

The Indian Red Cross Society is a voluntary humanitarian organization, established by an act of the Indian Legislature in 1920, having on its rolls the states, the union territories, the districts and the sub-district branches. Its activities are being directed forward to the “Prevention of Diseases, Improvement of Health and Mitigation of Suffering”. The Indian Red Cross Society realized the importance of the youth way back in 1925 and established Junior Red Cross (JRC) in schools and Youth Red Cross (YRC) in colleges.

Objectives of YRC

  • Promotion and protection of health and life.
  • Selfless services to the sick and suffering.
  • Promotion of national and international friendship.
  • Disaster relief to the victiMs.

The PSG College of Nursing established its YRC Local Unit in the academic year of 2004-2005.The unit has a total membership of 246 students. The Youth Red Cross wing of our College is proud to reveal its activities that took place during the academic year 2010 – 2021.

YRC Programme Officer: Mrs.Vikashini.P, Assistant.Professor.

Activities of Youth Red Cross


National Science day 28.02.2024

In view of “National Science day” PSG college of Nursing YRC/RRC unit conducted “Biography writing competition” Theme: The Raman Effect- Sir.C.V.Raman. Nearly 10 students participated from 2022 & 2023 batch. Ms. Nivetha (2022 batch) & Ms. Azwa Nilofer (2023batch) were the winners.

Peer Leader Training programme 07.02.2024

RRC Unit of The Tamil Nadu Dr. MGR Medical University has organized Peer Leader Training programme on 07.02.2024 at Sri Ramakrishna College of Pharmacy. Two students from first and second year along with RRC Coordinator will attend the same..


World AIDS Day 01.12.2023

In view of World AIDS Day, YRC unit along with DDHS office organized rally from collector office to DDHS office. Thirty students from II year B. Sc (N) 2021 batch have actively participated. The rally was inaugurated by Coimbatore District Collector Mr. Kranti Kumar Pati and took pledge to prevent AIDS. Nearly 120 Nursing students from various colleges have participated.

World Youth Day 21.08.2023

YRC unit observed World Youth Day on 21.08.2023, volunteers distributed shadow tree saplings to the youth to improve our Ecofriendly environment.

World Blood Donation Day 14.06.2023

In view of World Blood Donation Day on 14.06.2023 YRC & RRC unit of PSG College of Nursing along with PSG Hospitals organized Blood Donation Camp in Pollachi. I year M. Sc Nursing (2022 batch) students actively participated. Nearly 41 members donated the blood.

World health Day 06.04.2023

In view of World Health Day 2023 YRC unit conducted health screening and health talk in Vedapatti rural area. Nearly 50 members were screened and benefitted.

Awareness Program 25.01.2023

YRC unit organized an awareness program on Platelet pheresis on 25.01.2023, Dr.Divyadharshini from Department of Pathology addressed the students.


World Breastfeeding Week on 07.08.2022

YRC unit observed World Breastfeeding Week on 07.08.2023. In this regard, poetry competition was conducted. Around 31 B.Sc Nursing students participated enthusiastically from II, III and IV year. 1st Prize – Ms. Subhashini (IV year) 2nd prize – Ms. Maria Sunny(II year) 3rd prize – Ms. Naomi Elizabeth (II year) Special mention: Ms.Karmiga (III year) & Ms. Jayashree (II year). Students were Excited to receive the prizes from Principal and all the participants received e-certificate..

Blood donation camp on 16.09.2022

Blood donation camp was organized by Youth Red Cross Unit (YRC) of PSG College of Nursing on 16th September 2022. It was held at the Blood Bank Unit of PSG Hospital. Around 45 Students actively enrolled for Blood Donation .The donors were asked to register themselves and fill a medical form to give details about their health related information. Before Blood Donation, the weight, Blood Pressure, hemoglobin and body temperature were also measured so that the donors do not have to face any further health issues. After fulfilling the screening process 26 students voluntarily donated their blood to save the precious human life. After Blood Donation the donors were given refreshments to re-energize them and a certificate of appreciation was given to each donor as a token of gratitude.

Poster Exhibition on 30.06.2022

The Youth Red Cross unit of PSG College of Nursing Organized Poster Exhibition on the theme NUTRITION & COMMON HEALTH PROBLEMS on 30.06.2022 at ‘B’ Block Hospital Entrance. As part of the programme posters were prepared and displayed by III Year Nursing students .The main objective of the programme was to educate the patients and the care takers about the “ROLE OF VARIOUS NUTRIENTS IN PREVENTION OF DISEASES”.

