallur observed World Breast Feeding Week on 5th August at Rural Health Centre, Karadivavi.

11.07.2015- World Population Day

World Population Day was observed on 11.07.2015. The YRC and NSS volunteers have participated in the Rally, which was organized by Deputy Director, District Family Welfare Bureau, Coimbatore District and flagged off by Mr.Velumani, Minister for Municipal Administration, Rural development, Law, Court and Prison Minister and headed by Tmt.Archana Patnaick IAS, District Collector, Coimbatore District and felicitated by Thiru.P.Rajkumar, Mayor of Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation and Thiru.Jayaraman, Vice-President of the Tamil Nadu Legislative Assembly. The Rally started from Collectorate office to Bishop Appasamy college of Arts and Science in Race Course Road. A skit about small family norms was shown by the volunteers in Bishop Appasamy College of Arts and Science.

14.06.15- World Blood Donor Day

In view of World Blood Donors day, NSS and Red Ribbon Club of PSG College of Nursing organized a blood donation camp on June 12, 2015. The theme of this year’s campaign is “Thank you for saving my life”. Ten NSS volunteers donated blood in PSG Hospital. The students participated in the Rally on 25.06.15, which was organized by Deputy Director of Health Services, Coimbatore District. Rally was flagged off by Mrs.Archana Patnaik, District Collector, Coimbatore. Rally covered areas from Collectorate office to Racecourse road.

05.06.2015- World Environment Day

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing had tree plantation in view of World Environment Day on 05.06.2015 at IMS&R campus. NSS volunteers participated in tree plantation; around 50 saplings were planted in the Institution premises. The NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing took oath on saving the environment & measures to prevent the global warming and had discussion based on the theme for the year 2015 “Seven Billion Dreams. One Planet. Consume with Care.”


International Nurses Day was observed on 12.05.15 by conducting Essay writing competition (Tamil & English) for the B.Sc(N) students based on the theme “Nurses Force for Change: Care Effective, Cost Effective”. The winners were awarded with prizes.


The NSS Unit and YRC jointly organized road safety awareness training programme on 09.05.15 in PSG IMS&R Auditorium for around 400 nursing students. The session was handled by Mr.Vinayagamoorthy, Road Safety Awareness Training Officer, Commissioner Office, Coimbatore.The session was more interactive and videos were shown to the students related to accidents and space between life and death to create more awareness about road safety. The students have taken took oath to follow the traffic rules.


World Health Day was jointly organized by the PSG College of Nursing- NSS Unit, PSG Karadivavi Rural Health Centre and Directorate of Field Publicity Ministry of Information and Broadcasting, Coimbatore in V.Vadugapalayam,Vadhampachchery on 07.04.15. Nearly 80 village people attended the programme. The programme was based on the theme of the year “Food Safety”. The awareness about the importance of safe food from farm to plate, preventive measures of food poisoning, and the ill effects of fast food was disseminated to the people through skit and Film show. The programme was headed by Mrs.Rajamanai, President, and Mr.Krishnasamy, Ward Member, and felicitated by Mr.Chandrasekar, Field Publicity Officer, Mrs.Maheswari, NSS Programme Officer, Mr.Udhayakumar, Health Educator, PSG Karadivavi Health Centre, and Mr.Shanmuga Sundaram, Rotary club member. The news was published in Dhinamani and Malai malar.


The NSS Unit and the Community Health Nursing Department observed World Tuberculosis day on the theme of the year “Find, Treat and Cure 3 Million”. The awareness was created to the public through skit, puppet show, villupattu and Video Show in Pattalaththamman Kovil street, Peelamedu. The programme was felicitated by Mr.Ganesan, Field Publicity of India, Mrs.Maheswari.T, NSS Programme Officer and Mrs.Virutha Sarani, Asst.Professor, PSG College of Nursing.


NSS unit and Community Health Nursing Department of PSG College of Nursing conducted Mass awareness programme on Vector Borne Diseases like Dengue fever, Malaria and Chikungunya through role play, puppet show and villupattu. The programme was conducted on 2.3.15 in Government Higher Secondary School, Peelamedu. Around 170 students participated and benefited out of this programme. The programme was falicitated by Mrs.Maheswari.T NSS Programme Officer, Mrs.Gandhimathi, Mrs.Poornima, Mrs.Subathra, Asst.Professor and Ms.Merline, Asst.Lecturer, PSG college of Nursing.


National Science Day was observed by conducting Poster competition for the students based on the theme “Science for Nation Building” on 27.02.15. Students from II, III & IV year participated in the completion. Prize winners were awarded for I, II, & III place.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2014 To December 2014

5.12. 2014- WORLD AIDS DAY

NSS and SNA have jointly observed the world AIDS Day (1st December) on 5th December, 2014 at PSG College of Nursing with an Elocution Competition on the theme of the 2014, “Getting to Zero” for the nursing students. 27 students had participated. Prize winners were awarded for I, II, & III place. All the participants were certified.

17.11.2014 to 22.11.2014- NSS SPECIAL CAMP

NSS unit of PSG College of Nursing organized NSS Special camp from 17.11.2014 to 22.11.2014 at Lakshminaickenpalayam, Selakkarichal panchayat. 60 NSS volunteers were debuted for the camp. The theme of the camp was based on ‘Healthy Youth for Healthy Nation’. NSS volunteers reached the camp area on 16.11.14

16.11.2014 – Orientation to the NSS Volunteers

The inauguration function of the NSS special camp was commenced on 17.11.2014 by 11 a.m. in the Devi Mangammal Kalyana mandapam at Lakshminaickenpalayam. Mr.Ranganathan ward counselor was the chief guest. Mr.Karthikeyan and Mrs.Indhrani ward counselor facilitated the function. Mrs.Maheswari.T NSS Programme Officer enlightened the volunteers about “NSS camp guidelines”. The programme was inaugurated by Dr.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, and Dr. Malarvizhi, Vice-Principal, PSG College of Nursing, who gave encouraging speech for the NSS volunteers.

