

Events Held – 2024

Indian Experience 2024 (07.01.2024 to 27.01.2024 January,2024)
International student exchange program Indian Experience 2024 with Institutions of Hesav and La Source, Lausanne, Switzerland scheduled from 07.01.2024 to 27.01.2024 with the theme of “Cultural Heritage – A Driving Force for Sustainable Development Goals”. Eight students, one faculty from La Source, Seven students, two faculty from Hesav University, Switzerland and eleven students and two faculty coordinator from PSG College of Nursing participated. The faculty and students from Switzerland were received on 7th of January 2024. The program started on 8th January 2024. The welcome and orientation program were done on 8th January 2024. Various lecture sessions and panel discussion were organized based on the theme and dealt by the experts on 8th. 9th and 10th Jan 2024. Students visited various organizations like Indian Ayurvedic Hospital, Nishantham Senior Citizen Home, PSG Rural Health and Training Centre, Vedapatti, Anaikatti and Urban Health Center, Peelamedu. Students had the opportunity to gain insight and appreciate the facilities provided by PSG Hospitals by visiting the simulation lab, Herbal Garden, Water sewage treatment system, PSG Kamadenu Milk Bank and PSG Institute of Oncology. They also had clinical postings in the area of Medical Surgical Nursing, Child Health Nursing, OBG Nursing and Community Health Nursing. The students were assigned to patients to collect history, perform physical examinations, provide nursing care and present them as case presentations. Traditional welcome for the Swiss students had been organized by the Students Nurses Association of India of PSG CON to appreciate the Indian Culture. Swiss students and faculty enjoyed the art and festival of South India, the Pongal celebration at PSG CON. Students visited and witnessed historical places and religious monuments like Perur temple & Isha Yoga Centre and had a weekend trip to Kerala for 2 days. The Managing trustee hosted a Special Dinner for Switzerland students and faculty; as well as they had special lunch at PSG Mess. They participated in the 30th lamp lighting ceremony, 23rd Intercollegiate Nursing Quiz Competition at PSG CON. Students had an exchange of cuisine on 25th of January 2024. The Director Ms. Carole Wyser, visited PSG CON from 22nd to 26th January 2024. The program got completed with the valediction and distribution of certificates. Feedback was obtained from the students. The Faculty and Students checked out from Jade Residency on 27th January 2024.
First Aid awareness program (30.01.2024 January,2024)
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing conducted First Aid awareness program in PSG High school, Vedapatti on 30.01.2024. 16 first year B.Sc. Nursing students participated and demonstrated basic bandages, CPR and lift carry techniques also explained about bites, stings, seizure management. Around 90 students from 8th and 9th grade were benefited out of the program.
Zenith-2024 (24.01.2024 January,2024)
Zenith-2024, 23rd Inter Collegiate Nursing Quiz Competition was conducted on 24th January 2024. Totally 33 colleges and 57 teams from Pondicherry and Tamil Nadu participated in the quiz programme. Preliminary written exam was conducted and best 5 teams were selected for main Quiz. The Subjects included were Nursing Foundations, Medical Surgical Nursing, Communication & Educational Technology and General Knowledge. Prof.Sofiya Princess Hema, Prof.Dr.Nirmala, Prof.Dr.Leena and Mrs.Rajeswari.P.M were the Quiz Mistresses. The Juries of the programme were Dr. Murugesan PR, Professor, PSG Hospitals and Prof. R. Manimozhi Principal, Hindusthan College of Nursing, Coimbatore. Program Coordinator, Prof. Sofiya Princess Hema.S, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing Department, welcomed the gathering. Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudlaa, Principal, PSG College of Nursing declared the quiz open, Dr. Murugesan PR, Professor, Department of Cardiothoracic & Vascular Surgery, PSG Super Specialty Hospitals, Coimbatore was the Guest of Honor & Dr. Carole Wyser, Managing Director, Haute Ecole de Saute du Canton de Vaud (HESAV) University of Applied Science and Arts Lausanne, Switzerland was the Chief Guest. Dr. Nirmala HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, gave Zenith update. First Prize was bagged by PSG College of Nursing, II prize by CMCH College of Nursing, Vellore and III prize by Government Mohan Kumaramangalam College of Nursing, Salem.
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (22.01.2024 to 27.01.2024 January,2024)
Department of Community Health Nursing observed Cervical Cancer Prevention Week from 22.01.2024 to 27.01.2024. The theme for the year 2024 is “Learn, Prevent, Screen”. Based on the theme 3S drive activities (SHARE, SCREEN, SUPPORT) were planned. • Awareness regarding cervical cancer given through PSG Community FM, Poster exhibition in Rural Health and training Centre, Vedapatti and House to House awareness in Vedapatti area for women. • Importance of HPV Vaccination was educated to School children studying 8th and 9th Standard of Nagini Vidyalaya Matricultaion School, Kalikkanaickenpalayam, around 70 children were benefitted. • Around 20 women were motivated to do Pap smear screening test, among them screening was done for 5 women in Peelamedu urban area.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony(12.01.2024 January,2024)
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the 30th Batch of B.Sc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing was held on 12th January 2024 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. Prof.Sofiya Princess Hema, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing Department welcomed the dignitaries and gathering. The dignitaries on the dais lit the lamp and passed over to Faculty, Deputy & Asst. Nursing Superintendents, PSG Hospitals who in turn passed it to 100 students of I year B.Sc Nursing. Prof Dr. A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing lead the students in taking Nurses Pledge. The Chief Guest Prof. Dr.Lizzie Raveendran, Principal, Gem Institute of Nursing Education and Research Coimbatore applauded the students for choosing the Nursing profession and emphasized the importance of commitment in the profession. Prof.Dr.Severine Vuilleumier, Nursing School of La Source, University of Applied Sciences and Arts, Switzerland as Guest of Honor congratulated and motivated the students to be Honest, Confident, Optimistic and Exhibit tender loving care. Prof.Meera Saravanan, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing proposed vote of thanks.

Events Held – 2023

International Disability Day (01.12.2023 December,2023)
PSG College of Nursing along with PMR Department observed International Disability Day on 01.12.2023 by organizing Role Play, awareness activities for general public by displaying posters, distributing pamphlets on various Central Government schemes to the persons with disability. 32 disabled persons participated and involved in fun games and secured prizes.
Department of OBG Nursing organized BPNI’S Certificate course on “Breast feeding and infant and young child feeding counsellor” – The 4 in 1 training course on breast feeding and lactation support skills, complementary feeding, HIV and infant feeding, growth monitoring specially designed for children under 2 year from 30.10.2023 to 05.11.2023 . The course began with the formal inaugural function on 30.10.2023 at 9.30 am with welcome address by Prof. Dr.A.Jayasudha principal PSG College of Nursing .The Chief Guest of the occasion was Dr.Chitra.T.V Professor and Unit Head, Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecology and Guest of Honor Dr.Jeyavardhana Professor HOD Department of Pediatrics of PSG IMSR Hospitals. 25 delegates across India participated in this training course. Dr.Manjubala Dash Professor and HOD of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing of Mother Theresa Post Graduate and Research Institute of Health Sciences was the Course Director. BPNI’s National trainers were Dr. Shilpa Terance, Maternal Child Health Specialist Coimbatore, Prof. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing Coimbatore and Priya.V Professor PSG College of Nursing. At the end of the course 25 delegates were presented with the certificates .Feedback was obtained from the delegates. They expressed that this course opened new dimensions in breastfeeding and empowered them with knowledge and skills needed to promote protect and support breastfeeding.
FOUNDATION DAY 2023 (07.11.2023 November,2023)
PSG College of Nursing celebrated Foundation Day on 7th November 2023 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. Prof. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Shri. L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG & SONS’ Charities presided over the function. The alumni Dr.S.Valliammal, RN RM Ph.D (N), (B.Sc (N) 1995 – 1999) Lecturer, College of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bengaluru, Dr.Sivabalan. T, RN RM Ph.D (N),PDF, FAIMER Fellow., (B.Sc (N) 1996 – 2000) Principal, Bhonsala Institute of Nursing, Nasik and Dr.Jamuna Rani.R, RN RM Ph.D (N), (B.Sc (N) 1997 – 2001), Associate Professor, AIIMS Kalyani, West Bengal were honored with “Distinguished Alumni Award 2023”. The awardees thanked PSG College of Nursing for recognizing them and expressed that they are proud to be an alumni of this prestigious Institution. The Chief Guest Dr. Sudha Seshayyan, M.S., PGDP., Former Vice Chancellor, The Tamil Nadu Dr.MGR Medical University addressed the efforts of PSG College of Nursing throughout its Journey. The ceremony closed with Vote of thanks proposed by Mrs. Maheshwari.T, Associate Professor, President, Alumni Association. Dr. Raja sudhakar 1995 batch best outgoing Graduate contributed Rs.5 Lakhs in the name of “Swathy Thirunal” for awarding Best Outgoing Graduate as endowment to inspire nursing graduates of PSG College of Nursing.
National Newborn Week – 2023 (15.11.2023 to 21.11.2023 November,2023)
DDepartment of Pediatric Nursing celebrated National Newborn Week 2023 from November 15th to November 21st, 2023 by conducting various programmes regarding Newborn care based on this year theme “Safety, Quality and Nurturing care- Birth Right of Every Newborn”. Day 1: The programme was started with the celebration of children’s day. Games were conducted for various age group of children. Approximately 30 children participated and enjoyed themselves The Health awareness talk was given by Dr. Arthi.P and Dr. ShashiRanjani followed by a enthusiastic speech about children’s day by our students Ms. Yogalakshmi.V and Ms. Yazhini.K.J (B.Sc.Nursing III year students).This eventful day came to an end with sweet and prize distribution to the children. Day 2: World lmmunization Day was observed by Pediatric Nursing Department and B.Sc.Nursing III year 2020 batch students on 15.11.23. Around 75 OPD parents and 35 IP parents participated in various activities organized in Pediatric wards and OPDs. The activities are as follows: • RUN TOWARDS YOUR IMMUNE: By using spin wheel, parents are asked to identify the disease conditions prevented by the vaccines. This activity ensured their knowledge about vaccines and the preventable diseases. • GOLDEN DOOR VACCINE: Health education was given to parents in the wards and OPDs regarding Vaccination Schedule, preventable diseases and side effects. • STICK YOUR BOOSTER: According to the age of the child, parents are asked to collect the relevant Vaccine-named boards which is provided in a table and stick them on the flannel board accordingly. This helped the participants to acknowledge the appropriate Vaccines for child’s age. • QR GADGETY: After participating in above events the parents are given with the take home card with a QR code which can be scanned through mobile, this indicates, 1. Definition of immunization 2. Importance of immunization 3. Side effects of Vaccination 4. Immunization schedule 5. Post Vaccination tips for parents! Day 3: B.Sc.Nursing III year students depicted the concept of Do’s and Don’ts of newborn care through a mime act at the B block entrance on November 16th, 2023. Around 125 people witnessed. The show helped to allay people’s concerns about traditional practices that they had been following and created awareness about the right care to be adhered to. Additionally, Faculty, Department of Paediatric Nursing also addressed the public’s queries and apprehensions. The public acknowledged that they learned new information on Care of Newborn’s. Overall, the show spellbounds the audience with the fabulous acts of the students. Day: 4 World Pneumonia Day was observed on 17.11.23 by activities such as infographics, poster presentation, stage craft and Think N Wink game at Pediatric MedicalOPD and Pediatric Medical Ward. B.Sc.Nursing III year students were involved actively.110 people were benefited the parents expressed that the event was not only informative but also provided great opportunities to learn about the pneumonia in detail. Day:5: A quiz contest was conducted on Newborn care on 20.11.23 for the mothers in Pediatric Medical Ward. They expressed that the quiz was informative. The group scored highest score were rewarded with prizes and sweets were provided for other participants. A debate titled “குழந்தை வளர்ப்பில் மிக சிறந்தவர்கள் 80’s பெற்றோர்களே Vs 2k பெற்றோர்களே” on 20.11.2023. Both the teams were confronting their points and making the teams strong with their respective lineups. The debate was captivating, hilarious and a fire on fire. The Judge concluded with examples that each and every parent is greatest in raising their children. Day: 6: Newborn Care Expo was organized the B-block entrance on 21.11.2023 between 10 am & 4 pm. Various stations as per Essential Newborn Care were arranged. The stations are as follows: 1. Thermal care 2. Breastfeeding 3. Infection prevention 4. Immunization 5. Guidance & Counselling 6. Evaluation & Feedback Around 625 people (Public, Doctors, Staff Nurses, Nursing Students, Faculty, Medical Students, Allied Health Students and Hospital Staffs from various departments) visited the Expo. The public expressed that all the stations were informative, gained knowledge; stations were very creative and excellent work by the students. Each and every one who witnessed had given 5 stars as feedback.
World COPD Day (15.11.2023 November,2023)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed World COPD Day on 15.11.2023. Poster and slogan writing competition were held at the entrance of B Block. II year B.Sc. (N) Students participated enthusiastically. Dr. Jayakumar Rajagopal and Dr. Sudhashakar inaugurated the events, evaluated and announced the cash prizes. Dr. J S Bhavaneswaran MS, Director, PSG Hospitals has distributed the prizes to the winners. Health education was given to patients in Out Patient and In Patient unit of Respiratory Medicine about breathing exercise, i.e. ,importance of exercise in sustaining work of breathing and steps of exercises and its health outcome. The patient and relatives in the ward gave positive feedback and expressed that it was a resourceful information
World Diabetes Day (14.11.2023 November,2023)
World Diabetes Day was observed by Medical Surgical Nursing department on 14.11.2023. To raise the awareness among the rural community population about Diabetes Mellitus Screening was done for 20 families in Vedapatti and educated on prevention and life style practice of diabetes mellitus. Guest Lecture was organized for II year B. Sc Nursing students on 14.11.2023 titled “Basics in Insulin Therapy” by Dr. T. Thiyagarajan, Consultant, Department of Endocrinology, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals. Session highlighted about the raising trend of diabetes mellitus, global scenario, Insulin therapy, Therapeutic effects and precautions.
World Stroke Day(30.10.2023 October,2023)
World stroke Day was observed on 30.10.2023. Students provided chest badges to stroke survivors, caregivers and students with the theme “Together we are #Greater than stroke” , they enacted puppet show on risk factors, prevention and homecare management of stroke. They also conducted games and quiz for caregivers & students to enrich their knowledge on care of stroke patients.
World Trauma day (17.10.2023 October,2023)
World trauma day was observed on 17.10.2023 underlying the theme of Embracing Resilience, Overcoming Trauma’s Impact through Sensitization Program at B block Entrance.
International Infection Prevention Week (16.10.23 to 20.10.23 October,2023)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed International Infection Prevention Week from 16.10.23 to 20.10.23. Various events such as hand hygiene awareness among multidisciplinary members, core IP components were taught to class IV workers, Biomedical waste segregation simulation, competitions such as Snap & Win, Haute Couture (fashion parade for students and staffs) and awareness on antimicrobial resistance, Guest lecture was taken by Dr. Lavanya, Assistant Professor, Department of Microbiology, PSG IMSR.
World Arthritis Day (12.10.2023 October,2023)
World Arthritis Day 2023 was observed on 12.10.2023 with the theme understanding arthritis: Early diagnosis, Better Lives. Around 28 Women with symptoms of arthritis were screened and referred to Vedapatti rural and urban health centre. Radio FM Talk highlighting on causes, signs, symptoms, prevention and management of arthritis was telecasted in PSG Community FM on 12.10.2023.Exercise Program and Nukkad Nattak focusing on the disease condition were performed in Kulathupalayam village.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (01.10.2023 – 31.10.2023 October,2023)
OBG Nursing Department in collaboration with Dept of Oncology PSGSSH and Coimbatore Cancer Foundation organized Breast Cancer Awareness Month from Oct 1 – Oct 31. First week BUILD A TREE WITH HOPE – Pink tree campaign at PSG Hospital on 6.10.2023 by Nursing faculty, Nursing students under the patronage of Prof. Dr. A Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 50 participants tied the ribbon to spread the awareness about the important of breast cancer screening. Second week CHECK AND CARE – Screening Programme conducted at Chennai silks, Gandhipuram on 13.10.2023. The participants were screened for breast cancer and also sensitized them regarding breast cancer screening & breast self examination. Around 150 women benefited through this event. Third week ARTISTIC VISION – Short Film competition conducted on 20.10.2023 with the concept of breast cancer awareness for B.Sc Nursing students. Students participated enthusiastically & created awareness regarding breast cancer. Fourth week MIRACLES OF STRENGTH – Breast cancer survivors shared their experience. Dr. Madhulika, Radio oncologist insisted how their attitude helps to cope with disease related problems and to respond better to the treatment.
World Heart Day (29.09.2023 September,2023)
PSG College of Nursing, Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized ‘World Heart Day on 29th September 2023 with the theme “Use Heart for Humanity”. An exhibition was inaugurated by Dr.Murugesan,MBBS, MS, DNB, MCh,DNB and Dr.Anandha Narayanan, MBBS, MS,MCh, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. Working models, charts and illustrations demonstrated by students brought out normal and abnormal function of the heart, causes and management of cardiovascular diseases. Students enacted the Role play about prevention, management of cardiovascular diseases such as lifestyle, dietary pattern, stress management and exercise to the public. In addition they demonstrated the basic cardiac life support to revert cardiac arrest. Peelamedu Manauvazhakalai Mandram suppored to organize the laughter therapy session for the faculty and staffs to maintain the healthy heart. The faculty and students organized themselves as a model of heart to mark this event.
PSG Heartathon 2023 (24.09.2023 September,2023)
PSG Hospitals & PEARL clinic organized PSG Heartathon 2023 for women on 24th September 2023. Five faculty, 2 staffs and 41 students from College of Nursing participated in this event. This event was organized to increase the awareness on prevention of cardiovascular disease among the public.
World Alzheimer’s Day (21.09.2023 September,2023)
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing observed World Alzheimer’s Day on 21st September, 2023 with the theme of “Never too early, Never too late”. In this regard, the article was written and published in Kovai Mail on the theme.
World Suicide Prevention Day (07.09.2023 September, 2023)
Department of Mental Health Nursing along with Counselling Department of PSG Hospitals observed World Suicide Prevention Day on 07.09.2023 in the theme “Creating Hope Through Action”. In this regard, Role play was done by 10 students of 3rd Year B.Sc Nursing at “A” Block, PSG Hospital (Reception area and Gastro OPD).Patients and caregivers expressed that they got benefited. The roleplay video was displayed on digital standee at PSG Hospitals reception on 10.09.2023 and uploaded at PSG CON YouTube channel.
National Nutrition Week (01.09.2023 & 07.09.2023 September,2023)
Day – 1 (1.9.23): Poster Exhibition Nursing 1st yr students exhibited posters related to balanced diet, eat well plate and life style modifications in front of B – block, PSG Hospitals. Totally 95 Public had attended and got benefitted. Also few Games were conducted related to healthy and unhealthy food choices with various food items. Around 30 – 50 participants came forward to participate in the games & the winners were provided with prizes. Participants gave the feedback as very informative and gained knowledge. Day – 2 (2.9.23): Alumni Guest Lecture Nutritional Problems: Ways to Combat” by Ms. A. Kabilesha, Staff Nurse, Ministry of Health, Saudi Arabia on 2nd September, 2023 (1st Year). Day – 3 (4.9.23) Nutrition Practicals – 1 Students were divided into 10 groups and prepared different dishes of therapeutic diet. The lab was decorated with beautiful charts related to nutrition and dietetics. After the preparation, Principal and Faculties shared their suggestions. The students learned about various cooking methods and nutrients of foods they prepared. Day – 4 (5.9.23) Nutrition Practicals – 2 Students were divided into 10 groups. Out of which 6 groups prepared different dishes according to different types of therapeutic diet. The remaining 4 groups exhibited charts & posters related to benefits of different food products. After the preparation, Principal mam and Faculties shared their feedback. The students learned about various cooking methods and nutrients of foods they prepared. Teacher’s day was celebrated by B.Sc (N) 1st yr students along with Flameless cooking and games were conducted among faculty. Finally it ended with the cake cutting. Day – 5 (6.9.23) Guest Lecture (Plenary Session) Students attended lecture on impulsive eating, by Mrs. Divya, Senior Dietitian, M. Sc,RD, PSG Hospitals. She explained about the ill effects and control measures. The session was interactive and students were able to understand importance of eating a balanced diet. Day – 6 (7.9.23) School Health Program B.Sc Nursing 1st year students conducted Villupattu, Flash Mob,Puppet Show on balanced diet and screening of BMI among 8th and 9th students of PSG High School Vedapatti based on Balanced Diet . Around 110 students was benefitted. Day – 7 (8.9.23): Final Report Presentation Students Presented Daywise Report of National Nutrition Week and exhibited posters which they prepared for the whole week. Students expressed their Feedback, Principal Dr.A.Jayasudha, Mrs.Kavitha HOD Dietary Department and few faculty expressed the feedback about nutrition week celebration. Distributed the prizes of Flameless cooking competition to the winners and participants.
World breastfeeding week (01.08.2023 to 07.08.2023 August,2023)
The World breastfeeding week was celebrated from 01.08.2023 to 07.08.2023. The theme of 2023 is “Enabling Breastfeeding-Making Difference for Working Parents”. The aim of the celebration is to ensure a supportive breastfeeding environment for all working mothers at workplace to protect, promote and support breastfeeding across different levels of society. 01.08.2023 – The Breastfeeding week 2023 celebration commenced with unveiling the theme by Prof. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore. The event featured two engaging activities – a poster presentation with the theme of “Enabling Breastfeeding: Making a Difference for Working Parents” and a signature campaign, focusing on “I Decide about Feeding My Baby.” A total of 15 captivating posters were displayed. On the same day, a signature campaign witnessed overwhelming participation from 60 mothers. Participants expressed their commitment to breastfeed and pledged to advocate for breastfeeding-friendly policies in workplaces. 02.08.2023 – “Lactation Kickstart Fiesta” an interactive counselling session was arranged for the antenatal and postnatal mothers at OG OPD, PSG Hospitals. Around 70 mothers were participated. The participants were empowered and felt confident in their ability to breastfeed for their infants. 03.08.2023 – “Empowering Working Parents” workplace conversation has been conducted at “Pothys Textiles Town hall” to enable breastfeeding support for its employees. The event aimed to create a breastfeeding-friendly environment at the workplace and raise awareness about breastfeed. A significant number of employees (60 No’s) attended the conversation and benefited from the valuable insights shared during the session. 04.08.2023 & 05.08.2023 – “The excellence expedition” Value Added Course conduced on “Lactation Management” for final year BSc Nursing students. The course aimed to equip the students with in-depth knowledge and practical skills to support lactating mothers effectively. Over the two-day course, 95 students participated in various interactive sessions. The sessions were conducted by experienced lactation consultants and expert faculty members, who shared evidence-based practices and insights on lactation management. The students expressed their gratitude for the informative and engaging sessions, which have enhanced their confidence in supporting breastfeeding mothers effectively in their future nursing careers. 07.08.2023 -“Technology Hackathon” To mark the end of programme, An Awareness Talk on “Expression and Storage of Breast milk” was uploaded in PSG SHASHTHI – You Tube Channel to create awareness, to continue breastfeed while working.
National Conference: Artificial Intelligence: Leading Changes in Global Mental Health (21.08.2023 August,2023)
The Mental Health Nursing Department has organized the National Conference Artificial Intelligence: Leading Changes in Global Mental Health on 21.08.2023 at PSG Health Campus Auditorium. The delegates (712) were Nurses, Nurse Educators, Nurse Administrators of Hospitals, UG, PG students and PhD Scholars. Among 712 delegates, 279 were registered nurses, 2 were physicians, and 431 were student nurses from India and abroad who had benefited from the conference. Mrs. J. Littreshia Balin, Associate Professor, Texcity College of Nursing was appointed as an observer by TNNMC, 6 credit hours were awarded by the council for the conference. The program began with a pre-test conducted in Google Forms. The resource team and their topics include Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing Unveiled the theme and addressed the gathering. Prof.Dr. M. Baskaran, Department of Mental Health Nursing, PSG College of Nursing dealt on an Overview of Artificial Intelligence and Assessment of Global Mental Health, Dr. Shilpa Terence, Child and Teen Guidance Specialist, Coimbatore, on Artificial Intelligence in Adolescent Mental Health Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Professor cum Principal, AIIMS College of Nursing, New Delhi, on AI in Women’s Mental Health Dr. Ramamoorthy, Nursing Officer, JIPMER, Puducherry, on AI in Geriatric Mental Health Dr. G. Raghuthaman, Professor and HOD, PSGIMSR, Coimbatore, on AI in psychiatric illness Mrs. G. Nirmala, Lecturer, College of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Bahrain, on Challenges Faced by Mental Health Nurses. Dr. Vidhyapriya, Professor and Head, Biomedical Engineering Department, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore, was the Chief Guest of the valedictory function. TNNMC Observer Mrs.J.Littreshia Balin, Associate Professor, Texcity College of Nursing, gave feedback applauding the planning and conduct of the conference and appreciated the theme chosen for the conference. The program ended with a post-test in Google Forms. The participation certificates were distributed. One of the delegate’s comments during the feedback stated that the sessions were overwhelming. Mrs. Maheshwari T., Assoc. Professor and Joint Secretary of the Conference, proposed a vote of thanks.
World Hepatitis Day (28.07.2023 July,2023)
The Department of Fundamentals of Nursing observed the World Hepatitis Day on 28.07.2023 in the theme of “We Are Not Waiting”. Health awareness campaign was conducted in Gastro ward and Patient waiting area; Around 30 members attended and clarified doubts regarding vaccine. Mrs. Rathi, CNS, PSG Hospitals presented a “Sensitization Program on hepatitis” for 2nd year B.Sc Nursing Students.
World population day (11.07.2023 & 13.07.2023 July,2023)
World population day was celebrated on 11th & 13th July 2023 by YRC & NSS Unit. They planned events such as rally and health talk along with DDHS, Coimbatore. Chief Guest for the programme was Thiru. KRANTHI KUMAR PATI I.A.S., District Collector, Coimbatore. Rally started from DDHS Office to CSI Matriculation School, Race Course, and Coimbatore. 30 volunteers participated and created awareness regarding Family Planning methods and its importance.
Intramural Sports Meet 2022-23 (14.07.2023 July,2023)
PSG ZEST “INTRAMURAL SPORTS MEET 2022- 23” was conducted on Friday 14th July, 2023 at the ground of PSG Health Sciences Institutions. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing presided over the function. Prof. Sofiya Princess Hema, Sports Coordinator welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest Dr. Srividhya, Director, PSG IM, Guest of Honour Mrs. Usha Kaliyaperumal, 1st batch of alumnus (1994 batch), Care Co-coordinator, Ontario, Toronto, Canada hoisted the National Flag and Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal College of Nursing, hoisted the College Flag followed by March Past. Chief Guest lighted the torch and handed over to the torch bearers. Oath taking was administered to the students. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing delivered the presidential address. Annual report was read by Mr. Kirubakaran. R., Student Sports Secretary. Guest of Honour Mrs. Usha Kaliyaperumal, congratulated all the students for their active participation and cherished her memories in PSG. The Chief Guest Dr. Srividhya, Director, PSG IM, in her speech she emphasized the importance of physical activity to the students and listed the benefits of participating in sports such as developing self confidence, motivation, sportsmanship and team spirit. Human Pyramids was depicted by boys. Group events, track and field events were conducted for the students. The individual championship for male was bagged by Mr. Aheelash. S of III Year B.Sc. Nursing and female was bagged by Ms. Gayathri. U of III Year B.Sc. Nursing. The overall trophy was bagged by the house “WHITE WOLVERANS”. Prizes were distributed for the winners by the Chief Guest, Principal, Guest of Honour, Vice Principal, Mr. Palaniswamy, Physical Director, Senior faculty of our college. Ms.S. Jesika Mary, Sports Co-coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.
International Yoga Day (21.06.2023 June,2023)
PSG College of Nursing NSS Unit observed International Yoga Day on 21.06.2023. The theme for this year was “Yoga for the Welfare of All as One World-One Family”. Yoga combining the mental activities with physical movement can boost our mood, increase our mindfulness, and improve self-compassion. Activity is planned for faculty “Y-Break at College”. Y-Break consists of Asanas, Pranayam and Dhyana. Mrs.Devilakshmi.R, Sky Yoga Professor, demonstrated simple Asana and Yoga and made everyone to practice. Faculties were enthusiastically participated and get benefited. NSS volunteers have taken Yoga Pledge and participated in IDY e-quiz competition.
World Blood Donor Day (14.06.2023 May,2023)
The Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed the World Blood Donor Day on 14.06.2023 in the theme of “GIVE BLOOD, GIVE PLASMA, SAFE LIFE, SAFE OFTEN”. In this regard, slogan competition and health talk on blood donation was conducted. All the participants of the competition received a Blood donation awareness wrist bands. Around 20 B.Sc. Nursing students from all batches participated enthusiastically in the competition. Dr. K. Umaa M.Pharm., Ph.D., Professor and HOD, Pharmaceutical Chemistry, PSG College of Pharmacy, Chief Guest of the programme highlighted the importance of blood donation, and she evaluated the competition and announced the results. Ms. Maria Sunny, Ms. V. Meena, and Ms. J. Delicia first, second and third prize respectively bagged by the B.Sc (N) Second year students.
World Environment Day (05.06.2023 May,2023)
World Environment Day is celebrated on 05.06.2023 globally to spread the significance of Ecosystem Restoration. The theme for this year is “Beat Plastic Pollution”. Our reckless plastic use and consumption has driven the world to generate approximately 400 million tones of plastic waste each year. In this regard PSG COLLEGE OF NURSING NSS Unit conducted Awareness campaign. Events were planned such as lake cleaning up in Perur, 20 saplings have been planted and the photo contest was conducted for B.Sc (N) Students based on the theme. Students actively and eagerly participated in the Photo contest and procured Ms.Sayandhana (I year N) Mr.Hrithul (IInd year B.Sc N) Mr.Balaji ( I year N) 1st, 2nd and 3rd places.
National Webinar on Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health- Exploring the Synergy (13.06.2023 May,2023)
Mental Health Nursing department organized National Webinar Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health- Exploring the Synergy 13th June 2023 at 10 am through zoom platform in ZOOM platform and it was telecasted via Live You Tube. There are 333 delegates have registered from all over India and 2 delegates from Oman. The webinar started with the introduction by Prof. Dr. M. Baskaran. The topics are Digital therapeutics in Mental Health by Mrs. G. Nirmala, College of Health and Sport Sciences, University of Bahrain. Another topic is Intersection of Artificial Intelligence and Mental Health; Challenges & Opportunity, this topic will be taken by Dr. S. Gopalakrishnan, Assistant Professor, Department of Biomedical Engineering, PSG College of Technology, Coimbatore. After the presentation, they clarified the doubts of the delegates. The session ended with vote of thanks. The delegates appreciated that the webinar was very informative, they learnt about the latest advancement of therapeutic techniques in Mental Health and they gained in depth knowledge on the issues with live examples. The overall feedback of the delegates was Excellent and Very Good. e–Certificates were posted after receiving the feedback. The feedback analysis was done, 66.4% participants had expressed the Webinar was Excellent and 33.6% had graded as Very Good.
Graduation Ceremony (12.06.2023 May,2023)
23rd Graduation Ceremony was held on 12.06.2023. Shri.L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee presided the ceremony. Thirumathi Mythili.K.Rajendran, Commissioner of Indian Medicine and Homeopathy, Government of Tamil Nadu and Prof. Saramma Samuel, Secretary, RVS Educational Trust, Coimbatore were the Chief Guest and Guest of Honor respectively. 86 graduates and 14 post-graduates received their Degree of Honour. Subject toppers, class toppers and special award winners were honoured with prizes and medals. Mr. K. Gokulakrishnan of 2018 Batch received the Best Outgoing Graduate Award. College magazine “Reminisce 2023: Mystic Memory” was released during the ceremony. The usherers were from 2019 batch. All Heads of PSG Institutions, Staffs from Administrative Office, Nursing Service, Parents, Students of 2020, 2021 and 2022 batch witnessed the Graduation Ceremony.
World Hypertension Day (17.05.2023 May,2023)
Fundamentals of Nursing observed World Hypertension Day on 17th May 2023. I year B.Sc Nursing 15 students were involved in creating awareness to prevent and manage the hypertension and educated about DASH diet guidelines through expo in PSG Hospital, B-block entrance on 17.05.2023. Around 150 members from the public observed in this expo and were benefited. Finally 55 members were screened their blood pressure. Public gave positive feedback and clarified their doubts.
International Midwives Day (05.05.2023 May,2023)
Department of OBG Nursing celebrated International Midwives Day on the theme “Together again: from evidence to reality”. Dr. Karthikeyan, Professor, Pediatrician from Mahatma Gandhi Medical College and Research Institute, Puducherry gave an in-depth practical session to the Nurses and Nursing students on “Evidence based Practices in Newborn Care”.
World Asthma Day (02.05.2023 May,2023)
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing observed World Asthma Day on the theme “Asthma care for all” in Respiratory Medicine OPD and B block entrance on 02.05.2023. Distributed Asthma Info graphics Sheet to the public, a Role play was conducted on Asthma Care, Breathing Exercises was demonstrated by M.Sc Medical Surgical Nursing students and B.Sc Nursing IV year students. Public appreciated and clarified their doubts.
BPNI’s Training of Trainers and Certificate Course on Breastfeeding &Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselor(24.04.2023 ti 29.04.2023 & 01.05.2023 to 07.05.2023 April & May 2023)
Breast Feeding Promotion Network of India along with our college organized a Training of Trainers and Certificate Course on Breastfeeding and Infant and Young Child Feeding Counselor Course from 24th April -7th May. The Course was conducted in two phases under the guidance of Dr.Anita Gupta Course director BPNI. Phase –I was from 24 – 29th April during this phase the master trainer trained the six participants (Dr. A. Jayasudha, Dr. Karthikeyan K., Dr.Shilpa Terance, Dr. Nivethitha Sivanandam, Prof. V. Priya, Mrs. Anitha Mary Oyasis) for conduction the IYCF course and to become a National Trainer.Phase‐II was from 1- 7 May where the master trainees trained the participants of IYCF Counselor course for 7 days under the supervision of the course director.24 participants across India attended this course. The valedictory function was conducted on 6.5.23 at 3 pm in B Block Auditorium. The Chief Guest Dr.V.R.Ravikumar Rtd Professor Coimbatore Medical College and Dr.K.Banumathi Project Director PSG OHCMS – Guest of honor, Dr.Anita Gupta Course director BPNI and Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudha Principal PSG College of Nursing issued certificates to the 24 participants of IYCF Counselor course and National Trainer certificates to the TOT Participants. The participants expressed this course enabled them to understand the importance of breastfeeding ways to sustain optimal Infant and Young Child Feeding Practices.
World Health Day (06.04.2023 April,2023)
PSG College of Nursing organized Tamil oration In view of world health day 2023. Mr. Kaarthic Raja delivered a speech on the theme of “vaazhkaiyae vaazhathaanae”. The ways of adding days to meaningful living in a healthier manner was his content. It was interesting and thought provoking. Way of deliverance was humorous.
Autism Day (03.04.2023 April,2023)
The autism day is observed on 03.04.2023 with the theme “Transforming the narrative: Contributions at home, at work, in the arts and in policymaking.” The info graphic and awareness video is displayed in digital standee at A Block Hospital Reception. The patient and the care giver got benefitted.
World Bipolar Day (30.03.2023 March,2023)
World Bipolar day was observed on March 30, 2023. Department of Psychiatric Nursing organized simple breathing exercise, an activity for patients diagnosed with BPAD in PSG hospitals
World TB Day (21.03.2023 March,2023)
Department of Community Health Nursing observed world TB day on 21.03.2023. Students had participated in doodle art competition and taken TB free India oath at B Block auditorium PSG hospitals. Students actively involved in TB awareness at PSG Rural Health and Training Centre, Vedappatti and Onapalayam village.
World Kidney Day (09.03.2023 March,2023)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed the World kidney day on 09.03.2023 with the theme of “Kidney Health for All – Preparing for the unexpected, Supporting the Vulnerable”.
World Obesity Day (06.03.2023 March,2023)
Fundamentals of Nursing Department observed World Obesity Day on 06.03.2023 at PSG High School, Vedapatti on the theme “Changing perspectives: Let’s Talk about Obesity” Final year students enacted aRoleplay on ill effects ofJunk foods and early detection of child hood obesity by calculating BMI among150 school students.
National Science Day (01.03.2023 March,2023)
NSS Unit along with Science club, YRC & IIC organized Science Exhibition based on Theme: ‘Global Science for Global Wellbeing’ in PSG College of Nursing. Students prepared working models and posters. Totally 14 groups participated (7 Models and 7 Posters) were displayed. On 1st March 2023, Guest Lecture was scheduled. Dr.Sangeetha, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Technology addressed all 4 years of B.Sc Nursing students based on the theme. Students attended the session and got benefitted.
National Dewormimg Day (16.02.2023 February,2023)
Community Health Nursing Department along with Shanthi Ashram observed National Deworming Day on 16.02.2023. Awareness talk and deworming tablets were distributed to Geethanjali Matriculation and Public School, Codissia, Kasturba Gandhi and Gandhi Nutrandu School, Singanallur. Around 2000 school children were benefitted.
International Epilepsy Day (13.02.2023 February,2023)
International Epilepsy Day was observed on 13.02.2023 at PSG Rural Health and Training Centre, Vedapatti on the theme “Step up against Stigma”. Final year students enacted a role play on myths and facts of epilepsy and an awareness campaign was conducted by educating the public on cause, signs and symptoms, first aid and management of epilepsy.
World Leprosy Day (30.01.2023 January,2023)
Community Health Nursing Department observed World Leprosy Day on 30.01.2023 organized by DDHS, Coimbatore. The program started by taking oath signifying our active participation in early case identification, destigmatization and achieve Leprosy Free India followed by awareness Rally. B.Sc Nursing II Yr and IV Yr students participated.
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (23.01.2023 to 29.01.2023 January,2023)
Community Health Nursing Department observed Cervical Cancer Prevention Week from 23.01.2023 to 29.01.2023 with the theme “Ending Cervical Cancer within few generations”. The activities were planned based on three objectives. Get informed, Get screened and Get Vaccinated. Focusing on Get informed, Street play was done in Onapalayam village,Vedapatti Health Centre and Poochiyur PHC on 23.01.2023 and 24.01.2023.With regard to Get Screened HPV Kit test was done for women in Vedapatti village from 25.1.2023.As part of Get Vaccinated Puppet show was done in Poochiyur PHC on 27.01.2023 and Radio FMTalk was broadcasted in PSG Community FM on 2801.2023 between 9am and 8 pm.
Zenith (19.01.2023 January,2023)
PSG College of Nursing Conducted 22nd Zonal level Nursing Quiz Competition (ZENITH) on 19.01.2023 at Health Campus Auditorium.Thirty five Teams from 19 colleges had registered from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Pondicherry and Andhrapradesh. Preliminary written test was conducted for all the participants and top 5 scorers were qualified for the quiz programme. Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing declared the Preliminary Written Test Result and welcomed the gathering. Prof.Dr.Jaeny Kemp Vice President TNAI South Region was the Chief Guest and panel of jury, Ms.Madeleine Baumann Dean of International Affairs and Mr.Stepahane Cosandey Director La Source, Switzerland was the guests of honor. The panel of jury for OBG Nursing was Dr.Ramya.T Professor Department of Obstetrics PSG Hospital. Zenith Update was given by Prof.Priya.V,Programme co-coordinator and Ms.Poornima Mary HOD Department of Community Health nursing given vote of Thanks. The Rolling Trophy was won by the students of Government College of Nursing, Mohan Kumaramangalam Medical College Hospital Salem, College of Nursing Christian Medical College Vellore and St.Johns College of Nursing Bangalore secured second and third place respectively
Lamp Lighting Ceremony (13.01.2023 January,2023)
PSG College of Nursing conducted its 29th Lamp lighting ceremony at the Health Campus Auditorum on 13th January 2022.Prof.Dr.Sonia Das, Principal KG College of Nursing, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest and Mrs.Vinothan Umarani, Nurse Manager, National Kidney Foundation, Singapore was the Guest of Honour. The Programme started with Thamil Thaai Vaazhthu followed by PSG College Anthem. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Dignitaries lighted the Kuthuvilaku and the light was passed to the students by the faculty, Deputy Nursing and Assistant Nursing Superintendents. Dr.M.D.Anuratha, lead the students in taking pledge. They sang a song as a sign of dedicating themselves to the profession. Mrs. Sofiya Princess Hema, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing, PSG College of Nursing proposed vote of thanks