Road Safety Awareness Programme on 24.02.2022

The YRC Unit organized Road Safety Awareness Programme on 24.02.2022 at Vedapatti High School. The main objective of the programme was to create awareness on road safety among the school students, to understand the importance of a road safety and others life and to motivate the school children to follow road safety rules and regulations. As part of the programme 11 final year B.Sc. (N) students presented a beautiful skit highlighting the Issues of Rash Driving, Drunken Driving and Road Rage with special mention about the irreversible consequences due to minor driving. They also stressed the importance of obeying the traffic rules and traffic signs while travelling on the roads and the rules for the pedestrians were also actively explained by using self-made creative placards and awareness posters. The students also actively took a pledge to follow the rules and regulations which one should abide to promote road safety. Almost 100 school children benefited by this informative programme. Finally, the Head Mistress of the school reported that the Road Safety Programme enriched the students and make them to be a responsible citizen in future.

Awareness campaign on Covid-19 -31.01.2022

The YRC unit of PSG College of Nursing organized an awareness campaign on Covid-19 on 31.01.2022 at 11 am for the (fresher’s) first year B.Sc Nursing students. The main Objective of the Campaign was to educate the young Nursing Students regarding the Preventive Intervention Techniques that would strengthen the Nurses Safety and wellbeing during Covid -19. A Video assisted followed by live demonstration was performed to the students. The students actively participated in the awareness campaign and return demonstration was successfully completed by few students. The students learnt the importance of supporting and protecting themselves with specific Infection control procedure (Protective Gear) at their practice setting.


World Red Cross Day-08.05.2021

The YRC unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Red Cross Day on 08.05.2021 by hosting a special interview with Smt.Dr.Nandini Rangaswamy, Chairman of Indian Red Cross Society, Coimbatore Branch. 2 students from final year, Ms.Nishmitha and Mr.Rajakumar interviewed through zoom platform, the same was recorded and broadcasted in our college social media networks on 8th May, 2021.

International Nurses Day-12.05.2021

International Nurses Day on 12th May, 2021 was observed by SNA, NSS & YRC. They organized National level online events for Nursing students such as Pencil sketching “Nurses are super heroes”, Poetry writing “Nurses: A voice to lead- A vision for future healthcare”, Caption contest, Tableau “Futuristic Nurse”, Padaipom vaa-New way Aathichudi- A Voice to Lead- A Vision for Future Healthcare. 296 participants pooled in with their ingenious art work and enthusiastically participated.

World Health Day-07.04.2021

In view of World Health Day 2021, NSS Unit and YRC Association along with Community Health Nursing Department conducted community activity at PSG Health Centre, Vedapatti. B.Sc (N) final year students organized Poster Presentation on COVID Prevention, Nutrition Exhibition on Healthy Diet and Health Assessment. People were benefitted with the activity and gave positive feedback.

National Deworming Day

National Deworming Day observed by health educating parents on prevention of worm infestation. Around 60 parents are benefited.


13.11.2020– World Diabetic Day

YRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed World Diabetic Day by creating awareness on diabetes mellitus, a pamphlet was issued to the patients and their attenders to showcase its magnitude, causes, life style modification and prevention on 13.11.2020.

14.06.2020– World Blood Donation Day

YRC and NSS Unit observed World Blood Donation Day on 14.06.2020. World Blood Donation Day Quiz was organized by The Tamil Nadu State AIDS Control Society. The YRC Volunteers actively participated in the event. Mr.Vinit , B.Sc Nursing III Year and Ms.Shiny, B.Sc Nursing IV Year won second prize in Namakkal and Krishnagiri District respectively and was awarded with Gift voucher of Rs.250.

07.03.2020– Centenary Year Celebration of Indian Red Cross

Indian Red Cross Society –Coimbatore Branch organized Centenary Year Celebration of Indian Red Cross.Mrs.Sudhapriya, YRC Programme Coordinator and Ms.Flora, B.Sc Nursing IV Year, Student Volunteer were awarded with Certificate of Appreciation for active YRC Activities 2019-2020 on 7.3.2020 in PSG Krishnammal College for Women.

12.01.2020– National youth day

YRC unit & RRC observed National youth day on 12th January, 2020. Volunteers from IV B.Sc., (N) students made a short video on the theme of “Channelizing Youth Power for Nation Building”.