Rally on “Alcoholism, Drug addiction and Tobacco usage” (Afternoon)

Rally on “Alcoholism, Drug addiction and Tobacco usage” was flagged off by Mrs Sofiya Princes Hema and Mrs.Jyothi S Sunandha, Assistant professors. NSS volunteers were holding placards with slogans regarding Alcoholism, Drug addiction and Tobacco usage. Rally covered most of the regions of the panchayat. The volunteers participated in the rally with great enthusiasm. The rally ended at 5 p.m.

18.11.2014 – Free Medical Camp (Forenoon)

Free medical camp was organised. Doctors from Medicine, ophthalmology, obstetrics and gynaecology department of PSG Hospital were involved in conducting the camp. Around camp, 120 villagers attended the camp and benefited. After the checks up people were provided medicines at free of cost and few of them referred to the hospital for further treatment. Followed by NSS volunteers organized mass awareness programme on Cervical Cancer. Around 50-60 people attended the programme. NSS volunteers explained about cervical cancer causes, signs and symptoms and the management through puppet show, skit and villupattu.

Personality Development Programme (Afternoon)

Personality development programme was organized for the NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing was arranged. The session was handled by Mr. Naachmuthu ,Asst. Professor, Department of Psychology, PSG College of Arts and Science Coimbatore. The programme lasted for 2 hours. The programme was very useful and motivative. He shared many points to enhance self confidence. He made the session interactive.

Film show on Consumer Awareness (Evening)

The film show on consumer awareness regarding junk foods was done by Mr.Chandrasekaran, Field Publicity Officer. Several short films were also filmed regarding mosquito borne diseases and prevention of road traffic accidents. Around 80 village people attended and benefited out of this programme.

19.11.2014 – Self Defence Training Programme (Forenoon)

Self defence training programme was organized for the NSS volunteers of PSG College of Nursing by Mr.Jeladharan, Yoga lecturer, Krishnammal College Coimbatore. He taught to the NSS Volunteers regarding basic silambam and karathe. The volunteers were enthusiastically participated and practiced the self defence training programmes.

Art and Craft class (Afternoon)

Art and craft programme was organized for the village women to enhance their economic status. This was dealt by Mrs.Sangeetha Subash. Women’s were taught to make flower baskets, wealth from waste and so on. They expressed that the programme was very useful. Nearly 40 and 60 students and womens were benefited out of this programme.

20.11.2014 – Tree plantation (Forenoon)

Tree plantation programme was organised in Devi Mangammal Kalyana Mandapam Temple premises. Firstly the reserved area for plantation had been cleared and dug well by the volunteers. 25 Saplings were planted.

Guest lecture on “Rights of Women: Both Constitutional and Legal” (Afternoon)

Guest lecture on “Rights of Women: Both Constitutional and Legal” was organized for the village women and NSS volunteers. The session was handled by Mrs.Lavanya Bharathi.M.L.Visisting Professor in Government Law College, Coimbatore. She discussed about how the laws protect women from conception to death, how they can utilize the laws, and how to empower women legally.

21.11.2014 – Dental camp (Forenoon)

Free dental camp was organized for the SRNV Elemantary School children in Lakshminaickenpalayam, Selakkarichal. Dental doctors from PSG Hospital participated in this camp. Around 42 children benefited out of this camp. After the checkup students were provided medicines at free of cost and few of them were referred to hospital for further treatments.

Elocution Competition (Afternoon)

NSS unit conducted different competitions for the SRNV Elementary School children, Lakshminaickenpalayam. Various competitions like elocution, running, bottle filling, biscuit biting, musical chair and balloon bursting etc., were conducted and prizes were distributed to the school students. All the students participated enthusiastically and won the prizes. The Prizes were given at the end of the programme.

Street play on Environmental Sanitation (Evening)

Street play on Environmental sanitation was conducted in Lakshiminaickenpalayam Bustand. Around 40-50 people attended the street play. NSS volunteers explained the importance of environmental sanitation by singing song and role play.

22.11.2014 – Cooking Competition (Forenoon)

Cooking competition with millet preparations was conducted for the village women in Lakshminaicken palayam. Around 15 women were participated. The products were judged based on taste, ingredients, health benefits, cost, and time of preparations. Prizes were distributed to the winners during the valediction programme.

Valediction Function (Evening)

Valediction programme was felicitated by Mr.Kalyana Sundaram, and Mr.Ranganathan Trust Board members, Sri Devi Mangammal Kalyanamandapam, Mr.Karthikeyan ward counselor,and Prof.Esther Daisy Joel , HOD Mental Health Nursing Department PSG College of Nursing. Prizes were distributed to all the participants and winners of the competitions. Helping hands were honored during valediction.

Report on Yoga Practice – All days

As a part of NSS special camp yoga classes was conducted at Lakshminaickenpalayam from 17.11.2014 to 22.11.2014, daily at 7 am – 8.30 am by Mr.Jaladharan, Yoga lecturer, Krishnammal College. The classes were held on meditation, alternate nostril breathing, suryanamaskaram, warmup exercise, relaxation technique, weight balancing exercise and different asanas.


World Mental Health Day was observed on 10.10.14 in PSG Hospital Psychiatric ward and OPD. Role play was performed by the NSS Volunteers regarding drug regiment, ill effects of not adhering to the drug regimen and the role of the care givers in the drug compliance. Around 100 pamphlets regarding drug compliance were distributed to the patients and relatives in the ward and OPD. Poster competition was held for the NSS Volunteers based on the theme for the year 2014 “Living with Schizophrenia”. Around 15 inpatients and 100 out patients benefited out of this programme. The programme was felicitated by Prof. Esther Daisy Joel, HOD mental health nursing department and Mr. Karuppasamy Psychiatric Social Worker PSG Hospital, Faculty of Mental Health Nursing Department and Staff Nurses in Psychiatric Ward.

04.08.2014. – World breast feeding week celebration

World breast feeding week was observed on 4.8.2014 at Selakarichal panchayat. Mr. Swaminathan Ex president of Selakarichal panjayat presided the programme. Well Baby Contest was conducted where the fifty tiny tots were dressed up in vibrant colors took an active participation and the best baby and the proud mother was awarded. Faculty from PSG College of Nursing and Supervisors from PSG Hospital gave talk on importance of breast feeding for the mother and baby, highlighted the breast feeding week theme, and explained the techniques of breast feeding. A short film on breast feeding was filmed for the mother. The programme felicitated by Mr.Chandrasekaran Field publicity of India, Mrs.Maheswari.T NSS Programme Officer, Mrs. Vidhya.K, Mrs. Virutha Sarani, Ms. Ajitha, Mrs. Subahdhra, Mrs. Rajeshwari, Ms.Merline, Ms. Abitha, Mrs.Irin Dorathy and Mrs.Bobby. The news was published in Dhinamalar and Afternoon paper.

