In view of World Health Day 2021, NSS Unit and YRC Association along with Community Health Nursing Department conducted community activity at PSG Health Centre, Vedapatti. B.Sc (N) final year students organized Poster Presentation on COVID Prevention, Nutrition Exhibition on Healthy Diet and Health Assessment. People were benefitted with the activity and gave positive feedback
NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed Indian Constitution Day on 26.11.2020.Students took pledge on Preamble to Constitution and received certificate for the same.
The NSS and YRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized Fit India Plogging run as a tribute to Mahatma Gandhi on 02.10.2020. The Volunteers along with family and neighbours participated in the Plogging run by picking up the wastes. Tree saplings were planted. Mahatma Gandhiji quotes were shared through social media.
The NSS Unit observed Fit India Freedom Activities with the objective to create awareness to the public on importance of physical fitness in the community. The NSS Volunteers involved in fitness at home and fitness activities with family. Activities like yoga, dance, exercise, stair case climbing and cleaning activities were done. Outdoor fitness activities like jogging, walking, cycling, playing traditional games were done. The NSS Volunteers motivated the neighbourhood families also and involved in Fit India activities. The Covid 19 safety norms were followed during the activities.
The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Breast Feeding week 2020. Collage on the theme Support Breast Feeding for a Healthier Planet, Poetry and Slogan contest on the theme Human Milk Banking were organized. 46 NSS Volunteers participated from Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Uttar Pradesh. Top three winners of Collage, Poetry and Slogan were awarded with E Certificates.
The NSS Volunteers participated in “Spit Free India Movement” organized by Alamelu Charitable Foundation supported by Tata Trusts with the objective to create awareness against spitting in public places thereby to achieve the goal of Tobacco Free youth and to prevent spread of COVID 19.
International Yoga Day was observed on 21.06.2020, The NSS Volunteers performed yoga asanas at Home with family to strengthen mind and body.
NSS unit observed World Environment Day on 05.06.2020. This year, the theme is Biodiversity. The NSS Volunteers created Awareness Memes to save Biodiversity and shared it in Social Media.
Covid-19 IEC Materials has been forwarded through email, whatsapp to all the NSS volunteers and thereby to public to propagate the right messages on Corona virus and clear all myths, misconceptions, stigma & discrimination about Covid-19.
PSG Community Radio FM Talk was given by 5 NSS Volunteers on Oral Cancer.The Volunteers highlighted on causes, symptoms,treatment and prevention of Oral cancer. The NSS Volunteers visited Anganwadi centres in Neelambur village, Nearly 30 children were screened for dental carries.12 children were identified to have dental carries. 18 NSS Volunteers demonstrated brushing technique, hand washing, balanced diet and personal hygiene.
NSS Volunteers along with Community Health Nursing Department actively participated in creating awareness to the public from 16.3.2020-19.3.2020 on reducing the incidence of Corona virus outbreak.42 NSS Volunteers visited each home in rural(Neelambur,Karadivavi) and urban area(Ramaswamy Layout) and sensitized the public on symptoms of Corona virus, Mode of transmission and precautions to be followed to break the chain of transmission. Hand washing was demonstrated to each house.IEC Material on Corona virus was distributed to the public. The NSS Volunteers visited public gatherings like bus stand ,railway stations on 20.3.2020 and distributed IEC Material on Corona virus .The Volunteers also demonstrated on Hand washing to the public. Effective hand-washing techniques was demonstrated by the NSS Students to the passenger and street vendors near the Gandhipuram Bus Stand and Railway Station. Pamphlets (in English and Tamil) were distributed inside the buses for the travellers to read. Students who knew Hindi led the team inside the different railway platforms and instructed the travellers about social distancing, washing hands with soap and
POSHAN PAKHWADA was observed by the NSS Unit in the month of March.41 NSS Volunteers visited homes in rural(Neelambur) and urban area(Ramaswamy Lay out) and educated on Anaemia,Diarrhoea Prevention, Hand washing and Paushtik Aahar.Nearly 95 households, covering population of 550 were benefitted. Mass awareness was organized on Healthy Life Style in Panchayat Union School, Kalingarayanpalayam,Vedapatti on 5.03.2020.NSS Volunteers 29 students created awareness to the School children through role play on Oral hygiene, puppet show on Healthy Life style Myme on child abuse ,Fashion show on illeffects of junk food ,Demonstration on Hand washing, Aerobic exercises and health talk on Corona Virus.Nearly 150 children were benefitted by the programme.
As part of International Women’s Day 2020, poster competition was organized on the theme “I am Generation Equality Realizing Women’s Right. Nearly 30 NSS Volunteers participated in Poster competition and best three posters were awarded. The posters were exhibited in PSG Hospital for public awareness.
Along with OBG Department Mass Awareness was organized in Kanniyagurukulam School on 13.02.2020 for School children from VI standard to IX standard through villupattu and Mimeshow highlighting on Menstrual Hygiene, Effects of Teenage Pregnancy and video on Good and Bad Touch.