14.11.2019– World Diabetic Day

YRC unit observed World Diabetic Day on 14.11.19. Volunteers from the IV year B.Sc.,(N) students gave education with posters about the Risk factors, warning signs and prevention of diabetics in non diabetic family members who had a family history of diabetes.

01.08.2019– World Heart Day

YRC unit observed a World Heart Day on September 29 th. YRC volunteers organized a traditional games to highlights the importance of physical activity in promotion of heart health, which in view of Heart Awareness and Rehabilitation Program (HARP) hosted by cardiology department of PSG hospitals, held at PSG IMSR auditorium.

01.08.2019– World Breast Feeding Week Programme

YRC unit observed a world breast feeding week programme on 1st August, 2019. A poster exhibition lined up in front of PSG hospital to create awareness of breast feeding pamphlets issued to the mothers for their references. M.Sc (N) I year & B.Sc (N) IV year students are participated.

22.07.2019– World Population Day

YRC unit observed World Population Day on 22nd July, 2019. 6 students of II year B.Sc., (N) made a pencil drawing on the theme of “population density and its influence on societal health” and was displayed in students notice board.

21.06.2019– Blood Donor Day

YRC observed Blood Donor Day on 21.6.19, II year (N) students performed a skit in medical OPD.

08.05.2019– World Red Cross Day

YRC unit observed World Red Cross Day on 8th May, 2019. A short video has been shared to International federation of Red Cross, which is about the activities run around the Tamilnadu. B.Sc. II year & III year students participated in this programme.

08.04.2019– World Health Day

YRC unit observed World Health Day on 08.04.2019 at PSG IMSR Auditorium. 26 of IV year B. Sc(N) students attended an IAPSM quiz program.

15.02.2019– Reproductive Health Awareness Day

Reproductive Health Awareness day was observed in PSGR Krishnammal Higher Secondary School on 15.02.2019. A video displayed on Menstrual Hygiene and a Power Point presentation done on secondary sexual development.

06.01.2019 – PSG Heart day fund a rising program

YRC unit along with SNA unit of PSG college of Nursing successfully completed the PSG Heart day fund a rising program on January 6th 2019. B.Sc(N) II year, III year and IV Year students actively participated.


14.11.18- World Diabetes Day

OThe World Diabetic Day was observed at Chinna Vadampacherry. YRC unit distributed pamphlets on “Care of Foot among diabetic patients”. Among 50 were members benefitted by this programme.

01.10.18- World Blood Donation Day

On 1st of October 2018 YRC unit observed world blood donation day. In view of it, a volunteer from 2014 batch donated blood in PSG hospital Blood bank.

19.09.18- World Heart Day

In view of World Heart Day 2018, YRC unit conducted a promotional activity at selected PSG Institutions on 19th September, 2018. A group of health team checked BMR, BMI & BP to all the faculty and students. 192 members were benefited. Five volunteers from III year B.Sc.(N) participated.

07.08.18- World Breast Feeding programme

YRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing organized World Breast Feeding Program at Vedapatti Health Centre on 7th August -2018. Yoga Session was conducted for 25 Pregnant Women on Safe Exercising and Techniques to manage the Normal Labour, which was headed by Dr.Harini followed by a Health Education on various aspects of Breast Feeding through Posters. Screening programme was conducted for about 20 women by means of Breast Self Examination.

06.04.18- Mass awareness programme

The NSS & YRC Unit of College of Nursing observed World Health Day 2018 on 06.04.18. Mass awareness programme was conducted in Arasur on the topic Healthy Life Style. Thirty seven (B.Sc N II Year and B.Sc Nursing IV Year) students actively participated in giving awareness to the public. Awareness was given on Personal hygiene, Exercises for daily life, Nutrition exhibition on balanced diet and good habits. Awareness was given through Role play and dance. Nearly 50 public people were benefitted out of this programme. In collaboration with field outreach bureau, Film show was projected to people on importance of health, different health issues and its treatment.

Eighteen II year B.Sc Nursing students (2016 batch), conducted Mass awareness programme on 30.4.2018 at Primary Health Centre, Dhaliyur. They have organized Role Play programme on “Diabetes Mellitus”. Around 70 people were benefitted out of this programme.