11.07.14. – World population day

World population day was observed on 11.7.14 at A.V.A.T Hr.Sec School along with field publicity and GEM trust, sulur. Elocution and slogan writing competition were conducted for the school children and prizes were awarded.NSS volunteer enacted a skit on Small Family Norm and a speech was given based on the World population day theme “Investing in the youth” and the programme was felicitated by Mr.Sivaprakasam, NSS programme officer, A.V.A.T Hr.Sec School, Mr.Umapathy, Head Master, A.V.A.T Hr.Sec School and Mr.A.Ramesh Arumugam, Secretary, GEM Trust.

05.06.14. – World Environmental Day

The NSS volunteers of PSG CON along with Medical & Paramedical students took oath on saving the environment & measures to prevent of global warming. Had discussion based on the theme for the year 2014 “Raise your voice not the sea level”. NSS volunteers participated in tree plantation; around 110 saplings were planted in the Institution premises. The news was published in Thinathanthi.

13.05.14. – Fire and Safety drill

IV year students participated on a Fire and Safety classes and drill conducted by Mr. Rajagopal, Fire and Safety Officer, PSG Institutions. They were taken classes by Fire and Safety Officer on various aspects of fire safety, alerting on code red, management in fire accidents and demonstration was done on use of fire extinguishers and use of water to extinguish fire. All students rehearsed and demonstrated the use of extinguishers and water hose to extinguish fire.

12.05.14. – Mass awareness programme on Breast and Cervical Cancer

Thirty students from PSG College of Nursing staged a short skit and enacted a mime on the effects and prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. The programme aimed at creating the awareness among the female prisoners about the causes, symptoms and prevention of breast and cervical cancer and students demonstration on self examination of the breast. A film show on prevention of breast and cervical cancer was screened by Field Publicity of India. Mr.Govindarajan, Deputy Inspector General of Police and Mr. K. Anandan, Superintendent of Prisons, Coimbatore presided over the function. Prof.Esther Daisy Joel, HOD, Psychiatric Department and Mr.Chandrasekar, Field Publicity Assistant, Field Publicity of India felicitated the programme and it was organized by Mrs.Vidhya K. NSS Coordinator. Ms.Ajitha. A, Asst. Professor, PSG College of Nursing.

04.04.14. – Mass awareness programme on Breast and Cervical Cancer

Thirty students from PSG College of Nursing staged a short skit and enacted a mime on the effects and prevention of breast cancer and cervical cancer. The programme aimed at creating the awareness among the female prisoners about the causes, symptoms and prevention of breast and cervical cancer and students demonstration on self examination of the breast. A film show on prevention of breast and cervical cancer was screened by Field Publicity of India. Mr.Govindarajan, Deputy Inspector General of Police and Mr. K. Anandan, Superintendent of Prisons, Coimbatore presided over the function. Prof.Esther Daisy Joel, HOD, Psychiatric Department and Mr.Chandrasekar, Field Publicity Assistant, Field Publicity of India felicitated the programme and it was organized by Mrs.Vidhya K. NSS Coordinator. Ms.Ajitha. A, Asst. Professor, PSG College of Nursing.

06.3.14. – Mass awareness programme

The NSS volunteers played a skit on substance abuse, ill effects of alcohol and tobacco at Rayappa street, Peelamedu. Skit, puppet show and villupattu were organized.

28.2.14. – National Science day

Article submission competition was conducted for students on the theme of “Science and technology interaction” and best articles were awarded.

5.1.14. – Perur temple

25 NSS volunteers went to Perur temple on 05.01.2014. Students actively involved in cleaning the temple premises and educated the devotees on importance of cleanliness to preserve historical monument and to maintain sanctity of the temple.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2013 To November 2013)

11.11.2013 to 16.11.2013. – NSS Special Camp

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing conducted a special camp at Lakshminayakanpalayam Panchayat from 11.11.2013 to 16.11.2013.Mr.Kankaraj District Councellor inaguarated the camp. A variety of programme were such as free medical camp, tree plantation, children’s day programme & career development programme for the school students, Art & craft class & Rangoli competition for the village women and sports for village Boys club with first aid education were conducted . A rally on Diabetes & Hypertension , Street play on vector borne diseases were also conducted. Yoga classes and personality development programme were conducted for the NSS volunteers. Prizes were distributed for the villagers who participated in various competitions. NSS volunteers participated in the camp with great enthusiasm and co-operation.The camp ended on 16.11.2013.

10.10.13 – Mock Drill On Emergency Preparedness

NSS Unit jointly with PSG Hospitals safety wing organized Evacuation Mock drill at paramedical block. In the drill code red was activated in the third floor of Nursing college. Nearly 836 Faculty and students participated in the scenario.

07.09.13 – Perur Temple

25 NSS volunteers went to Perur temple on 7.9.13. Students actively involved in cleaning the temple premises and educated the devotees on importance of cleanliness to preserve historical monument and to maintain sanctity of the temple.

05.09.13 – National Nutrition Week

National Nutrition Week observed on 5th of September at Arasur along with Field Publicity of India .Nearly 50 mothers and self help group women participated in the programme. A skit was enacted by nursing students on the importance of nutrition and doubts were clarified.

05.08.13 – World Breast feeding Week Celebration

World Breast Feeding Week was observed by focusing the rural population of karukampalayam on August 5th 2013 along with Child Health Nursing, Maternity Health Nursing Department, PSG Hospital, Karadivavi & Field Publicity of India . A role play to highlight the Importance of Exclusive breast feeding was performed by 3 year nursing students of PSG College of Nursing and Well Baby Contest was conducted the best baby and the proud mother was awarded. Field Publicity of India was organized a film show for mothers on Importance of breast feeding and all mothers viewed.