Events Held – 2022

World Disability Day (05.12.2022 December,2022)
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing observed world disability day based on the theme: “Transformative solutions for inclusive development: the role of innovation in fueling an accessible and equitable world” on 5thDecember, 2022 between 4pm-5pm at Seminar Hall, PSG CON. Dr.V.Ramamoorthy, HOD Physical and Medical Rehabilitation dealt with the topic’Rights of Disabled’ and conducted games for them. Dr. A Jayasudha, principal felicitated the winners.
World Pollution Control Day (02.12.2022 December,2022)
Fundamentals of Nursing along with NSS unit and PSG Urban Health Centre observed World Pollution Control Day on 2nd December 2022. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal presided the event. Mrs.Chithra Velliangiri 26thWard Councilor was the Chief Guest. 20 students participated. Street tidying up and 10 tree sapling were planted in an urban area, Sriram nagar, Peelamedu, Coimbatore.
National Newborn Week(15.11.2022 to 21.11.2022 October,2022)
Every year from 15th to 21st November, the country observes Newborn Week. The aim for celebrating the week is to raise awareness about the importance of the newborn care for child survival and development. Labour, birth and the immediate postnatal period are the most crucial time for newborn and maternal survival. 75% of newborn deaths can be prevented with effective health measures provided at birth and during the first week of life.To reinforce the importance of newborn health, as a key priority area of the health sector and to reiterate the commitment at the highest level, the week is celebrated. The Theme of 2022 is “Home Care of Newborn in Urban Area”. Under the stewardship of Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, the Department of Pediatric Nursing celebrated “National Newborn Week 2022” by conducting various programmes regarding newborn care based on the theme. Day 1: The programme was started with the celebration of children’s day. Games were conducted for children in various age groups at Pediatric wards, PSG Hospital. 30 children participated and enjoyed.The parents of the children were also present. The chief guest Dr. T.M.Subbarao, Principal, PSG IMSR gave a short speech on the occasion. Magic Show was conducted. The magician invited the children to participate while displaying magical tricks. Followed by Health talk on Child care was given by Dr. Thirumal., Gastroenterologist. Prizes were distributed to the children. Day 2: World Pneumonia day with the theme “Championing the fight against Pneumonia” was observed on 15.11.22 at Pediatric OPD. Various Posters were displayed to create awareness on causes, signs and symptoms and management of pneumonia. Around 150 public were benefitted and expressed that the education was very informative. Day 3: To sensitize general public about the importance of Immunization, a public awareness rally with the theme “Long life for all” was conducted on 16.11.22. The rally was flagged off at PSG Rural Health Center in Vedapatti, around 5 km area was covered. Day: 4 : Premature day was observed with the theme “Powerful Therapy: Skin to Skin Contact from Birth” on 17.11.22. Educated parents about homecare management of preterm baby. Kangaroo mother care was demonstrated and explained by PG students. Mothers clarified doubts and shared their views. Day:5 The “Newborn Care Expo” was organized at the B-block entrance on 18.11.22. Various aspects of Newborn care- stations as per Essential newborn care (ENBC) were arranged, including: 1.Thermoregulation 2.Breast feeding and Mom’s magic—Breast Milk Bank), 3. Immunization 4. Infection Prevention 5.Nurturing care 6.Self evaluation and signature campaign. A pamphlet titled “Home Care Newborns” was distributed to the public. The Expo was inaugurated at 10:30 a.m. Our respected Principal, Dr. A. Jayasudha, Dr.J.S Bhubaneswaren, MD, PSG Super Speciality Hospital; Dr. P.R.Rajkumar, MD, PSG Hospitals; Dr.A Jayavarthana, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics; Dr.S Ramesh, HOD, NICU; Dr.N.T Rajesh, HOD, PICU; other Pediatricians and our faculty were present. The Expo was conducted from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Around 450 members of the public benefitted. They clarified their doubts and showed enthusiasm. IP patients and their attendees also visited the expo and benefitted. All the parents and relatives gave feedback that they had learned and gained new knowledge regarding the care of newborns. They added that the exhibition was useful, interest and creative; it created a remarkable impact among them and expressed their desire to conduct many such programmes in future. Day :6 A quiz competition for mothers of newborn to assess their knowledge about the care of newborns has organized on 21.11.22. It was a very informative and knowledge-enriching competition for the participants. The programme was conducted in five rounds of questions and answers and at the end of the contest, winners were awarded as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The “vid snippet” was displayed in hospital premises from 15th to 21st November (29.10.2022 October,2022)
Every year from 15th to 21st November, the country observes Newborn Week. The aim for celebrating the week is to raise awareness about the importance of the newborn care for child survival and development. Labour, birth and the immediate postnatal period are the most crucial time for newborn and maternal survival. 75% of newborn deaths can be prevented with effective health measures provided at birth and during the first week of life.To reinforce the importance of newborn health, as a key priority area of the health sector and to reiterate the commitment at the highest level, the week is celebrated. The Theme of 2022 is “Home Care of Newborn in Urban Area”. Under the stewardship of Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, the Department of Pediatric Nursing celebrated “National Newborn Week 2022” by conducting various programmes regarding newborn care based on the theme. Day 1: The programme was started with the celebration of children’s day. Games were conducted for children in various age groups at Pediatric wards, PSG Hospital. 30 children participated and enjoyed.The parents of the children were also present. The chief guest Dr. T.M.Subbarao, Principal, PSG IMSR gave a short speech on the occasion. Magic Show was conducted. The magician invited the children to participate while displaying magical tricks. Followed by Health talk on Child care was given by Dr. Thirumal., Gastroenterologist. Prizes were distributed to the children. Day 2: World Pneumonia day with the theme “Championing the fight against Pneumonia” was observed on 15.11.22 at Pediatric OPD. Various Posters were displayed to create awareness on causes, signs and symptoms and management of pneumonia. Around 150 public were benefitted and expressed that the education was very informative. Day 3: To sensitize general public about the importance of Immunization, a public awareness rally with the theme “Long life for all” was conducted on 16.11.22. The rally was flagged off at PSG Rural Health Center in Vedapatti, around 5 km area was covered. Day: 4 : Premature day was observed with the theme “Powerful Therapy: Skin to Skin Contact from Birth” on 17.11.22. Educated parents about homecare management of preterm baby. Kangaroo mother care was demonstrated and explained by PG students. Mothers clarified doubts and shared their views. Day:5 The “Newborn Care Expo” was organized at the B-block entrance on 18.11.22. Various aspects of Newborn care- stations as per Essential newborn care (ENBC) were arranged, including: 1.Thermoregulation 2.Breast feeding and Mom’s magic—Breast Milk Bank), 3. Immunization 4. Infection Prevention 5.Nurturing care 6.Self evaluation and signature campaign. A pamphlet titled “Home Care Newborns” was distributed to the public. The Expo was inaugurated at 10:30 a.m. Our respected Principal, Dr. A. Jayasudha, Dr.J.S Bhubaneswaren, MD, PSG Super Speciality Hospital; Dr. P.R.Rajkumar, MD, PSG Hospitals; Dr.A Jayavarthana, HOD, Dept. of Pediatrics; Dr.S Ramesh, HOD, NICU; Dr.N.T Rajesh, HOD, PICU; other Pediatricians and our faculty were present. The Expo was conducted from 10:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Around 450 members of the public benefitted. They clarified their doubts and showed enthusiasm. IP patients and their attendees also visited the expo and benefitted. All the parents and relatives gave feedback that they had learned and gained new knowledge regarding the care of newborns. They added that the exhibition was useful, interest and creative; it created a remarkable impact among them and expressed their desire to conduct many such programmes in future. Day :6 A quiz competition for mothers of newborn to assess their knowledge about the care of newborns has organized on 21.11.22. It was a very informative and knowledge-enriching competition for the participants. The programme was conducted in five rounds of questions and answers and at the end of the contest, winners were awarded as 1st, 2nd and 3rd place. The “vid snippet” was displayed in hospital premises from 15th to 21st November
World Stroke Day(29.10.2022 October,2022)
The day was observed on 29.10.2022, with the theme of “The Importance of Knowing the Signs of Stroke and the Power of Saving”. Health Talk programme were done through the broadcasting in Kovai’s first PSG community FM station 107.8 MHz – “Hello Hello Sugama Kovai Neenga Nallama”. M.Sc Nursing IInd year students participated in this programme and gave the health talk regarding, stroke and its signs and its rehabilitation. PSG Community radio broadcasted this programme in 107.8 MHz on 29.10.2022 at 9am & 8pm.
World Food Day(18.10.2022 October,2022)
World Food Day is observed on 18.10.2022 with the theme of “Leave No one Behind”. In this regard, we donated raw food items rich in protein to the needy children who are receiving treatment for cancer from PSG Hospitals as suggested by our dietary department. Totally 20 boxes of food items and 10 packs of eggs collected from our faculty and students and donated to 10 children and 10 adults respectively. I thank all our faculty and students who helped them to fight against hunger
International Infection Prevention Week(17.10.2022-21.10.2022 October,2022)
Day 1 (17.10.22): International Infection Prevention week started on 17.10.2022. Nurse Wiktorina (a Quiz program) was conducted to the staff Nurses of PSG Hospitals, 12 teams (36 staff Nurses) participated in preliminary quiz conducted which was at 10 am in Seminar Hall, A block. Among them five teams were selected for main quiz. By 1.30 pm our respected Principal Dr. A. Jayasudha inaugurated the IIPW week and declared quiz open. Four rounds were conducted in the main quiz including current affairs. Nurses from various wards participated enthusiastically and enriched their knowledge. Out of them three, NSICU, SICU, and OTC A block. teams bagged I, II and III prize respectively. The winners were awarded in National Conference on 19.10.22 .The Elsevier publications sponsored for the prize winners. The feedback from participants was that the quiz was interesting and it was a great learning experience. We thank the management, Dr.Anuradha.M.D, Nursing Supt, the supervisors and the staff nurses who all participated in the quiz programme Day 2 (18.10.22): The selection of Best ward started with meeting with the Nursing Superintendent Dr.Anuradha, Dr. Lavanya , infection control in charge, Sr.Mary Slazer Infection control supervisor separately. Criteria were created based on check list given by Ministry of Health Infection Control Directorate along with infection control team. Audit was made to all 48 wards along with Sr.Mary Slazer, Infection Control Nurse Supervisor for one week, also one month hand hygiene adherence was taken for evaluation. Out of 48 wards, Pediatric ward I floor ‘B’ ward was selected as Best Ward in infection control. They were awarded with memento and certificate during conference which was sponsored by Red Ribbon Club. We thank programme coordinator, Mrs.Sudhapriya for sponsoring the shield and certificate. We also extend heartfelt thanks to Sr.Mary Slazer, Infection Control Nurse Supervisor who helped in evaluation of Best ward. Day 3 (19.10.22): The National Conference on Infection Prevention and Control had provided an excellent opportunity for delegates to share the platform with renowned national infection control team experts at ‘B’ block auditorium. Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, unveilted the theme and the experts discussed on various aspects of Infection Prevention and Control. Their delebrations updated and insightful. They also pinned on importance of practical competency during patient care on Infection control. We thank all the convenors and all faculty members for their untiring efforts taken to make the conference success. Day 4 (20.10.22): The Workshop on Infection Prevention and Control was held at ‘A’ block Seminar Hall. Seven Stations on Hand hygiene, PPE, BMW, Aseptic technique during specimen collection, Spillage and its management, Needle stick injury, and sterilization. We thank the resource persons from Department of Microbiology, Dr.Anuradha.M.D, Nursing Supt, the supervisors the staff nurses, Infection Control Nurses, Post graduate students for their contributions at each stage of conducting this workshop. Day 5 (21.10.22): The Role play on Infection prevention which included dance on hand washing was held to create awareness among public in front of “B” Block. II year B.Sc Nursing students participated and played their role skillfully. The public were involved and redemonstrated the hand hygiene steps. By afternoon various game shows was conducted for Faculty, PSG College of Nursing on the theme of Infection Prevention and Control and the winners were recognized with gifts.
Mental Health Week(10.10.2022-15.10.2022 October,2022)
The Mental Health Week was observed from 10th October to 15th October, 2022. The III year B.Sc. (N) Students organized activity programme for the inmates of Cheshire Home on 14.10.2022 and a Guest Lecture titled “Mental Well-being among Students” by Mr.J.Rajavarman, Clinical Psychologist from Vazhikatti Mental Health Centre on 12.10.2022.
World Palliative Day(13.10.2022 October,2022)
Medical Surgical Nursing Department along with Pallium India observed the day on 13.10.2022. A Guest Lecture regarding “Sensitisation Programme on Palliative Care” was delibreated by Mrs.Poornima Kumar, Councellor and Dr.Misha, Consultant, PSG Shantham and stressed on the importance of palliative care to the cancer patients for II year B.Sc. Nursing Students.
World Arthritis Day (12.10.2022 October,2022)
Department of Community Health Nursing observed World Arthritis Day on 12.10.2022. B.Sc Nursing II year students performed awareness activities through Nukkad Natak (Street play and villupattu which included various aspects such as causes, signs and symptoms and treatment. As part of prevention and self care Zumba dance , nutrition exhibition, screening of high risk cases and referral was done in Sundapalayam.Nearly 50 public were benefited.
World Cerebral Palsy Day (06.10.2022 October,2022)
Department of Child Health Nursing observed World Cerebral Palsy Day on 06.10.2022 at Pediatric OPD, B block, PSG Hospitals. Posters were displayed to create awareness on causes, signs and symptoms, and rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy along with signature campaign was done to support the awareness. Around 150 people were benefitted. Same day Digital Foum on Cerebral palsy was displayed at Pediatric OPDs and MRD in A Block , created awareness among the patients and attenders. Around 200 people were benefitted and they told its very informative and gained knowledge of cerebral palsy and its management.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (01.10.2022-31.10.2022 October,2022)
1. Breast Cancer Awareness Month OBG Nursing Department in collaboration with Department of Oncology, PSG Hospitals and Coimbatore Cancer Foundation organized Breast Cancer Awareness events from October 1st to October 31st, 2022. Awareness was created among public and Health Care Personnel through various events as detailed below: First week Build a tree with hope (The Pink Ribbon Campaign) on ‘Breast Cancer Awareness’ was organized by Department of OBG Nursing, PSG College of Nursing in collaboration with Department of Oncology, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals and Coimbatore Cancer Foundation on 6th & 7th October 2022. Our Respected Principal Dr. A. Jayasudha inaugurated the Campaign along with Our Honorable Chairman Shri. G R Karthikeyan , Managing Trustee Shri. L. Gopalakrishnan, Dr. J.S Bhuvaneswaran Director – Super Speciality and Dr. T Balaji, Director, PSG Institute of Oncology. On Oct 6th a steel tree named “TREE OF LIFE” was placed in front of PSG Hospital A block lobby and pink ribbon was tagged by all the faculty of PSG College of Nursing, Oncology Department and CCF to create awareness on breast cancer. Similarly on 7th October, 2022 the event of pink tree campaign was conducted at PSG Hospital B Block entrance. This event created curiosity and positive feedback was obtained from the public Second week Human Pink Ribbon campaign at PSG Ground was planned on October 10th 2022 by Nursing Faculty, Nursing Students and Staff Nurses under the patronage of Prof. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 500 participants formed Human Pink Ribbon together to spread the awareness about the importance of breast cancer screening and ensure every woman has access to the screening she needs and support she deserves. Conducted Check and Care (Screening programme) on 13th and 14th October at Karadivavi and small scale industry for women Third week On 21st October, 2022 Art of Giving (Fund raising programme) was organized at PSG Ground. Fourth week From 24th – 28th October, 2022 Man of Fitness (Walk and Win) Virtual walk with Vantage fit
World Heart Day (25.10.2022thSeptember,2022)
PSG College of Nursing in collaboration with PSG hospital organized “Heartathon” program on 25.09.2022. Nearly 35 students from PSG CON participated and received certificates and medals. Also Cooking and poster competition was conducted and prizes were distributed to winners. Devadharshini from 3rd year got first prize in poster competition Poojashree and Sabeena from first year got second and third prize In cooking competition, both first and second prize won by second year students.
World Alzheimer’s Day (21.09.2022September,2022)
World Alzheimer’s Day was observed on 21.09.2022 by visiting Universal Elder Care old age home at Saravanampatti. Cognitive assessment was done for the inmates by using Mini Cog scale, out of 45 inmates 10 were found positive for cognitive impairment and were referred for further management. II year M.Sc Nursing students enacted a role play on care of patients with Alzheimer’s disease; flex on prevention and warning signs of Alzheimer’s disease was given. Entertainment programmes was conducted for the elderly and at the end, fruits were distributed
World First Aid day (10.09.2022September,2022)
World First Aid day is celebrated every second Saturday of September every year. This year it is celebrated on 10th September 2022.The theme for this year is ‘Lifelong First Aid’. To commensurate the day, First aid awareness program was organized at PSG high school, Vedapatti. Students of 8th, 9th standard (110) attended the program. Started program with invocation, Introduction about first aid, followed by dance performance by students and they were given awareness about first aid of dog bite, bee stings, cut injury, drowning, house hold poisoning, burns, through skit and evaluated them through quiz. Students actively participated and enjoyed learning. School Teachers gave a feedback that it was useful for the students, they expect more awareness program in future.
World Suicide Prevention Day (10.09.2022September,2022)
World suicide prevention day is observed by Mental Health Nursing department along with Psychiatric Department & Hospital Counseling Center, PSG Hospital on 10th September 2022. Theme: “Creating Hope Through Action”. Awareness is created by the Role play and pamphlet distribution to the patients. Third year 11 students actively participated in the role play at PSG Hospital- A Block reception and Gastroenterology OPD in 4th floor. The patient and care givers are expressed this is an eye opening session for them.
National Nutrition Week-2022 (01.09.2022-07.09.2022September,2022)
National Nutrition Week-2022 Fundamentals of Nursing along with Department of Dietary, PSG Hospitals observed the National Nutrition Week from September 1st to 7th 2022 by conducting various events for the public, faculty and students to improve the healthy habits. The event details are as follows: Day 1 (01.09.2022) – Eat Right; Bite by Bite (Food expo on well balanced diet). A nutritional exhibition was observed by displaying posters on “Well Balanced Diet” at B Block entrance. First B. Sc (N) students educated the general public on the importance of well balanced diet, benefits of healthy and balanced diet. White color rainbow facts were displayed at PSG College of Nursing. Day 2 (02.09.2022) – Mukimono (Fruit and Vegetable Carving Art Competition). Vegetable and fruit carving competition was held. 13 groups participated. Students participated enthusiastically and showcased their talents. Yellow and orange color rainbow facts were displayed. Day 3 (05.09.2022) – Cooku with Teachers (Healthy Appetizer Cook up Contest). A cooking competition was conducted for faculty at Nutrition LAB. Students organized a contest named cooku with teachers. Faculty and office staff enthusiastically participated in it and prepared various dishes. Students were acting as comali and distracting teachers, inspite of it, teachers rocked the show. At the end prizes were distributed to the winners by our Principal and Mrs.Kavitha, Chief dietician, PSG Hospitals. Red colour rainbow facts were displayed. Day 4 (06.09.2022) – Nutrition Mela – Department of Fundamentals of Nursing along with NSS unit and dept of dietetics, went to Government middle school, Kalinganayakanpalayam. The students educated the school children on kitchen garden, it’s benefits and maintenance, they enacted a role play on Ill effects of junk foods and stressed the importance of healthy foods. They explained on the importance of vegetables and fruits, conducted games for school children and dieticians explained on well balanced diet and hygiene. At the end, seeds were distributed to the children and sweets were given. Day 5 (07.09.2022) – Diet season Fest and Gut deserves good. Green color rainbow facts were displayed. Students attended an interactive guest lecture on gut deserves good by Ms.Indhumathi, dietician PSG hospitals, emphasized on food safety and its importance and diaeta season fest exhibition was conducted with a display of all the posters, charts including food pyramid and kitchen garden followed by final report presentation. Students gave a detailed report of the whole week as day wise and added a feedback at the end with a video show. Principal Dr.A.Jayasudha presided over the event and gave a positive feedback. Faculty of college of Nursing attended the presentation and gave a feedback. Winners of mukimono- art of fruit and vegetable carving were awarded with prizes.
Breastfeeding Week (01.08.2022-07.08.2022August,2022)
Department of OBG Nursing observed World Breastfeeding Week 2022 from August 1– 7th 2022 on the theme “Step up for Breastfeeding: Educate and Support” Emphasizing the theme and objectives, exciting events in a diverse pursuit were scheduled to Promote, protect and support Breast feeding. 01.08.2022 – Handling the Hurdles-Awareness Talk Day 1 started with keynote address and unveiling the theme of world breastfeeding week 2022 by Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. The breastfeeding week celebration commenced with Awareness talk on “HANDLING THE HURDLES” for Antenatal and postnatal mothers by Ms.Kumutha Chandrika Managing Trustee Coimbatore Parenting Network Coimbatore. The (momprenures) breastfeeding moms support group interacted and shared their experiences with the participants. The participants expressed the session was insightful and helped them to understand the problems during breastfeeding and ways to handle them effectively. On same day A scientific session was conducted on Topic: HANDLING THE HURDLES for final year BSc Nursing students by Ms.Kanimozhi Senthamarai kannan –Founder Latch, Lactation consultant and Maternal Mental Health Counsellor at GKNM Hospital Coimbatore.100 participants attended the seminar and expressed that the session helped them to gain more insight on challenges during breastfeeding and ways to work with women to overcome the challenges. 02.08.2022 – Donating the Golden Drop –Myths and Miracles Guest lecture was given by Mrs.Sampoornam Registered Nurse and Midwife, Government Medical college Hospital Coimbatore for BSc Nursing Final Year students. Guest reiterated on expression of breast milk and breast milk banking. The participants expressed the input from the guest surpassed their expectations and was easy to follow the concepts. 03.08.2022 – Eutrophic Expo-Diet for Feeding Mom A Nutritional exhibition was conducted for Antenatal and postnatal mothers in OBG ward, PSG Hospitals Coimbatore. The Nutritional needs during breastfeeding are increased in response to breast milk production. During exhibition insisted the importance of nutrition during lactation and recommended daily allowances for feeding mom and displayed the sources of essential nutrients like protein, calories, calcium, iron and fiber.Also displayed the one day menu for lactating mother. The participants expressed the expo positively influenced their food choices and helped them to make healthier choices while feeding. 04.08.2022 – Spin Smart- The Game Show on Breastfeeding Role play and spin smart Game show was conducted for Antenatal and Postnatal mothers in OBG wards at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. Students enacted the role play to increase the mother’s knowledge and skills and helped them view breastfeeding as normal and develop positive attitudes toward breastfeeding. End of the session the mothers were asked to spin the wheel to select the topic for the question and answer session .Winners were selected and distributed prizes. The mothers expressed that they gained knowledge on importance of exclusive breastfeeding and understand the infant cues for breastfeeding, correct positioning to help the infant latch on breast effectively. The concerns of mothers and family members were answered. 05.08.2022 – Counselling on Breastfeeding As mothers need support and reassurance for breastfeeding all the faculty from department of OBG Nursing given one to one counselling to the Antenatal and Postnatal mothers in OBG ward at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore .Communicated the advantages and benefits of breastfeeding for both mother and baby and explained about the positioning and attachment. The mother’s expressed the counselling session was encouraging and supported them to breastfeed their babies. 06.08.2022 – Stamp Your Signature-I Decide to Feed My Baby-Campaign Was organized for Antenatal and postnatal mothers in OBG outpatient department at PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. Campaign was designed to help the women and their husbands to make an informed decision on feeding their babies. The complete information on breastfeeding was given and asked mothers and their partners to stamp their signatures to make an informed decision to breastfeed their babies. Mothers actively participated .The participants expressed they received adequate information on breastfeeding and it helped them to make informed decision. 07.08.2022 – Awareness Talk on Breastfeeding To mark the end of the programme Awareness talk on breastfeeding was given to the general public through PSG SHASTHI YOU TUBE channel regarding importance, techniques, and Challenges and the ways to conquer the challenges.
World Hepatitis Day(25.07.2022-30.07.2022July,2022)
The World Hepatitis Day-2022 was observed by PSG College of Nursing along with the Department of General Medicine, PSG Hospitals as a joint venture from 25thto 30th July 2022 at the Outpatient department of General Medicine to raise awareness of the global burden of viral hepatitis and to influence real change, and understanding of viral hepatitis as a Global priority because Hepatitis can’t Wait. Principal Dr. A. Jayasudha RN RM, Ph.D. inaugurated the programme by her heart-warming speech and welcomed all the patients and initiated the talk on hepatitis transmission and stressed on the importance of prevention. Her speech was very receptive among the patients. Dr. T. Saravanan, MBBS, MD Professor & HOD of General Medicine gave his poignant speech and made the patients and their relatives to realize the importance of prevention of hepatitis. From 25th to 29th July, every day, the talk on Hepatitis was given to the patients and their relatives covering minimum 20 patients each day, totaling up to 108 patients at the end of the week. A video regarding the types of Hepatitis, modes of transmission, signs and symptoms, diagnostic evaluations, treatment and preventive methods was put on view to the public in all OPD’s throughout the Hospital. After the talk, many patients expressed that this awareness program was very useful. A social media awareness-wave was initiated by the M.Sc. (N) II-year Nursing students of PSG college of Nursing through social media platform WhatsApp, and used this as an opportunity to create awareness about Hepatitis Day.
World Blood Donation Day(14.06.2022June,2022)
PSG College of Nursing along with the Department of Pathology, observed blood donation day Day on 14.6.22. The theme for this year is “Donating blood is an act of solidarity.” 25 students and faculty donated blood, Certificates were issued to the donor.
International Day Against Drug Abuse and Illegal Trafficking(27.06.2022thJune ,2022)
Organised a session on Drug abuse for III B.Sc Nursing students on 27.06.22. Speakers were Mrs.Jayasuriya and team from PSG Hospital Counseling Centre. Session began with video display on “Say No to Drugs”. Role play on Causes and dangers of drug abuse was done by counseling team. Explained application of Psychosocial model. Discussed two case studies from clinical side. Activity was given on prevention and management of drug use in day to day life. Self care abilities were highlighted. Students assured such awareness will be practiced at public and patient related areas.
Lamp Lighting Cerermony (19.05.2022May,2022)
Lamp Lighting Ceremony was conducted on 19.05.2022 from 10.30 am to 12 noon at PSGIMSR auditorium. Prof. Dr. Sundari Edwin, Former Nursing Superintendent of CMC Vellore was the Chief Guest and addressed the students with inspiring and motivating speech. Prof.Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, welcomed the gathering, Dr.M.D.Anuratha, Nursing Superintendent, PSG Hospitals, administered Nightingale’s pledge to the students. 100 students lit the lamp and dedicated themselves to the profession of Nursing. Mrs.Sofiya Princess Hema, Associate Professor, proposed the vote of thanks.
World Hypertension day (17.05.2022May,2022)
World Hypertension day was observed on May 17th, 2022 to raise awareness on hypertension among hypertensive patients and Staff Nurses. The posters were prepared on different aspects of hypertension based on the theme “Measure Your Blood Pressure Accurately, Control it, Live Longer”, The health education was given to patients in cardiac ward and medical ward on monitoring blood pressure regularly, hypertensive diet, and prevention of complications. Totally 45 patients and their attenders got benefited and their queries on knowledge on Prevention and Management were clarified. The staff Nurses in batch were educated regarding the accurate measurement of blood pressure on the patients through PPT and video.
National Dengue day(16.05.2022 to 20.05.2022. )
Community Health Nursing Department observed National Dengue day from 16.05.2022 to 20.05.2022. Surveillance and education activities were planned based on the concept 5 S DRIVE (Search and destroy mosquito breeding places, Source reduction, Secure self protection, Seek early consultation and Street play on dengue prevention) were done in rural and urban community.
World Autism Day (05.04.2022April,2022)
Department of Pediatric Nursing observed World Autism Awareness Day on 05.04.2022 by sensitizing the public through poster exhibition and also screening the children between 15 – 30 months for risk for Autism. Children with risk for Autism were advised for counseling and follow up. Around 60 were benefitted.
Graduation Ceremony (25.03.2022March,2022)
22nd Graduation Ceremony & Alumni Reunion was organized on 25.03.2022. 225 UG Graduates (2015, 2016 and 2017 batch), 15 Post Graduates (2017, 2018 and 2018 batch), 3 Post Basic OT Nursing (2019 batch) received their certificates. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal welcomed the gathering. Managing Trustee Shri.L.Gopalakrishnan delivered the Presidential address. Honorable Chief Guest Dr. P. V. Vijayaraghavan, Vice Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research congratulated and addressed the graduates on significance of Nursing profession. College magazine Reminisce 2022 on the pro theme Esthetical Epic was released. The program ended with vote of thanks.
World TB Day (24.03.2022March,2022)
Department of Community Health Nursing, PSG College of Nursing, Department of Respiratory Medicine, PSG Hospitals and NTEP, Coimbatore observed World TB Day on the theme “Invest to End TB to Save Lives” on 24.03.2022. Poster competition was organized for the Nursing Students. 16 students were participated. Ms. Devadharshini, III year B.Sc. (N), Ms.Mahalakshmi, II year B.Sc. (N) and Ms. Maria Sunny, I year B.Sc.(N) secured 1st, 2nd and 3rd prize respectively. 2nd year students participated awareness rally from PSG Hospital B block. Also awareness program was conducted at Vedapatti Health Center and Urban Health Center.
World Sleep Day (18.03.2022March,2022)
PSG College of Nursing along with the Department of Pulmonology and Sleep Medicine, observed World Sleep Day on 18.3.22. In view of this a Poster Competition was conducted among student nurses. 19 students prepared posters based on the theme “Quality Sleep, Sound Mind and Happy World”. Best three posters was awarded with cash prize. Ms.Yogalakshmi, 2020 batch banged the first prize, Ms.Jeyapratha, 2020 batch, secured second prize and Ms.Vishnupriya, 2019 batch secured third prize. This awareness event celebrated to pin the importance of healthy sleep, lessen the burden of sleep problems on the society through better prevention and management of Sleep Disorders. 50 members were benefitied this programme
Intra Mural Sports Meet(10.03.2022March,2022)
Intra mural sports meet “PSG ZEST”- 2021-22 was conducted on 10.03.2022. The final year B.Sc Nursing students, “Medicotentacians” were the organizing batch. Mrs. S. Sofiya Princess Hema, Sports coordinator welcomed the gathering. Dr.A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSGCON presided over the function. The Chief Guest was Mrs.Bhuvaneshwari K, who is an RCH Nurse in Palayampudur, PHC, Dharmapuri District. She is our Alumni of 2009 batch. National flag was hoisted by chief guest, college flag was hoisted by our principal..Dr. Subbarao, Principal PSGIMS&R was our special guest. March past and torch relay was done by students. Oath taking was administered to students. The Chief Guest declared the sports meet open. In her speech, she emphasized the importance of physical activity to students and listed the benefits of participating in sports such as developing self confidence, motivation and team spirit. She also stressed the value of Nursing and expressed that she is proud to be the Alumni of PSG College of Nursing. Human pyramid was depicted by college boys. Group games, track and field events was conducted for students and faculty. Prizes were distributed for the winners. The overall Championship was bagged by the team “White Wolves”. The individual male champion was bagged by Mr. Akash of IV yr B. Sc Nursing; the individual female champion was shared by Ms. Keerthika. A and Ms. Gayathri. U of II yr B. Sc Nursing. Mr.Ragavan, Sports Representative, read the annual report of sports meet and Mr. Merridith Sports co-cordinator proposed vote of thanks.
World Kidney Day (10.03.2022March,2022)
PSG College of Nursing along with PSG Hospitals have observed the World Kidney Day on 10.03.2022, with the theme of “Kidney Health for all – Bridge the knowledge gap to better kidney care”. Poster Competition was conducted in which 10 students participated. B. Sc Nursing III year students participated in skit on awareness of kidney health and educated about the normal kidney function & Dialysis process. Posters were displayed in Nephrology OPD at PSG Hospitals ‘A’ Block. Ms. Ramya , Ms. Anitha , Ms. Bhagyalakshmi B. Sc Nursing III year students had secured 1st , 2nd & 3rd place respectively, they were awarded with the cash prizes. Working model on kidney depicts the preventive measures to raise awareness about kidney health and doubts of the public was clarified. 100 members were benefitied this programme.
World Glaucoma Week (06.03.2022 – 12.03.2022March,2022)
World glaucoma week was observed by PSG College of Nursing along with ophthalmology department, PSG Hospitals. On 07.03.2022 Posters were exhibited in front of B block on Glaucoma and importance of Screening. 10 third year B.Sc Nursing students participated. Till 12.03.2022 posters were displayed. On 10.03.2022 M.Sc Nursing students participated in skit on awareness of Glaucoma to staff nurses. Nearly 100 staff Nurses benefitted. On 11.03.2022, Dr. Saudhamini, MS, DNB spoke on silent thief of vision -Glaucoma to faculty, PSG College of Nursing. Department of ophthalmology, PSG Hospitals appreciated faculty and students of college of Nursing for their contributions.
World Obesity Day (4March,2022)
Fundamentals of Nursing Department organized World Obesity Day on 4th March 2022 on theme “Everybody Needs to Act”. Students from III year B.Sc (N) and IV year B.Sc(N) participated in BMI checking, Fun to Fit-Lets rock, Role play on Holistic approach on Obesity and Poster Exhibition on Prevention of Obesity for Public and Post-Bariatric surgery patients.
International Epilepsy Day (14February,2022)
International Epilepsy day was observed by creating awareness on Epilepsy and its First Aid Management through Role Play and Printed Posters.on 14.02.2022 at 11.00 am in Neurology OPD ‘A’ Block PSG Hospitals. Nearly 60 patients and their caregivers got benefitted.
World Cancer Day (4February,2022)
World Cancer Day World Cancer day was observed on 4th February 2022, to raise awareness and advocacy campaign & build commitment to reduce the burden of Cancer patients at global level. The program was inaugurated by Dr.J.S. Buvaneshwaran, Director, PSG Super Specialty Hospitals & Dr.Baskarraj, Head of the Department of Oncology at ‘A’ Block, PSG Hospitals. The Posters and Role play were prepared on different aspects such as risk factors, treatments of Cancer and exhibited for public education. Talk show with cancer survivors and doctors was done at Seminar Hall, PSG Hospitals, by the 3rd year B.Sc Nursing students, PSG College of Nursing. Doctors, Staffs, Patients, Attenders appreciated the Role play and talk show. Totally 200 patients and attenders’ got benefited.
Cervical Cancer Prevention week(17.01.2022-23.01.2022January,2022)
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (17.01.2022-23.01.2022) Department of Community Health Nursing observed Cervical Cancer Prevention week from 17.1.2022 to 23.1.2022 with the objective to create awareness on cervical cancer. 17.01.2022 – Inauguration and Poster Exhibition: Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing inaugurated the programme on 17.01.2022. Poster competition was organized for B.Sc Nursing students. 24 students had participated in the event. Dr. Seetha Panicker from OBG Department and Dr. Madhulika from Oncology Department evaluated the posters. Ms.Sharmili (B.Sc N I year), Ms.Merlin (B.Sc N III Year), Ms.Mahalakshmi and Ms.Priyadharshini (B.Sc N I Year) bagged first, second and third prize respectively. Winners were awarded with Prizes and e certificates. The posters were displayed in PSG HOSPITALS A BLOCK for public view. 18.01.2022-20.01.2022 – PAP Smear Screening : Students participated in Pap smear screening camp along with OBG department PSG Hospitals. 21.1.2022 – Communicate Public Message: To create awareness to Public, Article on HPV vaccination was published in tamil newpapers such as Tamil Sudar, Indrayathedal, Desabakthi and Malai News. 21.1.2022-23.1.2022 – Compete-Doodle Art & Flippity Quiz: Flippity quiz and Doodle art competition was organized for the students. Nearly 175 students participated. Ms. Devadharshini (B.Sc N III Year), Ms.Reni Shakinah Catrine (B.Sc N I year) and Ms.Vishnupriya (B.Sc N III Year) won first, second and third Prize respectively.