01.12.2017 – World AIDS Day

In view of world AIDS Day red ribbon was distributed to all the college of Nursing faculty and school children in Thondamuthur. Two YRC volunteers give talk about the “prevention and care of the HIV persons “. around 90 school children benefitted. 2 B.Sc Nursing volunteers & YRC coordinator were participated

14.11.2017 – World Diabetic Day

The World Diabetic Day was observed at china vadampacherry.YRC unit has distributed pamphlets on “Care of Foot among diabetic patients”. Among 50 were members benefitted by this programme. 30 B.Sc Nursing volunteers & YRC coordinator were participated

10.10.2017 – World Mental Health Day

World Mental Health Day observed on 10.10.2017 with the overall objective of raising awareness of mental health issues and mobilizing efforts in support of better mental health. Visited Cheshire Home, Coimbatore. The YRC Volunteers met the people in Cheshire Home they spend time with the people by performed cultural events and conducted games.. and donated provisions for them and discussed with them the importance of mental health. 10 B.Sc Nursing volunteers & YRC coordinator were participated

07.08.2017 – Breast feeding sustaining together

PSG College of Nursing along with PSG Rural Health centre, Vedapatti programme was organized based on the theme “Breast feeding sustaining together”. Healthy baby contest was conducted, 25 babies were screened based on the various criteria’s. Best three babies were selected and awarded with prizes. Participants were given consolation prizes. Also organized awareness programme for mothers on Breast feeding and its benefits. The Mothers expressed that the sessions were informative and gained new information regarding the benefits of breast feeding.30 B.Sc Nursing volunteers & YRC coordinator were participated

14.07.2017 – Coimbatore peace day festival.2017

72nd year of the bombing of Hiroshima is observed as a day of prayer and honoring the young achievers of Coimbatore on 14.07.17 At Kikani Matric School, Coimbatore. 30 students participated to this programme the participants were awarded with certificates.2 M.Sc Nursing volunteers,YRC coordinator & one faculty were participated.

10.07.2017- World Population Day

In view of World Population Day on 10-07-17, the awareness programme was created based on the “Gender Sensitization” through the role play in Vedapatti. Around 80 students benefited by this programme.10 YRC volunteers participated.

27.06.2017- International Yoga Day

As part of International Yoga Day 2017 on 27.06.2017 Dr Karpaga Rajkumar, Yoga and Naturopathy Physician from PSG Hospitals demonstrated stress relaxation yoga techniques to B.Sc Nursing I year students. Nearly 77 students participated in the session and were benefitted. The students assured that they will practice it in their day to day life.

08.03.2017- International Women’s Day

International Women’s Day was observed on 08-03-17 at Vedapatti Rural and Urban Health Centres. In Vedapatti, an awareness campaign was conducted. Based on the theme “Be Bold For change” The YRC Programme Officer gave a talk on “Happy Family”. Around 40 mothers were attended and benefitted by the lecture. In addition to this, health screening camp was conducted in Tidal Park along with medical officers from Urban Health Centre, Peelamedu. Eighty three employees of Techno Park were benefited the camp and they referred to PSG Hospitals. One faculty and 4 YRC volunteers participated in the programme.

30.01.2017- Leprosy Eradication Day

NSS Unit of PSG College of Nursing observed Leprosy Eradication Day on 30.01.17 along with YRC Unit and Deputed Director of Medical Services (Leprosy), Coimbatore. Thirty NSS Volunteers have participated in the rally organized by the Deputed Director of Medical Services (Leprosy), Coimbatore. The rally was flag off by the District Collector. The rally was from collectorate office to Deputy Director of Health Services Office, Coimbatore.


01.12.2016 World AIDS Day , The World AIDS Day was observed on 1-12-2016. YRC & RRC Unit of PSG College of Nursing was organized various activities based on the theme “Hands Up for HIV Prevention”. The activities were Hand up campaign, poster presentation, essay competition. Both English and Tamil prize winners were awarded. In addition to this stationeries and provisions were donated to AIDS home children.

19.09.2016 Geneva Convention Day, Geneva convention day was observed by conducting an Elocution Competition on the topic ’Youth Employment in India’ (Tamil & English). Six students were participated and Ms.G.Sathana, III year B.Sc(N) student won II prize for English and Ms.T.Pandiselvi, IV year B.Sc(N) student got II prize in Tamil elocution competition.

04.08.2016 World breast feeding week celebration: YRC Unit Observed World breast feeding week celebration along with PSG Rural Health centre vedapatti on 04-08-16. The programme was organized based on the theme “Breast feeding A Key to Sustainable Development”. Healthy baby contest was conducted in the morning session. 31 babies were screened based on the various criteria’s. Best three babies were selected and awarded with prizes. Participants were given consolation prizes. Awareness programme for mothers on Breast feeding and its benefits was organized in the afternoon for the same mothers. Nearly 35 mothers were benefited. The Mothers expressed that the sessions was informative they gained new information regarding the benefits of breast feeding. Health talk was given regarding Breast feeding and its benefits on our PSG Fm and the same were broad casting on 6th august. 2016.