11.07.13 – World Population Day

Based on the theme “Prevention of Adolescence pregnancy”. The students were asked to collect the information related to Vital Statistics and its problems Ways to control the Population. Problems of over population The same was displayed and evaluated the prizes were awarded to the best papers.

05.06.13 – World Environment Day

The NSS volunteers of PSG CON along with Medical & Paramedical students took oath on saving the environment & Anti-food waste. Had discussion based on the theme for the year 2013 “Think, eat, save” & enormous devasting effects on the environment.NSS volunteers participated in tree plantation, around 100 saplings were planted. 12.05.13 – Nurses Day: The NSS volunteers played a short skit on Importance of Nursing & Nurses to the society. In the skit, they highlighted the values of Nurses & their dedication to the society.The play was broadcasted in PSG Community FM.

07.04.13 – World Health Day

Skit on Awareness about “Prevention of Hypertension” was organized at Lakshminayakan Palayam,Karadivavi.

08.03.13 – International Women’s Day

To commemorate the International Women’s Day, the NSS & Youth Red Cross of PSG College of Nursing in partnership with Indian Red Cross Society, Coimbatore District Branch organised a one day “Women Welfare and Awareness Programme” at Indian Red Cross Building, Coimbatore. Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing inaugurated the sessions. She spoke about empowering women to protect their rights and women to remain as a unified force to achieve this. In the first session, Mr. A. K. Rajendran, Advocate& author of Kovai Satta Vizhipunarvu Monthly Magazine, insisted on the importance of knowing women legal issues. The second session was headed by Mrs. Christy Christopher, Board Member, YWCA, Coimbatore. She gave ideas to manage the problems in domestic and professional life. In the third session, Mrs. Latha Sundaram, Managing Trustee, Aram Foundation Charitable Trust, Coimbatore delivered a lecture on the necessity of self- defence and there was a practical session on self- defence. The news was published in Dina Malar.

28.02.13 – National Science Day

Poster competition was conducted for students on the theme “Genetically Modified Crops and Food Security”. Posters were evaluated and best posters were awarded . Ms.Steffy Jose P and Amarnath K of 3rd year B.Sc Nursing bagged the first prize in National Science Day Quiz held at PSG College of Pharmacy on 15.03.2013.

12.01.13 – National Youth Day

As a part of this, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women organized Inter Collegiate Seminar on “Wake Up Bharath – Enlighten the World”. 10 students of II and III B.Sc(N) have attended and received certificates for participation.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2012 To December 2012)

01.12.2012 – World AIDS Day

As part of the World AIDS Day, NSS Unit and Community Health Nursing Department along with Shanthi Ashram NGO’s conducted a sensitization programme among nursing students on 30.11.2012. Nearly 200 II & III year B.Sc Nursing students participated and gained knowledge on HIV and AIDS. 3 PLHA’s came from Shanthi Ashram – Sudar programme showed their views and challenges faced by them in the society during the initial period and their diagnosis. NSS Unit honoured them by giving nutrition supplements and vitamin tablets to improve their immunity. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, principal and Dr.Vinu Aram, President, Shanthi Ashram presided over the function. Principal gave speech and explained to the students that a generation is lost and the grand parents are taking care of the grand children. Students saluted the PLHA’s by standing and clapping for their confidence and positive attitude towards life.

18.11.2012 to 24.11.2012- NSS SPECIAL CAMP

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing conducted a special camp at Lakshminayakanpalayam Panchayat from 18.11.2012 to 24.11.2012. A variety of programme were conducted for the villagers. A mass awareness programme on Diabetes Mellitus and Hypertension was inaugurated by Mr.K.Thirumalai Rajkumar, Youth Officer, NSS Regional Centre, Chennai. Various other programme such as free medical camp, veterinary camp, banking and health insurance, tree plantation, children’s day programme for the school students and imitation jewellery making were conducted for the village women. A rally on dengue awareness was inaugurated by Honourable Minister Shri.S.Dhamodharan, Minister of Agriculture, Tamilnadu. Yoga classes and personality development programme were conducted for the NSS volunteers. Prizes were distributed for the villagers who participated in various competitions. NSS volunteers participated in the camp with great enthusiasm and co-operation. the camp ended on 24.11.2012.

30.6.12 – Tribal Visit to Palamalai

IV year B.Sc(N) students had a Tribal Visit to Palamalai on 30.6.12. They donated cloths, stationery and house hold items to the residents of the area. They also conducted a medical camp. Residents of the area were benefited by the camp.

12.5.12 – Nurses Day

International nurses day was observed on 12.5.12. Prof.Esther Daist Joel and Prof. Baby gave a speech on Closing the Gap :Evidence to Action in PSG Community FM which was broad casted.

8.3.12 – International Women’s Day

International women’s day was observed on 8th March 2012.Elocution competition was organized in 3 languages in which 20 students participated enthusiastically in the competition and won prizes.

2.3.12 – Tree Plantation

On 2.3.12 Tree plantation was organized in PSG campus in remembrance of Chief Minister’ Dr.J.Jayalalitha’s birthday. Totally 64 sapling were planted around college premises. NSS volunteers were participated actively in tree plantation.

6.3.12 – Mass Awareness Programme

On 6.3.12, Mass awareness programme was conducted on substance abuse, ill effects of alcohol and tobacco at Rayappa street, Peelamedu. Skit, puppet show and villupattu were organized based on the theme. Around 70-100 people participated and were benefited.

28.02.12 – Science Day

The NSS unit of PSG College of Nursing observed the National Science day on 28.02.11 article submission competition was conducted for students on the theme of “The Cleaner Energy Options and Nuclear Safety”. The submitted articles were evaluated and best articles were awarded.
Regular Camp Activities (From January 2011 To December 2011)

12.12.11 – Inauguration of Red Ribbon Club

The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing co-jointly with PSG IMS&R inaugurated Red Ribbon Club on 12.12.2011. Dr. Mohammed Ali, District Programme Manager, District AIDS Prevention and Control Unit, Coimbatore inaugurated the programme and unwheel the Red Ribbon Club Board and gave a lecture on Prevention of AIDS. During the session Mrs. M.D.Anuratha, Associate Professor discussed on stigma and discrimination of AIDS and Mrs. Rama, Lecturer.