Events Held – 2021

Airport Drill(22thDecember,2021)
PSG Hospitals along with Airport Authority of India, Coimbatore, organized a Mock drill on emergency preparedness on 22/12/2021. The purpose of the drill is to assess, how well the emergency department of PSG Hospitals and security force of Airport Authority of India is ready to face a mass casualty. In the drill, a scenario of air crash accident was made and it was started by 06:56 pm. 25 B.Sc Nursing 1st Year students from PSG College of Nursing enacted as victims in the Disaster Mock Drill. The victims were triaged based on the severity of injury and first aid treatment was given at the site. Victims were shifted to Emergency Medicine Department of PSG Hospitals for further management. The drill came to an end by 8.25pm. some of the Improvements discussed were announcement was not clear to most of the areas, hospital staffs were crowding near deacon area and yellow zone, Stopping of ambulance at area other than triage area.
Newborn Week (15thNovember,2021)to(21stNovember,2021)
Department of Pediatric Nursing celebrated National Newborn Week 2021, by conducting various programmes regarding Newborn care based on the theme ‘Safety, Quality and Nurturing care – Birth right of every New-born’ along with World Immunization day and World Pneumonia day was observed. Day 1: Pediatric Nursing Department- PSG College of Nursing, Pediatrics Department of PSG IMS&R and IAP Coimbatore jointly conducted a public health awareness program as part of Children’s Day celebration. Games were conducted for children in various age groups at Pediatric wards, PSG Hospital.40 children participated and enjoyed. Sweets and gifts were distributed to them. Public awareness regarding the COVID vaccination in children, returning to school after COVID break, screen time and junk foods in children were discussed by the renowned faculties of the institute, Prof. Neelakandan and Prof. Jothilakshmi, and, Guest of the day Dr. Suganthi from ESI Hospital. The mothers and care givers clarified their doubts and told that the session was valuable for them. Day 2: Poster presentation on pneumonia was done at Pediatric OPDs and created awareness among the patients and attenders. Around 150 were benefitted. Same day awareness and education regarding newborn care among postnatal mothers were given through Witch and Angel game activity. Mothers expressed, they procured knowledge on care of newborn in an interesting way. Day 3: Role Play on immunization was performed by the Nursing students at pediatric OPDs (in both A block and B block), Postnatal wards (A ward and B ward) and in immunization Area as well as poster presentation was done at B block entrance. They expressed that the role play was most interesting and informative. Around 200 mothers and 200-250 general public were benefitted Day 4: Mime on the theme was performed by the students at B Block entrance with periodic intervals. General public got benefitted and showed their interest and appreciated for the awareness activity. Day 5: The last day, exhibition on healthy neonates was organized and presided over by Dr.P.R.Rajkumar, MD, PSG IMSR & Hospitals. Dr .A .Jayawarthana, HOD, Department of Pediatrics and Dr. M.D. Anuratha, Nursing Superintendent, PSG Hospitals were the chief guests. The theme was unveiled by the faculty, Department of Pediatric Nursing. A pamphlet on newborn care was distributed to all the mothers and general public. They expressed that the exhibition was very useful, interest and created a remarkable impact among them and also expressed their desire to conduct many such programmes in future. More than 400 benefitted.
World Stroke Day (29thOctober,2021)
World stroke day was observed on October 29th to raise awareness and advocacy campaign & build commitment to reduce the burden of stroke at global level. Posters exhibition for public education was organized by the Department of Neurology, PSGIMSR & Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing, PSG College of Nursing. The program was inaugurated by Dr.J.S.Buvaneshwaran, Director, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals & Dr.Balakrishnan, Head of the Department of Neurology at ‘A’ Block, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. The posters were prepared on different aspects of stroke and Role play was done at Neuro OPD & Neuro ward by the 3rd year B.Sc Nursing students. Totally 200 patients and their attenders got benefited and they told it’s very informative and gained knowledge on Prevention, Management & Rehabilitation of Stroke.
Breast Cancer Awareness month (4thOctober,2021)to(14thOctober,2021)
PSG College of Nursing holds its pride in observing the Breast Cancer Awareness month every year with multitudinal activities. In collaboration with Coimbatore Cancer Foundation & PSG Super Speciality Hospitals, our college conducted a poster exhibition, Pink tree Campaign for sensitizing the urge to detect early and treat breast cancer at the earliest and participants printed their thumb impression in tree of life assuring that, they will join together and fight against breast cancer. This event was held at the A Block Entrance on October 4th 2021. Pinky’s Life @ Musilyrically, was organized for a call to the students and public to connect their own lyrics with music rooted on theme breast cancer awareness month. Overall 15 Musilyrically videos were uploaded by the students from various Nursing colleges and arts and Science College all over tamilnadu. First and Second Prize were secured by St. Xavier College of nursing, Nagercoil and third prize was secured by Vinayaka Missions Annapoorna College, Salem. Winners were awarded with e certificate. In collaboration with CCF & PSGSSH a Pink warrior programme, was organized on October 12, 2021 at seminar hall, PSGSSH. Overall 25 Breast cancer survivors from in and around Coimbatore attended the support group activity and students from PSG College of Nursing conducted an Ice breaking sessions and winner was honored with Beautiful sash. At the end of the session survivors received a take home message from a card prepared by our nursing students. In an attempt to provide an end-to-end solution to the Breast cancer survivors with the fear of losing hair or rather the stigma associated with hair loss, Dept of OBG, PSG College of Nursing in collaboration with Cherian Foundation & Saloon partner (Naturals) had organized a hair donation Campaign “Hair to Share” at II Floor Seminar hall on October 13, 2021. Totally 64 participants from faculty & students from PSG CON, students from PSG College of pharmacy, physiotherapy and CAS were donated their hair for making a wig. We had received lots of appreciation from the public via social media. Our principal Dr. A. Jayasudha given an awareness video regarding the importance of hair donation to the public and it was captured by saloon partner and the video was uploaded in the social media.
World Mental Health Day (10thOctober,2021)
Mental Health Nursing Department observed World Mental Health Day in the theme of “Mental health for all: let us make it a reality” on 10th October, 2021. Green ribbon was distributed to faculty and psychiatric team members, Rangoli depicting on the theme and awareness Quotes was sent to the faculty members through email.
Cerebral Palsy Day (06thOctober,2021)
Child Health Nursing Department observed Cerebral Palsy Day on 6th October, 2021 in pediatric OPD at PSG Hospitals. The awareness was created by the informatics info graphic, there were 230 public benefited and they showed their support with the thumb impression.
Nutrition Week (1stOctober,2021)to(07thOctober,2021)
The Nutrition week was observed in the theme of “Feed Smart Right from Start”. I year B.Sc. Nursing students performed a role play on adolescent health at library seminar hall on 21st October, 2021. Around 30 secretaries from hospital attended and were benefited.
World Heart Day (29thSeptember,2021)
Medical Surgical Nursing Department conducted World Heart Day on 29th September, 2021 prepared a video on the theme of “Harnessing the power of digital health to improve awareness, prevention and management of CVD globally”. The Video was displayed in all OPD’S and reception area of ‘A’ Block and the patients and their relatives got benefited by that & they told it’s very informative and they gained knowledge on management and prevention of heart disease.
World Alzheimer’s Day (21stSeptember,2021)
World Alzheimer’s day observed in Cheshire home by giving health talk about Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. This includes how to handle memory loss.Tips given about how to lead daily routine. Mini mental status examination was done and Memory game, fun game were conducted. Every one actively involved with joy.
World Suicide Prevention Day (10thSeptember,2021)
World Suicide Prevention Day was observed on 10th September to raise awareness of suicide and to promote preventative measures with the aim to reduce the number of suicides and suicide attempts globally. Department of Mental Health Nursing organized panel discussion on Prevention of Suicide which was aired through PSG Community FM (107.8) on 10.09.2021 and pamphlets were distributed for the family care givers of patients with mental illness.
Lamp Lighting (10thSeptember,2021)
PSG College of Nursing conducted its 27th Lamp Lighting Ceremony at the PSG IMSR auditorium, on 10th September 2021. Prof. Dr. Jaeny Kemp, Vice President, Trained Nurses Association of India –South Region & Principal, GKNM Institute of Nursing, Coimbatore was the chief guest. The program started with Thamil Thai Valthu followed by PSG Anthem. Dr. A. Jayasudha Principal PSG College of nursing welcomed the gathering. Prof. Dr. Jaeny Kemp the Chief Guest, Dr. A. Jayasudha, Dr.Anuratha M.D., Dr. Balaji Project Director Oncology department PSG Hospital lighted the Kuthuvilaku. Then the light was passed to the students by the Faculty, Deputy Nursing superintent, Assistant Nursing Superintendent. Dr. Anuratha M.D., Nursing Superintendent, PSG Hospitals administered a pledge which was vowed by the newly ‘Ignited’ nursing students. The students promised to take the responsibility of saving the lives of patients and assured to never be partial to any patient based on his/her religion, caste or language. They sang a song as a sign of dedicating themselves to the profession. The Chief Guest, Prof. Dr. Jaeny Kemp addressed the gathering. Firstly she congratulated the students for choosing Nursing as their profession, welcomed them to the world of Nursing, and then she explained about the Significance of Vinayaga Chathurthi and Lamp lighting ceremony. She counseled the students to Think big, Listen more, speak less, be Adaptive to situation, and digest all bad experiences in life. She told that all the students here are not by accident but by the will of God and she wanted all students to work passionately as Florence Nightingale. Further she said Flame signify knowledge, the wick signifies all negative thoughts and burn away the ego. Both IQ and EQ are built up at PSG College of Nursing. She advised students to wear smile and always be empathetic while taking care of patients. She wished them all the very best for their future with a smile. Dr. A. Jayasudha, the principal presented a memento to the Chief Guest. Mrs. Reena R.C.J. Associate professor, program co-ordinator proposed the Vote of Thanks and the event came to an end with the National Anthem. Due to pandemic parents were not permitted .The whole event was telecasted lively through you tube.
Webinar on Impact of Pandemic in Nursing Research (18thAugust,2021)
Webinar “Impact of Pandemic in Nursing Research” was organized on 18th August 2021 between 11- 12.30pm. The session was conducted through ZOOM and it was telecasted via Live YouTube.Invitation was posted in College website and shared through Whatsapp, Facebook. 200 delegates have registered from various states in India such as Rajasthan, A.P, U.P, M.P, West Bengal, Punjab, Karnataka, Himachal Pradesh, Chandigarh, Uttarkant, Gujarat, Telangana, Tamil Nadu, Kerala and Maharashtra. Dr.A.Jayasudha, RN, RM, Ph.D (N), Principal, PSG CN unveiled the theme and introduced the eminent speakers. Prof Suresh K Sharma, PhD, RN, FNRS, Professor & Principal, College of Nursing, All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Jodhpur, Rajasthan, started the session on “Challenges and Opportunities in Nursing Research during Pandemic.” The session highlighted on the various challenges and opportunities in the field of research and motivated young researchers to focus on effectiveness of e-learning especially the student’s competence to care and use of advanced technology in the area of research during Pandemic. Prof. Dr. Rebecca Samson, Director of Nursing, AVMCH, Puducherry and Ms.G.Vijayalakshmi, RN, RM, Ph.D Scholar, Manasarovar Global University, Bhopal, Madhya Pradesh dealt “Introspection of Methodological and ethical Challenges faced During Pandemic” Prof.Dr.Rebecca Samson focused on Nursing Methodological Perspectives such as popupation, setting, design, ,sampling methods and how it can be selected wisely on this pandemic for ongoing research studies. Ms. G.Vijayalakshmi, RN, RM, Ph.D Scholar shared her live experience about her research completion during this pandemic. Nearly 200 delegates attended the session and 130 have viewed the session in Youtube.
Webinar on Nursing Education in Pandemic: Prism of Possibilities(08thSeptember,2021)
M. Sc Nursing 1st year students of PSG College of Nursing organized an International Webinar “Nursing Education in Pandemic: Prism of Possibilities” on September 8th, 2021 between 10 am – 12 Noon. The session was conducted through Zoom platform and it was telecasted via Live YouTube. The flyer for the webinar was posted in the college website and shared through Whatsapp, Face book and Instagram. Globally, 4 eminent speakers were invited to share their experiences regarding Nursing Education during pandemic.405 delegates have registered from all over the world. Prof. Dr. A. Jayasudha, RN RM, Ph. D(N), Principal, PSG College of Nursing revealed the theme and introduced the eminent speakers. Prof. Zahrah Saad, Ph.D, Dean, Faculty of Nursing and Midwifery, MAHSA University, Malaysia shared an overview of her experiences. She dealt regarding learning strategies to enhance current situation and also she mentioned the new normal in nursing education using those strategies in Malaysia. Dr. Leena Mohammad Khonji, Ph. D., Chairperson of Nursing Department, College of Health and Sports Sciences, University of Bahrain, took the participants on her journey during COVID – 19. She focused on interruptions caused by COVID – 19 in Nursing Education; challenges and learned lessons from the acronym SAFE.Ns. DWS Suarse Dewi, M. Sc., Director, Nursing Academic of Fatmawatai, Indonesia elaborated the impact of COVID – 19 in Nursing Education, Indonesia. She revealed the 8 strategies for effective teaching and learning in Nursing Education to overcome the barriers. Mr. Thomas Mohan Felix, Senior Lecturer & Program Lead, Parkway College of Nursing and Allied Health, Singapore discussed the biggest challenges faced during pandemic in Nursing Education. He explained about Video class project and also mentioned various platforms in online teaching (simulation, virtual quiz games, blended learning, etc.). Mrs. Hema D. M. Sc (N), Assistant Professor thanked all eminent speakers, delegates and organizers for making the webinar a successful one. 150 delegates from Malaysia, Bahrain, Indonesia, Singapore, Dubai, Saudi Arabia and India attended the session through Zoom meeting and 269 have viewed the session via YouTube Channel. 119 Participants have given feedback regarding this webinar 75.6% was excellent and 24.4% was good
Webinar on Magic Ingredient: Essence of Life in New Normal Era (7thAugust,2021)
The Breastfeeding week celebration commenced with an International Webinar on “Magic Ingredient: Essence of Life in New Normal Era” with the distinguished Speakers Ms. Nupur Bidla MSW, Director Advocacy, BPNI, New Delhi, Dr. M.D. Santhi, Assistant Professor, College of Nursing, Farasan, Jazan University, MOHE, KSA , Mrs. Frincy Francis, Lecturer, MCH Dept, College of Nursing, SQU, Muscat, Oman and Mrs. Keerthika Perumal, Registered Nurse Midwife, Wimmera Base Hospital, Victoria, Australia delivered insightful presentation on “Shared Responsibility: Protect & Promote Breastfeeding”. 294 delegates have registered from Saudi Arabia & India.
World Breast Feeding Week 2021 (1stAugust,2021) to(7thAugust,2021)
PSG College of Nursing observed 29th year of World Breastfeeding Week from August 1st – 7th 2021 rooted on the theme “Protect Breastfeeding – A Shared Responsibility” Emphasizing the theme and objectives, exciting events in a diverse pursuit were scheduled to focus on the links between breastfeeding and a Shared Responsibility. 03.08.2021 – Health Talk on Innate Life – Encased Ecstasy Health talk was given by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing and sensitized the public on “Innate Life – Encased Ecstasy” for all Antenatal and Postnatal Mothers by emphasizing Breastfeeding Safety during Pandemic. An e-Self Instructional module was distributed to all the participants and they expressed their desire to conduct many such programmes in future. 04.08.2021 – Ms. Lucky Brain Contest Ms. Lucky Brain Contest a Raffle was conducted for Antenatal & Postnatal Mothers at OBG wards, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals, Coimbatore and mothers were instructed to fill the questions and drop it in the lucky box. Winners were selected by using a lucky draw and Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, honored winners with attractive prizes. A Special thank you card was distributed to all the mothers to appreciate for feeding their baby. Mothers expressed, they procured knowledge on Breastfeeding and its importance’s during COVID 19, and they cherished with prizes they received, as it boosted them to provide breastfeeding exclusively. 05.08.2021 – Let’s Go Mask Artistic (Mask Painting) A State level Contest on Let’s go Mask Artistic (Mask Painting) was conducted for all Students on theme Protect Breastfeeding – A Shared Responsibility. Totally 110 participants showed their artistry and winners were selected by Dr. T. Ramya MD, DGO Senior Consultant, PSG SSH, Coimbatore. Winners and participants were awarded with e – Certificate. Participants shared their views as this contest enlightened their creativity and elaborated the essence of the theme. 06.08.2021 – You Tube Channel: PSG SHASHTHI – Joyous Journey to Motherhood, Share Chat Video & Poster ExhibitionFaculty from Department of OBG, a Pioneer team of Midwifery educators to help the couples and mothers to acquire information on multitudinal aspects such as Preconceptional Counseling, Antenatal Care, Intranatal Care, Postnatal and Newborn Care by Launching a YouTube Channel PSG SHASHTHI – Joyous Journey to Motherhood. To highlight the event legendary icons Dr.Bhuvaneswaran JS, MD Director, PSG SSH, Dr. T.V. Chitra MD (OG), DGO, DNB, Dr.M.D.Anuratha RN, RM, Ph.D (N) launched YouTube Channel. A short video was enacted by faculty of OBG Nursing for promotion of breast feeding and shared via Share chat. Mask painting and posters were exhibited in the PSG Hospital ‘A’ block Entrance, General public got benefitted.07.08.2021 – Capture With Caption Challenge – Whatsapp Challenge To mark the end of programme a Whatsapp Challenge – Capture with Caption Challenge for Promotion of Breastfeeding was circulated among public. They were instructed to Send picture of holding their baby (0-3 years old) with the caption .
Webinar on Leading Minds Reflection – Covid among Children (29thJuly,2021)
Department of Pediatric Nursing organized a webinar “Leading Minds Reflection: Covid Among Children” on 29.07.2021 through zoom cloud meeting and telecasted via live you tube. Around 500 delegates from various parts of the globe like New Zealand, Australia, Singapore, England, South Africa, Muscat, Dubai, Kuwait, Oman, Netherland, USA, UK and India had registered for the webinar. Welcome speech was done by Prof. Roselin Myvizhi. J. E, HOD, Department of Pediatric Nursing. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal unveiled the theme. Prof. Roselin Myvizhi. J. E., Ms. Hema. D and Ms.Hepsiba Daniel introduced the eminent speakers. Dr. Senthil Kumar, MD.,DM, Neonatologist, CMC Hospital, Coimbatore discussed on “Demystifying infodemic- Covid and Breast Feeding”, Prof. M. Kavitha, M.Sc (Pediatric Nursing), Clinical Psychologist RH Pediatric Hospital, Salem dealt on “Hit me with your best shots – Optimizing Child Care during Covid 19 Pandemic” and the third session “Predict, Prepare, Put down- Third wave of Covid 19” was addressed by Dr .A. Jayavarthana, MD, Department of Pediatrics, PSG Hospitals. Coimbatore. The Participants appreciated and mentioned that the sessions were very informative, insightful and interactive. Mrs. Ramya. P., Assistant Professor, initiated the discussion and the speakers clarified the queries of the delegates and vote of thanks was given by her.
Webinar on Covid Holocaust (20thJuly,2021)
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing organized an International Webinar “COVID HOLOCAUST” on 20th July, 2021 through Zoom cloud meeting and telecasted via Live YouTube. Dr.T.Saravanan, Professor & HoD, Dept of Medicine, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore dealt the topic “Post COVID Sequelae”, Mr Baskar Sumbramaniam, Modern Matron, NHS, Birmingham, London, UK dealt the topic “Prepared Professionals”, Dr. Kezevino Aram, President, Shanthi Ashram International Center for Child and Public Health, Coimbatore presented on “Shared Responsibility of the Society”. Around 518 delegates participated from various parts of India and abroad. The Webinar began with formal welcome address by Prof Leena J, HoD Fundamentals of Nursing and Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, had unveiled the theme on Covid Holocaust. The Questions put up by the delegates were answered by the speakers. The session was concluded with Vote of thanks by Mrs. R.C.J. Reena, Associate Professor. In the analysis of feedback, 67% participants had expressed the Webinar was Excellent and 32% graded as Good.
Webinar on Gender Sensitization(8thJuly,2021)
IQAC, NSS & YRC Unit organized Webinar “Gender Sensitization” on 8th July 2021. The session was conducted through ZOOM and streamed live in YouTube. Invitation was posted in college website and shared through Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. 406 delegates registered from various institutions. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG CN introduced the theme, Mrs, Gnanjothi.R, YRC Co-ordinator welcomed the speaker Mrs. Lakshmi Subramanian, Executive Director, Global Adjustment Foundations. The eminent speaker shared her extensive experience and expertise knowledge on Gender Sensitization. The presentation was fascinating and interactive with practical examples. The session ended with a word of thanks by Mrs. R. Abishak, NSS Co-ordinator. The participants expressed that the session was excellent and it has portrayed the ways to balance gender stereotypes and to neutralize gender inequity with scientific facts. It has caught up the young minds with sharp demarcations of gender sensitivity. The overall feedback of the session was informative, inspiring, thoughtful and motivating. Among them, 75.5 % rated Excellent, 23.1% Good and 1.4% Average. e-Certificates were sent for the participants.
Webinar on Myths and Miracles of Covid Vaccine(2ndJuly,2021)
Department of Community Health Nursing organized Virtual Panel Discussion “Myths And Miracles of Covid Vaccine” on 2nd July 2021. The session was conducted in ZOOM and telecasted via Live YouTube.Invitation was posted in College website and shared through Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. 709 delegates have registered from India and Saudi Arabia Dr.A.Jayasudha, RNRM, Ph.D (N), Principal, PSG CN unveiled the theme and introduced the Moderator and Panelists. Dr.S.Vijayalakshmi RNRM, Ph.D (N), Moderator started the discussion. The eminent panelists were Dr. K. Jayashree Moorthy, DHMS, Homeopathy Practitioner, Jeddah, Saudi Arabia, Dr.G.Subramaniam, MA, Ph.D, Department of English, Govt Arts College, Coimbatore, Dr.R.Kavitha, MSW, Ph.D, Department of Social Work, PSG College of Arts & Science, Dr.Arun Padmanandan MBBS, MD, DNB Zonal AEFI Consultant, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi discussed and gave an excellent coverage on various aspects about “Myths and Miracles of Covid Vaccine”. End of the session, clarified doubts of delegates. cleared. The delegates expressed the session was useful and has paved way to break the myths and move towards acceptance of covid vaccines. 300 delegates attended the session and 358 have viewed the session in Youtube.
International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking (26thJune,2021)
International day against drug abuse and illicit trafficking was observed on 26.06.2021. The Theme of 2021 was “Share Facts on Drugs, Save Lives”. Psychiatry Nursing Department, PSG college of Nursing conducted various activities on drug abuse day. A power point presentation on ‘Facts on Illicit Drugs’ for the B.Sc Nursing students (4 years), followed by an Oath ‘to say NO to illicit drugs’. Students prepared pluck cards with the title “SAY NO TO ILLICIT DRUGS” and holding the pluck card they said the pledge. A video was prepared about alcohol and substance abuse and displayed in hospital T.V. screen. Pamphlets on alcohol and drug abuse were distributed to patients in the hospital.
Webinar Paindemic: Perseverance and Ways Paved through Pandemic(22ndJune,2021)
Department of Mental Health Nursing organized Webinar “Paindemic: Perseverance and Ways Paved through Pandemic’’ on 22nd June 2021 through ZOOM cloud meeting. Around 387 delegates participated from various parts of India such as Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Maharastra, Kerala, Pondicherry, Gujarat, Karnataka, Uttar Pradesh, West Bengal, Andhra Pradesh and Jaipur. The webinar started with the welcome speech by Mrs Maheswari.T, Associate Professor and introduction of the speaker by Prof. Meera Saravanan, HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing. Dr.S.Rajamani M.Sc(N), MBA (HM), M.Sc(Psy), Ph.D(N), Principal, College of Nursing, Madurai Medical College, Madurai dealt the topic “Confronting Psychosocial Collision of Covid-19”. Ms.Vennila, Senior Staff Nurse, MD CCU, Apollo Main Hospital, Chennai presented on “Thriving in Challenges: Living and Leading during Covid – 19”. Mrs.Priscilla.K, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore presented on “Contemplation in Caring Oneself with Covid – 19”. The soundness of the technology was taken care and vote of thanks was given by Dr. Baskaran. M. Most of the participants around 74% rated as excellent, 26% as Good and majority of the participants strongly agreed positively that they got adequate information, understanding and an insight into the webinar with the appropriate use of media.
Webinar Twinning Challenges – Covid 19 and Mucormycosis (9thJune,2021)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing organized Webinar “Twinning Challenges – Covid 19 and Mucormycosis” on 9th June, 2021 through zoom.Webinar started with welcome note address by Prof. M. Nirmala , Head of Medical Surgical Nursing department. Dr.Anand, Head of Cochlear Implant, PSG Hospitals, dealt Session –I entitled “Mucormycosis: An Emerging Challenge in Covid 19”. Session – II was on “Mucormycosis in Covid 19 – A Narration” by 2 panel of speakers. Ms. Deepika Selvakumar, Initiative Nurse, Gleneagles Global Health City, Chennai and Ms. Assumpta Johncy, Nurse Educator, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore. 814 Delegates have registered from India and Kuwait. 75% of the participants expressed that the webinar was excellent, most interesting, enlightening and informative. Also expressed that most suitable topic for current health scenario.
International Midwives Day(5thMay,2021)
International Midwives Day – 2021 observed on 05.05.2021, OBG Nursing Department in association with The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council organized Virtual Intercollegiate Quiz Competition “MIDWIZ 2021” through Quizizz Platform for GNM & B.Sc. Nursing students of Various Nursing Colleges in State.
Harbinger of Safe Motherhood: Challenges and Opportunities(12thApril,2021)
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing department Conducted an International Webinar “Harbinger of Safe Motherhood: Challenges and Opportunities” on 12th April 2021 between 10am-12Noon in order to observe National Safe Motherhood Day.Webinar started with Keynote Address by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. Dr. Vidya Seshan, Sultan Qaboos University, Oman, dealt with a session titled “Safe Motherhood: From Rights to Choices”, Session-II “Safe Motherhood: Advocacy to Action” was dealt by Dr. S. J. Nalini, Principal, Sri Ramachandra Higher Education & Research, Chennai. Prof. (Dr). Sudha Annasaheb Raddi, Principal, KLE Academy of Higher Education & Research, Belagavi, handled a session on “Safe Motherhood: Alliance for Innovation”.336 delegates were benefited across 4 countries (Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia, Philippines and India). 70% of the participants expressed that the webinar was excellent, most interesting, enlightening and informative.
Building A Fairer, Healthier World(7thApril,2021)
In view of World Health Day 2021, Community Health Nursing Department along with NSS and YRC Association, organized a Webinar based on the theme “Building a Fairer, Healthier World” on 7th April 2021. The session was conducted through ZOOM and it was telecasted by live You Tube. Invitation was posted in college website and shared through WhatsApp and Facebook. 489 delegates have registered from State, National and International (Riyadh, & Saudi Arabia) level. 266 delegates gave feedback among this 46.1% are faculty39.1% are UG students, 4.7% are P.G students 3.1% are PhD 4.7% are staff nurses, 2.3% are others . The webinar started with the address by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. Mrs.Vikashini, Assistant Professor introduced the speaker Dr. Bharani Kumar Anbalagan MBBS, MD, FID, Assistant Programme Manager (Assistant Surgeon), Deputy Director of Health Service, National Health Mission, Coimbatore. Mrs. Gnanajothi.R, Assistant Professor, thanked all the delegates. The eminent speaker shared their extensive experience and expertise knowledge on the importance of health and the platform to tackle the root cause of health inequities especially during this pandemic period. Most of the participants around 61.7 % rated as excellent, 35.9% as Good and 1.6% as average .The overall feedback of the session was informative, inspiring, thoughtful and motivating. Certificates were sent for the participants those who have given feedback.
Autism Day(2ndApril,2021)
Department of Pediatric Nursing, observed World Autism Awareness Day on 02.04.2021 by sensitizing the public through poster presentation and also screening the children between 15 – 30 months for risk for Autism. Children with risk for Autism were advised for counseling. Around 150 members were benefitted from this.
Bipolar Day(30thMarch,2021)
Mental Health Nursing department observed Bipolar Day on 30.03.2021. Theme of the day is to create awareness on Bipolar disorder. We did an Infographic Presentation at Medical Records Department of PSG Hospital and distributed pamphlet at Psychiatric OPD.
World Oral Health Day
Department of Community Health Nursing observed World Oral Health Day with the theme Be Proud of your mouth. Awareness on importance of Oral Hygiene and oral health problems were taught to children and adult home to home through posters by B.Sc Nursing IV Year students and faculty in vedapatti village from 15.03.2021 to 19.03.2021. Brushing Technique and Hand washing was demonstrated. Tooth paste and Brush were distributed to the public. Nearly 50 public were benefitted.
World Kidney Day(11thMarch,2021)
World Kidney Day was celebrated on 11th March 2021 with the theme of “Living well with Kidney Disease” at Nephrology OPD and Dialysis Unit. II M.Sc. Nursing students had covered with variety of AV aids, in order to increase education and awareness about effective symptom management and patient empowerment, with the ultimate goal of encouraging life participation. Posters were prepared for exhibiting the importance of checking their Blood Pressure, Blood Sugar level, Fluid intake, ill effects of smoking and alcoholism. Flash cards were depicting on Dietary management, Videos on exercises and Pamphlets were distributed among patients and their relatives.
World Obesity Day(04thMarch,2021)
PSG College of Nursing along with PSG Hospitals had observed the “World Obesity Day with the theme of ‘EVERY BODY NEEDS EVERYBODY’ on 04.03.2021. On 1st March 2021, Poster competition was conducted and posters were displayed in PSG Hospital, A- BLOCK. Dr.Balamurugan, & Dr.M.D.Anuradha evaluated the posters. Ms.Shalini.R, Ms.Manibharathi from B.Sc Nursing 3rd year & Ms.Karthika from 1st year M.Sc Nursing has secured 1st, 2nd & 3rd place respectively. Prizes were distributed by Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing and Dr.Balamurugan, Bariatric Surgeon in PSG Hospitals. Followed by screening for obese patients was done by BMI check. Out of 25, 15 patients were identified with obese class I, II and they were referred to Bariatric Surgery OPD. Nursing students explained about healthy and unhealthy foods to the public through food exhibition. Pamphlets on “Prevention and Management of obesity” were issued and the doubts of the public were clarified. Around 100 members were benefited by this programme.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day (11thFebruary,2021)&(12thFebruary,2021)
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing Department along with NSS observed “Sexual and Reproductive Health Awareness Day” on 11.02.2021 &12.02.2021. On 8th February 2021, Script writing Competition was conducted. 16 Students were participated in this Competition. Ms.Aravindha & Group, Ms.Dharani & Group, IV B.Sc (N) secured 1st place. Prize was distributed by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing and participants were appreciated with e-certificates. Based on the winning Script, Community awareness Campaign was conducted on 11.02.2021 at Vedapaatti, PSG Rural &Training Centre, which includes skit on Prevention of Child Marriage & Teenage Pregnancy, Villu Pattu on Menstrual Hygiene & Fashion show on Contraceptive Devices. General Public was benefitted by this programme. On 12.02.2021, an Article titled, “Let’s Talk about Sexual Health” was sent for the Publication.
World Cancer Day(4thFebruary,2021)
PSG College of Nursing along with the Department of Oncology observed “World Cancer Day” on 4th February, 2021 with the theme, “I am and I will – Together, all of our actions matter”. III Year (2018 batch) B.Sc.(N) students actively participated in patient education and displayed Poster, distributed pamphlets, projected and educated the public on Cancer prevention and treatment using a video which was prepared by them.
Workshop on Disaster Preparedness and Response: Nurses’ Role(29thJanuary,2021)to (28thFebruary,2021)
The workshop, “Disaster Preparedness and Response: Nurses’ Role”, is been sponsored by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, Government of India, organized by Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai and is conducted at PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore for 7 days from 29.01.2021 to 04.02.2021 The overall objective of the workshop is to equip nurse professionals with necessary competencies to participate in pre- disaster, peri-disaster and post- disaster management thereby enabling nurses to organize timely mobilization of available resources and to adopt effective rehabilitative measures for the needy.Workshop started with Welcome Address by Dr A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore. Renowned Registrar Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) S.Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai delivered the Keynote Address and briefed about the initiative taken by the Government of India and TNNMC in improving the skills and knowledge of nurses. She emphasized the need and importance of disaster preparedness since our country is recently facing various disasters. She also highlighted on Nurse Midwife Program (NMP) and wished all the participants the very best.During the 7 days workshop, eminent speakers deliberated on various topics , including fire mock drill, triage drill, counselling sessions, group discussions, lecture from bomb squad department, scenario based interactions, table top exercises etc. Pre test and Post test was conducted for all the participants. The mean post test score was significantly higher than their mean pretest score. Workshop was highly effective. Workshop concluded with Valediction, Registrar Prof. Dr. (Mrs.) S. Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai addressed the gathering, participants gave feedback of the training program. They expressed that they had learnt in depth about disaster management, preparedness as well as response, they gained hands on training on triaging victims, fire and safety, as well as counseling. They got an insight about the do’s and don’ts in case of bomb threats and they also added that resource persons enriched them with knowledge and skills. They also expressed that they were benefitted from the group discussions, role plays, and the exercises. They pledged themselves to serve as volunteer in Managing disaster Victims. Regarding the overall feedback, all the participants 100% have expressed workshop content as excellent.Dr.RathiBalachandran,ADG(Nursing), Nursing Division, MoHFW, Government of India, insisted nurses to work for sustainable development goals and universal health. She also explained about the courses such as M.Sc (Nursing) in trauma, post basic diploma residency program, midwifery initiative and interprofessional training. She also congratulated Dr.Ani Grace Kalaimathi for taking initiative in organizing such programs for nurses to upgrade themselves. Finally Dr. Ani Grace Kalaimathi wished all the very best to the participants and congratulated Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, its management and team for the successful completion of the workshop. At the end certificates were distributed.
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week(18thJanuary,2021)to (24thJanuary,2021)
Obstetrics and Gynecological Nursing department along with NSS observed Cervical Cancer prevention week from 18.01.2021 to 24.01.2021. On 18th January 2021, poster competition was conducted and Posters were displayed in A Block entrance, PSG Hospitals to create awareness among public. Dr.Chitra & Mrs.Sangeetha, ANS evaluated the posters and distributed prizes for the winners. Ms.Maji, IV B.Sc (N) secured 1st place, Ms.Nishmitha, IV B.Sc (N), Ms.Thilgavathi, M.Sc. (N) II Year won 2nd and 3rd places respectively. All the winners and participants were appreciated by certificates. “TEAL CAMPAIGN” was organized on the same day. To insist the importance of cervical cancer prevention and awareness, public were encouraged to pin the teal ribbon on the uterine portrait. From 18.01.21 to 24.01.21 screening was done in PSG Hospitals. Infographic was displayed in the scroll board in A-Block reception area for the whole week. To prevent the cervical cancer, Comic strip on preventive aspects of cervical cancer was prepared and the link was shared to all the patients. General Public was benefitted by this programme.