01.08.2016 International Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking Day: International Drug abuse and Illicit Trafficking Day was Observed in sundapalayam Government Higher secondary School at Vedapatti. The sensitization programme was given to create awareness on ill effects of drug abuse to 50 adolescent were benefited by our YRC volunteers.

08.07.2016 Certificate of Appreciation Award PSG College of Nursing was honored with the Certificate of Appreciation for the Best performance in YRC Movement in the Year of 2015-2016. Dr.G.Malarvizhi,Principal i/c, and Mrs.Rajeswari.S. Programme officer received the award from Dr.Harish.L.Metha, Chairman, Indian red cross society Tamilnadu branch.The Certificate of Appreciation was given to 2 faculty & 18 students who actively participated in the Deaf Project phase –II.

28.03.2016 Certificate of Appreciation Award PSG College of Nursing was honored with the Certificate of Appreciation for the Best performance in YRC Movement in the Year of 2013-2014. Dr.G.Malarvizhi, Principal i/c received the award from Prof Dr. A.Ganapathy, Vice Chancellor of Bharathiar University, Coimbatore on 28th March 2016.

30.01.2016 YRC & NSS unit jointly observed World Leprosy Day on 30.01.16. Rally and elocution competition was organized by Mr.Palanisamy, Deputy Director of Medical Services (Leprosy), and Coimbatore & Tirupur District. Thirty students were actively participated in the rally programme. The rally started from Collectorate Office to DDHS Office in Race Course Road. The news was published in Dhinamalar, The Hindu and Dhina Thanthi. Ms.Pandiselvi of B.Sc(N) III year student won the second prize in the elocution competition on the topic “ Role of the students in eradication of Leprosy”.


01.12.2015 On Dec 1, 2015 International AIDS Day was observed at Mercy Home, Coimbatore (Home for HIV Children and Adolescents). Ten YRC Volunteers participated and gave health education on hygienic practices and management of respiratory problems. YRC and RRC sponsored Rs.3,500/- for the purchase of provisions to the home.

13.11.2015 YRC along with Pediatric Nursing Department in PSG College Nursing and Department of Pediatric Surgery in PSG Hospitals have observed the ‘Children’s Day’ at Fun Mall on 13th November. 15 YRC Volunteers have participated in Mime show based on the theme “Importance of Folic Acid.

01.10.2015 Voluntary Blood donation day was observed among PSG College of Nursing faculty. Three volunteers have donated blood. The camp was organized in PSG Hospitals Blood bank. Donors were appreciated with certificates.

12.09.2015 International First Aid Day’ was observed in PSG Hospitals. Twenty YRC volunteers have participated in the rally.

26.06.2015 World Drug Abuse Day was observed at Government Higher Secondary School, Vedapatti.Fifteen YRC volunteers have participated and role play was organized based on ‘Ill effects of drug abuse’.

07.04.15 World Health Day, II and III year B.Sc (N) three students are given health talk to the public through PSG Community Radio FM based on the theme ‘Food safety and its importance’ on 07.04.2015.

09.03.15 International Women’s Day was observed at Vedapatti Rural Health Centre on 09.03.2015. Five B.Sc(N) students participated and had given health talk regarding anemia and menopausal symptoms and its management. Around 40-45 women actively participated in the programme.

23.01.15 National Youth Day was observed at Vedapatti. A rally and skit was organised based on the ‘Swatch Bharath Abhiyen’. Around 50 volunteers are participated. Rally was started from PSG Rural Health Centre to HFC Colony.


01.12.14 World AIDS day was observed at Nagarajapuram. Along with Red Ribbon Club YRC organized awareness programme (rally, street play and skit) based on the theme “Stop AIDS, keep the promise- zero new HIV infection, zero discrimination, zero AIDS related death”. Around 50 YRC volunteers participated.

01.10.14 Voluntary blood donation day was observed at PSG Hospitals. Blood donation camp was organized at PSG blood bank. Twenty two YRC volunteers donated blood.

05.08.14 & 20.08.14 World Breast feeding week was observed at Rural health Centre, Vedapatti. Well baby contest was conducted and Healthy babies and proud mothers awarded. Health education was given based on Importance of breastfeeding, benefits of breast feeding both mothers and babies, Breastfeeding techniques, diet for maternal mothers etc.,

On 20th August 98 YRC volunteers along with four faculties attended the safety training programme in IMS&R campus.