NSS Unit, PSG College of Nursing observed World Leprosy Day on 30.01.2020. As part of creating awareness students participated in Rally. Thiru. K.Rajamani I.A.S. District Collector flagged off the Rally from Collectorate office to DDHS Office, Race Course. Followed by students took oath in DDHS Campus to reduce the incidence the Leprosy and also assured that they will take steps to achieve Leprosy free India. As part of pulse polio immunization programme on 19.01.2020, 45 B.Sc Nursing IV Year students actively participated in giving polio vaccine for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions. They also participated in mopping up activities on 20.01.2020 and 21.01.2020. More than 550 children were vaccinated.
As part of pulse Polio Immunization Programme on 19.01.2020, 45 B.Sc Nursing IV Year students actively participated in giving polio vaccine for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions. They also participated in mopping up activities on 20.01.2020 and 21.01.2020. More than 550 children were vaccinated.
NSS Students attended awareness session on Tuberculosis and Revised National Tuberculosis Control Programme on 05.09.19 by District Tuberculosis Unit Team, Coimbatore.
The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Organ Donation Day on 13th August 2019. NSS Volunteers participated in the Awareness Rally organized by Coimbatore Medical College. State Health Minister Dr.Vijay flagged off the Rally from Coimbatore Medical College Hospital to Collectorate Office. Around 120 NSS students (B.Sc Nursing I & II Year) of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme. PSG College of Nursing, NSS Unit along with Marketing Department PSG Hospitals observed Organ Donation awareness programme in Prozone Mall on 17.08.19, 30 NSS Volunteers (B.Sc (N) I Year) participated in the session. Nearly 500 public were benefitted.
The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Population Day on 11th July 2019. NSS Volunteers participated in the Awareness Rally organized by the Department of Family Welfare, Coimbatore. District Collector Thiru. K.Rajamani.,I.A.S flagged off the Rally from Collectorate campus to DDHS Office, Coimbatore. Around 75 NSS students of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme followed by which they took Population Day oath and also attended seminar in Government Arts College,Coimbatore. The speakers in the seminar stressed on maternity schemes, family planning methods, role of youth in control of population.15 B.Sc Nursing II Year students performed mime show stressing on ill effects of population explosion .The students role play was highly appreciated.
World Environment Day is the “People’s Day” being observed every year on June 5th for encouraging worldwide awareness and action to protect our environment. There is a paramount need to protect the environment at the moment. World Environment Day is organized around a theme “Air pollution” that draws attention to environmental concern. PSG College of Nursing organized World Environment Day awareness programme on 05.06.19 in Fun Republic Mall between 4:00pm -5:00 pm. The programme highlighted on importance of the environmental challenges it faces, ill-effects and measures to protect our environment.25 B.Sc Nursing IV Year students actively participated in creating awareness through flash mob and mime show. At the end of the programme, plant saplings were given to the public to create an Eco Friendly environment. Nearly 500 public were benefitted and they gave a positive feedback.
National Dengue Day is observed in India on May 16 with the recommendation of Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India to create awareness about dengue and to intensify preventive measures and preparedness for the control of disease in the country before transmission season starts. In regard to this B.Sc Nursing II Year students underwent training on identification of mosquito larvae from Mrs.Esther, Chief Entomologist, DDHS Office, Race Course on 03.05.19.Following which the students did larval survey in Gandhinagar under the guidance of Chief Entomologist. Nearly 70 houses were surveyed for mosquito larva among which 19 houses were identified positive with presence of mosquito larva .Health education was given to each house on sources of mosquito breeding, signs and symptoms of malaria and dengue fever. Mass awareness programme was organized on 09.05.2019 in 24-Veerapandi on vector borne diseases by 20 B.Sc Nursing II Year students through villupattu and role play. Nearly 50 public were benefitted by this programme and the people expressed a positive feedback.
Health camp was organized by the Department of Community Health Nursing at Karadivavi Health Centre on 25.04.19.Nearly 26 people were screened for obesity, DM, HT and Anemia. Among them 10 members were obese, 13 were identified as hypertension, 15 were hyperglycemic and 20 were anemic. Health education and diet councelling were given. The identified members were referred to medical officer for further treatment and education was given on follow up care.
A Mass awareness programme was organized by the Community Health Nursing Department at No.4 Veerapandi Government High School on 15.02.2019. B.Sc Nursing IV Year 24 students and B.Sc Nursing II Year 20 students created awareness through villupattu, puppet show, yoga and role play. The programme mainly covered importance of healthy diet, exercises, healthy habits, mental health and hand washing .Nearly 60 school children were benefitted by this programme and the school children expressed a positive feedback. Our student’s performance was greatly appreciated by the head mistress and teachers of the school.
The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing is observing Road Safety Awareness Week 2019 from 07.01.19 to 10.01.19. Mr.Kodi Selvam, Assistant Commissioner of Police (Traffic) flagged off the event on 07.01.19.Followed by, the PSG College of Nursing students imparted awareness on safety among road users, covering accident-prone zones in 5 traffic junctions (ESSO Bunk, PSG Tech, Fun mall, Hope College, CMC) at Avinashi road in Coimbatore till 10.01.19, between the peak hours of 9 am to 12 Noon. As part of awareness programme,the students held placards asking drivers to restrain from over speeding ,jumping traffic lines or rash driving at signals. Sweets were distributed to the bikers who wore helmets and car drivers who had fastened seat belts.
I Year | On blood circulation |
II Year | On prevention of tuberculosis |
III Year | On CABG surgery |
IV Year | HIV disease progression |
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