Events Held – 2020

National Organ Donation day(28thNovember,2020)
PSG College of Nursing in association with PSG Hospitals observed the National Organ Donation Day on 28th November 2020. Dr. J.S. Bhuveneswaran, Director inaugurated the ceremony by releasing the pamphlet. College of Nursing faculty has done the posters related to the Organ donation.
International webinar on “Implication of Educational policy and Technology in Nursing Education – A Global view”(27thNovember,2020)
An International webinar “Implication of Educational policy and Technology in Nursing Education – A Global view” was organized on 27.11.2020 in ZOOM platform and it was telecasted via Live You Tube. There are 601 delegates have registered from India, Saudi Arabia, Ethiopia and Oman. The webinar started with the introduction by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Ph.D (N), Principal, PSG CON. The expert speakers were Dr. Christiana Baskaran Ph.D, MSN, RN, Director of Nursing, California, Dr. Asha P Shetty Professor-cum- Principal, Odisha, and Dr. Judie Arulappan M.Sc(N), PhD, DNSc, Assistant Professor / HOD, SQU, Oman who gave an insight on the implication of new policy and innovation in teaching learning strategies in their country. The eminent speakers shared their extensive experience and expertise knowledge in their respective field practiced in their work place. After the presentation, they clarified the doubts of the delegates. The session ended with vote of thanks. The delegates appreciated that the webinar was highly informative and the overall feedback of the delegates were Excellent and Very Good e–Certificates were posted after receiving the feedback. The feedback analysis was done, 55.7% participants had expressed the Webinar was Excellent and 44.3% had graded as Very Good.
New Born Week(15thto21stNovember,2020)
Department of Pediatric Nursing had organized an awareness programme to general public on “New Born Care”, video campaign on dos and don’ts on new born care was projected at the reception of PSG Hospitals, A- block, online knowledge survey on new born care for public, National level mobile application creation and slogan contest for students. e-certificates were issued to the winners of the contest.
World Diabetic Day(13thNovember,2020)
PSG college of Nursing observed a world diabetic day on 13th November, 2020. In this regard, three competitions were organized for all Nursing students in Tamil Nadu. 5 colleges have participated. 39 students for English slogan contest, 10 students for Tamil slogan contest and 10 students for comic strip competition. e-certificate was issued to all participants and winners. As part of it, to create an awareness campaign among the professional groups and patients, issued a badges and slogan wrapped “Paper Chocolates”. In addition to that the “Aerobic Exercise” video demonstration shown to the patients.
Immunization and Pneumonia Day(10thNovember,2020)
The Department of Pediatric Nursing observed World Immunization and Pneumonia Day on 10th November, 2020 on the theme of “Vaccines work for all”. In this regard, Poster exhibition on the importance of vaccination, video campaign depicted various vaccines and its uses. Through SMS campaign, message was sent to general public to use PSG Kavacha, a dedicated vaccination center for all ages, who are hesitant to go hospital during COVID – 19 pandemic.
World Stroke Day(20thOctober,2020)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed World Stroke Day on 20th October, 2020 based on the theme of “Join the movements Don’t be the one”. The students danced and raised awareness for the victim of the stroke and showed patients how to move body parts through signature move dance. A poster competition was organized for the students to highlight the role of the nurse in managing stroke patients and winners were awarded with prizes.
Osteoporosis Day(20thOctober, 2020)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed World Osteoporosis Day on 20th October, 2020, organized an Infographic contest ‘That’s Osteoporosis’ for students. 40 students from 14 Colleges have participated from Tamilnadu, Kerala and Pondicherry. They were actively showcasing their creativity through virtual platform and e-Certificate was issued to all the participants and winners.
World Trauma Day(17thOctober, 2020)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed World Trauma Day on 17th October, 2020 based on theme of “Wear A Helmet Be Safe”. In this regard, three events were organized, such as quiz on traffic signs (Stop, Think & Go), Hash tag in PSG Instagram, Face book &Twitter and short film contest on Accident through virtual platform. Around 300 students participated and e-certificate was issued to the winners.
National Webinar on NAAC-Assessment and Accreditation for Health Sciences – TQM The Way Forward (16thOctober,2020 to 17thOctober, 2020)
The Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) of PSG College of Nursing with University Grants Commission (UGC) Sponsored PARAMARSH scheme as a joint venture with PSG College of Arts & Science organized two days National Webinar on “NAAC-Assessment and Accreditation for Health Sciences – TQM The Way Forward” from 16th to 17th October 2020 through Microsoft Teams and Zoom cloud meeting. Around 271 delegates across India from 64 Colleges in 14 States had benefited through this Webinar.The Webinar began with formal welcome address by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing at 9.30 am on 16th October, 2020. Followed by Dr. D. Bridha Principal PSG College of Arts & Science unveiled about PARAMARSH Scheme. Prof. Dr. (Mrs). Ani Grace Kalaimathy, Registrar, TNNMC, Chennai delivered opening remarks. Eminent Resource Speakers and their topics on 16th October include Dr. Prof. S. Rangaswami, Former Vice Chancellor, Sri Ramachandra Institute of Higher Education and Research, Porur, Chennai on “Need for Assessment & Accreditation, Salient features of Total Quality Management (TQM) in Nursing Institutions”, Dr. Manju Vatsa, Former Principal, College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi. Director, National Reference Simulation Center, SGT University, Gurugram, Haryana on “Special features of Assessment & Accreditation for Nursing Colleges (Metrics) by NAAC” , Dr. Sheela Ramachandran, Pro Chancellor, Atmiya University, Rajkot, Gujarat will address on “Internal Quality Assurance System (IQAS) through Internal Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) – Importance & Role”. On 17th October the sessions were handled by Dr. J. Balavijayalakshmi, IQAC Coordinator, PSGR Krishnammal College for Women, Coimbatore on “Sharing Experiences for Data Management & Data Documentation”, Dr. Christopher Sudhaker, Director, Quality, MAHE, Manipal will deal with “Sharing Experiences for Data Base Management System (DBMS) in Nursing”, Mr. Raja Visvanathan, Scientist-C (Computer Science), INFLIBNET, Gandhinagar, Gujarat on “Higher Educational Services offered by UGC-INFLIBNET” and Dr. Priya Narayanan, Asst Advisor, NAAC, Bangalore on “Document Validation & Verification (DVV) Process of NAAC”. The feedback analysis was done, 63.3% participants had expressed the Webinar was Excellent and 35.3% had graded as Good.
World Arthritits Day(12thOctober, 2020)
Department of Community Health Nursing observed World Arthritis Day on 12th October, 2020, on the theme of “It’s Time 2 Work”. In view of this, arthritis risk assessment survey was done exclusively for women above 30 years. Nearly 511 women participated among that 15%(75) high risk, 23% (116) moderate risk, 17% (85) Low risk and 33(7%) are no risk. Awareness Video on arthritis and its preventive management was prepared by our second and final year students it was uploaded in social media like YouTube and Facebook. With the objective to create awareness to all nursing students online quiz was conducted nearly 1030 students participated and got e-certificate. Virtual fun games like pop a balloon, wack a mole from word wall were conducted nearly 1000 students played the games. Students enjoyed the games and gave a positive feedback.
World Mental Health Day(9thOctober,2020 to 10thOctober, 2020)
Department of Mental Health Nursing observed World Mental Health Day on 9th and 10th October, 2020, organized Pencil Sketch and Tableau competitions for Student Nurses through virtual platform. It was on the theme “Mental Health For All- Greater Investment: Greater Access”. Around 257 Participants from Uttarkhand, Tamilnadu, Kerala, Karnataka participated. Total of 59 participated for the Pencil Sketch and 6 for Tableau. The winners were awarded with prizes.
World Cerebral Palsy Day(6thOctober, 2020)
The day was observed on 6th October, 2020 to extend the support to the affected people. The theme of World Cerebral palsy day was “Go Green 4 CP”. Face painting Competition was organized through virtual platform based on the theme for all students around Tamilnadu. 15 students from 4 colleges participated in the competition and exhibited their creative art skills. The evaluator for the competition was Dr.K.Jothilakshmi MBBS., DNB (Paed), Professor, PSG Hospitals. e-Certificate was given for all the participants and winners.
Breast Cancer Awareness Month (5thOctober,2020 to 9thOctober, 2020)
OBG Nursing Department in collaboration with Department of Oncology, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals and Coimbatore Cancer Foundation observed Breast Cancer Awareness month on 5th October 2020 through e – poster exhibition. Totally 72 posters were displayed at A Block lobby for a week (from 5th October to 9th October, 2020) based on the topic “BREAST CANCER AWARENESS” out of which best 3 were awarded with prizes.
World Heart Day(29thSeptember, 2020)
Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing observed World Heart Day with the theme of “Use Heart to Beat Cardiovascular Disease” on 29.09.2020. The Virtual Tamil debate was conducted for the topic on “Ethu Mukkiyam? Errezhu Nal Vazhum Coronava? Iruthivarai Irukum Irudaya Noya?”. The participants from B.Sc. (N) 2018 and 2019 batch were divided into 2 groups. Group of 5 supported heart disease and group of 4 defended about Corona disease. Prof. M. Nirmala, HOD of Medical Surgical Nursing was the moderator of the debate and she concluded saying that life style modification is the central role in the prevention of both diseases. Everyone has given positive feedback about the debate.
International Webinar on “Impact of Covid-19 among Vulnerable Population”(08th September, 2020)
Alumni Association of PSG College of Nursing organized 2nd International Webinar “Impact of Covid-19 Among Vulnerable Population” on 08.09.2020. 1999 Batch Alumni of PSG College of Nursing have taken initiativeness in organizing the Webinar. The session was conducted in Zoom and it was telecasted via Live Youtube. Invitation was posted in College Website and shared through Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. Around 606 delegates from various parts of the globe like, United Kingdom, UAE, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Singapore, USA, Indonesia, Srilanka, Ethiopia and various states from India have registered for the Webinar. The webinar started with the address by Dr.A. Jayasudha, Principal and Mrs. Nihar Nazeer Batcha, Senior Staff Nurse, Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland was the Moderator of the Webinar introduced the speakers. Mrs. Punitha Vairamani, Clinical Nurse Specialist, COPD Outreach Service, Cork University Hospital, Cork, Ireland dealt with the topic on “Combating with COPD”. Dr. Jeyarani, Principal, Life Guard Nursing Institute, Punjab, India deliberated on “Hidden effects of locked down among Children”. Mrs. Reena Caroline Antony Samy, Nurse Incharge, ITU, Royal London Hospital, United Kingdom discussed on “Challenges in Critical Care Unit” and Mrs.Vijayalakshmi Arun Nagaraj, Director of Nurses & Person Incharge, Residential Care Facilities, Rochestown, Cork, Ireland gave insight on “Surviving Strategies of Geriatrics”. The session ended with vote of thanks. The eminent speakers shared their extensive experience and expertise knowledge in their respective field such as Respiratory Care, Paediatric Care, Critical Care And Geriatric Care. After the presentation, Moderator initiated the discussion and the speakers of respective speciality clarified the doubts of the delegates. Received feedback from delegates stated that the webinar highly informative and the overall feedback of the delegates were excellent. E-certificates were posted after receiving the feedback.
National Nutrition Week 2020(01stSeptember, 2020 to 07thSeptember, 2020 )
PSG College of Nursing celebrated National Nutrition week 2020 (01.09.2020 – 07.09.2020) to highlight the importance and role of the right nutrition for the human body. The theme of National Nutrition week 2020 is “Eat Right Bite by Bite” and organized the following events. Food without flame competition was conducted for faculty on 04.09.2020. e-Poster Competition on “Immune booster foods” and Essay Competition on “Poshan Abhiyaan” to conduct for Nursing students. Around 50 students participated. e-certificate is provided for all winners.
World Breast Feeding Week(3rdAugust, 2020 to 7thAugust, 2020 )
OBG Department observed 28th year of World Breastfeeding Week 2020 from August 3rd – 7th 2020 on the theme “Support Breastfeeding for a Healthier Planet” Emphasizing the theme and objectives, exciting events in a diverse pursuit were scheduled to focus on the links between breastfeeding and the environment/climate change. DAY 1: 03.08.2020: Webinar on “Tele Lactation: An Information Hub-Stay Connected With Natural Immunity” Day 1 started with Keynote address and unveiling the theme of World breast feeding Week 2020 by Dr.Jayasudha.A, Principal,PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore. An International Webinar on Tele Lactation:An information Hub- Stay connected with Natural Immunity commenced. Dr.Malliga Jambulingam,Ph.D(N) Program Coordinator,Morgan State University,USA and Dr. T.V Chitra, MD (OG), DGO, PSG IMS& R, Coimbatore are the distinguished Speakers of the day, delivered Insightful presentation on Tele Health Triage in Breast Feeding and Breast feeding Safety during Covid19 pandemic respectively.761 delegates were participated across 7 countries.70% of the participants expressed that the webinar was excellent, most interesting, enlightening and informative. DAY 2: 04.08.2020: QUIZ PROGRAMME ON BREAST FEEDING (QUIZOPHILIA THROUGH KAHOOT PLATFORM) Quizophilia consists of 7 rounds ( Dictionary corner,Say my name,Figure out,Pictionary,Truth or dare,Lactation cusion,Unwrap the Covid fire)with the sum of 50 questions . 1201 Nursing students were played with joy and learnt with fun .Top 10 Winners were honored with certificate of appreciation and also participants secured more than 75% was awarded with E certificate. DAY 3: 05.08.2020: INSTAGRAM LIVE SHOW Instagram live streaming to Probe up the concern of World breast feeding Week 2020.Mrs.Christy.D, Associate Professor and Mrs.Santhanalakshmi.G,Assistant Professor was interviewed by RJ.Sowbarnika. It engaged the followers in a real time and the followers mystified thoughts related to breastfeeding got solved through this live show on 05.08.2020 at 4.30 pm – 5 pm. Day 4: 06.08.2020: INTERACTIVE WEBINAR BREAST FEEDING: CHOICE OR RESPONSIBILITY? PSG College of Nursing, Mrs.Priscilla.K, Lecturer OBG Nursing invited as one of the Panelist of interactive Webinar on Breast feeding:Choice or Responsibility? Organized by Coimbatore Obstetrics and Gynaecological Society. She addressed Antental Preparedness of breast, common Breast feeding problems, encountered by the mothers and also Covid 19 and Breast feeding. Day 5: 07.08.2020: RADIO HUB’S-TEA TIME SHOW Radio talk with a view to sensitize the public about the significance of Breast Feeding for a Healthier Environment. It was aired through “PSG FM 107.8” on 07.08.2020 at 5.30pm. The report of events was published in Newspapers like Kovai mail and Dailythanthi. We received WABA certificate for successfully celebrated World Breast feeding week 2020.
Webinar on “Tele Lactation: An Information Hub-Stay Connected With Natural Immunity”(01thAugust, 2020)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Nursing organized a International Webinar on Tele Lactation:An information Hub- Stay connected with Natural Immunity commenced. Day 1 started with Keynote address and unveiling the theme of World breast feeding Week 2020 by Dr.Jayasudha.A, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore. Dr.Malliga Jambulingam,Ph.D(N) Program Coordinator, Morgan State University, USA and Dr. T.V Chitra, MD (OG), DGO, PSG IMS& R, Coimbatore are the distinguished Speakers of the day, delivered Insightful presentation on Tele Health Triage in Breast Feeding and Breast feeding Safety during Covid19 pandemic respectively.761 delegates participated across 7 countries.70% of the participants expressed that the webinar was excellent, most interesting, enlightening and informative.
Webinar on “Boost Up Abstinence, Break Up Substance Use, Bring Out Strategies” (13thAugust, 2020)
Department of Mental Health Nursing organized webinar on “Boost up Abstinence, Break up Substance use , Bring out Strategies” on 13th August 2020. The session was conducted in ZOOM cloud meeting and it was telecasted via Live YouTube. Invitation was posted in College website and shared through Whatsapp, Facebook and Twitter. Around 953 delegates from various parts of the globe like Singapore, Bahrain, UAE, Saudi Arabia, USA, Omman, Ethiopia, have registered for the webinar. Participants in India were from Tamil Nadu, Punjab, Maharatra, Kerala, Himachal Pradesh, Assam, Odisha, Telangana, Pondicherry, Jharkhand, Gujarat, Maghalaya, Haryana, Bihar, Jammu & Kashmir. The webinar started with the introduction of the speaker by Prof. Meera Saravanan, HOD, Department of Mental Health Nursing. Dr.K.Selvaraj, MBBS, DPM, MD(Psych), DNB(Psych), Director, Vazhikatti Mental Health Centre & Research Institute, presented on “Cognitive Behavioral Strategies for Substance Use during COVID-19”, Dr.Mayilvaganan Veerasamy, RNM, M.Sc(N), M.A (Psy), Ph.D(N), Assistant Director of Nursing, Orchard Hospital, Ballyfermot, Dublin-10, Ireland presented on “Epidemiological Reflection”, Dr.Abhinav Chichra, MBBS, MD(Psych), Assistant Professor, Department of Psychiatry, Christian Medical College, Vellore presented on “Motivational Enhancement”. the soundness of the technology was taken care by Prof.Baskaran. M and vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Maheswari.T. Most of the participants 62.1% rated as excellent and 36.2% as Good. Majority of the participants strongly agreed positively that they got adequate information, understanding and an insight into the webinar with the appropriate use of media.
Webinar on “Technology Addiction among Tots and Teens”(19thAugust, 2020)
Department of Pediatric Nursing organized a Webinar on “Technology Addiction among Tots and Teens” with eminent speakers on 19th August 2020 through ZOOM cloud meeting and via Live YouTube. The ‘e’-invitation was posted in the College Website and shared through Whatsapp, Face book and Twitter. Around 1,377 delegates from various parts of the globe like New Zealand, Singapore, Ireland, England, South Africa, Yemen, Bahrain, Muscat, Dubai, Kuwait, Ethiopia, Oman, USA, UK, Sri Lanka and India had registered for the webinar. Participants in India were from Jammu & Kashmir, West Bengal, Punjab, Jalandhar, Odisha, Jharkhand, Bihar, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh, Madhya Pradesh, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Telangana, Pudhucherry, Karnataka and Andhra Pradesh. Prof. Roselin Myvizhi. J. E, HOD, Department of Pediatric Nursing welcomed the participants and introduced the speakers.Mr. V.M. Prabhakaran, M.E., Assistant Professor, Kalaignar Karunanidhi Institute of Technology, Coimbatore presented an “e- Safety in Children. Let’s be A Wise Netizen”. He addressed the different approaches to manage the cyber issues which triggered and enlightened the participants to be protective. The second session on ‘Webatron – Resilience & Regeneration” was dealt by Dr. S. Valliammal, RNM, Ph. D(N), Lecturer in Pediatric Nursing, National Institute of Mental Health and Neuroscience, Bengaluru, Karnataka. Her presentation created insights and solutions to the technology and internet addiction. After the Presentation, Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal initiated the discussion and the speakers clarified the queries of the delegates. The Participants appreciated and mentioned that the sessions were very Informative, Intuitive and Interactive.
International Webinar on “The Power of Communication during Covid 19 Pandemic (Energise, Expertise, Empower)”(26thAugust, 2020)
Department of Fundamentals of Nursing organized International Webinar “The Power of Communication during COVID 19 Pandemic (Energise, Expertise, Empower)” on 26th August 2020. The session was conducted through ZOOM and streamed live in YouTube. Invitation was posted in college website and shared through whats app , Facebook and Twitter. 855 delegates registered from different parts of the world like Kuwait, Bahrain. Singapore, Malasiya, Oman, Ethiopia, Saudi Arabia, Newzealand and India. In India, participants were from Tamilnadu, Kerala, Karnataka, Telengana, Pondycherry, Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Bihar, Haryana, Meghalaya, Madhya Pradesh, Uttar Pradesh, Maharashtra, Punjab, Jalandhar, and Odisha. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG CN introduced the speakers. Dr. G. Subramanian, Pofessor, Department of English, Government Arts College, Coimbatore presented on “Unlock the Communication” followed by Dr.Maria Baby, Clinical Nurse specialist, Intellectual disability service, Southern dist health board, Dunedin, New Zealand dealt with the topic “Magic of Communication”. The session ended with a word of thanks. The eminent speakers shared their extensive experience and expertise knowledge on communication. The participants were benefited with an insight about establishing clear communication during this pandemic. The overall feedback of the session was informative, inspiring, thoughtful and motivating.
World Hepatitis Day(28thJuly, 2020)
World Hepatitis Day was observed on 28th of July by creating awareness to the public on Hepatitis through a live interview on instagram. The same was recorded and broadcasted on the next day 29.07.2020 by 5.35 pm in PSG Community fm 107.8. It was Shared in You tube, Facebook & Instagram.
Webinar on “Challenges In Management Of Cancer Patients’ During Covid-19 Pandemic”(29th July, 2020)
Webinar on “Challenges in management of cancer patients’ during covid-19 Pandemic” was held on 29th July 2020. The Session was conducted through zoom platform and it was telecasted by live in you tube. 411 delegates was registered, representing state, national and international level (Qatar & Saudi Arabia) and also completed the pre test. Prof. Nirmala.M HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing welcomed the delegates, Dr. Krupa Shankar, Assistant Professor & Consultant Medical Oncologist, PSG Super Speciality Hospitals was the Guest Speaker. After the Presentation, Principal Dr.A.Jayasudha initiated the discussion and the speaker clarified the doubts of the delegates. Mrs. Gnanajothi.R, Assistant Professor, thanked all the delegates. Received feedback from the delegates stating that it was highly informative session. And the Overall feed back of the webinar was excellent.
National Level Digital Poster Competition-(24thJuly, 2020)
PSG College of Nursing, Ms.Shilja, fourth year Nuring students bagged first prize in National level digital poster competition on “World Breast Feeding Week 2020” held via online at Saveetha college of Nursing & Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai. & Ms.Preethi secured Best outstanding performance which was held at Dr.MGR Educational and Research Institute, Chennai
International Symposium on “Virtual Learning in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities”(11th July, 2020)
Alumni Association organized an International Symposium on “Virtual Learning in Nursing: Challenges and Opportunities” on 11th July, 2020. The 1994 pioneer Batch of Alumni, PSG College of Nursing have taken initiativeness in organizing the symposium. The session was conducted in ZOOM and it was telecasted by Live You Tube. 1058 delegates from various parts of the globe like UAE, Saudi Arabia, Kuwait, Qatar, Singapore, Bahrain, USA, Australia, Hyderabad, Delhi, Puducherry, Maharastra and Tamilnadu have registered for the symposium. Among them 355 delegates were Alumni. The symposium started with the address by Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal. Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Principal, Apollo College of Nursing was the Chairperson of the symposium and introduced the speakers. Mrs. Nirmala, Faculty of Nursing, University of Bahrain dealt with the topic on “Virtual learning: clinical dimension of Nursing Education”. Mr.Senthilkumar, Principal, Lourde College of Nursing, Kerala deliberated on “Virtual learning during COVID-19”. Mrs.Muthulakshmi, Nursing Faculty, Harmony Healthcare Institute, USA discussed on “Telenursing: The Emerging trend in virtual learning” and Mrs. Shiny, Professional Development Specialist, Baylor Heart Hospital, USA gave insight on “Escape traditional nursing classroom: applying the escape room gaming ideas to Nursing clinical education”. The overall feedback of the delegates was Excellent.
Virtual Panel Discussion On MLHP- A Comprehensive Approach(3rd July, 2020)
Virtual Panel Discussion on “Mid Level Health Provider (MLHP)-A Comprehensive Approach” was held on 3rd July, 2020. The session was conducted in ZOOM and it was telecasted by Live You Tube. 1450 delegates have registered from India, Australia, Kuwait, Bahrain, Saudi Arabia, Qatar, United Kingdom and Nigeria.The Panel Discussion started with the theme introduction by Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal. The Chief Guest Dr. S. Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Registrar, The Tamil Nadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai gave an insight on the new emerging Health and Wellness Centre in the health system and pivotal role of Mid Level Health Providers. Dr. Jaeny Kemp, RNM, Ph.D(N), Moderator introduced the Panelists, Dr.S.Kanchana discussed in detail on Ayushman Bharat, Dr. D. Karaline Karunagari explained on Roles and Responsibilities, Dr.T.Vasundhara Tulasi illustrated on Mother and Child Tracking System and Dr. Jenifer D’Souza discussed on Social Mobilization skills. The eminent panelists gave an excellent coverage on various aspects of MLHP and facilitated the participants to appreciate the importance of Comprehensive Primary Health Care. Overall, the Virtual Panel Discussion gave an insight, energized and empowered the participants.
Webinar on Revitalize the Research Spirit(10th June, 2020 to 12th June, 2020 )
Webinar on “Revitalize the Research Spirit” was held from 10.06.2020 to 12.06.2020 between 11.00 am to 12.00 Noon in ZOOM and it was telecasted by live You Tube. 745 delegates have registered from all over the World (8 countries). This high level of interest truly reflected the worldwide importance of Nursing research.The first day of the webinar has started on 10.06.2020 with the topic of “Writing Research Proposal” by Dr. Juliana Linnette D’sa, Professor, King Saud University, Riyadh which rejuvenated the participant’s knowledge in writing research proposal and the session was very informative. The second day (11.06.2020) of the webinar has dealt by Dr. Sudha Ramalingam, Director – Research, PSG IMS&R with the topic on “Research-Ethics-Primer” which attracted the participants and participants from Overseas clarified their doubt on various aspects of ethics involved in research at the end of session. The session enlightened the importance of Ethics in research in current practice. On third day (12.06.2020) Dr. R. Rekha, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Technology discussed about “Analyzing Quantitative Research data is using computer software”, she explained about some of the new analyzing software which is involved in technology field as well in hospital machine oriented Researches.
May 12 of every year is celebrated as the International Nurses Day in commemoration of the birthday of the founder of modern nursing Ms. Florence Nightingale. International Council for Nurses (ICN) commemorates her birthday each year with the production and distribution of sufficient resources and evidence with the theme “Nurses A Voice to Lead – Nursing the World to Health” in 2020. World health organization has declared the year 2020 as the year of Nurse and Midwife, to mark the 200th birth anniversary of Ms. Nightingale. PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore celebrated the International Nurses Day on 12th May 2020, with various activities like quiz for faculty using kahoot, depicting white heart symbol through Rangoli and Tree Plantation at 11 am in the PSG Health campus and lit the lamps at 7 pm at our residence on the day. Statewide, the Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council organized various programmes such as Drawing, Collage, Poem (English & Vernacular), Solo Singing, Games on Crossword Puzzles, Word Hunt, Jigsaw Puzzles, Pattimandram through on-line. Through our website, the Principal, faculty and students saluted all our alumni nurses (1600 members) for their selfless dedication towards care of COVID 19 patients all across the world. PSG College of Nursing also wished all Nurses on Nurses Day thro’ Radio Mirchi FM (93.5o) from 10th to 12th May, 2020.
Disaster Management Program(14th February, 2020)
The disaster management programme was organized by PSG College of Nursing and Quality Control Department, PSG Hospital, Coimbatore, for 15 M.Sc. Nursing (I & II-year) students and 89 B.Sc. Nursing (IV year) students as part of their management curriculum requirements on 14.02.2020. Among the 89 IV-year B.Sc. Nursing students, 30 were the victims, 48 were the patient’s relatives and 11 were the press members.
Sexual and Reproductive Health Day(12th February, 2020)
Every year February 12th is observed as Sexual and Reproductive Health Day. The PSG College of Nursing held its pride in organizing a Poster Exhibit on 12.02.2020 at PSG Hospitals. Emphasizing the multitudinal components of SRH public were stuffed with piles of information addressing the Physical, Psychological and Social domains of reproductive health. Exciting Fun games were organized rooted on the Domains of SRH .The crowd cherished the health message they received and expressed their desire to conduct many such eye opening programmes in future. Furthermore, an interactive, explorative and Peppy Health talk (Singapenney!!! Vaanga Pesalaam) was led by Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing and her team on 13.02.2020 at PSG G Kanya Gurukalam Higher Secondary School, Coimbatore. Health talk Encompassed dimensions of physical, emotional, mental & social well being in relation to sexuality Around 700 students were imparted awareness to empower themselves from sexually transmitted infections, HIV /AIDS, Safe motherhood, Unintended pregnancies, unsafe abortion and teenage pregnancy. A video was also telecasted on “Good touch and Bad Touch” .The students verbalized that session was very informative and enabled them to view SRH in another dimension.
World Deworming Day(10th February, 2020)
Fundamental of nursing department of PSG College of Nursing observed World Deworming day on February 10, 2020. III yr B Sc Nursing students were displayed posters and conducting games regarding prevention of worms and promotion of health on PSG Hospital B Block (Entrance), about 150 people benefited out of this programme.
Peace Rally(5th February, 2020)
The World Health Organization (WHO) declared the year 2020 as the “Year of the Nurse and Midwife” to commemorate 200th birth anniversary of Ms. Florence Nightingale, the Pioneer of Nursing. On this behalf, 25 Nursing Institutions in Kovai including our College had peace rally on 5th February, 2020 from Women’s Polytechnic to VOC Ground. Dr. Annie Grace Kalaimathi, Registrar, TNNMC and Mrs. Evelyn P. Kannan, Secretary General, TNAI, New Delhi were the Guests to address all students and faculty. Mr. Sumit Sharan, Commissioner of Police Flagged off and declared the peace rally.
World Cancer Day(4th February, 2020)
PSG College of Nursing along with the department of Oncology had observed “WORLD CANCER DAY” on 4th February, 2020 in the premises of PSG Super Speciality Hospitals .The theme of the World Cancer day 2020 is “I AM AND I WILL”. Dr. T Balaji, Project Director, the Institute of Oncology said in the press note that palliative care is catching up the trend in the management of cancer, the health care professionals must educate and be the part of family unit with the aim to say that early diagnosis saves lives. Dr. A Jayasudha, Principal of PSG College of Nursing addressed the gathering and motivated the public on the theme and to par take in the cancer awareness campaign with Butterfly initiative to be the support in defeating the illness. The Oncologists, Dr Madhulika, Dr Mohan, Dr Rumesh Chandar, Mrs Gnanajothi, Asst Professor, Mrs Vihasini, Counsellor had actively participated in guiding the students. Prof Leena Francis, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing had taken the lead for the programme and explained about the need for an awareness on cancer among the people and different cancer ribbon colors for various types of cancer. III year B SC Nursing students had put up posters, video, power point and pamphlets and created an awareness regarding CAUTIONUP, Oral cancer, Breast Cancer, Cervical Cancer, Colon Cancer, Blood Cancer and Lung Cancer. They explained about the causes, risk factors, diagnostic evaluations, signs and symptoms, management and prevention. The Public has joined with us and acquired knowledge and clarified their doubts. Students initiated a butterfly movement on the theme “I AM AND I WILL” among the public and encouraged them to support the camp. Around 100 people benefited. It was marvelous to see the thirst of knowledge among the public.
State Level Conference on “Connecting the Dots with Clinical Competence across Nursing (Contemplate, Construct, Coordinate & Contribute)”(23rd January, 2020)
The Management, the Principal and Faculty of PSG College of Nursing recognized the responsibility to empower the nursing fraternity with the zeal of improving their clinical competence and organized a State Level Conference on “Connecting the Dots with Clinical Competence across Nursing (Contemplate, Construct, Coordinate & Contribute)” on 23rd January 2020. Target Population was Nursing Students of UG & PG, Nurses, Nurse Educators and Nurse Administrators of Hospitals, Schools and Colleges of Nursing. Three hundred and nineteen delegates from in and around Tamil Nadu had benefited out of the Conference. Financial assistance was sought from The Tamil Nadu Dr. M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai. Resource team and their topics include Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore on “Energize your Semantics: Humanize your workplace”, Dr. Latha Venkatesan, Principal, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, on “Thumbs Up Your Intuition & Logic”, Dr. Sonia Das, Principal, KG College of Nursing Coimbatore, on “Probe your Insights: It’s the Ultimate Edge”, Dr. Irin Light Christopher, Clinical Care Coordinator, GVN Hospitals, Tiruchirappalli, on “Carry your Torch: Recognize, Review and React”, Prof. Leena J, HOD Dept of Fundamentals of Nursing, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore on “Go Instead! Where There is No Path and Sketch your Trial”, Dr.M.D. Anuradha, Nursing Superintendent, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore on ‘Pursuit of Perfection magnifies your Image” and Dr. Renuka K, Principal cum Dean, Kasturba Gandhi Nursing College, Sri Balaji Vidyapeeth (SBV) Deemed to be University, Pillayankuppam, Pondicherry on “Pitch In & Help where help is needed: Perceive your Strength”. During the valediction, Prof Leena J, Organizing Secretary of the Conference welcomed the gathering and gave the report of the Conference. Dr. Vimal Kumar Govindan, General Surgeon, Unit Chief, PSG Hospitals was the Chief Guest of the function. TNNMC Observer Mrs. Shanmuga Priya, Associate Professor, Annai Mennatchi College of Nursing, Coimbatore gave feedback applauding the planning and conduction of the conference. She appreciated the theme. The participation certificates were distributed. One of the delegate during the feedback stated that the sessions were overwhelming. Mrs. Reena RCJ, Assoc. Professor, Joint Secretary of the Conference proposed Vote of Thanks.
LAMP LIGHTING CEREMONY(10th January, 2020)
Lamp lighting ceremony for B.Sc Nursing I yr 2019 batch was held on 10th January 2020 at PSGIMSR Auditorium. Prof. Seethalakshmi Nurse Entrepreneur, KASEE women’s Health Center was the Chief Guest. Dr. T. Balaji, Director, Institute of Oncology presided over the function. Dr. M.D. Anuratha led the students in pledge. Students dedicated themselves by lighting the lamp and singing the dedicated song. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering, Mrs. Reena R.C.J. proposed vote of thanks.