09.05.14 World Red Cross Day was observed at Thoomanur. We have organized a health check up. Around 100 adults and 20 children are benefited. Health education was given on various topics such as Alcoholism, Tobacco chewing, Hypertension, Personal hygiene, Environmental Hygiene etc.,

07.04.14 World Health Day was observed by having lecture on vector borne disease by Dr.Esther Jerold, Chief Entomologist, District Health Office, Coimbatore.


10.12.2013: 10th World Human Rights Day was observed based on the theme ‘Working for your rights’. Poster presentation was conducted among the students and best posters were awarded.

06.08.2013: 6th World Breast Feeding Week was celebrated based on the theme ‘Peer Counseling – close to mothers in MMH, Saibaba Colony. Around 40 mothers participated. peer counseling was given to all the mother and poster presentation was done based on the theme. III year B.Sc Nursing students 2010 batch given poster on open field defecation to the maternity centre.

24.05.2013: On 24th May 2013 World Red Cross Day was observed based on the theme ‘Together for humanity’ in CMC Colony, Peelamedu. Stationery, accessories, clothes, notebooks were distributed to the public. Health awareness on environmental sanitation and personal hygiene was given through posters and flashcards. Around 60 people were participated. 08.04.2013: As part of the Youth Red Cross Society, World Health Day was observed on 8th April 2013 at Primary Health Centre, Thudialur. The programme was inaugurated by BMO (BlockMedical Officer).

As per the theme ‘High blood pressure’ the II year B.Sc Nursing students organized exhibition, health education on hypertension. They also conducted screening programme to identify clients with hypertension. There were nearly 100 beneficiaries who participated in the programme.

08.03.2013: The International Women’s Day was observed on 8th March 2013. As a part of women empowerment, ‘Women welfare and awareness programme’ was organized by PSG College of Nursing and PSGR Krishnammal College for Woman jointly with Indian Red Cross Society, Coimbatore District Branch at Indian Red Cross Society Building, Coimbatore. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham inaugurated the session. She emphasized about empowering women to protect their rights and remain as a unified force to achieve this. She made the students to take women’s day pledge. Nearly 83 students from different colleges of Coimbatore took part.

Mr.Rajendran, M.A., B.L., Advocate and Author of Kovai Satta Vizhipunarvu’ monthly magazine discussed and explained about the women rights, legal issues and ways to approach it legally.

Mrs.Christy Christopher, M.A., Ph.D, Board member of YWCA, Coimbatore explained detail on the importance of self-awareness to prevent girls from falling into unfair love affairs, handling pre-marital and marital issues, problem solving skills and emphasized about the importance of a good family system.

Mrs.Latha Sundaram, Managing Trustee, Aram Foundation Charitable Trust stressed the importance of self-vigilance and her team-mates gave training on self-defence and trained the participants to protect themselves from the persons who abuses them at various situations.

05th & 06.02.2013: The YRC Programme Officer Mrs.Kalaiarasi participated in two days seminar arranged by the Coimbatore District Branch – IRCS emphasizing the theme ‘Value of Human’ on 5th and 6th February 2013.


04.12.2012: Mrs.Indra Devi, District Human Rights Women Co-ordinator, Ex-Counsellor, Teacher shared her experience about the human rights of HIV/AIDS affected children and their education in schools. It was broadcasted in PSG FM Radio on 04.12.2012.

25.11.2012: International Day for ‘Elimination of violence against women’ was observed. Mrs.Indra Murugesa, M.A.,M.Phil, Teacher, District organizer of Human Rights for Women, Ex-Councellor of Kurichi Unit, Lion’s Club – District Co-ordinator of Government relations shared her valuable views and thoughts along with Mrs.Kalaiarasi, YRC Co-ordinator about women, women empowerment, violence among women and how to eliminate it. It was broadcasted in PSG FM Radio at 7.30 p.m. on 25th November 2012.

05.10.2012 Tree plantation was done along with alumni association during alumni reunion. YRC Annual membership registration for the year of 2012-2013 was done both for the institution (Rs. 20/-) and 315 students (Rs. 1260/- both UG and PG students). A DD drawn for the amount of Rs.1280/- and was sent on 15.10.12 addressing to the Tamil Nadu State Branch Red Cross Society, Chennai.