14.11.11 – Mass Awareness Programme

PSG College of Nursing-Community health Nursing Department, NSS Unit and PSG Rural Health Centre conducted amass awareness programme in two places. The Bsc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing conducted many programs to create awareness on cervix cancer, breast self examination urinary incontinence at tailoring centre and hypertension and diabetes at Jeeva nagar. The life style changes advanced to these disease which leads to chronic care. The Neelambur people attended and benefited.

13.11.11 to 19.11.11 – NSS Special Camp Report

13.11.2011 – Inauguration

The inaugural function of NSS Special Camp was commenced on 13.11.2011 by 10 a.m. in Panchayat Middle School of Kollupalayam. The programme started with a prayer song by Ms. Yugasubitha of 2010 Batch. Chief guest Mr. Dhandapani, Mr. Govindharaj, Panchayat President, Mr. Karuppusamy, Assistant Panchayat President and ward members Mr. Palaniswamy, Mr. Arjunan, Mr. Balu attended the function. Mrs.K.Vidhya NSS Coordinator welcomed the gathering. Assistant Professor Ms. Lavanya Mary.F spoke about the views and objectives of NSS Special Camp. Chief guest Mr. Dhandapani inaugurated the function and Panchayat President Mr. Govindaraj gave an encouraging speech for NSS volunteers. Mr. Karuppusamy contributed his efforts in arranging the stay of NSS volunteers. Ms. Ajitha.A, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing gave vote of thanks.

14.11.11 – Special Police Programme – “Police is your Friend”

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing conducted a special police programme “Police is your friend on 14.11.11 at 10 a.m. in Oothupalayam Middle School. Welcome speech was given by Mrs. Vidhya.K, Assistant professor, NSS Coordinator & Presidential Address was given by Mrs. Anuradha.M.D, Associate Professor, PSG College of Nursing. Mr. Ramachandran, Sub Inspector of Traffic Control, Sulur Police Station was the Chief Guest. He explained about road traffic rules & regulations, prevention of accidents, emergency calls, importance of helmet wearing and speed limit. He also explained about good samaritan law and he clarified the doubts of public. There was an interactive session with students at the end of the programme & vote of thanks was given by Ms. Santhoshpriya of 2009 batch.

14.11.11 – Children’s Day Programme

The NSS Unit conducted children’s day programme on 14.11.11 in Kollupalayam Middle School. The welcome speech was given by Mrs. Vidhya.K, Assistant Professor& the chief guest of the day was Mrs. Sreerenjini.B, Associate Professor. Volunteers motivated the students to participate in the competitions. Competitions like running race, biscuit bite, musical chair, saving balloons, lemon & spoon, sac race and filling the bottle was conducted. Prizes were given at the end of competition. At last, vote of thanks was given by Ms. Ajitha.A, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing.

Yoga Practice

As a part of NSS Special Camp, Yoga classes was conducted in Government Middle School, Kollupalayam from 15.11.11 to 17.11.11 at 7 a.m. – 8.30 a.m. by Mr. Jaladhavan. Yoga Lecturer, Krishnammal College. The classes were held on meditation, alternate nostril breathing. Suryanamaskar, warm up exercise and relaxation technique. On 16.11.11 there were yogic games and basic kazhari.

15.11.11 – Report On Free Medical Camp

PSG NSS Unit has conducted free medical camp which was held on 15.11.11 Tuesday at 9 a.m. in Oothupalayam Middle School. In this, dental and opthal were included and the doctors involved in diagnosis and treatment. In this camp 150 students of Oothupalayam Middle School and 17 members of different areas came for dental and opthal check up. After the check up 5 members registered for cataract surgery and 3 school students found to have defractive errors & advised for spectacles. The camp was inaugurated by Prof. Malarvizhi.G, HOD, Child Health Nursing Department and the camp was organized by Mrs. Vidhya.K, NSS Coordinator. The camp ended at 12.30 p.m.

15.11.11 – Computer Education

NSS unit of PSG College of Nursing conducted computer education in association with Apollo Computer Education, Hope College for school students in Government Middle School at Kollupalayam on 15.11.11 at 11 a.m. The programme was started with the welcome speech by Ms.Ajitha.A, Assistant Professor and introduced the Educator Mr.Sathish Kumar to the school students. Basic computer operations were taught to the students and the doubts were clarified. The session was about one and half hours. Finally, Mr.Baskaran.M, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing spoke about the uses of computers in education system and vote of thanks was given by Mrs.Vidhya.K, Assistant Professor cum NSS Coordinator.

15.11.11 – Street Play

On15.11.11 a street play was conducted near library ground, Kollupalayam at 5 p.m. The program was inaugurated by Prof. Esther Daisy Joel & Mrs. Bindu. C. Vasanthi, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing. A small play was presented by NSS volunteers on the importance of caring mentally challenged people. Ms. Santhosh Priya taught abut the care of mentally ill and clarified the doubts of the public who were present to watch the play. At last Mrs. Vidhya.K, NSS Coordinator gave the vote of thanks. 16.11.11 – Road Safety Awareness For School Children – An awareness programme for school children on “Road safety” was conducted on 16.11.11 from 10 a.m. to 11.45 a.m. The programme was thought up with the help of Mr. Murugesan, Chief, Head Guard who gave a detailed talk about road safety & its importance. Programme was organized by Mrs.Vidhya.K, NSS Coordinator and Dr.Subhadra Iyengar, PSG College of Nursing as chief guest. About 150 children attended the programme. At the end of the programme, vote of thanks was given by Ms.Ajitha.A, Assistant Professor.

16.11.11 – Report On Personality Development

On 16th November 2011 a class on “Personality Development” for NSS students was conducted by Dr.Gayathri Devi, Assistant Professor, Department of Psychology, Avinashilingam University at 2 p.m. The welcome speech was given by Mrs. Vidhya.K, Assistant Professor cum NSS Coordinator. The class was effective & encouraging. She had taught many tips to improve the concentration. She had also taught about the importance of developing good personality. Vote of thanks was given by Ms. Ajitha.A, Assistant Professor & the student field work was given by Ms. Santhosh Priya of 2009 batch.