Events Held – 2019

Kadhambari 2020
Ms. Krupa Elsa Mathew, IV year B.Sc. (N) and Ms. Tharani, II year B.Sc. (N) were selected for Ciniraga and Ms. Dhanusya, I year M.Sc.(N) got selected for Individual Classical Performance for Kadhambari 2020.
World Pneumonia and Immunization Day(15th November, 2019)
Department of Child Health Nursing, PSG College of Nursing, observed World Pneumonia day and World Immunization Day on 15.11.19 at Pediatric OPD in PSG Hospitals. Posters on Pneumonia: prevention, protection and treatment were displayed at the OPD. Posters on Importance of Immunization, Immunization Schedule, Dos and Don’ts during Immunization were displayed at the same premises. Students of III B.Sc(N) actively participated in explaining the posters, giving health education to the parents who visited the Pediatric and Immunization OPD.
Children’s Day(12th November, 2019)
Department of Child Health Nursing celebrated Children’s day at Indian Red cross Society, School for Speech and Hearing Impaired Children, Govundampalyam, Coimbatore on 12.11.19 from 10am to 12:30pm. III year B.Sc Nursing students organized various games such as Running Race for Girls and Boys, Stack the glass, Tap the shoulder, Balloon race for pre schoolers, Organ Hanky Game. Snacks were distributed to the children after the games.
ZENITH 2019(29th November, 2019)
PSG College of Nursing conducted 21st south zonal level Inter collegiate quiz competition “Zenith 2019” on 29/11/19. This is an annual event, the quiz programme of this year has focused on Pediatric Nursing, Mental Health Nursing, Nursing Research and Statistics and General Knowledge. There were rounds like Situation Analysis, Abbreviations/ Terminology, Calculation /Drugs, Visual round and Rapid fire round. This year 44 teams had registered from Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Karnataka and Pudhucherry. Preliminary written test was conducted for all the participants and the highest scored five teams were qualified for the quiz programme. Prof. Roselin Myvizhi.J.E was the Programme co-ordinator. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing declared the quiz open and welcomed the gathering. The chief guest was Dr.M. Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy and the panel of Juries were Prof. S.Anbarasi, Principal, Kongunadu College of Nursing, Dr.Ramesh, Neonatologist, PSG Hospitals and Mr. Manikandan, CNS, Dept of Psychiatry, PSG Hospitals. The rolling trophy was won by students from Government College of Nursing, Madurai, second place was CMC College of Nursing, Vellore and the third place secured by KMCH College of Nursing, Coimbatore.
Silver Jubilee Valediction(29th November, 2019)
The valediction of Silver Jubilee year was held on 29th November, 2019. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest for the occasion was Shri. G.R. Karthikeyan, Founder Trustee, PSG Institutions. Chief Guest and our Managing Trustee Shri. L. Gopalakrishnan acknowledged the faculty and staff with a memento and appreciation letter. Prof. Meera Saravanan proposed vote of thanks.
Compression Only Life Support (COLS) Training Course(18.11.2019 to 30.11.2019)
The Tamil Nadu Nurses & Midwives Council has initiated the “Compression Only Life Support” (COLS) training course for all the students in Tamil Nadu. As a part of it, in Coimbatore, PSG College of Nursing had conducted training course for 20 Nursing colleges (4482 students) from 18.11.19 to 30.11.19. The four instructors from Laerdal company trained all the students and effectiveness was found by pre and post test.
XXVIII SNA Biennial Conference(2nd to 6th November 2019)
The XVIII National SNA biennial conference was held from 2nd to 6th November 2019. From thirty one states, fifty nine Executive council members, 160 TNAI members, 1072 SNA members, 33 non SNA members and 44 non TNAI members. Totally 1368 were registered in the conference. Conference kit was issued to all the registered members. The Executive committee and council members were accommodated in the Medical college hostel and Nursing students hostel. The conference was started with Executive committee meeting by TNAI Office bearers on 1st and 2nd November at PSGIMS & R library seminar hall, SNA General Committee meeting, Exhibition of Posters, Essay Writing, Rangoli, Pencil Sketch, On the Spot Painting, Quiz Competition were organized at 2nd and 3rd floor, PSG College of Nursing. Inauguration, Entertainment -Talent night, Final Quiz competition, Mono acting, Panel discussion – Alive & Thrive were held on 3rd and 4th at PSG IMS &R auditorium. Inauguration was started at 11.00am, Dr. Madhavi, Principal, KMCH College of Nursing has given the welcome address. The chief guest of the day was Thiru. Dharmentra Pradap Yadav I.A.S, Chairman and Managing Director, Over Seas Man power Corporation Ltd, Government of Tamilnadu, the Guests of Honour were Sri. L. Gopalakrishnan Managing Trustee PSG Institutions, Dr.T.Dileep Kumar, President, INC, Dr, S.Ani Grace Kalaimathi Registrar TNNMC. Dr.Roy.K.George, President, TNAI presided over the function. Dr. Jaeny Kemp, Vice President, TNAI, South Zone delivered Key Note Address. On 5th November Inauguration of sports meet started at 7 am. The Chief Guest Dr. K. Brindha, Principal, PSG College of Arts and Science hoisted the National Flag. March past was performed by students from 14 Nursing colleges, followed by torch relay. Mr.Ajinas, from TNAI led the students in taking the oath. The chief Guest Dr.Brindha, Principal College of Arts & Science declared the sports meet open and the dignitaries released ceremonial balloons and pigeons. Cheer girls dance encouraged the participants and human pyramid was portrayed by boys of PSG College of Nursing. Events like 100 mts , Discuss Throw and Javelin Throw was conducted for both girls and boys. The Valediction was held on 5th at PSG IMS &R auditorium by Mrs.Evelin.P.Kannan Secretary TNNMC, Dr. A. Jyasudha, Principal PSG College of Nursing, Dr. Jaeny Kemp, Vice President, TNAI (South region). Vote of thanks was given by Mr.Vatchala Dhinakaran. The prizes were distributed to all the winners. On Thursday, 6th November 2019, 67 delegates had visited trip to Ooty.
World Stroke Day(29.10.2019)
Fundamentals of Nursing Department observed World Stroke Day on 29.10.2019. Third year B.Sc Nursing students gave group health talk through PSG FM 107.8 regarding early detection, prevention and life style modification on stroke.
World Arthritis Day(25.10.2019)
Community Health Nursing Department along with YRC UNIT observed World Arthritis Day on 25.10.2019 theme of “Time 2 Work”. In this regard B.Sc Nursing IV Year students created awareness through taking complete survey of 87 families for the prevalence of Arthritis among them 20 members were identified and were referred to PSG Urban Health Centre. Nutrition exhibition and health education about Arthritis was given to the people of Gandhimanagar. Nearly 30 people were benefitted.
World Osteoporosis Day(18.10.2019)
Department of Community Health Nursing along with NSS Unit observed World Osteoporosis Day on 18.10.19 at PSG Urban health centre. Complete head to foot assessment was done for women in the reproductive age group in PSG Urban Health Centre. B.Sc Nursing IV Year students displayed posters on osteoporosis and Nutrition exhibition on calcium Rich diet. Nearly 40 public were benefitted.
World Spine & Trauma Day(17.10.2019)
World Spine & Trauma Day was observed on 17.10.2019 and conducted a survey on Road Traffic Rules and Regulations followed by our employees wearing helmet and seatbelt. There were nearly 244 two wheelers and 103 cars among these 67 employees were not wearing helmet and 70 members were not wearing seatbelts. An awareness message was sent to all the employees, who were not following the rules and regulations. Finally, on the day of spine and trauma, the rules and regulations of road traffic accidents was displayed in front of the Hospital parking area by means of placards.
World Obesity Day(11.10.2019)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed World Obesity Day on 11.10.2019 at PSG Hospitals New building entrance. Posters on causes, risk factors, effects, prevention and management of obesity including importance of bariatric surgery were displayed. Our students educated the public. Height and weight was checked and BMI was calculated for the public. On the same day our III B.Sc. Nursing students participated in obesity awareness rally organized by PSG Institutions along with the Department of Obesity and Metabolic Surgery at Race Course from 5 to 6 pm.
World Mental Health Day(10.10.2019)
World Mental Health Day was observed on 10.10.2019 in the theme “Working together to prevent suicide: A day for 40” along with the Department of Psychiatry, PSG Hospital. Had role play, quiz, group games, pamphlets and posters for patients and their relatives. An information booklet was released on “Mental Health Problems”.
World Heart Day (29th September, 2019)
The students performed a skit which portrayed the measures of healthy living such as personal hygiene, Diet, Habitations and lifestyles as part of World Heart Day (29th September, 2019).
BREAST FEEDING WEEK(1st August to 7th August 2019)
Obstetric and Gynaecologic Nursing department of PSG College of Nursing observed world breastfeeding week from August 1st to August 7th, 2019 rooted on the theme “Empower parents and Enable Breastfeeding”. Emphasizing the theme, multitudinal activities in a diverse pursuit were scheduled to focus on getting both parents empowered to realize their breastfeeding goals. Thus, Empowerment creates an enabling environment to breastfeed optimally. Being a team effort, the responsibility is shouldered on partners, families, workplace and community to protect, promote and support breastfeeding. The Breastfeeding week celebration commenced with a bang by a Poster exhibit lined up at PSG Hospitals to enlighten the public on awareness of Breastfeeding. The public was stuffed with Information pertaining to the theme, Importance of breast feeding, Advantages of breastfeeding, Various positions of breastfeeding, Foods to improve breast milk secretion, breast care and management of minor breast problems. Pamphlets possessing a pile of information regarding breastfeeding and its importance were distributed to those who visited the exhibit. The crowd cherished the health message they received and expressed their desire to conduct many such eye opening programmes in future. Echoes of “Breastfeeding-The elixir of life” got transmitted every nook and corner through our Radio frequency “PSG FM 107.8”. The public adored the health talk of Breastfeeding radiated via air. An interactive, explorative and Peppy “Dialogue with Dynamic working mom’s” at Personiv, IT Company was led by Dr.Harini, Department of yoga and naturopathy, Lactation Counsellor at PSG Hospitals and Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. During the forum, Dashing Mom’s delved into themselves and enquired their queries. Also, inquired about various facilities available to promote breastfeeding for working mothers. Resource persons quenched the knowledge thirst by enlightening them regarding expressed breast milk, Demerits of formula feed, Milk bank and support groups available for lactating mothers. In the epilogue, we could elicit a ray of comprehension pertaining to breastfeeding among the working Mom’s who actively got themselves involved in the dialogue. “Rap session with fathers and caretakers” of antenatal and postnatal mothers at PSG Hospitals was led by Mrs. Gotha Hari Priyah, Parenting Consultant from Coimbatore Parenting Network. The group enthusiastically partook in the discussion and shared their opinions and views regarding breastfeeding. A Quiz was set up on manifold facets of “Breastfeeding” among antenatal and postnatal mothers to let them explore their apprehension at PSG Hospitals. Five teams eagerly participated and bagged the prizes. Mothers were blissfully happy and uploaded themselves with copious amount of knowledge connected with Breastfeeding.A “Mass cognizance on Breastfeeding” was imparted by dint of Poster exhibit at Vedapatti Rural Health center, PSG Hospitals. Around 50 members were enlightened on multifarious aspects of Empowering parents and enabling Breastfeeding.Thus the concept of Breastfeeding being a mother’s job has revolutionized and has reached a new era of seeking assistance from fathers, families, workplace and community to aid breastfeeding.
GRADUATION CEREMONY-2019(17th July 2019)
Silver Jubilee celebration along with 21st Graduation Ceremony & Alumni Reunion was organized on 17.07.2019. 80 graduates and 6 post-graduates received their certificates. 23 Subject toppers, 7 class toppers and 6 special award winners were honoured with prizes. College magazine “Reminisce 2019” was released during the ceremony. The Chief Guest was Dr Shyamala Kumar, Nursing Director, NMC Hospital, Dubai. Dr Latha Venkatesan, Principal Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, Dr Raja Sudhakar, Group Head Wipro Ltd, Bengaluru, were the Guests of Honor. The usherers were from 2015 batch. Shri.L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee was the President of the graduation ceremony. Cultural programme by Nursing students were performed at the end of the day. Parents and invitees were present for the ceremony. All Heads of PSG Institutions and Staffs from Administrative Office, Nursing Service Personnel and Principals from various Nursing Colleges and Schools from Coimbatore were present for the Graduation Ceremony.
ALUMNI REUNION 2019 (17th July 2019)
The 21st Alumni Reunion was held on 17.07.2019 at 9.30am in seminar hall, PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 86 usherers and 20 graduates participated in the reunion. The program inaugurated with invocation followed by welcome speech by Ms. Kavipriya. Dr.A.Jayasudha honoured the guests with the shawl. Dr. Shyamala Kumar, Nursing director, NMC Hospital, Dubai and Dr. Raja Sudhakar, Group Head, Wipro Ltd, Bangalore, had consented to grace the occasion as Special Guests. Dr. Shyamala Kumar addressed about “Transforming Nursing Care Services” and Dr. Raja Sudhakar about “Myths and Miracles in Nursing”. Both the sessions were very interesting and interactive. The guests encouraged and advised the alumni to keep in touch with the Alma Matter.
The Alumni Association showcased its stamina by organizing the most awaited Alumni Get-together ‘Congregate 2k19 ‘ for all the undergraduates and post graduates on Saturday 13th July 2019 in Seminar Hall, PSG Hospitals. Around 60 alumni members had joined the Alma matter. The day was very exciting for the alumni as they had returned back to the campus again and interacted with one another. Alumni who are from different corners of the country and across the globe holding high positions in their career had shared their professional life experiences and instillation of motivating drops to the present day nursing generation. Mrs.Vedavalli, Treasurer, Alumni Association welcomed the gathering. Dr.J.S.Bhuvaneswaran, Director, PSG Super Specialty Hospital and Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing presided the event. During the session a video was displayed on college life moments from 1994 to 2014 batch added essence to the alumni get-together. Various group games also conducted and prizes were given to the winners and complimentary gifts were distributed to all alumni those who attended the programme .Mrs. Maheswari. T, President of Alumni Association proposed vote of thanks.
Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking Day(26th June 2019)
Organized guest lecture session on the theme Health for Justice and Justice for Health towards the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on 26.06.2019 at the PSGIMS&R auditorium. Students from PSGIMS&R, PSG College of Nursing and Physiotherapy with the total of around 800 participated. The speaker has been Mr. R Vincent, MA, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Narcotics Intelligence Bureau, Crime Investigation Department, Coimbatore. Sir explained clearly the ways how youth become addicted to various drugs in the market, about sale of drugs and legal actions being taken in the present day scenario. The one hour session created more awareness on how the students can keep away from drugs.
Alcoholic Anonymous (26th June 2019)
There was a session on Approach towards alcoholics by Alcoholic Anonymous group, Coimbatore region on 26.06.2019 at 3pm in PSGIMS&R Auditorium. Students of PSG College of Nursing attended this session. The group shared real life experiences of self and others who fought against the social evil called alcoholism. They described how the course of alcohol intake occurs and the ill effects of this triangular disorder which affects body, mind and spirit. Students received many messages related to how to approach handle such clients and their families and the contact details of the organization. This session stimulated everyone to support such clients.
International Yoga Day (21st June 2019)
PSG institutions celebrated International Yoga day on 21st June at PSGIMS&R playground at 6.30 am. PSG has taken initiatives in marking this great day every year. PSG institutions celebrated this day by performing pranayama, kundalini yoga exercises and yogasanas for all the students and faculty members of various institutions of PSG & Sons Charities. Around 5000 members participated and performed yoga exercises and asanas. Students were guided by Mrs M Harini and Mr Karpaga Rajkumar M, Physicians from the department of Naturopathy and yoga at PSG Hospitals. Shri L Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee and Shri GR Karthikeyan, Trustee of PSG institutions have taken a lead in making this day possible every year. Dr JS Bhuvaneswaran, Medical Director, PSG Super specialty Hospitals presided over the programme. Mr.L. Balaji Saravanan, Deputy Commissioner of police, Coimbatore was the chief guest of the day. He appreciated the youth in carrying out our holistic method to attain optimal health and well-being. He emphasized that the daily practice of yoga in our children would definitely take us towards the theme ‘climate action’. He wanted each and everyone do a perfect yoga to prevent illness and for a better social life. This day created more awareness about yoga among student fraternity.
Nurses Day(10th May 2019)
TNAI organized Nurses Day programme on 10th May, 2019 for faculty members. A Guest lecture on “Positive mind” was delivered by Dr.M.Shivaa, Consultant psychologist. He emphasized the meaning of life, goals, positive vibrations through sharing of life experiences and demonstrating few exercises. White heart batch was distributed by Principal to all faculty and she wish them for their career development. Prof. Meera Saravanan organized activity session for the faculty which began with the video show on biography of Florence Nightingale. A short quiz on “Do you know Florence Nightingale” was conducted for six groups. Joint together to identify the personality was conducted related to Nursing theorist. Winners of the activity were honored.
International Midwives Day (6th May 2019)
International Midwives Day was celebrated on May 6th 2019 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium at 9.30am. The theme of International Midwives Day was “MIDWIVES: DEFENDERS OF WOMEN’S RIGHTS”. Dr.Chitra, Professor cum Unit Chief of OBG Department, PSG IMS&R delivered a keynote address on Role of Midwives in Maternity Services. The Chief Guest of this special day was Mrs.Swati Jagadish, Director of Bond & Beyond Institute and Parenting Network, Coimbatore. She had an interactive session on “BREAST IS BEST”- LACTATION MANAGEMENT. Around 400 delegates (Faculty & Students) were benefitted by this programme. The students actively participated and gained up new information about Lactation Management and Midwives Role in Maternity Services.
National Safe Motherhood Day (11th April, 2019)
Department of Obstetrics and Gynaecologic Nursing observed ‘National Safe Motherhood Day’ on 11th April 2019. The theme of 2019, NSMD is “Midwives for Mothers”. Created awareness on Reproductive health, Importance of institutional delivery, Better antenatal and postnatal health care, benefits of family planning and Post abortion care through Poster exhibition in OPD of PSG Hospital (Entrance). Around 100-120 mothers and family members were benefitted. Also issued pamphlets on Safe Motherhood for all.
World Bipolar Day (10th April, 2019)
Department of Mental Health Nursing observed World Bipolar Day on 10.04.2019 at Library Seminar Hall. Various events like role play on Bipolar disorder, its symptoms and management by III Year B.Sc (N) students, video show on Mania and Depression, distribution of pamphlet on Bipolar Disorder and Lithium therapy, signatory sheet on “I have Known” were organized for patients and family members at PSG Hospitals. Dr. I. Anand, Unit Chief of Psychiatric Department handled the discussion part with the patients and care takers. Around 35 participated and benefited out of this awareness campaign.
World Health Day(08th April, 2019)
Department of Community Health Nursing observed “World Health Day 2019” in PSG Urban Health Centre, Peelamedu on 08.04.2019. Mass awareness programme was organized with the objective of Universal health coverage. The programme mainly highlighted to ensure that everyone can obtain the care they need, when they need it, right in the heart of the community. B.Sc Nursing II Year 20 students created awareness on common health issues and health resources available and its utilization through villupattu, role play and dance. Nearly 40 public were benefitted by this programme and the people expressed a positive feedback. Our student’s performance was greatly appreciated by the Medical Officer of PSG Urban Health Centre.
Autism Awareness Day(06th April, 2019)
Department of Child Health Nursing along with Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics, PSG Hospitals observed “Autism awareness Day” on 06.04.19 at PSGIMS&R Auditorium. The programme began with registration and inauguration was held by lighting the kuthuvizku by Dr.Neelakandan, Head, Department of Pediatric, Dr.Raguthaman, Head, Department of Psychiatry, Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. III year B.Sc Nursing students performed mime on parent handling and care, displayed posters on prevalence of autism, signs and symptoms and therapies of Autism. Autistic children showcased their talent by dance, singing, played instruments. Team of doctors clarified the doubts of the parents and care takers. 36 children were registered and the programme winded up at 3:30pm
World TB Day(29th March, 2019)
Mass awareness programme was organized in 4 Veerapandi Primary Health Centre on 29.03.2019 with the objective to raise public awareness about the devastating health, social and economic consequences of TB, and to step up efforts to end the global TB epidemic. B.Sc Nursing IV Year 26 students and B.Sc Nursing II Year 20 students created awareness through villupattu, puppet show, mime show and role play. The programme mainly highlighted on causes, signs and symptoms, treatment, follow up and prevention of Tuberculosis. Nearly 40 public were benefitted by this programme and the people expressed a positive feedback. Our students performance was greatly appreciated by the medical officer of Primary Health Centre.
Pulse Polio Immunization(21st to 22nd March 2019)
Pulse Polio Immunization programme on 10.03.19, B.Sc Nursing II Year and IV Year NSS Volunteers (64 Students) actively participated in giving polio vaccine for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions specifically Vedapatti, Peelamedu, Sowripalayam and 24 Veerapandi. They also participated in mopping up activities on 11.03.19 and 12.03.19. More than 500 children were vaccinated.
World Oral Health Day(20th March, 2019)
World Oral Health Day in Dental OPD was observed on 20th March, 2019 on the theme “Say Ahh! Act on Mouth Health”. The I Yr. B Sc Nursing students demonstrated regarding Brushing technique & taught prevention of Oral disorders to all patients other relatives.
World Glaucoma Week(11th to 15th March 2019)
World Glaucoma Week was observed from 11th to 15th March at Ophthalmology OPD. The III BSc Nursing students created awareness & educated on Glaucoma for patients attended ophthalmology OPD.
Pulse Polio Immunization(10.03.19)
Pulse Polio Immunization programme on 10.03.19, B.Sc Nursing II Year and IV Year NSS Volunteers (64 Students) actively participated in giving polio vaccine for children less than 5 years in and around Coimbatore regions specifically Vedapatti, Peelamedu, Sowripalayam and 24 Veerapandi. They also participated in mopping up activities on 11.03.19 and 12.03.19. More than 500 children were vaccinated.
International Women’s Day(08.03.19)
International Women’s Day was observed on March 8th, 2019 and organized a Tamil Debate on “பெண்களின் நேரம் அவர்களுக்காகவா, அவர்களைச் சார்ந்தவர்களுக்காகவா” among faculty of Health Sciences (College of Pharmacy, College of Physiotherapy and College of Nursing) at II Floor Seminar Hall, College of Nursing.
State Level Conference & Workshop“Challenges in Trauma Nursing” (Proaction, Reaction and Promotion) and “Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)” (21st to 22nd March 2019)
The Medical Surgical Nursing Department has organized State level Conference and Workshop titled “Challenges in Trauma Nursing” (Proaction, Reaction and Promotion) and “Advanced Trauma Life Support (ATLS)” from 21st to 22nd March 2019 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium and PSG Hospitals Simulation Lab. Dr. Muthukannu, Professor, KG College of Nursing was appointed as observer by TNNMC, 7 credit hours was awarded by the council for the conference and 7 hours for the workshop. The program began with an inauguration Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Dr. James J. Gnanadoss, Professor of Orthopedics, Bethastha Hospital was the Chief Guest and Prof. Ravikumar, Head of Emergency Nursing, CMC Vellore unveiled the theme and addressed the gatherings. Prof.Nirmala, Organising Secretary proposed the vote of thanks. The eminent speakers from in and around Coimbatore held the sessions of conference and workshop. Around 315 delegates from various Nursing Colleges and Hospitals participated in conference and 50 delegates were in the workshop. The participants had an enormous knowledge on trauma nursing and experienced hands on training in all the skill stations. The program ended with the Valedictory program.
Guidance to Competitive Exam for Nurses (2nd February 2019 to 6th February 2019)
PSG College of Nursing organized a Crash Course on “Guidance to Competitive Exam for Nurses” for the first time in Coimbatore City in collaboration with Nursing competitive exam trainer “Metier Future Aspiration” from New Delhi for 5 days (2nd February 2019 to 6th February 2019) at PSG Hospital Seminar Hall. The course offered exam guidance training programme for AIIMS, JIPMER, ESIC etc.. The course was inaugurated by Dr A JAYASUDHA, Principal PSG College of Nursing. The objective of the course was to offer guidance to nurses on how to crack the nursing competitive exams. Crash Course covered all the nursing subjects which included high yield M.C.Q points, group discussions and interactive session and also provided with free question bank. The invited speakers for this crash course were from AIIMS & JIPMER Nursing fraternity. The course was specially designed for nursing interns students, Registered Nurses, Nursing faculties and others who wish to appear for nursing competitive exam. A total of 129 delegates attended the crash course from various states of India.4 faculty and 24 B.Sc Nursing students from PSG College of Nursing attended the session, among them 2 faculty and 9 students were sponsored by the Institution. At the end of crash course the audience gave a positive feedback.
World Leprosy Day 2019 (30th January 2019)
PSG College of Nursing observed World Leprosy Day 2019 on 30.01.2019 based on the theme Ending Discrimination, Stigma and Prejudice in Primary Health Centre, Veerapandi. B.Sc Nursing IV Year students presented a role play and villupattu highlighting on incidence of leprosy, causes ,mode of transmission, clinical features and its management. The programme mainly focused to stop the transmission of leprosy, prevent disabilities and promote social inclusion by ending discrimination. The students motivated the public to join hands in achieving Zero Transmission, Zero Disabilities and Zero Discrimination thereby we will be one vital step closer to a world without leprosy. 23 B.Sc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing participated in the programme and it was greatly appreciated by the public.
Cervical Cancer Prevention Week (24 th January 2019)
The Cervical Cancer Prevention Week program was conducted in Urban health centre, Peelamedu on 24.1.2019. We have screened 23 woman aged above 25 years. Out of them 2 women were identified with cervical polyp and they are refer to PSG hospitals for further investigations. Distributed a pamphlet on “Early detection and Prevention of Cervical Cancer”. 25 members were benefitted by this programme.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony (11th January 2019)
Lamp lighting ceremony was held on 11.01.2019, most of the student’s parents attended the function. Dr.Jayasudha.A, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Shri L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG & Sons’ Charities delivered the presidential address. Dr.R.Tamilmani, Principal, Annai JKK Sampoorani Ammal College of Nursing, Komarapalayam was the Chief Guest and Prof. Madelaine Baumann, Head, International Affairs, School of Nursing Sciences, La Source, Switzerland was the Guest of Honor, Dr. Anuradha, Nursing Superintendent, PSG Hospitals administered Nurses pledge to the students, J. Leena, Professor, PSG College of Nursing proposed the Vote of Thanks.

Events Held – 2018

International Day of Persons with Disabilities (3rd December 2018)
PSG College of Nursing observed International day of persons with disabilities on December 3rd 2018. The theme for this year is “Empowering persons with disabilities and ensuring inclusiveness and equality”. To mark this day, Mental Health Nursing Department and Youth Red Cross recognized Differently abled persons of PSG Hospitals. Mr.Kannapanayanar Personnel officer, Mr.S.Ramachandran, Asst. General Manager and Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, College of Nursing graced the occasion with their presence. Events like quiz, Treasure hunt was conducted. Memento and refreshments was been given.
State Level Workshop(19th November 2018 to 21st November 2018)
Department of Child Health Nursing Organized a State level Workshop on “Facility Based Newborn Care & Quality Improvement” from 19.11.2018 to 21.11.2018 in view of the newborn week celebration and commemoration of Silver Jubilee year. The event was sponsored by IANN (Indian Association of Neonatal Nurses). Thirty delegates from NIMHANS, Bangaluru, Salem, Madurai & Coimbatore attended. Pre and Post tests were conducted on the first and last day of the workshop respectively.
World Stroke Day(27th November 2018)
Department of Medical and Surgical Nursing observed World Stroke Day with the theme of ‘UP AGAIN AFTER STROKE’ on 27.11.2018 at Neuro OPD, PSG Hospital under the guidance of Dr. R. Balakrishnan, HOD of Neurology, PSG hospital. Dr.R. Balakrishnan introduced the theme of the day followed by health education given by our Second year M.SC nursing students regarding stroke and its management and also leaflets were distributed to the patients about prevention of stroke.
World COPD day (19th November 2018)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed the “World COPD day” on 19th November, 2018 in the male speciality ward. II B.Sc Nursing students gave health education to the patient and care givers on causes of COPD, signs and symptoms of COPD & home care management. Totally 45 of them benefited.
World Diabetes day(14th November 2018)
In view of observing “World diabetes day”, Fundamentals of Nursing Department conducted drama to educate the public on “Foot Care Management” on 14th November, 2018 in Endocrinology OPD. Nearly 60 patients actively participated and benefited in this programme.
Children’s Day(14th November 2018)
The Child Health Nursing Department celebrated “Children’s Day” on 14.11.18 at play room pediatric medical ward at 2pm. Games were organized and students educated the importance of hand washing through dance and all the children were given gifts.
World Pneumonia Day (12th November 2018)
The Child Health Nursing department observed “World Pneumonia Day” at the Vaccination room on 12.11.18, PSG Hospitals by educating the public on causes, risk factors, treatment and prevention through distribution of pamphlets.
Sports Meet 2018-2019(9th November 2018)
PSG College of Nursing organized an “INTRAMURAL SPORTS MEET 2018-2019”on Friday 9th of November 2018 at the ground of PSG IMS&R. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing presided over the function.Mrs. Sofiya Princess Hema, Sports Co-ordinator welcomed the gathering. Shri.K. Balamurugan, Deputy Superintendent of Police, Prohibition and Enforcement Wing hoisted the National Flag and Principal hoisted the College Flag followed by March Past. Group events, track and field events were conducted for the students. The individual championship for male was bagged by Mr. Rajapathi of II Year B.Sc. Nursing and female was bagged by Ms. Brindha of III Year B.Sc. Nursing. The overall trophy was bagged by the house “Black Eagles”. Prizes were distributed for the winners by the Chief Guest, Principal, Mr. Palanisamy, Physical Director, Mr. Ramachandran, Assistant General Manager and Professors Tamilselvi, Leena Francis and Nirmala. Annual report was read by Mr. Paramasivan, Student Sports Secretary. Mrs. Benita Crystal J, Sports Co-coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.
ZENITH 2018(29th November 2018)
The 20th South Zone Intercollegiate Nursing Quiz Competition “ZENITH 2018” was held on Friday, 29th November 2018 between 2pm to 4pm. at PSG IMSR Auditorium. Thirty seven teams (21 colleges) have registered from Kerala, Karnataka & Tamil Nadu. The Programme Co-ordinators are Prof.M.Nirmala and Dr.A.Tamilselvi, PSG College of Nursing. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing inaugurated the quiz programme and welcomed the gathering. Dr. Elizabeth Jean Abraham was the Chief Guest and Dr.T.Saravanan, Professor, Department of Medicine, PSG IMSR presided over the function. Dr. Muruganandam, Assistant Professor, Department of Surgery, PSG Hospitals and Prof.Dr.P.Viji, KMCH College of Nursing were panel of Jury. Preliminary was conducted in the morning between 10.30 – 11.30am and five teams were selected for the final. Between 2.00 – 4.00 pm the quiz was conducted the winning teams were, College of Nursing, CMC Vellore banged the trophy (First Prize) and Second Prize, College of Nursing, SRIPMS, Coimbatore won the Third Prize.
World Osteoporosis, Arthritis and World Trauma Day(26th October 2018)
World Osteoporosis, Arthritis and Trauma day was observed at Fun Republic Mall on 26th October by PSG College of Nursing . One in three women and one in five women throughout the world experience an osteoporotic fracture. 15 % of the world population are affected by arthritis. One person dies in every 30 hours at Coimbatore roads and three more are reported to be injured in road accidents. To high light the importance of all these days the program was organized. Dr. Dinakar Rai, Professor and Head of Department of Orthopedic Surgery and Mr. Arvind, Manager of Fun Republic Mall unveiled the event and inaugurated. Posters were displayed on awareness on osteoporosis and arthritis. Flash mob was done to create awareness on trauma by our B.Sc nursing students.
National Seminar on Trendy Teens –Tricks to Tackle (ASPIRE, ADVOCATE, ACHIEVE(12th October 2018)
National Seminar on“Trendy Teens –Tricks to Tackle (ASPIRE, ADVOCATE, ACHIEVE)” was held on 12.10.2018 organized by community health Nursing Department, PSG CON, Coimbatore. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG CON introduced the theme of the seminar. There were 8 sessions. The experts filled us with enormous knowledge on Current trends and issues in Adolescent health, Gender Disparity and its Impact, Adolescent Nutrition, Teen Risk and Resilience, Teen mental wellness, Adolescent reproductive and sexual health, Life skills and Building and Sustaining Stakeholders Support in Adolescent Health. The delegates have presented posters related to the theme of the seminar. Valediction was scheduled at 4:31pm Dr.Kezevino Aram, Director, Shanti Ashram was invited as the chief guest and Dr. Sudha Ramalingam, Registrar-Research, PSG IMS&R also joined us and delivered the presidential address. Best poster certificate was issued to Dr. Mallika, Professor, PIMS, Pondicherry. Certificates were also issued to all the delegates in the valediction. Around 560 delegates (442 students and 118 Nurses and Faculty) attended the session and were benefitted. The overall feedback of the session was good.
World Obesity Day(11th October 2018)
Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed world obesity day on 11.10.18. Flameless food competition was conducted for students of PSG College of Nursing, Pharmacy and physiotherapy in front of the hospital, near entrance. Dr.Sujaya Menon inaugurated the stall and released the pamphlet on awareness on obesity. Posters were displayed on the theme “End Weight Stigma” Around 46 teams (92 students) participated in the competition. Deputy Nursing Superintendent Mrs.Kalaiselvi and dietitian Mrs.Manimegalai were the evaluators, winners and runners were awarded with prizes and certificates. BMI and B.P was monitored for the general public. Around 102 people benefited.
World Mental Health Day(10th October 2018)
The World Mental Health day on October 10th an information Booklet on “Common Mental disorders and its management” was released by Dr. Raguthaman Prof & HOD of Psychiatry Department, PSG Hospitals which was given to the care takers of psychiatric ward. Organized poster presentation on the topic “Impact of social media on mental health” at the entrance of the Hospital. Dr.Anand, Mr. Baskaran M. and Mrs. Benita Crystal J. and five of our students gave an interview on air at PSG FM community radio on the importance of observing Mental health day.
International Day of Elderly(4th October 2018)
The Department of Medical Surgical Nursing observed the International day of Elderly on 4th October 2018 along with Shanthi Ashram. About 70 people aged between 61 to 89 years from 12 villages in and around Kovaipudur benefitted through this programme. The day started with health assessment from various specialties of PSG Hospitals. By then, support group meeting was held and followed by one to one counseling sessions. Here, faculty and students PSG College of Nursing identified the problems and needs of elderly and provided counseling to each individual. The common problems of elderly were Cataract, hearing impairment, asthma, Tuberculosis, generalized pain, weakness, urinary incontinence, anemia, gastritis, osteoarthritis, Diabetes and Hypertension. The most surprising issue found in general was their loneliness and they earn for their own bread and butter.
World Cerebral Palsy Day (1st October 2018)
Department of Child Health Nursing of PSG College of Nursing observed World Cerebral Palsy Day on 1/10/2018 at Pediatric OPD, PSG Hospitals. Various posters were displayed to create awareness on causes, signs and symptoms, and rehabilitation of children with Cerebral Palsy along with signature campaign to support the awareness. Around 250 people were benefitted.
SURGICAL STRIKE DAY (29th September 2018)
Surgical Strike Day was observed on 29th September, 2018 at PSG IMSR Auditorium to encourage, inspire younger generation and educate them about the great work of our National Heros (the defence service people). B.Sc. (N) II, III & IV year students participated in the poster competition on the theme of “Role of Indian Defence Services in our Nation Building”.
World Alzheimer’s Day (21st September 2018)
The Department of Mental Health Nursing conducted group discussion on the “Management of Alzheimer Disease” to the care takers at Mother Teresa Missionaries of Charity on 21.09.2018.
World Suicidal Prevention Day(10th September 2018)
It was observed on 10.09.2018, as part of Silver Jubilee Celebration, group discussion was aired at PSG FM Radio. A role play was staged and leaflets were distributed on suicidal prevention and its management at Vedapatti PHC Center.
PSG College of Nursing observed “World Breast Feeding Week” (WBW) from August 1st – 7 th 2018 on the theme “Breastfeeding- Foundation of Life ” at PSG Hospitals, Gandhi Maanagar, Peelamedu, PSG College of Arts and Science and Vedapatti Health Centre. On 1st August ,2018 PSG College of Nursing screened 50 women above the age of 40 years for breast cancer and emphasized early detection by Breast self examination. A Health education on manifold aspects of Breastfeeding was imparted door to door and also to those visited the screening camp at Balwadi ,Gandhi Maa nagar, Peelamedu. The second day (02.08.2018 ) started with a bang by inaugurating a Poster exhibit at PSG Hospitals by Dr.Kanchana , Professor of Obstetrics & Gynaecology. The public was stuffed with Information pertaining to the theme, Importance of breast feeding, Advantages of breastfeeding, Various positions of breastfeeding, Foods to improve breast milk secretion, breast care and management of breast problems. Pamphlets possessing a pile of information regarding breastfeeding and its importance were distributed to those who visited the exhibit. The crowd cherished the health message they received and expressed their desire to conduct many such eye opening programmes in future. The expert speakers who has extensive experience in the field of midwifery were invited from various national and international universities to share their enormous amount of knowledge on Golden moments of Breast feeding , Breast feeding problems and its management , Facts & Folk tale of breast feeding, The Hidden feelings of motherhood- A call to action, Pharmaco vigilance in Lactation, Human milk bank-The balanced balance .A Panel discussion on “Heart to heart dialogue”- comprising panellists from variety of sectors such as differently abled (Blind) women, mother of twin baby, working moms at Hospital and IT sectors explored their challenges in breast feeding. On 4th August, a health talk on maternity benefit schemes was rendered by Mrs.Padmavathi,MCH Officer enriching 60 Patients and nursing staff on varied government offered maternity schemes. Furthermore, they were benefitted by a film show on “Importance of breatfeeding” telecasted by Mr.Murali & team , Asst.Field Publicity officer, Field outreach bureau. In collaboration with Inner Wheel Club, Coimbatore a ceremonious event Valakaapu was conducted for pregnant mothers & gifts were distributed for delivered mothers . Mothers were blissfully happy and overwhelmed with bundles of joy. On 5th August, Echoes of Importance of breastfeeding got transmitted every nook and corner through our Radio frequency “ PSG FM 107.8”. The public adored the aroma of “Breast milk- Liquid Gold” radiated by air. A guest lecture was conducted at PSG college of Arts and Science on 06.08.18 between 2.00 – 3.00 pm. Mrs.P.Kaveri, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing discussed the multidutinal aspects of breast feeding. Around 300 students and 20 faculty of PSG Arts and Science College have actively participated in the session. On 7th August, 2018 PSG College of Nursing screened 20 women above the age of 30 years for breast cancer and emphasized early detection by Breast self examination. A Health education on manifold aspects of Breastfeeding was imparted through posters. A Yoga session was headed by Dr Harini for 25 pregnant women on safe exercising and also techniques to manage the normal labour.
The College of Nursing has successfully entered in to 25th year and has planned variety of events for the whole year from August 2018 – July 2019. The Inauguration of Silver Jubilee year was commenced on 3rd August, 2018, Shri L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee presided over and Dr. Selva Titus was the Chief Guest for the occasion. Followed by inauguration, a Seminar was conducted on “Love in Every Drop-Mom’s Secret (Live, Love, Lead)” at PSG IMS & R Auditorium by inviting eminent speakers from Oman, Saudi Arabia, Bahrain and India. Around 200 delegates attended the Seminar which aspired to protect, promote and support breastfeeding.
The Alumni Association conducted an International Seminar on “Challenges and Opportunities in Nursing” on 30th July 2018 from 9am – 12 noon in PSG IMS&R Auditorium. The alumni of 1995 batch, Mr.Mahesh Pillai, Nurse Entrepreneur, State of Texas, Mrs.Padma, Family Nurse Practioner, Santa Maria California and Ms.Roselin Myvizhi, Professor in Shanmugam College of Nursing, Salem were called as the resource persons. They shared their experience and challenges which they faced in the Nursing Profession. They motivated the students with their inspirational speech. All the Faculty and students of PSG College of Nursing and alumni from PSG Hospitals attended the seminar. Students clarified their doubts in the question session and were benefited.
Observation Of International Day Against Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking (26th June 2018)
Mental Health Nursing Department and SNA Unit of PSG College of Nursing joined hands to observe the International Day against Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking on June 26th 2018. To mark this day, III BSc (N) 6 students and I BSc (N) 2 students have made a group discussion on air at PSG FM Radio, which was broadcasted at 9 am and followed by 8 pm on the same day. Students also gave Health Education regarding the Effects of Alcohol on Health Management to overcome it in the Psychiatric OPD. The leaflets were distributed to all patients and their family members in IP & OP unit of Psychiatric Department, PSG Hospitals.
International Yoga Day (22nd June, 2018)
International Yoga Day was observed on 22nd June, 2018 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. The NSS Unit, YRC unit and SNA Unit organized the session on yoga. Ms Vennila.S of IV BSc Nursing student welcomed the gathering. Pincipal Dr A Jayasudha presided over the programme. Dr Vibash.K, Assisstant Professor, Department of Yoga, JSS Institute of Naturopathy and Yogic Sciences, Coimbatore in his Chief Guest address explained about the yoga of Guru Patanjali and its importance in modern life. He said when there is ” No Yoga, No Peace and hence to Know Yoga, Know Peace “, all need to explore yoga, gain benefits to be a good human kind on this earth. He appreciated the nursing students for learning yoga and for their performance on the stage. The nursing students who are doing a course on “Yoga for Youth Empowerment” performed simplified kundalini yoga exercises of few types. They also showed various yogasana postures in standing, sitting and lying postures. Mrs Devilakshmi, Programme Officer, Peelamedu Manavalakkalai Mandram, Professor at Kumaraguru College of Technology explained about the effects and importance of yoasanas which were performed on stage. She gave a practice session on pranayama for the faculty members and students with additional tips for day-to-day activities. Feedback was given by Ms Sabitha, III BSc (N) student. Mr Surya Prakash.A of IV BSc Nursing student proposed vote of thanks.
Course on Yoga for Youth Empowerment
The BSc(N) students 26 Nos. (IV year – 2 Nos., III year – 15 Nos., II year – 6 Nos. and I year 3 – Nos.) are doing a one year course on “Yoga for Youth Empowerment” under Vethathiri Maharishi Institute for Spiritual and Institutional Education organized by the Peelamedu Manavalakkalai Mandram Arakkattalai, Coimbatore. Students attended 60 hours of Theory & Practical hours for Yoga. They had completed their examinations in May 2018.
International Midwives Day(5th May 2018)- Proficiency – Quintessence of Midwifery
Obstetric and Gynaecologic Nursing Department of PSG College of Nursing observed International Midwives Day on May 5th 2018 at PSG IMS & R Auditorium by organizing workshop on ‘Proficiency – Quintessence of Midwifery’ and awarding Best Midwives. Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Shri. L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions, Coimbatore gave the Presidential Address. The Chief Guest of the occasion was Thiru. S.P. Velumani, Hon’ble Minister of Municipal Administration, Rural Development and Implementation/Special Programme (Govt. of TamilNadu). Thiru.V.C. Arukutty, AIADMK, MLA Coimbatore, Dr. Vijay Karthikeyan, IAS, Commisioner, Coimbatore Municipal Corporation and Thiru K.Santhosh Kumar, City Health Officer and other Government officials attended the function, The Chief Guest awarded the best 12 Midwives working in Corporation Maternity Centres, Primary Health Centres, ESI Hospital, GKNM & PSG Hospitals. During his address, recalled the administrative efficiency of the Late. Dr. A Jayalalitha, her thoughts and plans are in the phase of implementation by our present Hon’ble Chief Minister Edapadi Palanisamy. He appreciated the PSG College of Nursing for observing the International Midwives Day which signifies the vital role of midwives towards the maternal and child care. He expressed his happiness in attending such a programme. Also said that PSG Hospitals provide cost effective quality health care to the public. The keynote for the workshop was addressed by Dr. A. Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing and revealed the theme of the workshop. Dr. Muthulakshmi Principal, PPG College of Nursing presented about Evidenced Based Practice-Pearls of Midwifery. During the morning session of the workshop, topics covered by Professors, Tutors, Chief Nursing Officers from various Colleges and Hospitals were Abdominal Examination, Episiotomy suturing, Conduction of Normal Delivery, Shoulder Dystocia, Essentials of New Born Care, Newborn Resuscitation, IUCD Insertion, Management of PPH. During afternoon session the delegates were given hands on training in simulation lab. About 50 delegates registered for the workshop. Prof. Sree renjini.B, Organizing Secretary proposed vote of thanks.
Graduation Ceremony (4th May 2018)
PSG College of Nursing has celebrated its 20th Graduation Ceremony on 4th May, 2018 at 4.31p.m in PSG IMS & R Auditorium. Seventy B.Sc Nursing 2013 batch students and 3 M.Sc Nursing 2015 batch students received their degrees. Dr.G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal welcomed the gathering. Shri.L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee of PSG Institutions presided over the function and Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing gave charge to graduates. Dr.M.Prakasamma, Director, Academy for Nursing Studies and Women’s Empowerment Research Studies (ANSWERS), Hyderabad awarded the graduates. She addressed being Nurse is unique and stressed on 3 C’s in Nursing i.e. Caring, Co-ordination and Custodianship for the graduates to inculcate in nursing profession. During this enviable occasion, Ms. Ammu .R received the Best Out Going Student Award. The graduates and post graduates were awarded with special awards of Best Academic, Best Clinical Nurse and Best Researcher. Graduates who have excelled in extracurricular was also awarded for Best NSS Volunteer, Best Sports Men & Women and Best SNA Award. Following the awards, Ms, Shefrin.S & Mrs. Santhosh Priya gave the response on behalf of their batches. During the Graduation Ceremony College Magazine Reminisce ’18 was also released by the Chief Guest. The ceremony came to an end with the words of gratitude by Mrs. Glory.H, Programme Co-ordinator of the Graduation Ceremony. The photo session was arranged in front of the auditorium after the recession. Students of PSG College of Nursing had entertained the audience with variety of cultural programmes followed by Dinner.
Alumni Reunion (4th May 2018)
The 20th Alumni Reunion was conducted on 04.05.2018 at Seminar Hall, PSG College of Nursing. Nearly 100 Alumni members participated in the reunion. The Chief Guest was. Dr.M.Prakasamma, Director, Academy for Nursing Studies and Women’s Empowerment Research Studies (ANSWERS), Hyderabad and Prof.Uma Devi T, College of Nursing, SRIPMS, Coimbatore an Alumni, B.Sc (N) 1994 Batch was the Guest of Honor.
Report on OSCE Workshop (8th May 2018)
PSG College of Nursing conducted “Workshop on OSCE/OSPE for Nursing faculty” on 08.05.2018 at Seminar Hall, College of Nursing. Eighty eight faculty from ten Nursing Colleges from Coimbatore had participated in the workshop. Dr.Malarvizhi .G, Vice Principal welcomed the gathering, Chief Guest of the day Dr.Rajkumar, Medical Director, PSG Hospitals, presided over the function and Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal presented on OSCE/OSPE to all the delegates. The delegates were grouped according to their speciality and sent to various departments for practicing the OSCE/OSPE stations in the morning as well as afternoon sessions. Various manned and unmanned stations were planned as per the speciality and delegates participated actively in all the skill stations. In the evening, the feedback was collected from the delegates from various departments and concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Prof.Nirmala.M, Programme Coordinator, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing Department. Finally reports of the workshop was sent to The Taminadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai.
Nutrition Exhibition (24th April 2018)
B.Sc Nursing IV Year students had organised a Nutrition Exhibition on Iron Rich Diet for antenatal mothers on 24.04.2018 at Primary Health Centre, Dhaliyur. Nearly 60 antenatal mothers were benefitted out this programme.
Health Talk on Protected Together Vaccines Work (30th April 2018)
The department of Child Health Nursing observed world immunization week on 30.04.18 from 10am to 4pm based on the theme “ Protected together vaccines work ”Awareness was created by health talk by the students by means of flip charts, chart and pamphlets were distributed regarding immunization, its uses, immunization schedule and AEFI (Adverse events following immunization) .Around 75 people got benefitted.
National Safe MOotherhood Day (30th April 2018)
Obstetric and Gynaecologic Nursing Department of PSG College of Nursing observed ‘National Safe Motherhood Day’ on 11th April 2018. The theme of 2018 NSMD is “Respectful Maternity Care”. The awareness programme was conducted on reproductive health, importance of Institutional delivery, better antenatal and postnatal health care, benefits of family planning and post abortion care through poster exhibition in OPD of PSG Hospitals. Around 150-200 mothers and family members were benefitted. Also conducted panel discussion and guest lectures on Safe Motherhood for students in PSG College of Nursing.
OSCE/OSPE Workshop (18th April 2018)
The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University conducted a workshop for the faculty regarding OSCE/OSPE to implement in the UG/PG Nursing courses on 18.04.2018 in the Senate Hall of the University. Dr.Jayasudha, Principal along with five senior faculty attended the workshop.
Annual Sports Meet (20th April 2018)
The Annual Sports Meet 2018 was held on 20.04.2018 Friday between 8.30 am and 11 am. The final year B.Sc Nursing Students Janazin 2k14 was the organizing batch. The sports meet was named as ‘Energia -2018”– A legacy of Champions. Various events for the students and faculty were conducted from 12.03.2018 onwards. Mrs.Sofiya Princess Hema, Sports Co-ordinator welcomed the gathering. The sports meet started with March Past by all the batches and torch relay was carried out by the athletes. The Chief Guest Shri.Prem.M.J Asst. Commandant, Coimbatore Airport hoisted the National Flag & declared the sports meet open. The Guest of Honor Prof.Dr.D. Charmini JebaPriya, Principal, Texcity College of Nursing, Coimbatore addressed the gathering and distributed the prizes. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing hoisted the College Flag and Presided over the function. The individual championship was won by Ms.Brindha.T, B.Sc Nursing 2016 batch and Mr.Krishnan.G B.Sc Nursing 2015 batch. The overall trophy was won by B.Sc Nursing 2015 batch ( TROZEANS)
National Conference on Nursing Research – Basics and Beyond (Explore, Experience, Expedite) 26th & 27th April 2018.
The National Conference on Nursing Research – Basics and Beyond (Explore, Experience, Expedite) was organized on 26th & 27th April 2018. The speakers were invited from National Institute of Nursing Education, Chandigarh, Karnataka and Tamilnadu. Around 300 delegates attended the conference. The first day of the conference was started with Tamil Thaai Vazthu. There were 7 sessions. The experts filled us with enormous knowledge on basics of Nursing Research, Research Designs, Research proposals, Critique, Plagiarism, Royalty, and Ethics in Research and so on.The delegates have done scientific and poster presentations, 11 Papers and 5 Posters have been evaluated.The best paper and poster presentation was awarded. The second day of the conference had 6 sessions. The speakers gave thorough information on identifying priority areas of health care Research and funding agencies, Review of journals, Biostatistics and Sampling techniques. The two days of scientific sessions closed by valediction. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal welcomed the gathering. Dr.Nandagopal R, Director, PSG Institute of Management was the Chief Guest. In his address he emphasized the need of nursing research and implications of research findings in practice to promote health care of people through evidence based practice. Dr.Tarun Bhatnagar, Scientist E, National Institute for Research in Tuberculosis was the Guest of Honour. Mr.M.Baskaran, Associate Professor has delivered the conference report and Mrs.Benita Crystal J, Assistant Professor proposed vote of thanks.
World Bipolar Day (30th March 2018)
Observed World Bipolar Day on 30th March 2018 by Mental Health Nursing Department of PSG College of Nursing. Role play in Thaliyur Primary Health Centre and distributed educational leaflets. Around 150 rural people attended and benefited out of the programme. Psycho education programme was given to the patients, family members and the public in the psychiatric OPD. Educational leaflets on management of bipolar disorder were distributed to the public in the psychiatric OPD, PSG Hospitals and able to reach around 80 people. Green ribbon was distributed to all the faculty members of PSG College of Nursing. The logo in green ribbon was put up in the student notice board to bring awareness among our students also.
World Water Day –(22nd March 2018)
Youth Red Cross Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Water Day – 2018 on the theme ‘Nature for Water’ on 22nd March 2018. Students wrote English slogans, had an art on the theme and displaced in front of College.
International Women’s Day: (8th March 2018)
PSG & Sons’ Charities celebrated International Women’s Day on 8th March 2018 at 4 p.m. in PSG Tech Campus. Prof.Meera S and Mrs.Divya R, received Best Women Achiever Award for teaching and non-teaching staff respectively. Youth Red Cross Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed International Women’s Day in PSG Urban Health Center on 8th March on the theme ‘press for progress’. On this day, Medical Officer Thenmozhi addressed the students about women empowerment followed by health screening done to all the women. NSS Volunteers of PSG College of Nursing (27 students) did complete health assessment for the adolescent students in Anaikatty School. Hemoglobin estimation was done for adolescent girls. Majority of the adolescent girls were found to be anemic. As to combat anemia in tribal population the NSS Volunteers actively involved in creating awareness programme through role play, villupattu and puppet show on ANEMIA among tribal adolescent students. Health education was given through posters on aspects like environmental hygiene, worm infestation and dental hygiene. Health assessment and mass awareness was done in collaboration with RBSK Team,PHC Thudiyalur. Students from SNA participated in Women’s day celebration organized by CIMA on 4th March, 2018 at CIMA auditorium, Coimbatore. 8 students from I year & III year B.Sc Nursing participated in Inter-nursing Collegiate Dance Competition.
Road Safety Awareness Programme
The NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing sent 99 NSS volunteers to participate in Road Safety Awareness programme organized by Police Department (Traffic) ,Coimbatore. The programme was organized with the motto ‘HELMET ON LIFE ON’. It included activities like importance of road safety, demonstration of safe riding of two wheeler, correct posture of riding two wheeler, importance of helmet and sign boards .Quiz was conducted on road safety rules. Mr.Sujit Kumar, IPS, Deputy Commissioner of Police gave a talk on importance of road safety.