10.09.2012 & 11.09.2012: Geneva Convention Day was celebrated for students by conducting competitions like elocution, quiz, essay (Tamil and English) cultural in IRCS, District branch on 10.09.2012 and 11.09.2012 and the students from PSG College of Nursing won the following prizes. Quiz : II place Tamil essay writing : I and II prize English essay writing : II prize Tamil oratorical : Consolation prize for 2 students Mime : Consolation prize Group dance : I prize

13.09.2012 First Aid Training Programme As per the request of Nirmala College for Women, ‘First Aid Training Programme’ was arranged on 13.09.2012 and conducted by the health education team of PSG IMS&R.

07.08.2012. A taluk level dissemination workshop on Indian Red Cross was conducted in IRCS for the YRC Co-ordinator and YRC – Co-ordinator of PSG College of Nursing took part in it.District Disaster Response Team member formation training was conducted by the local unit on 09.08.2012 and 10.08.2012. One faculty and five I year B.Sc(N) students took part in it and trained.

On 6.7.2012 ‘Foreign Exchange for you’ Programme was conducted by Reserve Bank of India in Chithra Auditorium, Coimbatore. Rules and regulations, policies, money exchange, transfers, loans etc. of a bank was explained and like quiz and oral quiz was conducted by them. 46 IV year B.Sc(N) students and 5 faculty participated in this programme. 27 students and 2 faculty got certificates in on line quiz and 7 students and 1 faculty got prize for stage quiz.

26.6.12 Observation of International Drug Abuse Day: “International Drug Abuse Day” was observed on 26.6.12. A video was shown to III & IV year B.Sc(N) students on ‘Drug abuse’. Dengue Awareness Programme: A Dengue Awareness Programme was taken by Mr.Suresh, Health Inspector from SS Kulam Primary Health Centre. The II year B.Sc(N) students had attended the programme. Indian Red Cross Society had appreciated Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham for her active participation in the project DEAF 2nd phase. She was awarded by Thiru M.Karunagaran, I.A.S. , the President / District Collector of Coimbatore

24.5.2012: ‘World Red Cross Day’ was celebrated by Indian Red Cross Society, Coimbatore District Branch on 24.5.2012 and honoured the best functioning of YRC at District Level. Prof.Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal was honoured by Mr.Karunakaran, IAS, District Collector for her volunteer meritorious support in rendering her service in ‘DEAF’ project – phase 2” and Mrs.Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor has been selected as the best YRC Programme Officer and appreciated in rendering her service in ‘DEAF’ project – phase 2” for the year 2011-2012.

29.05.2012 Celebration of World Red Cross Day: Also ‘World Red Cross Day’ was celebrated in PSG College of Nursing on 29.05.2012 by conducting poem, competitions and one page (100 words) story writing competition based on the topic ‘Youth on the Move’. Doing more, Doing better and reaching further.


World Aids Day Awareness Program

World AIDS Day awareness program was scheduled by and organized by Coimbatore Corporation (Govt of Tamilnadu) on 1st December. The program was inaugurated by the Coimbatore District Collector Mr.Karunakaran, IAS with a Oath taking Ceremony followed by a rally participated by various College students, NGO’s, 150 HIV/AIDS patients under the theme “Stop AIDS, keep the promise – Zero new HIV infection, Zero discrimination, Zero AIDS related deaths”.

T16 YRC volunteers from PSG College of Nursing took part in this programme and were guided by Mrs.Gandhimathi R, Associate Professor. The students distributed pamphlets and handouts to the public regarding HIV/AIDS and its theme of 2011.

On 19.11.2011 along with NSS, National Integration Day had been celebrated in P.U. Elementary School at Kollupalayam. Essay, speech and drawing competitions on national integration, safe drinking water in rural and rural mass were conducted. The prizes were sponsored by Field Publicity department and distributed by Mr.Chandrasekar, Field Publicity Officer.

International First Aid Day

International First Aid Day was celebrated on 24.09.2011 at Shanthi Ashram, Kovaipudur. 15 Ankanvadi Teachers and 6 members from Shanthi Ashram took part in this programme. Along with YRC Co-ordinator 4 II year M.Sc(N)students participated and took class on basic first aid measures and child safety with demonstration. 2 first aid boxes were donated to Shanthi Ashram.Received donation books from IRC-Coimbatore Unit for “Deaf and dumb Screening Project” (Fund raising) in Coimbatore. The books were handed over to YRC student representatives Ms.Cibi Esther Varghese and Ms.Lekha.