17.11.11 – Report On Mushroom Cultivation

On 17.11.11, a class on mushroom cultivation was conducted in Arasur Panchayat office for self help group women as a income generating activities. Ms. Santhosh Priya welcomed the gathering Dr. V. Prakasam, Department of Plant Patholoy, Tamil Nadu Agricultural University was invited as resource person for the class. We taught about different method of cultivation twenty five women were participated and learnt the making with interest. The Chief Guest of the day Prof. T. Nirmala, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing motivated the group regarding the cultivation and clarified the doubts. The demonstration was done by the group. At last, the vote of thanks was given by Ms. Ajitha.A, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing.

18.11.11 – Rangoli Competition

On the 5th day of NSS programme, rangoli competition for women was conducted in Murugan temple. It was started at 2 p.m. 9 members were participated with real interest. The evaluation was done by Prof. Christy Mekala.V, Professor & Mrs.Anju.V, Assistant Professor based on time, design attractiveness and neatness. Participants used the materials like chalk piece, flowers, coloured salts and colour powder. Judges selected the best 3 rangoli and prizes were distributed during valediction. 17.11.2011 – Puppet Show On Breast Self Examination : As a part of NSS special camp puppet show on breast self examination was conducted on 17.11.2011. Volunteers taught the public regarding the breast self examination and the importance of screening. Prof. Christy Mekala V and Mrs. Anju V, Assistant Professor presided over the progrmame and ended with vote of thanks by Ms. Keerthana B, Assistant Lecturer, PSG College of Nursing.

18.11.2011 – Report on film show on ‘Safe Drinking Water’

NSS Unit along with Field Publicity Office, Ministry of Press Information Beauro organized a film show on safe drinking water on 18.11.2011 between 7 – 8 p.m. at Kollupalayam. Nearly 80 members were participated including young children, youngsters and elderly ones. The programme was addressed by Ms.Ajitha A, Asst. Professor. After that as it was a slum area several short films were also shown on prevention of mosquito born diseases, family planning, iron and iodine deficiency, ill effects of smoking and female foeticide. The programme was concluded by Ms.Keerthana B, Asst. Lecturer and expressed her gratitude to Mr.Chandra Sekaran, Field Publicity Officer and to the public.

18.11.2011 – Report on Women Empowerment Debate

On 18.11.2011 debate was conducted on women empowerment at 2 p.m. – 3 p.m. The welcome speech was given by Ms.Ajitha A, Asst. Professor PSG College of Nursing .The topic was on women empowerment in that the positive and negative views were brought out for discussion and it was concluded by Prof.Tamilselvi. PSG College of Nursing around 25 students gathered and a skit was conducted on women empowerment by NSS volunteers and Ms.B.Keerthana, Asst. Lecturer gave the vote of thanks.

17.11.2011 – Volley Ball Competition

On 17.11.2011, the volley ball competition was conducted in Government Middle School, Kollupalayam. NSS volunteers Ms.Bhuvaneswari and Ms.Jincy organized and welcomed the gathering. Ms.Ajitha, Asst. Professor and Ms.Keerthana B, Asst. Lecturer inaugurated the competition. Mr.Sivagurunathan, Karate Master accepted to be the judge for competition. Competition was conducted between 4 teams two junior and two senior the junior match won by team named hones and senior match won by team named friends.Vote of thanks was give by Ms.Bhuvaneswari of 2009 batch.

10.11.2011 – Valediction

The valediction programme of NSS special camp was commenced on 19.11.2011 at 10.30 a.m. in Panchayat Middle School of Kollupalayam. The programme started with a prayer song and welcome speech was given by Mrs.Vidhya K, Asst. Professor cum NSS Coordinator. Mrs.Gandhimathi R, Associate Professor, Ms.Sudhapriya S, Asst. Professor and Ms.Sofiya Princess Hema, Asst. Professor attended the valedictory programme and appreciated the NSS volunteers. After the speech cultural programme was performed by NSS volunteers. In between the culturals, prizes were distributed to the school children and village people who won in the competition. Finally the valediction was ended by the vote of thanks by Ms.Ajitha A, Asst. Professor. She gave thanks to the President, Vice President, village people, School Head Mistress, teachers, school students and NSS volunteers who gathered in the valediction programme. gave a lecture on ART and Dr.Mohammed gave a lecture on Milestones of HIV. At the end of the session, doubts were clarified by and various issues on HIV was discussed by the chief guest.

10.10.11 – World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day was observed on 10.10.11 in Psychiatric ward and OPD. Bsc and Msc nursing Students played a skit on schizophrenia. Displayed posters and a short film on mental awareness were played. Pamphlets were issued.

24.9.11 – NSS Day

As part of the NSS day celebration the PSG College of Nursing visited Snehalaya Home for HIV infected persons. The NSS volunteers administered typhoid vaccine. They also played a skit on personal hygiene and nutrition. There was also a puppet show on dental hygiene.35 HIV infected persons ranging from 2 ½ to 45 years benefited from the programme.NSS volunteers donated the sun amount of Rs.3500/- for buying the grocery to the Snehalaya Home.

6.9.11 – National Nutrition Week

National Nutrition Week was organized on 6th of September at Ellaithottam, Coimbatore. Co-jointly by NSS wing and Community nursing department the students prepared food rich in nutrition like groundnut balls and carrot kheer and administered the same to the ballwadi children. The diabetic hypertensive patients and elderly people were provided with greens and salads and they were advised to take balanced the dietary pattern. Around 40 members including children were benefited from the program.

18.8.11 – Observation Of Sadhbavana Diwas

Sadhbavana Day was observed on 18th August by the NSS volunteers. All the students were participated and a speech was given by the Nss Programme Officer. Students took Sadhbavana Day Pledge on that day.

15.8.11 – Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day was celebrated at Othupalayam Middle School. We conducted various competitions like drawing, singing, writing and elocution competitions to the school students and prizes were given. Students gave cultural at the end of the program. School Leaders from Arasur Panchayat felicitated the program

6.8.11 – World Breast Feeding Week

World Breast Feeding Week was observed by focusing the rural population of Vedapatti on 6th August 2011 along with Rural Health Centre Vedapatti and Innerwheel Club, Coimbatore. A role play to highlight the importance of successful breast feeding was performed by PG Students of PSG C college of Nursing and Well Baby Contest was conducted where the tiny tots were dressed up in vibrant colors took an active participation and the best baby and the proud mother was awarded.