Events Held – 2017

24th Lamp Lighting Ceremony– (23rd December 2017)
I B.Sc Nursing, 2017 batch students had their 24th Lamp Lighting Ceremony on 23rd December 2017 at PSGIMSR Auditorium. Dr.Latha Venkatesan, Principal, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai was the Chief Guest and Dr Paavai, HOD of Paediatric Surgery, PSG Hospitals presided over the function. During the ceremony, Chief Guest Dr.Latha Venkatesan, Dr.Jayasudha.A Principal, Prof Nirmala.M, HOD, Fundamental of Nursing Department and Dr .Anuradha M.D, Nursing Supdt, passed on the lights to the novice students. Dr.Latha Venkatesan in her address highlighted the uniqueness of Nursing profession and need to develop the attitude and the commitment in caring the humanity as a whole in providing nursing service. Stressed the importance of skill development and adequate training which is the foundation in nursing. At the end, she wished and congratulated all novice nightingales for choosing nursing as their career and opting PSG College of Nursing as its one of the best Nursing College in India. Dr.Anuradha.M.D delivered the Nurses pledge which was recited by the Nursing students. Prof.Nirmala.M, the Programme co-ordinator and HOD, Dept of Fundamentals of Nursing proposed the vote of thanks.
Zenith – Inter Collegiate Nursing Quiz Programme-(6th December 2017)
The Intercollegiate Nursing Quiz ‘ZENITH 2017’ was conducted on 6.12.2017. Thirty three teams from 19 Nursing Colleges in and around Tamil Nadu have participated in the preliminary examination and best five teams were qualified for the finals. The participants went through various rounds of questions from Obstetric and Gynecological Nursing, Community Health Nursing and General Knowledge. The Quiz mistresses were Prof.Sree renjini B, HOD of OBG Nursing Department, Mrs,K.Jeyanthi Shanmugam, Associate Professor of Community Health Nursing Department and Prof.Meera S, HOD of Mental Health Nursing Department. Dr.Esther John, Principal of Ganga College of Nursing and Prof. Girijakumari, Vice Principal of Sri Ramakrishna College of Nursing were the Panel of Jury. Students from College of Nursing, CMC Vellore won the 1st prize. As they are the winners of Zenith for three consecutive years 2015, 2016 and 2017, the rolling trophy was given to College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore permanently. Dr.Jayasudha A, Principal, PSG College of Nursing , Dr. Esther John, Chief Guest for the day and Dr.Seetha Panicker, HOD of Obstetrics and Gynaecological Department of PSG Hospitals handed over the trophy to winners.
National Conference on “Let technology unlock the future Nursing Education” (Ed-tech in Nursing)- (22nd December, 2017)
A National Conference was organized on “Let Technology Unlock the Future Nursing Education(Ed-tech in Nursing) on 22nd December, 2017. The eminent speakers were invited from Tamilnadu, Kerala and Karnataka. The details are as follows:
S.No. Name of the resource person Topic
1 Dr.T.Balasubramanian, Registrar, The Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University Chennai Workshop on e-learning & e-publishing
2 Dr.Roy K George, Principal, Baby Memorial College of Nursing, Kozhikode Spaced Learning and Mentorship in Nursing
3 Dr. B.V.Kathyayini, Principal College of Nursing, NIMHANS Digital Based Learning and Robotics in Nursing
4 Dr.N.Vivek, Associate Professor, PSG Institute of Management Multimodal Learning
5 Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing Traditional Vs Modern Methods of Teaching
Three thirty eight delegates from in and around Tamilnadu attended the Conference. Financial assistance was sought from ICMR, New Delhi, The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai and Elsevier Publications. On the same evening, during the valediction Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Dr.S.Ramalingam, Dean, PSG IMS&R presided over the function. He emphasized on updating technology in the career leaves a remarkable change. Dr.T.Balasubramanian, Registrar, The Tamilnadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai was a chief guest. He emphasized to explore the potentials in improving students’ educational outcomes through the new technology available today. Followed by that Prof.Leena J, HOD, Nursing Education and Management and Organizing Secretary gave the report of the conference. TNNMC Observer Mrs.Magarani.S, Associate Professor, Sree Abirami College of Nursing, Coimbatore had given her feedback applauding the planning and conduction of the conference. She appreciated the theme. One of the delegates during the feedback stated that the sessions were overwhelming. Mrs.Maheswari.T, Asst.Professor, Joint Secretary of the Conference gave vote of thanks. The day came to an end with the National Anthem.
Graduation Ceremony (November 17th 2017)
The 19th Graduation Ceremony was held for 2014 batch of M..Sc Nursing students and 2012 batch of B.Sc(N) students on 17th November 2017 between 2 p.m. and 4 p.m. Dr.G.Malarvizhi, Vice-Principal welcomed the gathering. Dr.Ani Grace Kalaimathi, Registrar, Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai had been the Chief Guest of the day. She emphasized that nurses are the ambassadors of the health care industry. Hence, every nurse should be able to update their knowledge and skill in their respective specialities. She also mentioned that young nurses are well informed that they are indispensable in spite of all technology and mushrooming technician courses creeping in. She reinforced that caring of patients as individuals is a need of the hour, not as customers of health care industry. Dr.A.Jayasudha, Principal, gave charge to the graduates. Prof.Dr.P.Radhakrishnan, Director, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies presided over the function. Out of 85 graduates, 80 of them and 3 post graduates received their convocation certificates. The class toppers of UG and PG were awarded with medals. Among the prestigious awards for undergraduate students, the best academic and best clinical nurse award was presented to Mr.Prabu G and Ms.Krishnapriya P bagged the best out going student award with the Gold medal. The best SNA award was received by Mr.Prabu G and the best NSS award was received by Ms.Deepa R.L., and Ms.Banupriya S received for best Sports Woman and YRC Award.Among the post graduate students, best academic and best clinical award was given to Mrs.Priya Selvi B and best research award was given to Mrs.Prameela A of 2014. Following the awards, Mr.Prabu G, 2012 batch of B.Sc Nursing and Mrs.Priya Selvi, 2014 batch of M.Sc Nursing gave the response on behalf of their batch. Prof.Leena J, HOD, Nursing Education & Management Department and the Programme Coordinator of the graduation ceremony proposed vote of thanks.
Traffic Forum (October 10th 2017)
PSG Traffic Forum was inaugurated on 10.10.2017 by the Deputy Commissioner of Police-Traffic Coimbatore City. NSS Volunteers of all PSG Institutions are formed to control busy traffic and to minimize accidents in Coimbatore. Twenty five NSS Volunteers from PSG College of Nursing participated and became members of above forum. The Forum is created with the theme “Road Safety Life Safety”.
Induction Programme (October 09th 2017)
The I year B.Sc Nursing, 2017 batch had their Induction Programme along with I year Pharmacy and Physiotherapy students on 9th October 2017 at PSG IMS&R auditorium. Shri .L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee presided over the function, Dr. A.Jayasudha, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering and Dr.Ramanathan M, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy addressed the freshers and Prof.Mahesh R, Principal, PSG College of Physiotherapy proposed vote of thanks. In the afternoon, each college separately had their specific orientation programme. The I year B.Sc Nursing students along with their parents had their specific orientation programme about the course in detail, and mentoring at auditorium itself.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebration (August 1st to 7th 2017)
World Breastfeeding week-2017 was observed by Dept. of Pediatric Nursing, OBG & Community Health Nursing in collaboration with Department of Nursing Services, PSG Hospitals from August 1st – 7th 2017 based on the theme “Sustaining Breastfeeding Together” at PSG Hospitals, PSG College of Nursing, PSG College of Arts and Science and Vedapatti Health Centre.


The PSG College of Nursing conducted an awareness programme on “Ill effects of drug abuse and addiction” on 29.04.2017 at 9 am. The guest speaker of the day was Dr. Venkadesh Babu, IRS, Assistant Narcotics Commissioner, Central Bureau of Narcotics, Chennai. The Principal i/c, Dr. G. Malarvizhi delivered welcome address and Dr. Venkadesh Babu, IRS, Assistant Narcotics Commissioner proceed with the session. He discussed about the clarification of various drugs like opiods, stimulants, depressants etc and its side effects. The session went on in an interactive way. He gave of practical examples and discussed about research findings and made the effects of drug abuse more objective by showing video clippings. Both UG and PG students had participated and benefited out of this session. Everybody felt that session is very informative. They also gained knowledge about how it looks and in what are the ways it’s been abused.
Workshop on ‘Facility Based Newborn Care’ (April 03rd 2017)
Workshop on ‘Facility Based Newborn care’ was organized by faculty from pediatric Nursing Department, along with PSG hospital staff on 03.04.17. Participants were around 24 members from staff nurses, PG students and faculty form OG Dept. College of Nursing. The morning sessions were Standardized Treatment Protocol on various newborn conditions. Afternoon there were demonstrations on different advanced neonatal procedures and OSCE was conducted for the participants. The participants expressed their feedback that the workshop was useful for them. The certificates were distributed to them during valediction.

Events Held – 2016

Lamp Lighting Ceremony (December 20th 2016)
The 23rd lamp lighting ceremony for the first year B.Sc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing was held on 20th December 2016 at PSG IMS&R auditorium. The lamp lighting ceremony is a tribute to Florence Nightingale-“The Lady With The Lamp” and it is an auspicious occasion in every Nurses’s life. This ceremony initiate the students into the noble profession of nursing, where the student nurses are adorned in their uniforms for the first time after which the students will study and practice in actual medical care surroundings. The ceremony commenced with the invocation. Dr. Malarvizhi.G, Principal i/c PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering and she motivated the students by stressing an importance of lighting the lamp by stating that the bright flame today has come to symbolize knowledge, enlightenment, experience and hope. The august dignitaries on the Dias lighted the kuthuvilakku. Prof. Dr.(Mrs.) S. Ani Grace Kalaimathi (FAC), Registrar, Tamilnadu Nurses & Midwives Council, Chennai was the Chief Guest. During the ceremony the chief guest Prof.Dr.(Mrs.) S.Ani Grace Kalaimathi and Dr. G. Malarvizhi passed over the lights to the novice student nurses which signifies the ray of hope and love. All 94 students entered into the profession by taking the Nurse’s pledge given by the International Council of Nurses which was delivered by Dr. A. Tamilselvi, HOD, Medical and Surgical Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing. They pledged to serve the ill, wherever and whenever needed and to treat the patients with love, respect and dignity. The students also sang a song with a theme of compassionate care and touch. The chief guest congratulated the student nurses for being into the noble profession, also added in her valuable message that care can occur without cure but cure cannot occur without care. She emphasized the importance of coordination of heart, head and hands in the nursing profession and advised the students to involve themselves whole heartily in the field of nursing by depicting a story with morale. Prof. Leena. J, Fundamentals of Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing the Programme Coordinator proposed the Vote of thanks. The lamp lighting ceremony came to an end with the National anthem.
Zenith – Zonal Level Nursing Quiz Competition (December 2nd 2016)
PSG College of Nursing organized ZENITH 2016 – South Zone Intercollegiate Nursing Quiz Competition an event in the Nursing calendar which is awaited by Nursing students in South India. Subjects chosen this year were Child Health Nursing and Mental Health Nursing with a good measure of contribution from General Knowledge. A total of 33 teams from 21 Colleges from Tamil Nadu, Karnataka, Kerala and Pondicherry participated in the event. All participating teams underwent preliminary written test and the best five (5) teams were qualified for the final round. The teams that qualified were College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore (2 teams), St. John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal and Sri Ramakrishna College of Nursing, Coimbatore. The quiz was conducted in different rounds with questions on Terminologies, Abbreviations, Situational analysis, Visual clips and Drugs in Child health Nursing and Mental health Nursing. A rapid fire round was also included. There were also different rounds on General Knowledge. It was a tough competition. The juries of the programme were Dr. G. Malarvizhi and Prof. Esther Daisy Joel, HOD of Mental Health Nursing, PSG College of Nursing. This year the first and second prize was won by College of Nursing, Christian Medical College, Vellore securing the rolling trophy. Third prize was won by St. John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore. In the valedictory session, Dr.K. Neelakandan, Prof. and HOD of Pediatrics, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore was the Chief Guest of the Programme and he addressed that students should achieve professional excellence by enhancing their knowledge, skills and positive attitude and be dedicated to service. Certificates for participation were distributed.
Graduation Ceremony (November 11th 2016)
The 18th Graduation Ceremony of PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 11th November 2016 between 10.30 am and 12 noon. The 2014 batch of M.Sc Nursing students and 2011 batch of B.Sc(N) students received their degrees during graduation. Dr.A.Tamil Selvi, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing Department welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest of the occasion was Dr.S.Geethalakshmi M.D, Ph.D, Vice Chancellor, The Tamil Nadu Dr.M.G.R. Medical University, Chennai, awarded the graduates. Dr.G. Malarvizhi, Principal i/c gave charge to the graduates and Dr.S.Ramalingam, Dean, PSG IMSR&H presided over the occasion. Out of 89, seventy eight under graduates and out of 12, nine postgraduates received their degrees from the Chief Guest. The class toppers and subject toppers in both UG and PG group were awarded with prizes. Among the prestigious awards for undergraduate students, the best academic, best clinical and the best out going student of graduating batch were awarded with the Gold medal to Ms.Vani Devi.D of 2011 batch, B.Sc Nursing. Among the post graduate students, Best academic post graduate and best research award was given to Ms.Lekha. J of 2014 batch M.Sc Nursing. The Venkateshwara award was secured by Ms. Gokila. S of 2014 batch, M.Sc Nursing. The best SNA award was received by Ms.Vani Devi D and the best NSS award was received by Ms.Jaya Durga M.L. Ms. Sincy Mathew K and Ms. Anitha.R shared the best Sports Women Award. Following the awards, Ms.Vani Devi D, 2011 batch of B.Sc Nursing gave the response on behalf of her batch. The ceremony came to an end with the words of gratitude from Prof.Nirmala M, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing Department and the Programme coordinator of the graduation ceremony.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebration (August 1st to 7th 2016)
PSG College of Nursing observed “World Breast Feeding Week” from August 1st – 7th 2016 based on the theme ‘Breastfeeding- A key to sustainable development’. The theme highlights how to value our wellbeing from the start of life, how to respect each other and care for the world we share. Based on the theme various programmes were conducted. Poster exhibition was conducted in PSG Hospitals and Thudiyallur PHC for both antenatal and postnatal mothers provided information related to the advantages of breastfeeding and various positions of breastfeeding, breast care and management of breast problems. A talk on “Breatfeeding to achieve Sustainable Development Goals” was organized in PSG Arts and Science College and discussed various aspects of breastfeeding like benefits , properties , techniques and ill effects of artificial feeding. Mom and Me contest along with videoshow on Importance of Breatfeeding for the mother and baby was conducted in both Vedapatti Health Centre and Appanaickenpatty. Health talk on Breast feeding in HIV mothers was organized at Teethipalayam. FM health talk on ‘Breast feeding- A key to sustainable development’ was broadcasted on 107.8 FM. Film show on breast feeding was organized for both antenatal and postnatal mothers in Obstetrics & Gynaecological Ward, PSG Hospital.
Alumni get-together 2016 (July 9th 2016)
Alumni get-together 2016 was conducted on 9th July 2016 with 69 alumni members from various batches. Nearly 10 alumni from 1997 batch were participated enthusiastically in the alumni get-together.

Business session

The alumni get-together was started with business session at 9.30 am. Mrs.Bindu.C.Vasanthi, Vice President, Alumni Association welcomed the gathering. Ms.Keerthana.B, President reported the alumni activities and Mrs. Jenifer Gracy. M Treasurer reported the financial statements. Dr.A.Tamilselvi, Alumni Advisor, Alumni Association encouraged the discussion to empower the alumni association. Mrs. Punithavalli. D suggested having video conferencing of alumni at distance places for the alumni reunion and alumni get-together. Mr. Clement initiated to be in charge to unite alumni members at Ireland. Mrs. Jamuna Rani forwarded for Chennai chapter and Mrs.Kavitha.R R initiated for Pondicherry. Mr. Selvaraj stood up for other districts of TamilNadu. Mrs. Jamuna Rani also suggested that alumni members should be active in alumni facebook page.

Career Enrichment Programme

The Programme started at Anaikatti by 11am. Mr. Clement Anburaj discussed on good and bad deeds of jobs in Ireland. He also mentioned on processing to Ireland through various agencies. Mrs.Punithavalli presented the scenario in Saudi Arabia and processing for the same. Mrs. Jamuna Rani sequenced the Programme with wonderful discussions. The programme paved path to young charming alumni members to take better decisions focusing on delightful future.

Honoring of 1997 batch

The alumni get-together was an incredible time and inspiring experience only because of elegant 1997 batch alumni members. They were far away from Ireland, United States, Riyadh, Chennai and other parts of world. The alumni members of 1997 batch forwarded to organize an International conference on Courageous Critical Care – Emerging role of Nurses and alumni get-together 2016. In appreciation to their phenomenal job, the alumni association, PSG College of Nursing honored them by bestowing momento to all 1997 batch alumni members. Dr.G.Malarvizhi, Principal In charge appreciated the work of 1997 batch and honored them with momento. She also motivated the alumni to confirm the good work and solicited their active involvement in the future endeavour.

Team Building Activities

All alumni members were excited and actively took part in team building activities. The event was perfectly fenced by Prof. Meera Saravanan, Mental health Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing. The programme was fantastic with lots of word games, country games, Brick Walking and variety of group activities. Children of alumni members had a different set of entertainment where they enjoyed at most. The alumni members of all batches equally participated and enjoyed thoroughly. They expressed that they were able to do all group activities which helped them knowing each other. They felt that the activities also focused on communication, leadership, group dynamics and motivation. The alumni get-together was fabulous with lots of hearts missing their college days. We returned back from Anaikatti at 5 p.m


PSG College of Nursing organized an International Conference on “Courageous Critical Care – Emerging Role of Nurses” on 8th July 2016 at PSGIMS&R Auditorium, Coimbatore. Totally 295 delegates (Nursing) attended the conference from various Institutions. Dr.R.M.P.L.Ramanathan MD.,DM Professor & Director, Pulmonology and Critical Care Medicine, PSG Hospitals was the Chief Guest of the conference. He addressed the gathering and emphasized the important role of nurse in the critical care settings during inaugural session. Mrs.Punithavalli, Lecturer, King Saud Bin Abdul-Aziz University, KSA discussed on the topic “Integrated Care Pathways for Better Critical Care Nursing” in which she emphasized on critical care nursing protocols used in various institutions. Mr. Clement Anburaj, Clinical Nurse Manager, St.Columcille’s Hospital, Ireland gave a clear overview of Information Technology (IT) in healthcare management and challenges of Critical Nurses. He deliberated the importance of computer in care of critically ill and stressed on advanced modalities like EMR/HMR in communicating patients’ data. He also explored the challenges in Nursing Informatics. The session on “Hemodynamic monitoring” was dealt by Mrs.Punithavalli. She discussed on Various types of hemodynamic monitoring and importance of Nurse acquiring knowledge and skills in monitoring the patient.Many practical points of view were discussed on the topic. After the lunch break, Mrs. Lovely Mathew, Staff Nurse, King Abdul Aziz Medical City, Riyadh gave lecture on “Critical care pharmacology” in which she mentioned the role of nurse in administrating emergency drugs in critical care areas. Ms.Diya Detty Varghese, Nurse Practitioner, Internal Medicine, Newyork, USA has delivered a lecture on Role of Nurse Practitioner in management of cardiac conditions. She discussed the picture of Nurse Practitioner in United States and practical challenges in dealing cardiac conditions. All the sessions were very informative. Panel discussion made an impact on the delegates to handle those challenges which they meet in their day to day critical care life. The panelists were Ms. Kavitha R.R, Sister Tutor, JIPMER, Ms.Jamuna Rani, Reader, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai, Ms.Anbarasi.K DNS, Emergency Department, Apollo Main Hospital, Ms. Anbarasi.D, Cardiac Nurse, MOU, St.Columcille’s Hospital, Dublin, Ms. Irin Anitha, Tutor, Apollo College of Nursing. Dr.Tamilselvi.A, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, PSG College of Nursing, was the moderator of the Panel discussion. The panel went on with many live experiences and adorable discussions. Feed Back from the Delegates: On overview of the conference 95% of the delegates responded that the scientific sessions were good .Most of the delegates’ appreciated the scientific session on Role of Nurse Practitioner in management of cardiac conditions. Exactly 94% of the delegates responded that the overall arrangements of the conference as excellent
World Autism Awareness Day (April 18th 2016)
PSG College of Nursing observed World Autism Awareness Day on 2nd April, 2016 at Reliance Fun Mall, Coimbatore through various programmes. The Departments of Pediatric and Psychiatric Nursing, along with support from the Marketing team of PSG Hospitals co-ordinated the events that marked the day. The M.SC (N) students of the same departments and III B.Sc (N) students also took their part. The color of the day was blue and all the organizers wore blue in support for Autism. The aim was to sensitize people on the nature and needs of children Autism. A quiz related to Autism awareness was conducted. Pamphlets about Autism were distributed in Tamil and English. Posters with information on various features of autism were put on display along with video presentation focusing on signs and treatment options of autism. III B.Sc (N) students performed a mime show on life of a family with an autistic child. All people were given an Autism badge. All events were well-received by the public and were an eye-opener as many among them said that they had never heard of Autism before. All students and faculty involved were given a certificate of appreciation for participation.


PSG College of Nursing in association with Indian Association of Neonatal Nurses (IANN) has organized a National Level 6th Annual Conference on the theme “Neonatal nurses: Champions for survival of Neonates” from 12th-14th February 2016 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. The objective of the conference was to offer neonatal nurses and healthcare providers an opportunity to deliver time-bound core intervention to ensure survival of newborn. Six parallel workshops namely Neonatal Resuscitation programme, Care of Low Birth Weight Baby, Ventilation- Invasive and Non invasive, Advanced Neonatal Procedures, Care of Congenital Anomalies and Tools for Scientific Writing and Information Retrieval were organized on 12th February at Simulation Lab, PSG Hospitals and PSG College of Nursing. Dr. Manju Vatsa, Principal, AIIMS, New Delhi , President, Indian Association of Neonatal Nurses was the Organizing Chairperson of the workshop and conference and Dr. G Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing was the Organizing Secretary. The coordinators for the workshops were faculties from PSG College of Nursing, AIIMS, New Delhi and doctors from renowned hospitals. Approximately each workshop registered 25-35 delegates from various private and government institutions and hospitals from various states. The workshops started at 9 am with registration and issue of kit. Pretest was administered followed by sessions and skill training. At the end, they were given scenarios and feedback was given based on their performance. On the whole, the delegates expressed that this workshop was beneficial to them and hand on workshop was very useful to enhance their practical skills. The conference was inaugurated on 13.02.2016 by Dr.J. Kumutha, Professor and HOD, Neonatology, Saveetha Medical College Hospital, Chennai. Conference on 13th February 2016 covered plenary sessions on achieving better outcomes for neonates which included Retinopathy of Prematurity, Managing low birth weight babies and CPAP & surfactant therapy in peripheral setting. There was a session on strategies for making every newborn survive and newer insights in neonatal nutrition which included human milk banking, Kangaroo Mother Care and breast feeding and Feeding promotion techniques of Preterm & Low Birth Weight Babies. Conference on 14th February 2016 focused on a symposium on quality assurance in neonatal care services, compassionate care of newborn which included Developmental Supportive Care, Neonatal Pharmacology and Ethical Issues in Perinatal & Neonatal Care. There was also a panel discussion on human resources for neonatal survival. Scientific paper presentation and poster presentation on the theme was also held during the conference. A total of 300 delegates participated and benefitted in the conference and they were awarded with certificates.

Events Held – 2015

Lamp Lighting Ceremony (December 18th 2015)
The I year B.Sc Nursing, 2015 batch students had their 22nd Lamp Lighting Ceremony on 18th December. Dr Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal welcomed the gathering. Prof. Grace Kingston, Principal, Christian College of Nursing, Ambilikkai was the Chief Guest. During the ceremony, the Chief Guest Prof. Grace Kingston and Dr Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing passed on the lights to the students. Nurse’s pledge by the International Council of Nurses was delivered to the students by Dr. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, Prof.Nirmala M, the Programme Co-ordinator and HOD, Dept of Fundamentals of Nursing proposed the vote of thanks.
Graduation Ceremony (November 6th 2015)
Seventeenth Graduation Ceremony of PSG College of Nursing was held on Friday, 6th November 2015 around 11 am at PSGIMS&R Auditorium. Seventy one Graduates of 2010 batch and 8 Post Graduates of 2013 batch received their degree. Dr.Malarvizhi G, Vice principal welcomed the gathering. Dr.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal gave charge to the graduates. Dr.S.Ramalingam, Dean, PSGIMSR and Hospitals presided the function. The Chief Guest of the occasion was Dr.Selva Titus Chacko, Dean, College of Nursing, CMCH, Vellore. She encouraged the graduates to venture, search and express their talents and potentials. Ms.Steffy Jose of 2010 batch B.Sc.Nursing students represented their group and expressed gratitude towards management and faculty of PSG College of Nursing. Prof.P.Sathya, HOD, Dept.of Community Health Nursing proposed vote of thanks. During the occasion, Ms.Narayani.D received the Best Outgoing Student Award among the undergraduates. Ms.Keerthana B secured the Best Clinical, Academic and Researcher award among the post graduates. The outstanding students in academics, clinical, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities were also honoured. The programme came to an end around 12noon.
Induction Programme (October 1st 2015)
Induction Programme for 77 students of I year B.Sc Nursing 2015 batch was conducted on 1st October 2015 in the PSG IMS&R Auditorium. Dr. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Shri L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee presided over the function. Dr.M.Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy addressed the students and Prof.R.Mahesh, Principal, PSG College of Physiotherapy proposed vote of thanks.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebration (August 1st to 7th 2015)
The faculty of Paediatric Nursing and OBG Nursing Department of the PSG College of Nursing, and the Staff Nurses of PSG Hospitals observed the “World Breastfeeding Week” between Aug1-7, 2015 at PSG Hospitals, PSG College of Arts And Science, Krishnammal Arts and Science College for Women and Rural Health Centre, Karadivavi. The events were based on this year’s theme: “Breastfeeding and Work: Let’s make it work”. Aug 1, 2015 – Poster Competition and Presentation The M.Sc Nursing students and the Staff Nurses of the PSG Hospitals prepared posters depicting this year’s theme. Posters were displayed at the entrance of the Hospital. Dr.T.V Chitra, Professor, OBG Department, PSG Hospitals and Dr. Rajesh, Associate Professor, Paediatric Department, PSG Hospitals were the judges. Winners were awarded with gifts of appreciation. OAug 2, 2015 – FM talk on Women’s Health during pregnancy and lactation Staff Nurses from PSG Hospitals gave a talk on importance of women’s well being during pregnancy and lactation. Aug 3, 2015 Film show on support to lactating mother- how to express and store breast milk, along with demonstration on expression, storage of breast milk and LATCH technique to postnatal mothers. A film show on support to lactating mother- how to express and store breast milk was organized in postnatal ward, PSG Hospitals. Mrs. Priyaselvi, M.Sc (N) student, demonstrated on expression, storage of breast milk and LATCH technique to the same group. Around 50 antenatal and postnatal mothers attended. Mrs. Geetharani, Nursing Supervisor shared her views with the mothers on need of breastfeeding among working mothers. Aug 4, 2015 FM talk on women’s health during pregnancy and lactation was broadcasted between 9.00-9.30 am. Nursing faculty from PSG College of Nursing gave a brief talk on women’s health during pregnancy and lactation. Aug 5, 2015 Brochure Distribution and Discussion on Support To Breast Feeding And “Mom and Me” Contest Brochures with information on “Key Points to Successful Breastfeeding for Working Women” were distributed to the employees at PSG Hospitals and in PSG Institutions. The NSS and YRC unit of PSG College of Nursing, PSG Hospital, PSG Rural Health Centre, Karadivavi and Directorate Of Field Publicity jointly organized events at Kalangal ICDS Centre, Sulur. Dr. Jayavarthana, Associate Professor, Pediatric Department, PSG Hospitals presided over the meeting. Twenty seven mothers participated in the “ Mom And Me ” contest. Appreciation was given t o the best baby and proud mother. There was also a talk on importance of breastfeeding and its techniques with a highlight on this year’s theme. A short film on breast feeding was also shown. Aug 6, 2015 Motivate Youth To Protect Breastfeeding Rights Of Women In The Work Place Mrs. Bindhu C Vasanthi and Mrs. Pavithra, Asst. Professors, PSG College of Nursing gave a talk on importance of breast feeding to the female students of PSG College of Arts and Sciences and Krishnammal College of Arts and Science for Women. Around 500 students attended the programme in each college. Signature campaign was organized to encourage and sensitize the public to support women who are working and breast feeding. The boards were displayed at PSG Hospital reception area. Public who visited the hospital actively participated in the signature campaign. Aug 7, 2015 Experience Sharing on Successful Breastfeeding. The last day of the world breast feeding week was observed at OG ward, PSG Hospitals. At 10am Around 50 antenatal and postnatal mothers were gathered. Faculty from PSG College of Nursing and Staff nurses shared their experience about breastfeeding at work place from real life. Mothers found it useful because it was from practical experience.

Events Held – 2014

Lamp Lighting Ceremony (December 20th 2014)
PSG College of Nursing celebrated its 21st Lamp Lighting Ceremony on 20.12.2014. During this ceremony 87 – I year B.Sc. Nursing students took the Nurses pledge before starting their clinical practice in the Hospital. Dr Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal welcomed the gathering and motivated the students that this is the beginning of Nursing profession and follow the ethical principles in the professional life. During the ceremony the Chief Guest Prof. Shirley Prakash, and Dr Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing passed on the lights to the students. Nurse’s pledge by the International Council of Nurses was delivered to the students by Dr. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, and PSG College of Nursing and she stressed the students to take oath to commit their life to serve through selfless compassion and quality care. The Chief Guest of the ceremony Prof Shirley Prakash, Principal, Westfort Academy for Higher Education, Thrissur, Kerala gave a message which signifies the day and motivated the students to follow the golden rules in nursing profession. “Light takes away the darkness; light, the knowledge is passed by the nursing experts to brighten them in their profession and other’s life”. It is the responsibility of the students to enter the society with the light of knowledge. She cherished her PSG memories and stressed to cultivate themselves with the enormous opportunities in the profession. Prof. Beena chacko, the Programme co-ordinator and HOD, Dept of Fundamentals of Nursing proposed the vote of thanks.
Graduation Ceremony (November 15th 2014)
PSG College of Nursing celebrated the 16th Graduation Ceremony on 15.11.2014 with the Chief Guest of Dr. G Josephine R Little Flower, Nursing Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi. 40 under graduates (2009 Batch) and 3 post graduates (2011 Batch) participated in this ceremony. Morning 11 a.m, procession was started with guests, faculty and graduates. Followed by invocation Chief Guest, Dr. Ramalingam, Principal, PSG IMS & R, Dr. Elizebeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Dr. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing lit the kuthuvilaku. Dr. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gatherings. Dr. Elizebeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing charged the graduates with her inspiring speech and coated the success story for the students. Dr. Ramalingam, Principal, PSG IMS & R, presided over the function and motivated the graduates for their good carrier. Chief Guest Dr. G Josephine R Little Flower, Nursing Advisor to Government of India, Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, New Delhi oriented the government efforts and activities towards the growth of nursing profession and she highlighted in 12th 5 year planning there was 2,000 crores for the development for nursing profession, and she said that nursing students should give more importance to service and research. In addition to the above, different subject topper and class toppers also awarded. The programme ended with vote of thanks by the programme co-ordinator Mrs.M. D. Anuratha, Associate Professor, PSG College of Nursing.
Alumni Reunion (November 15th 2014)
On 15.11.2014, 2 pm there was a Alumni Reunion. Mr. Pragash Angappam, PGDIE was the Chief Guest gave a speech about bonding alumni with Alma matter and Prof. Roseline Myvizhi, HOD, Westfort College of Nursing, Thrissur, Kerala, motivated the graduates to be an active alumni in PSG College of Nursing Alumni Association. Following that they planted saplings in front of the college.
Induction Programme (October 6th 2014)
Induction Programe for I year B.Sc Nursing 2014 batch was held on 6th October 2014 along with PSG College of Physiotherapy & PSG College of Pharmacy. Eighty eight students had reported with parents. Prof Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Sri.L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions presided over the function. Dr.M.Ramanathan, Principal PSG College of Pharmacy addressed the gathering with overview of PSG Institutions of Medical Campus. The programme came to an end with vote of thanks by Prof.Mahesh, Principal PSG College of Physiotherapy. In College of Nursing, Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal welcomed them. I year class Co Co-ordinator Mrs.Leena J gave an orientation about College of Nursing. Ms.Selvasathya Asst.Professor warden explained about the rules & regulation of hostel for nursing students.
Zenith – Zonal Level Nursing Quiz Competition (November 29th 2014)
The 16th Zonal Level Nursing Quiz Competition: Zenith 2014 was conducted on 29th November 2014 in the subjects OBG Nursing, Community Health Nursing and General Knowledge. 32 teams from twenty one colleges in Tamil Nadu, Karnataka and Kerala participated. Preliminary test was conducted and the first five teams who scored high qualified for the finals. The five teams who were on the stage for the main quiz include students from College of Nursing, CMC Vellore, Gokulam College of Nursing, Salem, Nitte Usha Institute of Nursing Sciences, Mangalore, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore and St.John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore. Dr.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing declared the results of the preliminary test and inaugurated quiz programme at 2 pm. Among 10 rounds conducted first six rounds were from the subjects of OBG Nursing and Community Health Nursing which includes general round, terminology round, abbreviation round, visual round, situation analysis round & drug round. Three rounds were in general knowledge, it includes Personality, visual and optional round. Last round was the rapid fire round where questions from all three areas were included. Quiz mistresses Prof. S.Baby, Prof.P.Sathya and Prof. Sreerenjini conducted quiz in the subjects of General Knowledge, Community Health Nursing and OBG Nursing respectively. Students from PSG College of Nursing bagged the first prize and won the rolling trophy. Students from St.John’s College of Nursing, Bangalore and College of Nursing, CMC Vellore secured second and third places. Valedictory session started at 4.30 pm. Dr. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, welcomed the gathering. Prof. P.Sathya, HOD, Dept.of Community Health Nursing and Prof.S.Baby, HOD, OBG Nursing Department presented the report of Zenith: An update from its inception to till date. Chief Guest of the day was Dr.S.Ramanathan, District Epidemiologist, DDHS, Coimbatore. Awards and prizes were distributed for the winners and certificates for all the participants. PSG College of Nursing secured the rolling trophy permanently as they have won Zenith for the two consecutive years. Dr.G.Malarvizhi, Vice Principal & HOD of Child Health Nursing, PSG College of Nursing proposed vote of thanks.
NNF Nursing Quiz in Neonatology (September 5th 2014)
The divisional level National Neonatology Forum Nursing Quiz competition was organised by Paediatric Nursing Department of PSG College of Nursing on 5th September 2014. Neonatal nurses from various institutions participated namely GKNM Hospitals, KMCH Hospitals, PSG Hospitals, Sri Ramakrisna Hospitals, Women Centre and Apollo Hospitals. The participants were segregated into 2 per team, 12 such teams were formed for the preliminary round. After a preliminary test, the best six teams entered into final round. Dr.Malarvizhi.G, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing declared the quiz to be open. Ms.Ajitha.A, & Mrs.Anitha.K, Assistant. Professors were the quiz mistresses. Mrs.S.Rajeswari as Scorer and Mr.M.Baskar as Technical Expert. The quiz had six rounds with basic round, essential newborn care round, intensive newborn care round, clinical round I & II and visual round. The 1st prize was won by MS.Kalaiselvi.P, Ms.Binita Balan, of KMCH Hospitals, Coimbatore. The second prize was won by Ms.Renuga.R, Ms.R.Thangarathi, Womens Centre, and Coimbatore. Prof.Elizebeth Jean Abraham,Principal welcomed the gathering. The Chief Guest Dr.Jyothilakshmi, Professor, Pediatric Dept & Deputy medical supdt of PSG Hospitals delivered an inspirational speech on importance of the nurses in providing care to the neonates and children. Prizes along with certificates were distributed to the winners and all the participants were acknowledged with participation certificate. Dr.Malarvizhi.G, proposed the vote of thanks. The team who won the first prize represented for the Zonal Level Quiz Competition on 13.09.2014.