Demonstration on Rescue Operations and Fire Fighting

A “District Level Dissemination Workshop of Indian Red Cross Activities” was conducted for the YRC Co-coordinators, by the Local Unit, Coimbatore on 19.7.2011.Mrs. Kalaiarasi, Asst.Professor, YRC Coordinator of PSG CON had participated the workshop.

On 19.07.2011 Mrs. Kalaiarasi, Assistant Professor, YRC Coordinator of PSG College of Nursing had participated in the District Level Dissemination workshop which was organized by IRC – Coimbatore Unit for all the local unit YRC Coordinators. Ms. Cibi Esther Varghese and Ms. Lekha, III year B.Sc. Nursing 2008 batch had participated in the workshop on 20.07.11 ‘Volunteer Forum Training’ which was organized by the IRC – Coimbatore unit for students of the local unit volunteers.

Volunteer Forum Training

“Volunteer Forum Training “was conducted for the YRC volunteers, by the Local Unit, Coimbatore on 20.7.2011.Two students Ms. Cibi Esther Varghese and Ms. Lekha K had participated in the training.

The YRC and NSS unit organized a rescue operation and fire extinguishing programme at PSG Paramedical block on June 25th 2011.

Mr. A Murugesan, Superintendent of Prison presided over the function. Prof. Elizabeth Jean Abraham, Principal, PSG College of Nursing in her welcome address highlighted on the importance of rescue operation and fire extinguishing activities. She stressed the fact that each and every individual should be prepared to actively involve in the rescue operation as at any time any kind of disaster may out break.

Mr. Mani, Representative of Home Guard department described the organization and functions of home guards and extended the invitation to the students to join hands with them during rescue operation.

There were 450 students & faculty from Nursing, Pharmacy and Physiotherapy and 30 home guards & fire service personnel participated. Security force from PSG also participated in this programme. The home guards exhibited on rescue of person caught under vehicle and buildings. They also demonstrated the skill in bringing the victims from most elevated buildings. They demonstrated on various techniques in safe transport of victims to the ground level and also to the ambulance.

Mr. Douwlath, Deputy Fire Service Officer explained the causes of fire and how each needs to be handled. And also a live demonstration on extinguisher fire over a burning hut was shown. He explained about ABC written on fire extinguisher. He detailed as how it should be prevented from spreading. The students and Security personnel of PSG Institutions actively participated in redemonstration of rescue operation.

With a gesture of acknowledgement Ms. Kondal Devi, Asst.Professor, PSG College of Nursing extended vote of thanks to all the members gathered. Mrs. K.Vidhya, Asst.Professor NSS Programme Officer of PSG College of Nursing felicitated the team spirit exhibited by the members from home guards and fire service department. She also acknowledged the cooperation extended by the members from the media in covering and publishing the programme through their media.

The programme was telecasted in UTV, Sky TV and DTV and also published in The Hindu, The Times of India, Dinakaran and Malaimalar.

District Level Students’ Study Camp

“District Level students Study Camp on YRC Activities” was held at Sri Krishna Arts and Science College, Kunniamuthur, Coimbatore. Mrs. Vimala.V, Asst.Professor and two students Ms. Keerthana and Ms. Leelavathi had participated in the camp on 10.2.2011.

Visit to School For Children with Impaired Hearing and Speech

As a part of YRC, we had taken eight San Diego Summer University students and two faculties to visit the Local Red Cross Unit and School for Children with Impaired Hearing and Speech on 13.1.2011.

District level dissemination workshop of Indian Red Cross activities

The YRC Coordinator and two B.SC(N) students had participated in the District Workshop on ‘Disaster Management team formation and training’ conducted by the Indian Red Cross Society, Coimbatore Branch from 29.09.2011 to 01.10.2011. Based on the training, ‘Disaster management team formation’ and training to the team members was planned.


Innisai Paatu/ Pattimandram

In commemoration of World AIDS Awareness Day, Indian Red Cross Local Unit had conducted a “INNISAI PAATU PATTIMANDRAM” on December 2010. YRC volunteers from PSG CN participated as viewers in this programme.

The INDIAN RED CROSS SOCIETY of Coimbatore Branch had organized a Fund Raising Musical Programme to support projects of acute importance (i.e.Thalir- a home for HIV positive who have been abandoned by their parents/society as well as additional Infrastructure for Deaf children) on 23.1.2010. Entry Tickets were distributed & PSG College of Nursing Faculty had contributed towards the same. Thus the YRC of our college actively rejuvenates the young spirits to serve the society voluntarily.

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