11.07.2011 – World Population Day

World Population Day was observed by NSS unit based on the theme “Urgency for global issues”. The students were asked to collect the information related to Vital Statistics and its problems, Ways to control the Population and Problems of over population. The same was displayed and evaluated. The prizes were awarded to the best papers.

02.07.2011 – Tribal Visit

The NSS unit had visited Perumalkovilpathi tribal area. The 40 student volunteers, HOD’s, Faculty of College of Nursing also accompanied the team. The population of this village is around 250. A free medical camp was organized and 80 people of the village were screened, among them 20 URI, 33 undernourished children, 7reproductive tract infection and 11 Osteoporosis cases were detected. Medications was provided at free of cost. The people in the village were educated on personal hygiene, menstrual hygiene, reproductive health, Nutrition and oral health. The cloths, toys, stationeries and utensils were distributed to the needy people.

25.06.11 – NSS Activity

The YRC and NSS unit had organized a rescue operation and fire extinguishing programme at PSG Paramedical block. Mr. A Murugesan, Superintendent of prison presided over the function. There were 450 students & faculty from Paramedical department and 30 home guards & fire service personnel participated. The home guards exhibited on rescue of person caught under vehicle and buildings. They also demonstrated the skill in bring the victims from most elevated buildings. They demonstrated on various techniques in safe transport of victims to the ground level and also to the ambulance. The programme was telecasted through UTV and also published in Daily Newspapers like The Hindu, Dinakaran and Malaimalar

5.06.11 – World Environment Day

The world environment day was celebrated by NSS unit and organized by a film on forest, generation and degeneration of the earth in the past and now, truth about tiger was telecasted. The students staged a skit on “preservation and conservation of forest”.

31.05.11 – World No Tobacco Day Observed

NSS unit conducted World No Tobacco Day at Central Prison, Coimbatore. Mr. Murugesan, Superintendent of Prison inaugurated the function and welcomed the gathering. PSG College of Nursing students participated in street play, mime show on harmful effects of tobacco usage and Documentary Film and a speech on ‘Tobacco awareness’ was delivered for prisoners took oath against tobacco usage. During the programme, the knowledge and attitude of prisoners regarding smoking and its ill effects was assessed. The volunteers participated in short skit, mime show on harmful effects of Tobacco usage, enacted a short film on the ill effects of tobacco and a speech on tobacco awareness was delivered for prisoners. At the end of the session prisoners took a pledge assuring to give up tobacco. On the same day the faculty Ms. A Kondal devi, Mr. Baskaran, Mrs. K.Vidhya conducted a programme on WORLD NO TOBACCO DAY was broadcasted in PSG FM on 31.5.11. They had a discussion on the WHO framework convention on tobacco control.

18.04.11 – NSS Activity

ECO Club, NSS & SNA organized a film show on Truth about tiger at 5 pm on 18.4.11. All the students and faculty viewed the film.

7.04.11 – World Health Day

The faculty Ms. Kondal Devi, Asst Professor, along with the NSS volunteers conducted a programme on World Health Day which was broadcasted in PSG FM. They had a discussion based on the theme ‘NO ACTION TODAY, NO CURE TOMORROW’ in a form of skit.

31.03.11 – World Water Day

The UG and PG Nursing students participated and won prizes for drawing, painting and power point presentation during the Inter Collegiate Competition organized by PSG College of Pharmacy in commemoration of World Water Day and World Forest Day

24.03.2011 – World TB Day

NSS Unit conducted a film show on Prevention of Tuberculosis in an urban area. The film show was arranged by the Filed Publicity Office, Singanallur.

19.03.2011 – Observation of International Science Day

NSS Unit conducted a competition among volunteers on exhibition of working model. Totally 9 teams participated in the competition with different topics, such as :
I Year On blood circulation
II Year On prevention of tuberculosis
III Year On CABG surgery
IV Year HIV disease progression
All the volunteers interestingly participated and prepared the working model. The best three teams were selected and the prizes were given during Intra Cultural Meet on 19.03.2011.

07.03.2011 to 10.03.2011 – International Women’s Day

As part of observing International Women’s Day, the Rajiv Gandhi National Institute of Youth & Development University conducted various competitions in Chennai. Among those, our volunteers participated in street play, poster and mime show competitions. On 7.3.2011 they participated in street play and poster competitions. In street play they won second prize and in poster Ms. Devipriya won the third prize. On 10.03.2011, they participated (2 teams) in mime show competition. One team won the first prize. Nearly 33 volunteers participated in the above programme. All of them had a chance to interact with other college volunteers. Each batch was accompanied by Mrs. Gandhimathi & Mrs. K. Vidya, the NSS programme Officers. On 08.03.201, as part of International Women’s Day, NSS Unit, PSG College of Nursing kept the sign board in three places on stressing the 2011 theme. Three best comments were given prizes. The theme was equal rights for women.