The Health care system has begun a decade of transitions to meet the demands and is in need of further transition to fill unnerving gaps still exists in health care setting. Transforming the health care system will in turn require a fundamental rethinking of the roles of many health professionals especially the nurses. Nurse involvement is essential to any significant healthcare improvement initiative as care becomes more complex in current health care setting. Realizing this need, PSG College of Nursing with Alumni Association organised a State Level Seminar on “Transforming Health Care: Best Nursing Practices” on 26.09.14 to enable the nursing fraternity to incorporate the conscientious use of best practices in a caring context which leads to better clinical decisions, improve patient outcomes and to take ownership of their practices and transform health care. The seminar was sponsored by The Tamilnadu Dr.MGR Medical University, TNNMC has credited 6 hours for this seminar. Inauguration was graced by Dr.Vimal Kumar Govindan, Medical Director, PSG Hospitals as chief guest and he stressed that nurses have a vital role in transforming health care and they should enhance their roles by adopting the best practices to improve the quality of care. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham welcomed the gathering and Prof.Tamilselvi A, Organising Secretary of the seminar introduced the theme of the seminar and said Transforming healthcare is the link from what to improve to how to improve by identifying challenging issues in health care delivery. It needs a set of best practices to be utilized to meet the goals. Improving current processes and designing new process is a definite move towards achieving and sustaining reliability in high quality cost effective care. Dr.Malarvizhi G, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing delivered vote of thanks. There were eminent speakers from various institutions of Tamilnadu, Karnataka as well as Alumni of PSG College of Nursing. Mrs.Jamuna Rani.R, Reader, Apollo College of Nursing, Chennai made the first session on ‘Connecting habits for building trust with patients and highlighted that trust has traditionally been considered a cornerstone of effective Nurse –patient relationships and challenges in Health care system like providing adequate patient choice, managing a mixed economy of provision and more explicit rationing improves interpersonal and institutional trust Prof. Sara Samuel, Principal, RVS College of Nursing spoke on ‘Impact and Outcomes of Moral Distress in Nursing’ and stated that moral distress has been a major problem in a Nurses career and nurses experience causes successive changes in their lives, in the personal dimension, manifested by emotional and physical alterations, as well as in the professional dimension, with repercussions in their own performance at work. She discussed the measures under three dimension which includes educational dimension, communicative dimension , organizational dimension and morally fit nurse with the moral muscle to do what is right in the face of obstacles, barriers, and limited power, and who do so despite great personal and professional risk, are celebrated, respected, and followed. The third session on ‘Malpractice: Be proactive, Not reactive’ was led by Prof.Esther Daisy Joel, HOD, Mental Health Nursing, PSG College of Nursing and stated that in a true culture of safety, everyone in the organization is committed and driven to keep patients safe from harm. It’s under the umbrella of a patient safety culture that the nurse is a key person for the most successful clinical change. Nurse should conduct root cause analyses for development of corrective action strategies and also employ proactive risk assessments for vulnerabilities that can be corrected and also discussed the measures to keep both the nurse and patient population legally safe. The symposium on ‘Caring responses to uncaring behaviour’ was chaired by Prof.Babu.R, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, Bangalore, Mrs,Leena.J, Associate Professor and Mrs.Gandhimathi.R, Associate Professor, PSG College of Nursing. The speakers emphasized the impact of bullying and disruptive behaviours and the measures to overcome. The afternoon session started with the topic “Creating interprofessional team to address common health care issues’ by Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing. She highlighted interprofessional collaborative approach includes communication and decision-making, enabling a synergistic influence of grouped knowledge and skills. Interprofessional team designed to work on common goals to improve patient outcomes. Collaborative interactions exhibit a blending of professional cultures and are achieved though sharing skills and knowledge to improve the quality of patient care. Dr.Malarvizhi G, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing discussed on “Innovations in workforce planning : Strategies for Diversifying the Healthcare Work force of the Future”. She stated that intervening to create reforms that influence or create the opportunity for innovation and she discussed strategies to ensure a highly qualified nurse workforce includes addressing salary disparities, establish exemplary mentoring programs and reflective practicce and encourage the retired to contribute the profession. Dr.Esther John, Principal, Ganga College of Nursing spoke on ‘Advancing Evidence Based Practice & Strategies to Overcome the Barriers’. She highlighted various measures to overcome the barriers which hinders the evidence based practice. The session was concluded by Mrs.Prinsiba.M & Mrs.Priyaselvi.B, Nurse Educators by sharing about ‘Best Nursing Practices’ at PSG Hospitals. Mrs.Thenmozhi.P, Reader, Texcity College of Nursing,Coimbatore has been deputed as Observer by Tamilnadu Nurse & Midwives Council, Chennai who gave feedback on the seminar praised the institution for hosting the seminar in such an impeccable manner and said the sessions were informative and interesting. She also appreciated the institution for selecting theme which is need of the hour. Finally the Principal, PSG College of Nursing gave away the certificates to the participants. Around 157 delegates including nurses, students and faculty of various hospitals and institutions attended the seminar.The seminar came to an end, leaving fond memories in the minds of the guests and delegates and a great sense of satisfaction and accomplishment to all members of the faculty, staff and student volunteers who were associated with its preparation and organisation.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebration (August 1st to 7th 2014)
Maternity Nursing Department along with Child Health Nursing, Community Health Nursing department, NSS, YRC and Nursing Service Department of PSG Hospitals planned and conducted various programmes for World Breast Feeding Week – 2014 from August 1st to 7th at PSG Hospitals, PSG College of Arts & Science, Rural Health Centres at Vedapatti and Selackarachal, Karadivavi with the theme of “Breast Feeding – A Winning Goal For Life”. The programmes included poster presentation at Hospital OPDs, elocution for staff nurses, film show on newborn care, discussion on breast feeding, FM talk on exclusive breast feeding, diet exhibition, well baby contest, talk to stimulate young people in both genders in relevance to breast feeding and debate for students.
Nalam Exhibition (March 12th to 15th 2014)
Nalam – 2014 Medical Exhibition was conducted from 12th to 15th, July 2014 by PSG Hospitals in celebrating the 25 years of service. The following posters were displayed by the College of Nursing in the stall.
Department Posters / Models
Fundamentals of Nursing Department Poster on First Aid and first aid – Realia
Medical Surgical Nursing Power point presentation on healthy life style,Flip chart on Breast self examination,Poster on ‘Warning signs of cancer’
Child Health Nursing Poster on prevention of child abuse
Maternity Nurisng Department. Checking of BMI and screening of anaemia and teaching through charts and display of iron rich foods.
Community Health Nursing Department. Model on ideal village and healthy life style posters on vector borne diseases
Mental Health Nursing Department. Poster on prevention of suicide

International Conference on International Perspectives on ageing : Evidence to guide Clinical Practice (March 6th 2014)

PSG College of Nursing organized an International Conference on ‘International Perspectives on Ageing: Evidence to Guide Clinical Practice’ on 6th March 2014 at PSG IMS&R auditorium, Coimbatore. Totally 303 delegates (nursing and non-nursing) attended from various states. The conference was inaugurated at 9.30 a.m. Dr.S. Annie Grace Kalaimathi, Registrar, Tamilnadu Nurses and Midwives Council, Chennai was the Chief Guest for the inaugural session of the conference. She addressed the gathering and emphasized the importance of elderly care and the need of the nurses’ role in ageing care. Prof. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing, welcomed the gathering. Prof Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, highlighted the aim of organizing the conference and gave the keynote address. Mr. L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee presided over the conference and appreciated PSG College of Nursing for organizing such a conference which is need based for elderly care. Dr. Amy E Cotton, Conference Chairperson, University of Maine, USA, introduced the speakers who had come from USA and UK and Prof. Beena Chacko, Organizing Secretary of the conference proposed the vote of thanks. Dr. Amy E Cotton, MSN, GNP-BC, FNGNA, FAAN, Conference Chairperson, University of Maine, USA discussed on the topic “Physiological Age – Related Changes & The Hospital Experience For Older Adults And Hazards Of Mobility: The Nursing Challenge” which was very useful for everyone to identify the needs and age related problems and highlighted the management of age related problems. Dr. Shirley David, Prof. & HOD – Fundamentals of Nursing, College of Nursing, CMC, Vellore, proceeded the session with a valuable talk on “Evidence-based Assessment and Interventions for older adult” which was very useful for every nurse to take care of elderly with confidence. Post lunch session was by Dr. Elizabeth Tanner PhD, MS, RN, John Hopkins University, Baltimore, Maryland, USA on “Geriatric Syndrome : Pressure Ulcers & Geriatric Syndrome Of Confusion : The Nursing Challenge Of Dementia, Delirium And Depression”. Dr.Vanessa Burholt Ph.D., Swansea University, UK shared the experience with findings on “Social Support Networks: Why Practitioners should make it their business to know about family, friends and relatives” which was so realistic and informative. After the tea break, the last session was by Dr. Judith Parnes ACSW, LCSW, CMC, Rutgers University, New Jersey, USA discussed on “The Global Aging Imperative: Relevance and Impact of Gerontology Today” which was presented with short video and her speech was very informative. Dr. Amy E. Cotton, Conference Chairperson, University of Maine, Orono, USA, gave a closing remark of the conference.
Annual Sports Meet (March 14th 2014)
The Annual Sports Day of PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 14.03.14. The sports events Tennikoit (singles and doubles), table tennis (singles and doubles), Shuttle cork (singles and doubles), Volley ball, Throw ball, Kho-Kho, 100mts running, 200mts running, 400mts running, 800mts running, 1500 mts running, shot-put, Javelin, Discuss throw, Long Jump, High jump, 4x100mts Relay and March Past were planned and conducted from 04.03.2013 to 15.03.2013. Mr. Palanisamy, Physical Director, conducted the events for faculty are Carrom, Tennikoit, Chess and Lucky Corner. The valedictory function was held on 14.03.14 at 8.30 a.m. Mr. Stanley P. Mathew, District Sports Officer, Coimbatore Unit was invited to be the chief guest of the function. He declared the sports meet open and hoisted Indian Flag. The Principal PSG College of Nursing, Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham hoisted the college flag. The function started with March Past was started by 9.00am and performed by all the batches and Torch Relay was carried out by the athletic students. Some of the track events such as 100mts and 100mts Relay were conducted and Lucky corner was conducted for the faculty. Students and faculty energetically involved in the events. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering and distributed the prizes. 2011 batch won the Over all Trophy and the Individual Championship was won by Ms. Anitha of 2011 Batch. The programme was concluded with vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Jincy John, B.Sc (N) 2010 Batch.
International Conference on Active Ageing (January 21st & 22nd 2014)
PSG College of Nursing organized an International Conference on Active Ageing on 21st and 22nd January 2014 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium, Coimbatore. Totally 246 delegates (nursing and non-nursing) attended from various States. A formal inauguration was conducted from 9.30am to 10.00 am. Mr. Giles Brooker, Chairman, Giles Brooker Education development services Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand was the Chief Guest for the inaugural session of the conference. He addressed the gathering and emphasized the importance of elderly care and the activities in ageing. Prof Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering by highlighting the aim of organizing the conference. Prof Beena Chacko, Organizing Secretary of the conference introduced the theme of the conference. Prof G Malarvizhi, Vice-Principal proposed vote of thanks.

Day 1 – 21.01.2014

Wright – St Clair, Associate Professor, Dept. of Occupational Science and Therapy, New Zealand discussed on the topic “ Preserving function by functioning” which was very useful for everyone. Prof. Nirmala Krishnamurthy, Retd. Dean, Dept. of Science, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, proceeded the session with a valuable talk on “Challenges faced by the ageing population” which was heart throbbing. The third session was by Dr. Shoba Nayar, Co-Head of Dept. Community Health Development, AUT University, Auckland, New Zealand, with her innovative speech on “Perspective on transnational and intercultural issues in ageing and aged care”. Mr. Padmanabhan, Retd. General Manager of Ordnance Factories, Vanaprastha Senior citizen home, Coimbatore, took over the next session and shared the experience on “Needs and expectations of the elderly Indian perspective” which was so realistic and unforgettable. After the lunch break, there was a panel discussion which included various “Determinants of Active ageing and understanding the evidence”. The pannel was chaired by Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore, along with other panel members Dr. Sujaya Menon, Professor, Dept. of Medicine, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore, Prof. S. Gayatridevi, Asst. Professor, Department of Psychology, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore, Mrs. Sujata Missal, Principal, College of Occupational Therapy, KMCH, Coimbatore, and Dr. Sampath Kumar, Assistant Professor, Department of Sociology, Bharathidasan University, Tiruchirappalli discussed about health, behavioral, personal, physical and social determinants.

Day 2 – 22.01.2014

The session was started by Prof. Elisabeth Zezzo, HESAV, Lausanne, Switzerland, with her informative speech on “Active Ageing – Paradoxical Approach: a look from in and out” followed by Mr. Giles Brooker, Chairman, Giles Brooker Ltd., Auckland, New Zealand, on “Guidelines for preparing future workforce in elderly care which was presented with short video.Prof. Rajeshwari Siva, Dept. of Community Health Nursing, College of Nursing, CMCH, Vellore, presented with an enthusiastic talk on “Community based care and support for elderly” which is really the need of the hour as far as community care is concerned. Dr. K. Lalitha, Professor, HOD- Dept. of Nursing, NIMHANS, Bangalore, gave a speech on “Cognitive rehabilitation and memory enhancement: Evidence based interventions”. Her speech was very informative. Prof. Sandra Anandarajan, Associate Professor, Dept. of Extension Education, Avinashilingam University, Coimbatore gave an eye opening lecture on “Recognition of rights, policies & programs for elderly in India”. It was also very useful and informative. Followed by lunch there was paper and poster presentation. There were 16 posters displayed and 14 research papers presented on the theme of wellbeing of the elderly. From this, the best poster and research paper presented was awarded with prizes and certificates.

Events Held – 2013

Zenith (December 13th 2013)
Zenith is an event in the Nursing calendar which is awaited by Nursing students in south India. This year 15 th Zenith 2013 was conducted on 13th December, 2013 and brought the best talents in Nursing students from Child Health Nursing & Mental Health Nursing with a good measure of contribution from General Knowledge. The programme coordinator was Prof. Malarvizhi G, Vice Principal & HOD of Child Health Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing. A total of 23 teams underwent preliminary written test and the best five teams were qualified for the final round. Juries of the programme were Prof. Lizzie Raveendran, Principal, College of Nursing, GEM Institute of Nursing Education & Research, Coimbatore & the faculty from PSG College of Nursing. The president of the programme Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing inaugurated the quiz programme at 2 p.m. Dr. Pavai Arunachalam, Prof & HOD of Pediatric Surgery Department, PSG Hospitals, Coimbatore was the chief guest of the programme and she addressed that Nurses have varied scope of practice with extended & expanded roles. This year the rolling trophy was won by Ms.Jincy Jose, Ms.Kanmani, Ms.Narayani, PSG College of Nursing. The third prize was won by CMC College of Nursing, Vellore.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony (December 20th 2013)
PSG College of Nursing celebrated its 20th Lamp Lighting Ceremony on 20.12.2013. During this ceremony 83 first year B.Sc. Nursing students took the Nurses pledge before starting their clinical practice in the Hospital. Prof. Beena Chacko welcomed the gathering. Students took the International Nurses Pledge administered by Vice Principal Prof. G. Malarvizhi. The chief guest for the function was Dr. S. Madhavi, Principal, KMCH College of Nursing. Coimbatore. She quoted words from Mahabharata that compassion, commitment and competence made Arjuna to succeed as though she told the nurses to follow the three c’s and she insisted on patient care and to work for development of the profession. Vote of thanks was proposed by Mrs. Leena.J, Associate Professor.
Graduation Ceremony (November 22nd 2013)
The 15th Graduation Ceremony of PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 22nd November 2013 at 4.30 p.m. The 2011 batch of M.Sc Nursing students and 2008 batch of B.Sc(N) students received their degrees during this graduation. Dr.K.Reddemma, Nodal Officer, National Consortium for Ph.D in Nursing was invited to be the Chief Guest of the function. Prof.G.Malarvizhi, Vice-Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. The Managing Trustee Shri L.Gopalakrishnan presided over the function. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing gave charge to the new graduates. Forty two graduates and eight post graduates received their degrees from the chief guest. The class toppers and subject toppers in both UG and PG group were awarded with prizes. The special awards were distributed by the chief guest. Among the prestigious awards for undergraduate students, the best academic award and best clinical award were given to Ms.Sasikala S of 2008 batch B.Sc Nursing. The best out going student of the graduating batch was given to Ms.Lekha J. Among the post graduate students, best academic post graduate award was won by Mrs.Ancy Merin Mathew and the Venkateshwara Research award was secured by Mr.Vijay D of 2011 batch of M.Sc Nursing. The best SNA award was received by Ms.Cibi Esther Varughese and the best NSS award was received by Ms.Agnes K.A., Ms.Gnana Priya M received the best Sports Women Award. Following the awards, Ms.Lekha J, 2008 batch of B.Sc Nursing gave the response on behalf of her batch. The college magazine was released by the Managing Trustee and the first copy was received by Dr.K.Reddemma. The ceremony came to an end with the words of gratitude from Mrs.Sree Renjini B, the Co-ordinator of the graduation ceremony.

National Seminar on Nurses Managing Diabetes: A Collaborative Approach October 25th 2013

The national seminar on ‘Nurses managing diabetes: A collaborative approach’ was conducted on 25.10. 13 in PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore. Totally 220 participants participated from various States. Chief Guest of the seminar was Dr. Rajendran, HOD of Diabetologist, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital, Coimbatore gave the keynote address highlighting that in India, diabetes has emerged as a health care problem and India is also expanding as the diabetic capital of the world. He emphasized that physical activity and exercises among diabetic patients is more important than dietary modification. The resource person of the seminar, Prof. Sonia Das, Principal, K.G College of Nursing, discussed about diabetes assessment tool. Mrs. Ruth Daniel, Senior Diabetes Educator, Department of Endocrinology Diabetes & Metabolism, Vellore focused on essential components of total patient care and also discussed about ongoing diabetes self management education, Protocols and self training. Dr.Senthil Kumar MD, MRCP, Assistant Professor, PSG IMS& R, emphasized on various diabetic related complication and measures to prevent it. Prof.Tamil Selvi.A, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing, PSG College of Nursing gave clear picture about holistic care of diabetes mellitus which take nursing profession to the next level. Prof. Beena Chacko, HOD, Fundamentals of Nursing, PSG College of Nursing explained about nutritional intervention involving individually designed nutrition goals which will ensure definite patient adherence. Prof.Esther Daisy, HOD, Mental Health Nursing focused on resolving grief, restoring emotional equilibrium, reestablishing emotional state that facilitate learning and establish positive pattern of self care. At the end of the programme, the certificates were issued for the delegates, resource persons and organizers with the Tamilnadu Nurses & Midwives Council 8 credit hours. Participants reflected that the conference addressed all spheres of diabetes and nurses should put these valid points in to practice while taking care of patients. They also expressed that they anticipate to participate in forthcoming seminars / conferences organized by PSG College of Nursing.
Induction Programme (September 30th 2013)
Induction Programe was held on 30th Sep 2013 along with PSG College of Physiotherapy & PSG College of Pharmacy. Seventy four students had reported with parents. Prof Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Dr.S.Ramaligam, Principal, PSG IMS&R presided over the function. Dr.M.Ramanathan, Principal PSG College of Pharmacy addressed the gathering with overview of PSG Institutions of Medical Campus. The programme came to an end with vote of thanks by Prof.Mahesh, Principal PSG College of Physiotherapy. In College of Nursing, Prof.G.Malarvizhi, Vice Principal welcomed them. I year class Co-ordinator Prof.Beena Chacko gave an orientation about College of Nursing. Ms.Selvasathya Asst.Professor warden explained about the rules & regulation of hostel for nursing students. Mrs. Leena J, Associate Professor proposed vote of thanks.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebation (August 1st – 7th, 2013)
PSG College of Nursing observed “World Breast Feeding Week” on August 1st – 7th 2013 based on the theme of ‘BREAST FEEDING SUPPORT CLOSE TO MOTHERS’. The theme highlights on breastfeeding peer counseling.

1st August 2013

Based on the theme ‘BREAST FEEDING SUPPORT: CLOSE TO MOTHERS’ various charts were prepared and were displayed at the main entrance of the PSG hospitals. Information related to the theme, peer counseling, advantages of breast feeding and various positions of breast feeding, breast care and management of breast problems were displayed in a pictorial form. Both M.Sc & B.Sc (N) students of PSG College of Nursing gave explanations for the charts displayed. A role play on ‘Breast milk is the best milk’ was performed by the B.Sc Nursing students (Batch 2010) for the mothers at OG ward. About 15-20 mothers along with their by standers attended the role play. Discussion on breast feeding was done by Prof. Baby and clarified the mothers’ doubts on breast feeding.

2nd August 2013

Quiz competition was organized for all the mothers in the OG ward between 10:30 to 11:30am. Prof.S.Baby and Mrs. T. Ganga Eswari, Asst. Professor, PSG college of Nursing were the quiz mistress and the quiz programme had 5 rounds based on advantages of breast feeding, techniques of breast feeding, breast problems. Prizes were awarded to the first two places. Prof. Malavizhi.G Vice-Principal and HOD of Pediatric Nursing department distributed the prizes.

3rd August 2013

Peer counseling was conducted for all the mothers in the paediatric ward between 10.30 to 11 am by Mrs. Glory.H, Mrs.K.Anitha and Ms.Priyadurga Asst. professors of PSG College of Nursing based on the theme ‘Breast feeding support close to mothers’.

4th August 2013

FM talk on breast feeding was given by Mrs. Ganga Eswari and Mrs. Anitha K, Asst Professors on 107.8 FM at 9.00 am.

5th August 2013

World breast feeding was observed by focusing the rural population of Karukampalayam at 10 am along with Child Health Nursing, Maternity Health Nursing department, NSS and PSG Hospitals, Karadivavi and Field Publicity department of India. A role play to highlight the Importance of Exclusive Breast Feeding was performed by III year B.Sc Nursing students of PSG College of Nursing and Well Baby Contest was conducted. The best babies and the proud mothers were awarded. Field publicity department of India was organized a film show for mothers on importance of breast feeding and all mothers viewed.

6th August 2013

A talk on ‘Breast feeding’ was conducted in Krishnammal College of Arts and Science at 2 pm. Prof. G.Malarvizhi, HOD of Paediatric Nursing department and Prof.Baby, HOD of OBG department briefed the theme of World Breast feeding week and emphasized on various topics on breast feeding to the students. Around 100 students participated and those who gave the correct responses during the question answer session were awarded with prizes.

7th August 2013

Peer counseling was conducted in Maternity Centre, Saibaba Colony by Mrs.Ganga Eswari, Mrs.K.Anitha, and Ms. Jerrin, Asst Professors along with the YRC unit in PSG CON. Around 30 mothers participated. Their doubts regarding breastfeeding were clarified. Role play on “Support Breast Feeding” as performed by B.Sc Nursing students to mothers in OG ward, PSG Hospitals. A demonstration on breast feeding techniques was also shown to the mothers. All the mothers along with their care takers actively participated in the programme and also clarified their doubts. The one week programme was planned and carried out by the Pediatric and Maternity department under the able guidance of Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Prof.G.Malarvizhi, Vice-Principal and HOD, Child Health Nursing Department and Prof.S.Baby, HOD, OBG Nursing Department.
8th, NNF Nursing Quiz In Neonatology (July 31st, 2013)
The 8th Divisional Level National Neonatology Forum Nursing Quiz competition was organized by PSG College of Nursing on 31st of July 2013. Registration of the participants started at 9 am and the participants registered from eight institutions namely PSG Hospitals, KMCH Hospitals, GKNM Hospitals, Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Women Center, Ramakrishna Hospitals, Coimbatore, Vinayaka Mission Hospitals Salem, and Apollo Hospitals Madurai. The preliminary round started at 10 am. Teams from KMCH Hospitals, GKNM Hospitals, Coimbatore, Apollo Hospitals, Madurai, Vinayaka Mission Hospitals, Salem qualified for the main quiz. The programme started at 2 pm. Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG CON declared the quiz to be open. Prof. G. Malarvizhi, Vice Principal & HOD of Pediatric Nursing and Mrs. Bindu C. Vasanthi, Asst. Professor, Paediatric Nursing Department were the Quiz Mistresses. Prof. Baby, HOD of OBG Nursing Department and Mrs. Glory. H Asst. Professors Pediatric Nursing Department were Panel of Juries, Mrs.K.Anitha, Asst. Professor took up the responsibility of displaying the questions and Ms.Jerrin Ann Joseph Asst. Professor of Pediatric Nursing Department was Time Keeper. Ms. Priyadurga, Asst.Professor was the scorer. The quiz had 6 rounds. After the 6th round the quiz came to an end by announcing the winners. The 1st prize was won by Ms.V.Bavithra, Ms.P.Jothimala from KMCH Hospitals, Coimbatore. The 2nd prize was won by Mr.Napoleon.A Ms.Latha.R from GKNM Hospitals, Coimbatore. A short tea break was given followed by the valediction programme. Dr. Sarahpaul, HOD of Neonatology Department was invited as the Chief Guest for the valediction programme. The Chief Guest delivered an inspiring speech on the importance of the nurses in providing care to the neonates and children. Mementos and certificates were distributed to the winners. All The participants received the participant certificates. Prof.G.Malarvizhi, Divisional Coordinator of NNF Quiz, proposed the Vote of Thanks. Ms.V.Bavithra, Ms.P.Jothimala from KMCH Hospitals, Coimbatore will be appearing for the zonal level quiz competition.
International Nurses Day Celebration (May 12th, 2013)
The TNAI unit of PSG College of Nursing celebrated the International Nurses Day on May 12th . A panel discussion on ’Closing the gasp: Millennium development goals’ was conducted by the M.Sc(N) II year students.

Events Held – 2012

Lamplighting Ceremony (December 21st, 2012)
Lamp Lighting Ceremony of 2012 batch B.Sc(N) was held on December 21st, 2012 from 3 p.m. to 4 p.m. at PSG IMS&R auditorium. Prof.Saramma Samuel, Principal, RVS College of Nursing, Sulur was the chief guest. The lights were passed over to 88 students by Prof.Saramma Samuel, Chief Guest and Mrs.J.Karpagam, Nursing Supdt, PSG Hospitals. The 88 students took Nightingale Pledge with the guidance of Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal, PSG College of Nursing. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal welcomed the students, parents and other guests. The programme was over by 4 p.m. with Vote of Thanks by Prof.Beena Chacko.
‘ZENITH’ – Zonal Level Quiz Programme (December 1st, 2012)
The Zenith 2012, a zonal level quiz competition was conducted on December 1st, 2012 at PSG IMS&R auditorium. This year, the subjects for the quiz were Fundamentals of Nursing, Medical Surgical Nursing and General Knowledge. The preliminary written test was conducted in the morning from 10.30 a.m. to 11.30 a.m. included 50 multiple choice questions. Totally 18 colleges registered 30 teams with each team consisting 3 participants. Maximum 2 teams per college were permitted. From the preliminary test, 5 teams were qualified for the final quiz.The qualified 5 teams were: Christian College of Nursing, Ambilikkai PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore CMCH College of Nursing, Vellore (2 teams) PPG College of Nursing, Coimbatore The final quiz was conducted in the afternoon from 2 to 4 p.m. Medical Surgical Nursing and Fundamentals of Nursing were conducted together and GK round was conducted separately. CMCH, Vellore secured the 1st place, PSG College of Nursing and Ambilikkai secured 2nd and 3rd place respectively. Dr.Guhan, Director, Sri Ramakrishna Hospital Institute of Oncology was the Chief Guest for the Valediction. The rolling trophy was secured by CMCH Vellore for the 1st place. The chief guest gave away the prizes and trophy. All the teams had received the participation certificates.
Graduation Ceremony (5th October, 2012)
The XIV Graduation Ceremony was held on Friday, 5th October at 4.30 pm at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. The 2007 batch of B.Sc Nursing students (40) and 2010 batch of M.Sc Nursing students (21) received their degrees during this graduation. Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal gave charge to the graduates. Prof. Abanti Gopan, Nursing Consultant & Principal Assessor for NABH, Former Nursing Director, B. M. Birla Heart Research Center, Kolkata graced the occasion by being the Chief Guest. While addressing the new graduates, Prof. Abanthi Gopan stressed the importance of learning life long and emitting the positive energy to people around us. Most respected Shri. L. Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions presided over the function The class toppers and subject toppers in both UG and PG were awarded with prizes. During the Graduation Ceremony, students who excelled in academic, Co-curricular & extracurricular activities (Sports, NSS & SNA) were honored with medals and certificates by the Chief Guest. All the prestigious awards for undergraduate students, the Best Academic Award, Best Clinical Nurse Award and Best Outgoing Student of the graduating batch was bagged by Ms.Keerthana Among the postgraduates, best academic and the Sara & Varughese Award for best clinical nurse post graduate were awarded to Ms. Jerrin Ann Joseph and Venkateshwara best researcher award was given to Mr. Jackson Chacko. The college magazine Finesse 2012 was released by the Managing Trustee.
Alumni Reunion (5th October, 2012)
The Alumni Reunion was conducted on 05. 10.2012 at 10 a.m. Around 100 Alumni members participated in the reunion. The presidential address was given by Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal. The Chief Guest address was given by Mr. D. Nandhakumar, Vice President, Alumni Association, PSG College of Technology. He spoke about the functions and achievements of the Alumni Association of the PSG College of Technology. He motivated our Alumni to be active and contributing members of the association. The business session had begun at 11 am. After the Annual Report and the Treasurer Report a discussion was held with the Alumni members, by Prof. T. Nirmala, Alumni Advisor, regarding any charitable work that could be done by the Association. It was suggested that we could increase the number of scholarships by once from three to four scholarships. After the business session, all the Alumni members along with YRC went for tree plantation. Nearly 40 members were present and 100 saplings were planted. The meeting adjourned at 12 noon.
Disaster Drill (12th October, 2012)
On 12th October 2012, emergency preparedness disaster drill was organized by PSG Hospitals. The purpose of the drill is to assess, how well the emergency department of PSG Hospitals is ready to face a mass casualty. In the drill, a scenario of bus accident was made. 50 B Sc and M Sc Nursing students enacted as victims in the play. Among 50, 5 students acted as dead, 8 – critically ill needing resuscitation, 12 – injured but do not need resuscitation and 25 students were wounded but ambulatory. The news was published in the daily Hindu.
Visitors from Napier University (01.09.2012)
The visitors from Edinburgh Napier University visited us on 01.09.2012 around 3 p.m. Mr.Ian Mcintosh, Dean, Faculty of Health, Life and Social Sciences and Dr.Roseanne Cetnarskyl, Associate Centre Director for well being and Healthcare, School of Nursing, Midwifery and Social Care visited us. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal chaired the meeting. The possibilities for collaboration between two Institutes were discussed. A proposal for collaboration between two European Universities and three Indian Institutes is discussed.
Induction Programme (20th September 2012)
The induction programme of the B.Sc Nursing students 2012 batch was conducted on 20th September 2012 along with the College of Physiotherapy and Pharmacy at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. About 70 students in Nursing attended the programme along with their parents. The programme started with prayer song ‘Tamil Thaai Vaazthu. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Presidential address was given by Shri L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, PSG Institutions. Prof.Dr.M.Ramanathan, Principal, PSG College of Pharmacy gave an over view address about the PSG Institutions. One parent from each College gave their response. The programme came to an end by vote of thanks from Prof.R.Mahesh, Principal, PSG College of Physiotherapy by 12 noon.

World Breast Feeding Week Celebration

The one week programme was planned and carried out by the maternity and pediatric department under the able guidance of Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Prof.S.Baby, HOD, OBG Nursing Departmet and Prof.G.Malarvizhi, HOD,Child Health Nursing Department. Breast feeding, desire of life, a newborn’s right is God given blessing to a women who enters her motherhood. Every year, the first week of August is celebrated as the World Breast feeding week. Every year Pediatric department and Maternity department of PSG College of Nursing and PSG hospitals together put up a week long celebration with a cascade of events for sharing of knowledge and experience thereby creating awareness on various aspects of breastfeeding.

1st August 2012

Based on the theme “Understanding the past planning the future poster presentation was done and displayed at the entrance of the PSG hospital. M.Sc nursing students explained on regarding the theme. An on ‘Breast milk is the best milk’ was performed by the M.Sc Nursing students for all the mothers at OG ward.

2nd Aug, 2012

Quiz competition was organized for all the mothers in the OG ward between 10:30 to 11:30am. Mrs. Glory H and Mrs. T. Ganga, Asst. Professor, PSG college of Nursing were the quiz mistress and the quiz programme had 5 rounds based on advantages of breast feeding, techniques of breast feeding, breast problems and a visual round based on latching on and breast engorgement. Prizes were awarded to the first two places. Dr Seetha Paniker HOD, OG Department and Dr. T.V. Chitra distributed the prizes.

3rd Aug, 2012

Poster presentation was held in OG outpatient department at 9:30 am. M.Sc Nursing students gave detailed explanation to all the mothers in the OG OPD regarding breast feeding. A talk on breast feeding “Its time to act! Support Breast feeding” was conducted in PSG College of Arts and Science at 2 pm. Mrs. Santhi. M.D, Associate Professor, OG department and Mrs. Glory H, Assistant Professor, Pediatric department briefed the theme of World Breast feeding week and emphasized on various topics on breast feeding to the students. Around 150 students participated and those who gave the correct responses during the question answer session were awarded with prizes.

4th August 2012

Healthy Baby Contest and a skit on was organized at Rural Health Centre Karadivavi along with NSS unit of PSG CON and Directorate of Field Publicity, Ministry of Information and Broadcasting Department, Govt of India at 10:00 am. Healthy Baby Contest was organized by Mrs. Vidhya .K and Ms. Ajitha Assistant Professor PSG College of nursing based on the criteria formulated for assessment which includes anthropometric measurements of the baby, immunization, breast feeding, weaning and developmental mile stones and any illness. Based on the criteria of healthy well baby contest the prizes were distributed to the first three babies by Dr. Ramakrishnan Senior Medical Officer PSG Rural Health Centre Karadivavi. A skit was performed by the M.Sc nursing students regarding the importance of breast feeding emphazing on benefits of breast feeding to mothers and baby, composition of breast milk, expression of breast milk, techniques and positions for breast feeding and various Indian foods that increases the milk production during lactation period. Around 30-40 mothers attended the programme and there was a good response during the session.

5th August 2012

FM talk on breast feeding were given by Mrs. Vidhya .K and Mrs. Anitha K, Asst Professor on 107.8 FM at 9.00 am.

6th August 2012

A film show was arranged in OG out patient department on care of newborn. Mrs. Rajeswari, Asst. Professor, Pediatric Department, emphasized on the general care of newborn during delivery, bathing. care of eyes, nose and cord care, kangaroo mother care, swaddling method, expression of breast milk and techniques of breast feeding and signs of good attachment. All the mothers in the OPD attended the show and clarified their doubts.

7th August 2012 – Nutrition Exhibition

The first year B.Sc. Nursing students (2010 batch) organized a nutrition exhibition on 06.07.2011 in the foyer of PSG Hospitals. The students exhibited posters on different food groups, special diets for common disease conditions like diabetes and rich food sources of vitamins and minerals. Mrs. Kavitha, the Chief Dietician of PSG Hospitals and her team of teachers organized this exhibition. It was inaugurated by Dr.J.S.Bhuvaneswaran, Medical Director, and PSG Super Specialty Hospitals. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal, Prof.Beena Chacko, Class Co-Coordinator of I year B.Sc. Nursing were present on the occasion.
National Seminar on Leadership and Advocacy in Nursing
PSG College of Nursing, Alumni Union was privileged to organize a national seminar on ‘Leadership and Advocacy in Nursing’ on 31st August 2012, which was sponsored by Indian Council of Medical Research, New Delhi and the Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai. Delegates from Nursing discipline had actively participated. The theme of the conference was on recognizing the responsibility to empower the nursing fraternity with knowledge and skills on current approaches in nursing leadership and advocacy. The conference was inaugurated by Prof.Salomey George, Director, State Institute of Medical Education and Technology (SIMET) & Dean, Kerala Institute of Health Sciences. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Prof.Christy Mekala, Organizer of the seminar introduced the conference theme. Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal proposed the vote of thanks. The plenary sessions were covering the thrust areas which included reframing nursing leadership to suit current scenario, role of professional bodies in Nursing Advocacy, nursing leaders in enhancing ethical patient care. Patient advocacy by the nurses, bridging gap between generations, stimulating future leaders through critical thinking. Around 250 delegates including students and faculty from various institutions were benefited. The conference has given a forum to the delegates to project significant views towards the need of nursing leaders in current scenario.
Annual Sports Meet
The function started with March Past by 9 a.m. followed by Torch Relay which was carried by the athletic champion. Some of the track events such as 100 mts. 800 mts. running and relay were conducted and students energetically involved in the tract events. Lucky corner and balloon breaking events were conducted for the faculty. The Chief Guest addressed the gathering and distributed the prizes. 2010 batch won the over all trophy and for girls the Individual Championship was won by Jincy John of 2010 batch for boys the Individual Championship was won by Mr.Karthik of 2010 batch. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks by Ms.Ciby Esther, B.Sc Nursing 2008 batch.
NURSES’ Day Celebrations
In view of Nurses’ Day Celebration, TNAI, PSG College of Nursing Local Unit had observed International Nurses Day on 11th May 2012. II M.Sc(N) students had projected a short movie on ‘Nurses Through Ages’ and ‘A World with out Nurses’. Principal, faculty and students had attended the programme.
Ujjvala 2012 – An intra collegiate cultural meet was organized by SNA in order to raise the fund to support social causes. Ujjvala offstage events were conducted during the previous week. On stage events were conducted on 24th March. Events include Rangoli, Literature Time, Ink your Mind, Mehendi Designing, Wall Paper Designing, Best From Waste, Sudoku, Dum Charades, Extempore, Quiz – GK, Jodiattam, Mind Explorer, Foot Loose, Solo Song, Group Song, Avtar, Adaptune, Wide and Nise, Spell Me. The fund raising activities on the day of Ujjvala 2012 included faculty sponsored food preparations. Ice cream, water melon and lunch was arranged by SNA. Mehendi designing by a GB member and also cloth items for sale by faculty. The RAFFLE prizes were sponsored by Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, Dr.Pavai Arunachalam, Professor, Paediatric Surgery Department, PSG Hospitals and Dr.George Zacharias, Professor from ENT Department, PSG Hospitals. The programme was declared open by Principal during the inauguration and ended by prize distribution. Organizers were IV year B.Sc Nursing and EB members. The SNA EB members thanked the faculty for their support in this fund raising programme. They promised to help PSG Sarvajana Orphanage School children with their educational expenses for the whole year and also to support financially one bed in paediatric ward especially for the very poor child getting admitted in PSG Hospital. SNA wants to continue this social service every year.
Celebration of Staff Day


Staff day 2012 was conducted on 20.02.2012 in PSG College of Arts & Science. In regard to this, various cultural and sports competitions were organized for staff working in PSG Institutions. Prof.Tamilselvi, HOD, Medical Surgical Nursing department and Mrs.Santhi M.D, Associate Professor from Maternity Nursing department were co-ordinators of Staff Day from PSG College of Nursing. The following number of staff from PSG College of Nursing participated in various cultural events conducted at the health zonal level.
Name of the Event No. of Participants
Soap Carving 1
Singing 2
Tamil Elocution 2
Ms. Lavanya Mary from PSG College of Nursing is one among the four who have been selected at Zonal level to participate in final Tamil Elocution Competition conducted in PSG CAS Sangam Hall on 04.02.2012 at 4 p.m.


In view of Staff day 2012, various sports events were planned from 25th December 2011 and the events were started from January onwards for all staff working in PSG Institutions. Mrs. Santhi. M.D, Associate Professor was the Coordinator for sports evens of Staff Day from PSG College of Nursing.
The sports events planned are
Throw ball Volley ball Speed Walk 50, 60 & 100 mt running Shot-put Cricket In this our staffs were joined in Throw ball, Volley ball and Speed walk. All the final sports events were conducted in IMS&R ground. The overall trophy was won by PSG College of Technology. PSG Health campus was organized the prize distribution for winners from the health campus staff on 08.03.2012 at 3 p.m. The prize was distributed by Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing.
Lamp Lighting Ceremony
The Lamp Lighting Ceremony for the 1st year B.Sc. (Nursing) students of PSG College of Nursing was held on 23rd December 2011. During the ceremony, 98 Students took Nurse’s pledge. Prof. Rosaline Jayakaran, Dean, College of Nursing, CMCH, Vellore was the Chief Guest. Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering and also expressed that at PSG, nursing students are not only educated to be a nurse but prepared to be a responsible citizen. The Lamp lighting ceremony is held before nursing students take on the responsibility of patient care. During the ceremony the Chief Guest Prof. Rosaline Jayakaran, Dean, CMCH and Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, pass on the light to the students who are ready to take the responsibility of patient care. The Current pledge is a universal pledge by the International Council of Nurses. The students with candles held in their hands, Nurse’s pledge was administered to the students by Prof. T. Nirmala, Vice Principal, PSG College of Nursing. Prof. Rosaline Jayakaran, Dean, CMCH, College of Nursing, the Chief Guest spoke, “Today is a significant day in your career as you progress in the noble profession of nursing. The lamp that has been lit and the pledge you all have taken demand regular studies, hard work and selfless devotion” She also pointed out that nursing is such a blessed profession where opportunities to serve others come knocking at the doors everyday. Prof. Beena Chacko 1st year Bsc (Nursing) Class Coordinator proposed the vote of thanks.

Events Held – 2011

PSG College of Nursing organized a Zonal Level Inter Collegiate Nursing Quiz Competition on 11.11.11. Department of Maternity Nursing and Community Health Nursing organized this quiz programme. Totally 19 Colleges from Tamilnadu, Karnataka and Kerala participated in this quiz competition. The preliminary examination was conducted during the morning hours and 5 teams were chosen for the final quiz competition. The quiz programme was declared open by Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing at 2 p.m. The Quiz Mistress for Community Health Nursing Prof.T.Nirmala, Quiz Mistress Prof.S.Baby and Mr.Baskaran conducted the quiz in General Knowledge. The students actively participated in the programme. In the finals, students of KG college of Nursing won the prestigious rolling trophy. The students of Omayal Achi College of Nursing won the second prize and students from PSG College of Nursing won the third prize. The valediction started with a formal welcome address by Prof.T.Nirmala by 4.15.p.m. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham presided over the function. The Chief Guest Dr.Banumathy, HOD, OBG Department addressed the students. In her address, she congratulated the efforts by PSG College of Nursing to conduct this intellectual programme for consecutive 13 years. The programme came to an end with the words of gratitude by Prof.S.Baby, HOD Maternity Nursing Department by 5 p.m.
Graduation Ceremony
The 13th graduation ceremony of PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 22.10.2011 at 10.30 a.m. The 2009 batch of M.Sc. Nursing students and 2006 batch of B.Sc.. Nursing students received their degrees during this graduation. Prof. Dr. Anice George, Dean, Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal was invited to be the chief guest of the function. While addressing the new graduates, she mentioned about professional etiquettes to be followed in nursing and she emphasized on the knowledge updation. The most respected Managing Trustee of PSG Institutions Shri L.Gopalakrishnan presided over the function. Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing gave charge to the new graduates. 45 graduates and 21 post graduates received their degrees from the chief guest. The class toppers and subject toppers in both UG and PG group were awarded with prizes. The special awards were distributed by the chief guest. The best SNA award was received by Ms. Priya Varghese and best NSS award was received by Ms. Baby Chitra, Ms. Nirosha received the best sports woman award from the Alumni Association of PSG College of Nursing. Among the prestigious awards for undergraduate students, the best academic award was given to Ms. Ajitha Rani and the best clionical nurse was given to Ms. Anuratha of 2006 batch of B.Sc. Nursing. The best outgoing student of the graduating batch was given to Ms. Baby Chitra. Among the postgraduate students, best academic post graduate award was won by Mrs. Sherin Ushman, the best clinical nurse postgraduate was received by Mrs. Laisy Mathew and the Venkateshwara Research Award was given to Ms. Sandy M Varghese of 2009 batch of post graduate students. Following the awards, Ms. Rama, 2006 batch of B.Sc. Nursing gave the response on behalf of her batch. The college magazine was released by the managing trustee and first copy was received by Dr.Annice George. The ceremony came to an end with the words of gratitude from Prof.Meera Saravanan, the co-coordinator of the graduation ceremony.
Alumni Reunion
The Alumni reunion was conducted on 22.10.11 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. Around 100 alumni members participated in the reunion. It was started with invocation and followed by the welcome address which was given by Prof T Nirmala Alumni advisor. Alumni report was read by Mrs. Leena Francis, President and the treasurer report was given by Mrs. Kalpana P, Treasurer. Election was conducted for the post of President, Vice President, Secretary and Treasurer. Nominees for the post were selected and all alumni members voted for the posts. Votes were counted and finally results were announced during the cultural programme. Prof Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, congratulated everybody. Finally vote of thanks was given by Mrs. Gandhimathi R, Secretary of Alumni association.
Observation of World Alzheimer’s Day
PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore observed the World Alzheimer’s Day by conducting a quiz competition for B.Sc. Nursing students and memory screening camp at Mother Theresa Home for Destitute on 20th and 21st of September 2011. 13 teams consisting of 3 students in each team have written a preliminary test and 5 out of 13 teams were selected for the final quiz competition on Alzheimer’s disease and dementia. It was held on 20.09.2011 from 11.30 a.m. to 12.30 p.m. The students were awarded with first, second and third prizes. On 21st September 2011, faculty of Medical Surgical Nursing department and 6 B.Sc. Nursing students conducted a memory screening camp at Mother Theresa Home for Destitute. Mini cognitive scale was used to conduct memory screening. 40 samples, out of 76 were responded and screened, of which 27 were demented and 13 were normal. The in charge sister of the home had been informed and suggestions were given for further evaluation.
Induction Programme
The PSG Health Institutions organized a common induction programme for all the undergraduate courses namely MBBS, B.Sc. (Nursing), B.Pharm, BPT and other allied health courses on 16.09.2011 at 9 a.m.Dr.S.Ramalingam, Principal, PSG IMS&R welcomed the gathering. The programme was presided by the Chief Executive of PSG Institutions, Shri C.R.Swaminathan. In his speech, he emphasized on the policies and principles of PSG Institutions and asked the parents and the students to abide by the rules or the Institutions. Parents from each group gave their response. The programme came to an end with the proposal of vote of thanks by Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal College of Nursing.
National Conference on ‘Psychodynamics’ of Abuse & Neglect
PSG College of Nursing was proud and privileged to organize a National Conference on ‘Psychodynamics of Abuse and Neglect’ on 15th and 16th of September 2011 which was sponsored by ICMR, New Delhi. Delegates from a wide range of disciplines had actively participated. The theme of the conference was to disseminate information on proper psychosocial rehabilitation through team approach. The conference was inaugurated by Shri.L.Gopalakrishnan, Managing Trustee, and PSG Institutions. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the gathering. Prof.Esther Daisy Meerabai Joel, Organizer of the conference introduced the conference theme. Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal proposed the vote of thanks. The plenary sessions were covering the topics like child abuse, role of Indian government in prevention of women and child abuse, elderly abuse, needs and views of future responses to women abuse and care, current challenges faced by the police force, psychological and physical assessment methods of victims of abuse and neglect, Co-morbid psychiatric conditions associated with abuse/neglect etc. The resource persons from various institutions and PSG institutions had contributed towards the success of the conference. The conference has given a forum to the delegates to project significant views towards the problem of abuse & neglect through scientific paper presentations. The best paper was awarded to Ms. Rohini Tiwari, Faculty of Home Science and Nutrition, Department of Food Science, Avinashilingam Institute for Home Science and Higher Education for Women, Coimbatore.

World Breast Feeding Week Celebration

Breast feeding, desire of life, a newborn’s right is God given blessing to a women who enters her motherhood. Every year, the first week of August is celebrated as the World Breast feeding week. Every year Pediatric department and Maternity department of PSG College of Nursing and PSG hospitals together put up a week long celebration with a cascade of events for sharing of knowledge and experience thereby creating awareness on various aspects of breastfeeding.

1st August 2011- Monday

The start of Breast feeding week began with a FM talk on ‘Breast feeding and its importance, Exclusive Breast feeding, breast feeding Techniques, Diet to increase breast milk secretion & Methods for Expressed breast milk and its storage’ for working mothers by Mrs. Kalaimathy A, Asst. Professor OBG Department and Mrs. Kalpana.P. Asst. Professor, Child Health Nursing Department of PSG College of nursing that was aired across the city between 9am and 9.30am to highlight on Breast feeding. On the same day, at Hospital Reception Block we display the posters covering various aspects of Breast feeding at 9 am followed by the exhibition of poster at the OG OPD between 10.30 a.m and 11.30 a.m. Posters illustrated the topics like antenatal preparation for Breast feeding (breast care ), benefits to mother and child, composition of human milk, Exclusive Breast feeding, Breast feeding techniques, expressed breast milk and its storage, the theme of this year-“Talk to me”, Breast feeding, 3d experience was also emphasized.

2nd August 2011 – Tuesday

This day the hospital seemed busy and the event was a drawing competition for the mothers. It was an opportunity for the mothers to bring out their artistic views on the topic “mother’s love. The competition took place between 10am and 11.00 am. Promotion of Breast feeding was the aim of the PG students of PSG CON who put themselves into the place of actors to convey a message of successful Breast feeding and presented a role play in the OG ward. Reach out to the youth and talk about Breast feeding, catching the young and instilling the importance would see a bright future as a mother support the nation with intelligent children. A talk on Breast feeding : youth can act to make a difference was delivered by Prof. Baby.S HOD, OBG department and Mrs. Kalpana.P Asst.Professor Child Health Nursing Department between 2-3 pm at Krishnammal College of Arts and Science for a group of 300 students.

3rd August 2011 – Wednesday

At PSG Hospital Seminar Hall, a film show on “care of newborn” was put up between 10.30 am to 11 am for postnatal mothers. Followed by, a written MCQ contest for staff Nurses was held at the same venue to know how many of them would turn out to become a lactation consultant / Breast feeding counselors. A questionnaire was distributed and their knowledge regarding Breast feeding was assessed. Diet and Breast feeding go hand in hand. They are interdependent; a good planned diet would enable a mother to Breast feed adequately. A diet exhibition with focus on the postnatal diet and foods that improve breast milk secretion was organized by the Dietary Department between 10 am and 4 pm at Hospital Reception Block.

4th August 2011 – Thursday

An elocution competition was conducted for the staff nurse on the topic; breast feeding is a boon at the hospital seminar hall. The participants had poured out their views on the topic and spoke out with fully energy highlighting on how Breast feeding is a boon.

5th August 2011 – Thursday

There was an amazing puppet show on ‘Breast feeding is the beauty of the mother’ filling the area with hilarious moments as well as carrying across the right message between 11am and 11.30 a.m. A demonstration of Breast feeding techniques took places in the OG ward between 11.30am and12noon to help out the new mothers to handle their newborns and feed with confidence.

6th August 2011 – Thursday

The focus was on the rural population of Vedapatti where the role play to highlight on importance of successful Breast feeding was performed by the PG students of PSG College of Nursing and well baby contest was conducted where the tiny tots dressed up in vibrant colors took an active participation and the best baby with the proud mother was awarded.

Nutrition Exhibition

The first year B.Sc. Nursing students (2010 batch) organized a nutrition exhibition on 06.07.2011 in the foyer of PSG Hospitals. The students exhibited posters on different food groups, special diets for common disease conditions like diabetes and rich food sources of vitamins and minerals. Mrs. Kavitha, the Chief Dietician of PSG Hospitals and her team of teachers organized this exhibition. It was inaugurated by Dr.J.S.Bhuvaneswaran, Medical Director, and PSG Super Specialty Hospitals. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal, Prof.Beena Chacko, Class Co-Coordinator of I year B.Sc. Nursing were present on the occasion.
Strategies to Promote Organ Donation
Regional conference on ‘Strategies To Promote Organ Donation’ was conducted by PSG College of Nursing along with TNAI Local Unit and I year M Sc Nursing students on 28th February 2011. Financial assistance was sought from ICMR, New Delhi. Registration began at 8 a.m. followed by a formal inauguration. Dr.Vimal Kumar Govindan, Medical Director, PSG Hospitals was the President of the programme. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal welcomed the gathering. Prof.G.Malarvizhi, Programme Coordinator introduced the theme of the conference. Dr.J.S.Bhuvaneswaran, Medical Director, PSG Super specialty Hospital felicitated. It came to an end with vote of thanks by Mrs. Leena J, Assistant Professor, and Organizing Secretary of the conference. A deliberation was on Global Strategies, Legal Briefing, Ethical Issues and Concerns, Family Reflections on Organ Donation, Brain Death Certificate, Role of Nurses in Organ & Tissue Donation and Strategies to Promote Organ Donation. There was a panel discussion with eminent speakers involved in Organ Transplantation with Dr.M.Ramalingam, Dr.J.S.Bhuvaneswaran Dr.P.Chandrasekhar, Dr.R.V.Ramani, Dr.L.Venkata Krishnan, Dr.RMPL. Ramanathan and Dr.K.S.Thirumoorthy. Sessions by Mrs. Sadhana V Shankar, Advocate & Mr. F.Sagayam, MOHAN Foundations and Prof.Selva Titus, Deputy Dean, CMCH, Vellore and Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham were more useful. Role play by I year M.Sc. Nursing students related to the theme was more appropriate at the end of the days programme.
Oath Taking Ceremony
The oath taking ceremony for the 2010 batch of B Sc Nursing students was held on 05.01.11 between 5-6 p.m. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, welcomed the gathering. The Managing Trustee of PSG Institution, Shri.G.Rangaswamy, presided over the function. The Chief Guest of the day, Prof.Lizzie Raveendran, Principal, PVS College of Nursing, Calicut, Kerala addressed the students. In her message, she emphasized on the qualities which the students should acquire during the four year programme. 80 B Sc Nursing students took the Oath which was lead by Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice Principal. The programme came to an end with the words of gratitude from Prof.Beena Chacko, HOD of Fundamentals of Nursing Department.
Intramural Sports Meet
The Intramural Sports Meet was conducted on 12th March 2011 which was organized by Mrs. Santhi M.D, Associate Professor, and Maternity Nursing Department. Prof.Cap.Kalpana Jayaraman, Principal, Annai Meenakshi College of Nursing was the Chief Guest for the Annual Sports Meet. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, had given the welcome address, and handed over the bouque and bestow momento to the Chief Guest. Prof.Cap.Kalpana Jayaraman gave the chief guest address on sports meet and she declared the sports meet open. Prof.Cap.Kalpana Jayaraman hoisted the Indian flag and Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham hoisted the college flag. The function started with March past by 9 a.m., performed by all the batch of students followed by torch relay by the athletic students. Some of the track events such as 100 mts, 800 mts running, Relay and Tug of War were conducted. 50 mts running was conducted for the faculty children’s and they are participated enthusiastically. Tug of war for the M.Sc. Vs B.Sc. students and lucky corner for the faculty was conducted. The chief guest distributed the prizes for the winners. Both the faculty and students got the prizes for the winning events. The individual championship in girls was won by Ms. Padma, 2008 batch and in boys by Mr. Nirmal Kumar, 2010 batch. The over all trophy was won by 2008 batch (Third year B.Sc. (N)) students. The programme was concluded with the vote of thanks proposed by Ms. Keerthana, B.Sc. (N) 2007 Batch.
UJVALA 2011 – Intra-Collegiate Culturals ‘UJJVALA – 2011’
‘UJJVALA – 2011’ The Intra-Collegiate Culturals of PSG College of Nursing was organized by Student Nurses Association on 19th March in IMSR Auditorium. The undergraduate students were divided into 4 groups and named as Surya, Dhara, Nakshatra, and Prithvi. 15 competitions were conducted which included off and on the stage programme from ‘On the spot paint’ to ‘Ms/Mr. UJJVALA’. The competitions extended from 7.30 a.m. to 5.30 p.m. As part of fund rising programmes, SNA held fun games and sale of artificial ornaments & food stall. The programme went on well. In valediction prizes were given to all winners and momento for all judges.
PSG College of Nursing organized a Zonal level intercollegiate Nursing Quiz competition on 12.11.2010. Department of psychiatric nursing and paediatric nusing organized this quiz programme. Totally 14 colleges participated in this quiz competition. The preliminary examination was conducted during the morning hours and 5 teams were choosen for the final quiz competition. The quiz programme was declared open by Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, and PSG College of Nursing at 2 p.m. The quiz mistresses for Paediatric Nursing, Prof.G.Malarvizhi and Ms. Roselin Myvizhi, the quiz mistress for Psychiatric Nursing Prof.Esther Daisy Joel and the quiz mistress for General Knowledge Prof.Meera Saravanan conducted the quiz programme in a very interesting manner. The students actively participated in the programme. In the finals, the students of St.Johns College of Nursing won the rolling trophy for the second consecutive year and owned the trophy. The students of PSG College of Nursing won the second prize and the students from College of Nursing, Madurai Medical College won the third prize. The valediction started with a formal welcome address by Prof.G.Malarvizhi at 4.45 p.m. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham presided over the function. The chief guest Dr.A.Raguthaman, Professor & HOD, Department of Psychiatry, and PSG Hospitals addressed the students. In his address, he congratulated on inclusion of effective psychiatric nursing curriculum in the B.Sc. Nursing program. The programme came to an end with the words of gratitude by Prof.Esther Daisy Meerabai Joel, HOD of Psychiatric Nursing Department at 5.45 p.m.
Graduation Ceremony
The 12th graduation ceremony of PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 06.10.2010 at 10.30 a.m. The 2008 batch of M Sc Nursing students and 2005 batch of B.Sc. Nursing students received their degrees on this graduation. Dr.Marilyn Newhoff, Dean, College of Health and Human Services, San Diego State University, USA was invited to be the Chief Guest for the ceremony. Most respected Sri G.Rangaswamy, the Managing Trustee of PSG Institutions presided over the function. Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal, PSG College of Nursing formally welcomed the gathering. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing delivered the message to the graduates. 46 graduates and 8 post graduates received their degree. The toppers in each subject from 2005 batch and the class toppers in each year were award with trophies. Ms. Sangeetha of 2005 batch received the Best SNA and Best NSS award. The special awards were given to all the award winners from graduate and post graduate group. The alumni association of PSG College of Nursing awarded Ms. Pramila T of 2005 batch as the ‘Best Sports Women’ of 2005 batch of B.Sc. Nursing. The Best Academic Post Graduate and Best Clinical Nurse Award went to Mrs. Vimala D of 2008 batch of M.Sc. Nursing. Venkateshwara Research Award was given to Mrs. Sivamathi R of 2008 batch of M.Sc. Nursing. Among the graduate group, Best Academic Graduation and Best Clinical Nurse graduate award were won by the same person, Ms. Anurama of 2005 batch of B.Sc. Nursing, Ms. Saranya M.S. of 2005 batch was awarded as the Best Outgoing student of the graduating batch. Following the awarding ceremony, Ms. Anurama P gave the response on behalf of her batch. The college magazine ‘Fineese’ was released by the Managing Trustee and the first copy was received by Dr.Newhoff. The ceremony came to an end with the words of gratitude from Mrs. Beena Chacko, the Coordinator of the graduation ceremony.
Report of the Regional Conference on Recent Trends in MCH Care
Regional conference on ‘Recent Trends in Maternal and Child Health Care’ was conducted by PSG College of Nursing on 14th and 15th of October 2010. This conference was sponsored by the Tamilnadu Dr. MGR Medical University, Chennai and ICMR, New Delhi. Registration of the conference began by 8.30 a.m. on 14.10.2010 followed by a formal inaugural function. Prof.Seetha Panicker, HOD of Obst. & Gynecology of PSG Hospitals was the chief guest for the inauguration. In her inaugural address, she emphasized on the role of nurses in remote areas towards the achievement targeted MMR and IMR. Prof.T..Nirmala, Vice-Principal and Alumni Advisor welcomed the delegates and the resource persons for the conference. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing presided over the function and Mrs. Gandhimathi R organizing secretary of the conference introduced the theme of the conference. Inaugural function was concluded with the words of gratitude from Mrs. Leena J, President of Alumni Association, and PSG College of Nursing. Key resource persons were invited from Chennai, Thrissur, Kottayam, Mangalore and Pondicherry. Dr.S.Senthil Kumar, Deputy Director of Health Services, Coimbatore was invited to share the information on National Schemes in MCH Care. The scientific paper presentation was held on the second day morning from 11 a.m. to 1 p.m. Delegates from different States presented their paper and the best paper award was won by Mrs. Sonia RBD’ Souza from Manipal College of Nursing, Manipal University. Participation certificates for the delegates and the paper presenters were distributed during valediction by Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham. The conference came to an end with the vote of thanks by Mrs. Kalpana, Treasurer, Alumni Association of PSG College of Nursing, Coimbatore.
Alumni Reunion
An Alumni Reunion was organized followed by the Graduation Ceremony. Mrs. Leena J, President, presented the alumni report. Ms. Roselin Myvizhi J.E. welcomed the gathering. Mrs. Kalpana P presented the treasurer report for the previous year. Election was conducted for the post of Secretary and Ms. Kondal Devi A was elected as the Secretary for the next two years. Tree planting was done in front of the hostel. The meeting adjourned at 12.45 p.m.

Events Held – 2010

NALAM 2010
PSG IMS&R had organized a health exhibition stall as a part of Silver Jubilee Celebration in the name of Nalam 2010. It was a three day programme scheduled from 8th October to 10th October 2010 at PSG IMS&R Auditorium. It was inaugurated by Honourable Minister Thriru Pongalur Palaniswamy and presided by District Collector Dr.Umanath I.A.S. Our Trustee Shri G.Rangaswamy welcomed the Chief Guest of the stall started with the good screening, BMI, height, weitht and bone density to all the public.

Events Held – 2009

Research Designs in Health Sciences Construct, Conduct and Critique on 25 to 27th June, 2009


Cosponsored by HRDG Division, CSIR, New Delhi, TNSCST, Chennai The workshop on research designs, constructs, conducts and critique, was initiated with the idea of diffusing the philosophy of research designs and its implications. Dr.Radha Krishnan, Director, PSG Institute of Advanced Studies, in his chief guest address during the inaugural expressed the abundance of knowledge and practice of research and the need for intellectual congruence of research designs in Social and Health sciences, as the Physical Sciences overlie on experimentation as they deal with products, but the Health Sciences are more concerned with Human Beings. Rtd. Prof. Dr.C.P. Prakasam, Department of Public Health and Mortality Studies, International Institute for Population Sciences, Mumbai in his key note address acknowledged the realities of conducting the research in Health Sciences and the decision to decipher the design component. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, expressed the significance and responsibility of the research department to programme and propose the issue of research methodology and especially the research designs. Dr.Subhadra Iyengar, in introduction to the theme of the workshop pronounced the need to understand the design component, its implications and the skills in designing the research studies in Health Sciences. The scientific session began with Dr.Prakasam addressing on the Qualitative research approach to health from social context. He imparted the critical issues and contributory mechanism of qualitative research and with citations from various research in AIDS and HIV, and gender related reproductive health and social attributions associated with them expressed the richness of qualitative approach to conduct of health research. The type of qualitative research was also listed and explained in detail by him in later session. Prof.Elizabrth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing, in her attempt to Qualitative designs, Principles, and Practice determinately pronounced that everything can not be just quantified. With esthetic pictures of Crying Baby and Dancing Folk, she put a thought provoking question in the minds of the audience whether measuring in quantam is alone crucial compare to the understanding the phemenon as it exists in its natural setting. She involved the students in by making them do some small exercises. Dr.Subhadra Iyengar in her topic on Quantitative research designs, principles and practice went on emphasizing the cause and effect relationship while testing of hypothesis. She also expressed the need to identify the variables of the study, understand the nature and its influence, and the need to be cautious about internal and external threat to the study, the steps and skills to minimize the same. The session ended with online quiz. Then Dr.Thomas V Chacko, HOD of Community Medicine and MET Department, PSG IMSR balanced by establishing the distinguished characteristics, advantages, disadvantages of both the approach and recommended for combination, namely mixed match method. From here, the sessions started and flittered into specific design with quantitative approach. Dr.Thanga Pandian, Lecturer, Dept of Psychology, PSG College of Arts and Science, in his deliberation on Survey design made the participants probe into surveying the personality of each which gave two expressions, one self introspection and the other technique of applying survey Design to studies. Dr.Jemima Mohana Kumar, Professor, Department of Nutrition, PSG College of Arts and Science, explained with exercise about the Descriptive designs and their focus. Mrs. Beena Chacko, Associate Professor, in Medical surgical Nursing and HOD of Fundamentals of Nursing, PSG College of Nursing dealt with examples, the time dimensional designs and their significance in assessing the impact of Lung Cancer and Smoking. Then, the deliberation on Experimental Designs was made by Dr.Ramamurthy Professor and Head of Department of Biotechnology, PSG Institute of Technology. He lectured in detail the principles, practice, types and implication of experimental designs. Dr.Ramalingam, Principal and Professor of Pharmacology, of PSG Institute of Medical Sciences, with examples and critical probing with the audience explained the case study, case control and RCT designs in medical research. Dr.Bhuvaneshwarn, Medical Director, PSG Super Specialty Hospitals gave birds view of Clinical Trials and citations were from the numerous researches conducted by him. Prof.G.Malarvizhi, Head of Pediatric Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing, addressed with her profound knowledge on Pre test Post test control group and Solomon Four group design, in health sciences. Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice- Principal, PSG College of Nursing made the delegates practice the design techniques by practically making them relax and define the principles, practice of one group pre and post design. She also stressed on internal and external validity and minimization of the same. Dr. Ramanathan, Professor, Department of Pharmacology, PSG College of Pharmacy specified, classified and expressed the need of quasi experimental research design in health sciences, especially when dealing with behavioral issues. From there, the session was handled by Prof.Tamil Selvi, Head of Medical-Surgical Nursing Department, on Non Equivalent Design, and she maximized the extent to which these designs bring down to earth results. The third day was linked to the first day session, as Dr.Vidya Ramachandran, in depth with research studies on epidemiological aspects explained about qualitative research and its significance in epidemiology and transformation of the approach to quantitative. It was thought provoking and mind storming session. Then the workshop started on Group task with different situation and the representatives from each group presented the design components. Later the papers were presentated by Delegates, where also there was a stress on identification of variables, structuring the design, assessing internal and external threats to studies and the measures to control the same. The best paper presentation award was conferred to Dr.Reshmi Sharin, Ayurveda College, Coimbatore, who presented on Double Blind Research Study. The three days task helped in overcoming the misnorms of design construction and gave crystal clear picture of the method of drawing the research design. The workshop was valedected with a speech from Dr.Vidhya Ramachandran, and report from Dr.Subhadra Iyengar. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, presented the award for best paper presentation. Mrs. Kalaimathi, Assistant Professor, PSG College of Nursing, extended the vote of thanks.
World Breast Feeding Week Celebration
The world breast feeding week was celebrated by PSG College of Nursing along with PSG Hospitals. The Obstetrical and gynecological nursing department paediatric nursing department and NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized the different programmes during the week. After the inauguration on 1st August 2009, poster competition was conducted on the theme of breast feeding week Breast feeding a vital emergency. Are you ready? On 3rd August 2009, a role play and a health talk with demonstration were given to mothers at OG Ward, PSG Hospitals. The same programme was repeated on 4th August at SLM Maternity Centre. On 5th August, a health talk was given to antenatal and post natal mothers attending OG OPD of PSG Hospitals. On 6th August, role play and a health talk was given to mothers admitted at ESI Hospitals, Coimbatore. The same day, a well baby and mothers contest was conducted on the basis of exclusively breastfed baby. On 7th August, an elocution competition was organized. Staff nurses and student’s nurses participated and prizes were distributed during the valediction by Smt. Nandini Rangaswamy, the chief guest of the day. Indus Em October
Encon 2009
The Emergency Nursing Congress 2009 was conducted as part of INDUS-EM Annual Summit 2009 on 28th and 29th October 2009. There were around 350 delegates from all over India. International faculties were invited for the conference. The invited nursing faculties were Ms. Theresa Tavernero, Team Health, USA, Mrs. Gila Gyams, Trauma Coordinator, RHCC, Haifa, Israel, Prof.Ravikumar, HOD of Emergency Nursing, CMCH, Vellore and Dr.Sanjeev Boi and AIIMS Team. During the two days delebrations, the following topics were dealt by different faculty: Leadership in emergency department, team work, management of poly trauma, mass causality and preparedness of hospitals and ED, Quality control in Emergency Nursing and Pre-Hospital services. On the second day, there was a competition conducted for the nurses and PG students through case presentations of given emergency situations. During the afternoon session, Dr.Sanjeev Bhoi and his team from AIIMS conducted the skill station training on basic cardiac life support. The ENCON came to an end at 4.45 p.m. on 29.10.2009.
Graduation Ceremony
The 11th Graduation Ceremony of the PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 11.9.2009 at 5 p.m. Mr. P.Sivanandi, Inspector General and Commissioner of Police was invited as the Chief Guest of the solumn ceremony. Smt. Nandini Rangaswamy, Correspondent, Krishnammal group of Educational Institutions graced the occasions. During the Graduation Ceremony, 45 members from the eleventh batch of B.Sc. Nursing and 6 members from the fourth batch of M.Sc. (N) received their degree. Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal, PSG College of Nursing extended a warm welcome to the invitees, graduates and others. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing presented the college report and delivered the message to the graduates. Dr.S.Ramalingam, Principal, PSG IMS&R presided over the function. During the Chief Guest Address, Mr. Sivanandi IG and Commissioner of Police stressed on the communication skills and an attitude to help others. He shared his life experiences and motivated the young graduates to shine in their career. The chief guest distributed the certificates to the Graduates and Post Graduates. Prof.G.Malarvizhi, HOD of Paediatric Nursing department called out the winners of various awards and prizes. Prizes were distributed to the class toppers from all the 4 batches and the subject toppers from the graduating batch were acknowledged with prizes. Among the graduates, Miss. Joshi Terrentia was awarded with the most prestigious award of Best Outgoing Graduate award. Ms. Meena.P was awarded as the Best Academic Graduate and Miss. Joshi Terrentia received the Best Clinical Nurse Award. Among the Post Graduates, Miss. Vembu of 2007 batch received the Best Academic Post Graduate award and Mrs. Smitha Soman was awarded with Best Researcher and Best Clinical Nurse award. The programme came to an end with the formal words of gratitude from Mrs. Christy Mekala.V, Professor and the organizing Secretary of the function at 6.15 p.m.
Zenith – November 2009
The zonal level intercollegiate nursing quiz competition was conducted on 23.11.2009. The quiz programme was organized by Medical Surgical Nursing Department and Fundamentals of Nursing Department. Nursing students from over Tamilnadu, two colleges from Kerala and one college from Karnataka participated in the preliminary round. In total, 15 colleges took part in the preliminary test and 5 colleges qualified for the final quiz programme. The Zenith 2009 was declared open by Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, principal, PSG College of Nursing. The Quiz Mistresses Mrs. Beena Chacko, HOD of Fundamentals of Nursing Department and Prof.A.Tamilselvi, HOD of Medical Surgical Nursing Department conducted the quiz in a smooth and interesting manner. The valedictory session started with formal welcome by Prof.A.Tamilselvi, the organizing Secretary of the programme. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing presided over the function. The Chief Guest of the day Dr.Prem Kumar, HOD of General Surgery, PSG Hospitals addressed the students and emphasized on the importance of nursing care in health care setting. Dr.Prem Kumar distributed the prizes to the winners. The first prize and the rolling trophy was won by St.Johns College of Nursing, Bangalore, the II prize by KMCH College of Nursing and III prize by College of Nursing, Madras Medical College, Chennai. The programme came to an end at 4.45 p.m. with the words of gratitude from Mrs. Beena Chacko, Associate Professor, HOD of Fundamentals of Nursing Department, PSG College of Nursing.
Lamp lighting Ceremony 11th December – 2009 Batch
The lamp lighting ceremony of 2009 batch of B.Sc. Nursing students was conducted on 11th December 2009 between 4 p.m. and 5 p.m. Prof.Mabel Shivkar, Principal, RVS College of Nursing was invited as the Chief Guest of the occasion. Following the formal welcome by Mrs. Beena Chacko, Associate Professor, PSG College of Nursing, the Principal of PSG College of Nursing Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham addressed the new nursing students. The President of the function, Dr.Vimal Kumar Govindan, Medical Director, PSG IMS&R Hospital gave the presidential address. The chief guest Prof.Mabel Shivkar and Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, passed over the lights to the first year B.Sc. Nursing. Prof.T.Nirmala, Vice-Principal, PSG College of Nursing lead the students in taking the nurses pledge. The chief guest of the day, Prof.Mabel Shivkar, addressed the students and emphasized on 10 qualities a nurse must posses and how to build on those qualities. The programme came to an end with the words of gratitude from Mrs. Leena J, Asst. Professor, PSG College of Nursing.
ISO Continuing Assessment by the External Agency
ISO external auditing was conducted by Auditors from BSI on 21.02.2007 for the 2 nd continuing assessment. The auditing went on successfully and smoothly. No non conformances were identified. The auditors congratulated the Principal that QMS followed in PSG College of Nursing is a very mature system.
International Nurses Day
International Nurses Day was preponed and celebrated on 08.05.2009 by the Student Nurses Association due to the vacation of students. A debate was conducted on the topic People choose Nurse Service oriented or salary oriented. The Programme began with the welcome speech by Ms. Anurama of 2005 Batch. Following that Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing gave an inspiring speech on Nurses Day theme. The debate began with the introductory speech by Mrs. Meera Saravanan, Associate Professor, and Department of Psychiatric Nursing. The debate was not only enjoyable but also thought provoking for the audience. Following the debate, prizes were distributed to the winners of various competitions which were conducted as a part of International Nurses Day celebration.
Intramural Sports Meet
The Intramural sports of PSG College of Nursing was conducted on 14.03.2009 at 9 a.m. Mrs. N.Kamini, Deputy Commissioner of Police, Crime and Traffic, Coimbatore City Police was the chief guest of the sports meet. In her speech, she emphasized on the need for increase of stamina through regular exercise and physical fitness for a nurse. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing welcomed the chief guest and wished the students for their success. After the declaration of sports meet open by the chief guest, the sports events for the staff and students started. The individual over all championship was won by Ms. Nirosha of 2006 batch. The group overall trophy was won by the first year B.Sc. Nursing (2008 batch) students of PSG College of Nursing.
Workshop on Current Trends in Oncology Nursing
PSG College of Nursing conducted a workshop on Current Trends in Oncology Nursing on 11.02.2009 to update the health care professional on clinical issues and current trends in cancer practice. Eminents from Cancer Centre, GKNM Hospital namely Dr.M.Nagarajan, Dr.A.Rajkumar and Dr.Suthintharakannan highlighted the recent advances of diagnosis of cancer, advancements in cancer treatment and stem cell therapy. Dr.Ramamoorthy of PSG College of Technology emphasized on the role of human genetics in prevention of cancer. Mrs. P.Chitra, Associate Professor, Amrita College of Nursing, Ernakulam stressed on the role of nurse in palliative care. More than 200 participants from all over Tamilnadu attended the workshop including students, teachers and health professionals.
World Environment Day
PSG College of nursing conducted an intercollegiate competition on 20th June 2008 to commemorate the World Environment Day on the theme Co2- Kick the Habit: Towards a Low Carbon Economy in order to sensitize the students on issues related global warming, climate change and its impact, irrational use of energy and improper waste disposal and menace of plastic. The various events were Photo exhibition, Poster Presentation and painting with a theme NATURE INCREDIBLE. Other competitions were essay writing both in English and the state language Tamil based on international theme. Quiz programme was organized on all aspects orienting to the international theme. 134 students from various colleges participated and three best were awarded in each event. Participants were acknowledged with a certificate. A Documentary was telecasted for the whole day. Students were enthusiastic not only in participating but in knowing about the eco system and find ways to restore nature for better future.
International Day for Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking
World Health Day Celebration With Psychiatric Expo – 2008 Déjà Vu And International Day For Drug Abuse And Illicit Trafficking By Psychiatric Nursing Department III Year B.Sc. Nursing PHOENIX group of students conducted EXPO2008 named “DÉJÀ VU” meaning Familiar Of Unfamiliar Things on 28.05.2008 at PSG hospitals, on 29.05.2008 at Coimbatore Medical College Hospital, Coimbatore and on 05.06.2008 at PSG College Of Nursing, Coimbatore.

Events Held – 2008

Workshop “TRAUMA CARE- LEARNING THROUGH SIMULATION” was organized on 4th July 2008
The Workshop “TRAUMA CARE- LEARNING THROUGH SIMULATION” was organized on 4thJuly 2008 at PSG IMS & R Auditorium. It was sponsored by TNSCST, Chennai and NCSTC, ICMR, New Delhi. 64 delegates (7 UG students, 47 PG students, 7 staff nurses and 3 Faculty members) of various colleges of Nursing from Tamilnadu attended the workshop. On the 3rd of July around 10 saplings were planted in our PSG campus. Trauma is being the leading cause of the death and the nurses being the fundamental components of direct trauma care, PSG College of Nursing has felt the need to organize this workshop for faculty and students of Nursing to empower knowledge and skill on trauma care. During scientific session Prof.T.S.Ravikumar, Head of Emergency Nursing Department, CMC, Vellore spoke on Trauma Biomechanics, Stress Management in EMT and Skills station on Transportation and Immobilization techniques. Appropriate use of immobilization devices and instruments during EMT was demonstrated. After this session, the delegates were given an opportunity to practice those techniques to get hands on experiences in early management of trauma. We had resource persons to speak on musculoskeletal injuries, Airway, Breathing and Circulation management. Pediatric Trauma Management. The 4th year B Sc nursing students, simulated through scenario on early management of trauma in both do’s and don’ts way of treating the trauma victims and depicted the stress among health care professionals during emergency The scenario was lauded by the delegates for its likeliness to the real life situation. The delegates expressed that the skills they gained through this workshop will be useful in their nursing practice..
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