12.01.11 to 19.01.11 – National Youth Week

NSS Unit observed National Youth Week by conducting elocution competition on ‘Youth involvement towards National Development and a debate on ‘Effect of technology among youth’. 03.1.11 – Mass awareness on Ill Effects of Smoking and Alcoholism: NSS volunteers conducted the program at S.S Kulum PHC. They performed a skit on alcoholism and smoking, Natiyamum Nadagamum on effects of alcoholism.
Regular Camp Activities (From March 2010 To December 2010)
08.12.10 – Mass Awareness Program On Dengue Fever: NSS volunteers performed mass awareness program on Dengue fever at S.S Kulum PHC. Volunteers performed a skit on prevention of dengue fever, Mime show on clinical manifestations, then tableau on the complications of dengue fever. Volunteers conducted a small quiz to the public and distributed prizes to them. 13.11.2010 to 19.11.2010 – NSS Special Camp: NSS Special camp was organized on 13.11.2010 to 19.11.2010 at Kollupalayam. 50 NSS volunteers participated in the camp and we stayed at Government Middle School, Oothupalayam. The programme was inaugurated by Mr. C.N.Rajan, Kazhaga Seyalalar, Chinniampalayam and Mr. A.V.Anbarasu, President, Arasur Panchayat. Various programmes were organized on each day and volunteers interestingly participated in all the programmes. The theme of the camp was based on ‘Healthy Youth for Healthy Nation’. On 14.11.2010 conducted Medical Camp from PSG Hospitals. Various department doctors came and gave treatment to nearly 7 -10 village people. On 15.11.2010, Fancy Dress Competition at Balwadi & Puppet Show on Dental Hygiene for primary school children was organized. On 16.11.2010, Education given on Menstrual Hygiene to middle school girls. At 11 a.m. gave Awareness Programme on Plastic Waste Disposal. Volunteers performed street play at various places and we gave a bag from RAAC office to collect the dry plastic waste to shops and school children. The programme is called as WOW – Wealth out of Waste. On 17.11.2010 arranged a Session on ‘Stress Management and Improving Memory Power’ to NSS volunteers. On the same day, evening organized a Rally on H1N1 influenza which was felicitated by Mr. Ganesan, District Health Education Officer, DDHS, and Coimbatore. On 18.11.2010, 50 saplings were planted at Kollupalayam area. Dr.Subhadra Iyengar, Eco Club point person planted the saplings. Regarding time management, a practical session was organized to NSS volunteers. Prof.Christy Mekala gave a inspirational Speech on Time Management. On 19.11.2010, Preparation of Soap Powder And Soap Oil and Candle Making was taught to SHG women by Dr.Johnsy Rani from Avinashilingam University life long learning department. Nearly 30 women participated and benefited through this programme. To stress the National Integration various competitions was conducted and prizes were given to school children. On 18.11.2010 a Film Show was organized by Field Publicity Office, Singanallur on Health And Hygiene and Road Safety at SC Colony, Coimbatore. At last, 19.11.2010 3 p.m. Valediction programme was felicitated by Mr. Karupusamy, Counselor, Kollupalayam Mrs. Rukmini, Headmistress, Othupalayam Middle School and Prof. Esther Daisy Joel, Prof Beena Chacko, Prizes were distributed to all the participants and winners of the competitions. Those who helped in the programme were honored during valediction.NSS volunteers and school children gave cultural programme to the audience.

1.11.10 – Mass Awareness Program

NSS unit conducted the mass awareness program on swineflu awareness at S.S kulum PHC. Volunteers performed a skit on the prevention aspect & Villupattu on the causes of swine flu.

19.10.10 – Emergency Evacuation & Disaster Drill at Arasur High School

NSS unit along with Community Health Nursing Dept organized the disaster drill at Higher Sec School. After the Evacuation, Demo on Fire Extinguisher operation was taught to students.

24.09.10 – NSS Day Observation

NSS day was observed by conducting the personality Development Program for the Volunteers. Dr Rohini, Lecturer (Selection Grade), Dept of Psychology, Avinashilingam University for Women, came and gave the Lecture on Stress & Time Management.

20.8.10 – Observance of Sadhbavana Diwas Day

Sadbhawanadi was observed by the NSS volunteers. All the students were participated and one NSS volunteer spoke on National Harmony. Students took Sadbhavana day pledge on that day.

15.8.10 – Independence Day Celebration

Independence Day was celebrated at Oothupalayam Middle school. We conducted various Competitions like Drawing & Singing Competitions, Essay Writing and Elocution Competition to the school students and prizes were given. Students gave cultural at the end of the program. School Leaders from Arasur Panchayat came and felicitated the program.

3.8.10 – World Breast Feeding Week Celebration

World breast feeding week was observed by conducting awareness program to antenatal mothers at S.S Kul;um PHC , Based on the theme. The theme is emphasizing the BFHI, Ten points to Successful breast feeding. Students performed role play, quiz competition to the mothers. District Health Education Officer Mr Ganesan from DHO Office Felicitated the program. Dr Ramachandran, Medical Officer, S.S kulum PHC, gave encouraging talk to the mothers, and praised the NSS volunteers for their effort.

28.06.10 – International day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking

The NSS unit observed International day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking by having rally on the theme THINK HEALTH NOT DRUGS. Students holded the pluck cards and walked around the HUDCO colony Peelamedu by shouting the slogans. After rally in Thiruvalluvar nagar urban slum area with the help of field publicity office singanallur, film show was organized on preventing drug abuse. NSS Programme Officer Mrs. Gandhimathi, Mrs. Kondal Devi Asst.NSS Programme Officer welcomed the people and inaugurated the film show. Nearly 100 NSS volunteers participated in rally and around 50 people were benefited by this programme. The NSS unit is thankful to Mr. Chandrasekaran, Field Publicity Assistant, Directorate of Field Publicity Office (Singanallur) for this enthusiastic involvement in arranging film show.

23.03.10 – World Water Day

PSG College of Pharmacy has conducted a Drawing & PowerPoint presentation competitions. In PowerPoint Presentation III year B.Sc.. Nursing student Ms. Steffy Jacob got 3rd Prize.

22.03.10 – National Science Day

NSS Unit of PSG College of Pharmacy conducted a quiz Competition. Two students from IV year B Sc (N) participated and selected for the main Quiz. They received the Participation Certificates.

11.03.10 & 18.03.10 – Mass Awareness Program

NSS Unit along with Community Health Nursing Dept conducted mass awareness program in Peelamedu, Pattalamman Koil Street on the basis of their probleMs. Students gave different programs like skit on Non Communicable Diseases, Mime show on Personal Hygiene Puppet Show on Worm Infestations, Debate on Environmental Hygiene, and Exhibition on Hypertensive Diet. They asked questions to the public and encouraged them by giving small prizes.

04.03.10 – Tribal Visit to Athikadavu

As part of NSS Programme 47 II year B.Sc. (N) students visited the tribal village Guntur near Athikadavu on 04.03.10. The students visited and spoke with the tribal people get to know about their occupation & their living standards. Students distributed the old clothes which were collected from the faculty & students. They identified their needs & problems & gave the Mass awareness program on Anemia, Alcoholism & Under five care.